11 Scripts for Real Estate Internet Leads

The internet has completely metamorphosed the real estate industry, changing how people look for homes and work with sellers. It’s no wonder that more than 80% of businesses use lead generation tactics to find new customers. But what are some scripts your company can implement for success?

The “real estate internet lead scripts” are a list of 11 scripts that can be used by real estate agents to generate leads. The scripts are available on the website, and they can be downloaded from there.

11 Scripts for Real Estate Internet Leads

Scripts for real estate internet leads are pre-recorded phone conversations that are used to gather information and establish contacts with online leads. Effective real estate scripts build rapport and keep the emphasis on the consumer, demonstrating to the lead that you are the solution to their issue. We’ve produced a variety of scripts for both novice and seasoned real estate agents that may be utilized to avoid confusion and keep you focused during phone calls.

All 11 scripts are available for download.

1. Script for Buyer Advertising Leads

Hello, [purchaser’s name]! This is [your name] from [the name of your real estate firm]. What’s new with you today?

I see you’re interested in viewing [property address]! It’s a fantastic piece of real estate. I simply need to ask you a few questions to make sure I can assist you, and then we can go look at the home! Do you have five minutes to spare right now?

  • How long have you been searching for a place to call home?
  • What made you want to learn more about the [Facebook/Google] ad?
  • What is your timeline for purchasing a home?
  • What is your dream property’s description? What are the bedrooms and bathrooms like in a ranch/split level/condo?
  • What is your financial plan?
  • Do you already have a representative?
  • Do you already have a lender in mind?
  • Is [insert email] still a viable option for contacting you?
  • Is it possible for me to send you some other homes that meet your criteria by email?

That’s it, I’ve answered all of my questions! I’m going to schedule the first property right now, and I’ll provide you some more options by [day or time]. Do you have any ideas or questions for me?

You may contact me at this number at any time with inquiries, and I’ll [text/email/call] you with specifics regarding your property showing in a few minutes. I’m looking forward to seeing what we discover for you!

Takeaway: Because this script is targeted towards homebuyers who have already taken action to contact you online, they are more likely to react favorably to your call. By asking precise questions and listening to their requirements, you may demonstrate that you really care about assisting them. Finally, offer them a clear next step for continuing to work with you and making yourself available.

Here’s an example of a similar script used by real estate agents:

2. Lead Script for Landing Pages

Hello there, [lead’s name]! I’m from [real estate agency name] and my name is [enter your name]. What’s new with you today?

I see you’re planning to purchase a property soon! I’d want to learn more about your requirements. Do you have a few of minutes to spare right now?

  • Have you gotten a chance to read [insert the title of the property report]?
  • Are you looking to purchase a home within the next six months?
  • From where are you departing?
  • Is this the right place for you and your family to call home?
  • What is the size of your family?
  • What is your dream property’s description? What are the bedrooms and bathrooms like in a ranch/split level/condo?
  • What is your financial plan?
  • Do you already have a representative?
  • Do you already have a lender lined up?
  • Is it possible for me to send you some other homes that meet your criteria by email?
  • Is [insert email] still a viable option for contacting you?

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today! By [insert date/time], I’m going to give you a couple homes. Do you have any questions regarding purchasing a property that you’d want to ask me?

I’d want your feedback on the first five properties I’ve sent you. When would you want me to call you tomorrow?

[Date/time] is suitable for me. Thank you very much! I hope to get the opportunity to speak with you soon.

Takeaway: Because landing pages are often tailored for certain sorts of customers, they are one of the most successful methods to create quality leads. Additionally, you may configure it to collect useful information about your leads.

3. Script for a Buyer Voicemail Lead

Hello, [purchaser’s name]! This is [your name] with [enter the name of your real estate agency]. I reviewed your information and discovered several houses for sale that I believe you may like! I’d be delighted to send them along and schedule some viewings.

You may reach me at [insert phone number] at any moment to begin the search for your new home! I really anticipate hearing from you. Have a wonderful day!

Takeaway: Leaving a voicemail allows you to spend less time getting to know, like, and trust a lead. You want to convey your passion, knowledge, and sincere desire to assist the customer in finding the ideal house. Make sure you remain on topic and explain why contacting you would be beneficial to the customer.

4. Script for FSBO Leads

Hello there, [lead’s name]! I’m with [real estate agent agency name] and my name is [your name]. What’s the status of your house sale?

Based on what I’ve seen of your house, I’m certain that we’ll be able to locate a buyer fast and sell it for top price. Do you have around five minutes to answer a few of brief questions?

  • What is your asking price for this item?
  • What is the lowest price you are willing to accept for your home?
  • Have you done any recent house improvements that should be mentioned?
  • How long did your house sit on the market before you sold it?
  • Do you have a representative in our area?
  • Have you ever had an agent try to sell your home?
  • Are you willing to relist your home with a real estate agent?

I understand you are busy, so I appreciate you taking the time to provide me with further information. I have some suggestions on how we may properly advertise your house. Would you be interested in learning more about how we may sell your house as fast as feasible and for the highest potential profit?

When is the best time for you to call?

It would be fantastic if you could provide a [date/time]. Then I’m looking forward to speaking with you!

Takeaway: FSBO sellers are often attracted by bigger earnings, but they may find that employing a real estate agent is more successful over time. To effectively prospect and convert an FSBO lead into a customer, they must trust that you actually care about their best interests.

5. Lead Script for a High-Sales Area

Greetings, [lead’s name], I’m with [real estate agent agency name] and my name is [your name]. What’s new with you today?

I’m calling because your neighborhood’s homes are currently very marketable. Indeed, I recently sold the home at [insert location here] for [insert amount] more than the asking price! And I believe your house has the potential to sell for considerably more. Have you seen a lot of sold signs recently?

If you’re considering selling anytime soon, I have a few inquiries concerning your property. Are you free for a few minutes right now?

  • Is there anything unique about your home that your neighbors don’t have?
  • Are you content with your living space?
  • What would you be prepared to pay to sell your home?
  • Have you considered making changes to any sections of your home?
  • Have you considered putting your home up for sale recently?

Would you be interested in obtaining a free competitive market analysis that demonstrates how house sales are trending in your area and how your property may be a fantastic buy?

Great! Is [insert email] your email address? Wonderful. By [date/time], I’ll provide you that analysis. Do you have any questions that you’d want to ask me?

Please contact me at this phone or via email if you have any more queries. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Takeaway: This screenplay emphasizes establishing a rapport with the homeowner by mentioning their area and mentioning other homes you’ve sold. You’re providing an opportunity to these leads who may not have considered selling their house yet. Sending a comparative market analysis (CMA) is a wonderful method to remain on their radar, establish authority, and allow them time to think about this prospect.

If you’re not sure how to do a competitive market study, our essay on the issue can provide you with some pointers.

6. Script for a Follow-up Lead

Hello [lead’s name], my name is [your name] and I work for [real estate agent agency name]. What’s new with you today?

I’d want to know what you’ve been thinking about our last talk! What were your thoughts on the fresh property list I provided you?

  • Do you want to schedule a showing?
  • Do you need assistance in obtaining the correct mortgage or loan information?
  • What information do you still need to assist you in selecting your perfect home?

Our next step seems to be to [make a desire list/schedule a showing/meet with a lender]. When do you have availability between [date range]?

Great! [Date/time] is also a good option for me. I’ll send you more specifics later today, but I’m extremely excited to see you there!

Takeaway: This is when you’ll receive the most conversions, regardless of the sort of lead you’re following up with. Simply by following up in a timely way, you demonstrate to prospective customers that you are reliable and truly interested in assisting them. By managing your lead conversations with a real estate customer relationship manager, you can ensure that no leads go through the cracks (CRM).

You may continue to create a natural rapport on the follow-up call, and conversions will come more readily. Take a look at how this agent converts a lead during a live follow-up call, for example.

7. View Lead Script Listing

Greetings, [lead’s name], I’m with [real estate agent agency name] and my name is [your name]. What’s new with you today?

I notice you were looking at one of our listings on the internet! Do you mind if I take a few minutes to learn more about what you’re searching for?

  • What were your impressions of the property?
  • Which characteristics drew you in the most?
  • Are you on the lookout for a property in a certain price range?
  • What are your non-negotiable house features?
  • For a house purchase, what form of financing are you considering?
  • Do you have any issues or reservations regarding the home-buying process right now?

Great! So, [arrange a showing/meet with a lender] seems to be the next step for you. Would you want me to [put you in touch with a reputable lender/set up an appointment]?

In the interim, I’d like to give you some more assets to get your creative juices flowing. Is [insert email] the most appropriate email address for you?

Wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to respond to some of my inquiries! I’m looking forward to finding you a new home.

Takeaway: If visitors to your website don’t take action while they’re there, it’s unlikely that they’ll remember or return. That’s why phoning a lead after they’ve seen one of your listings is a wonderful approach to differentiate yourself. Your aim is to gain their trust and make them feel listened, not to instantly take them on as a customer.

Script for a Referral Buyer Lead

Good day, [lead’s name]! What’s new with you today? I’m [your name] with [real estate agent agency name], and [referring agent/friend] gave me your name. What brought you to [referring agent/friend]?

He/she indicated that you’re searching for [insert specifics about the service by suggesting a person]. Do you have five minutes to provide me additional information about what you’re searching for right now?

  • Are you considering purchasing a property in our neighborhood?
  • What kind of property do you want to buy?
  • Do you need a large property or a smaller, easy-to-maintain property?
  • Could you tell me about your ideal home?
  • Do you have a set spending limit in mind?
  • Do you need to sell your current residence before relocating here?

That’s wonderful! I have a few of postings in mind that could be ideal for you. Is [email address] the most appropriate email address for you?

I’ll email them to you later today. Have you got any further questions for me?

Great. So, it seems that [insert specifics] is your next move, so I’ll [put them in touch with a reputable lender/start scheduling appointments/other].

I’m excited to see what we can come up with for you!

Takeaway: Referrals account for 20% of all Realtors’ clients, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The more you can expand your referral network, the more money you’ll be able to make. Begin your call by building a connection with this lead and inquiring about the buddy who referred you.

Script for a Referral Seller Lead

Good day, [lead’s name]! What’s new with you today? I’m [your name] with [real estate agent agency name], and [referring agent/friend] gave me your name. What brought you to [referring agent/friend]?

He or she said that you are considering selling your house. Do you have a few minutes to tell me more about what you need right now?

  • What is the number of beds/bathrooms in the house?
  • What is the size of the room?
  • What is the house’s age?
  • What part of town do you reside in?
  • What is the price at which you would want to sell your home?
  • Are you relocating to a new location?
  • Is the sale being handled by an agent?
  • Have you ever attempted to sell your home before?
  • If that’s the case, what issues did you run into?

I have some suggestions on how we can sell your home for the greatest money. For me, the next step is to visit your home and have a look around. After that, we may discuss the time and promotion. When is the best time for us to meet?

Excellent, [date/time] works for me as well! Then I’m looking forward to meeting you and your house!

Takeaway: As with every referral call, the best approach to develop rapport with the lead is to establish a shared bond with them straight immediately and make them feel appreciated. Give them a clear next step once you’ve heard their viewpoint and opinions on selling their house. This might be a meeting, a home tour, or a CMA, but make it as simple, straightforward, and enticing as possible.

10. Lead Script for Expired Listings

Greetings, [lead’s name], I’m with [real estate agent agency name] and my name is [your name]. What’s new with you today?

I saw that your home was for sale but has now been taken off the market. How did you find that experience?

I went through some of the data on your property and feel we will be able to sell it. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but I’d want to provide you some encouragement and demonstrate how I’ve successfully sold expired homes in the past.

Is it possible for me to send you an email at [email address]?

You live in a unique region, and there are a lot of individuals looking for a home in your neighborhood; all we have to do now is find them. I’ll send you this email and follow up with a phone call in a few days to discuss the next steps. Do you have any questions that you’d want to ask me?

If you have any more queries, please contact us at [insert your phone number] or [enter your email address].

Takeaway: Cold calling expired listing owners is a bit different than other sorts of cold calling since there are more emotions and rivalry involved. Remember that these property owners are likely disgruntled with their former real estate agent and concerned about their future. Furthermore, you may not be the only real estate agent or broker that contacts them. You may distinguish yourself by paying attention to them and demonstrating that you know how to sell expired or difficult-to-sell listings.

Use our top five expired listing scripts for extra inspiration.

11. Script for a Referral Lead

Greetings, [lead’s name], I’m with [real estate agent agency name] and my name is [your name]. What’s new with you today?

I’m calling because [insert partner’s name and professional position, if applicable] recommended that we talk about selling a family property. I understand that this is a tough and hectic moment for you, and I’d want to help you relax a little. Do you have a few minutes to tell me more about what you need right now?

  • How fast do you want to sell the house?
  • How much do you want to get for the house?
  • What is the number of beds/bathrooms on the property?
  • What is the size of the room?
  • Is there anything special about the property, such as a pool or a huge lot size?
  • Do you already have a representative?

That concludes my inquiries. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Is [email address] the greatest location to get additional information about how to sell your home?

Do you have any worries or queries for me right now?

I’ll send you an email later today, and we’ll talk about the next steps over the phone in a few days. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Takeaway: When you contact a probate listing lead, it’s likely that they’re grieving and feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of selling a family property. It’s much more critical to be aware of their feelings regarding the issue and to make them feel heard. If they don’t already have a real estate agent, they may appreciate hearing from someone who understands their situation and knows how to assist them.

Collecting Internet Real Estate Leads: Some Pointers

If you don’t have high-quality leads, even the greatest real estate scripts will be useless. That means you’ll need to use a variety of lead generation tactics to track down reliable contact information for clients who are actively seeking real estate assistance.

The following are a few of the most effective strategies to produce real estate leads:

  • Advertising: You may get your name in front of certain audiences by advertising on Facebook or Google, enabling leads to seek information from you. Instead of being startled to hear from you, they’ll be waiting for your call. You can also use a service like Offrs to forecast when homeowners are ready to sell their house and reach out to them before other real estate agents.
  • Networking: Networking will provide you with some of your most dependable relationships and leads. To expand your sphere of influence, attend in-person or online events such as open houses, National Association of Realtors (NAR) meetings, or Chamber of Commerce organizations.
  • Referrals from real estate agents: When leads come in from beyond their particular area or expertise, real estate professionals often recommend them to other agents. Make sure you have a solid professional network and win the confidence of other reliable agents to receive the most real estate agent referrals.
  • Friends and family referrals: Many real estate brokers rely on personal recommendations to grow their company, since customers are more likely to trust suggested agents. Check up with your prior customers on a regular basis to keep referral prospects flowing in.
  • Partnerships: Similar to referral leads, partnerships originate from other area companies such as mortgage brokers, attorneys, and plumbers. To get the most out of partnership leads, look for companies that service customers who have similar requirements to your target demographic.
  • FSBO and expired listings: FSBO and expired listing leads are different from other types of leads since they are actively seeking to sell their house. This may be a lucrative niche for any agent with the correct plan and a lead creation tool like REDX.


Using a script to create a relationship with your online real estate prospects can help you remain on track. You may obtain useful information about your leads’ demands while also gaining their confidence. Maintain a pleasant, respectful tone in your scripts, and keep focused on how you can help your prospective customers solve their issues.

The “real estate lead follow up scripts” is a list of 11 scripts for real estate internet leads. The author believes that these scripts will help you with your marketing efforts and generate more leads in the process.

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  • real estate scripts pdf
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  • converting internet leads real estate
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  • phone scripts for lead follow up
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