14 Real Estate Agent Tips

Real estate agents are just like any other professionals. They have their own list of tactics and strategies that they use to get ahead in the industry, which means there’s a lot you can learn from them if you know where to look. Here are 14 tips for success as an agent so that you don’t miss out on anything.

An agent’s ability to negotiate agreements, arrange appointments, and assist customers is critical to their success in real estate. You must also keep up with industry news and developments. The finest real estate agent success ideas, on the other hand, are those that assist you to produce a steady supply of high-quality leads. In 2022, the following 14 suggestions can help you become a more effective agent:

1. Make a business plan

Each of us should examine or create a business strategy for the coming year at the conclusion of the previous year. This may seem to be a time-consuming activity, but it will reveal which actions helped a firm expand in the previous year and which ones failed. Consider a business strategy as a recipe or set of instructions for repeating what worked in the past.

We measure success and failure in real estate by whether a deal was completed and if we earned money. Long-term success, on the other hand, is not always that straightforward. While some of us believe we can simply “fly it” and go by the “seat of our pants,” realize that if you don’t have a strategy, you’ve just been fortunate. A business plan pushes you to examine your company’s origins as well as the effectiveness of lead-generating tools.

This is a significant secondary advantage since real estate agents, particularly rookie real estate agents, often spend money on systems that do not provide a financial return. We normally don’t notice if the system isn’t working until we can’t pay our payments or don’t have anything in escrow. If you don’t evaluate your company strategy on a frequent basis, you’ll virtually always find yourself in a fight-or-flight position, trying to generate future revenue.

2. Categorize Your Contacts in a Database

We generally add everyone and anybody we encounter in our contact database when we first start out as a real estate agent. However, over time, you’ll see that certain leads are more likely than others to result in a property purchase or sale.

The simplest approach to arranging your customer database is to divide them into three categories. Your hot leads are the first group. These are customers who are continuously thinking about you. When a customer needs a real estate agent, you are the first real estate agent that the client suggests. Take extra precautions with your hotlines. The money will come if you express real thanks to individuals who suggest a business to you.

Your warm leads make up the second group. These are customers that may only recommend you on rare occasions, but who might be pushed into your hot lead category with extra nurturing. Cold leads are the final group. These are people you’ve helped but who have never recommended you to another lead. While you should devote more effort to following up with the other categories, don’t dismiss these individuals. These customers are nonetheless aware of your company practices and may recommend you to a lead in the future.

Pro tip: Never underestimate customers that give you business on a regular basis. Any firm that is profitable is a good business. Treat every recommendation the same, whether they give you ten or one offer every year.

3. Expand Your Circle of Influence

The finest sources of leads and future business are individuals who know, love and trust you. These people extol your praises and have direct knowledge of how you run your company. You’ll want to keep in contact with this group of people on a regular basis or “in the flow” with them since they’ll recommend you to relatives and close friends. However, you don’t want to seem desperate by checking in too often. Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries are excellent ways to remain in contact more often without seeming desperate for business.

This group will also converse with one another, maybe comparing your services, commission rate, and closing presents. Because each transaction is unique, I am not saying that you must clone each of your transactions to match what you did before. Just be prepared for some awkward inquiries if you drastically alter your company practices.

4. Make Use of Online Organizational Tools

In real estate, time is of the essence. You will spend a lot of time if you do not have well-organized processes. I’m sure you’ve heard words like “I’m spinning my wheels” or “time is money.” With the advancement of technology, you should have access to everything you need to complete a real estate transaction.

Dropbox, for example, is a wonderful cloud-based solution that I use to keep track of my escrows whether I am in or out of the office. Dropbox works on my phone, laptop, and desktop PC as well. As real estate brokers, we are always multitasking. While heading to another customer, we’re on the phone working on a deal. Work-based systems are required so that you are reminded of what task has to be completed next.

A contact relationship management (CRM) software is another useful tool for keeping on top of your sales. These tools may be used to save reminders and urge you for future tasks in addition to helping you classify your contacts. Because our days are packed with appointments, meetings, showings, and other potential distractions, tools like these help people stay on track, which may lead to missed business chances.

LionDesk is an example of a CRM to examine. This is because, in addition to being able to log into the system to be reminded of chores due that day, it also allows you to text and contact prospective customers without leaving the site. It also has an artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistant that can help you automatically classify clients depending on their degree of involvement, saving you even more time.

5. Recognize that real estate is a full-time job.

Real estate is not a club that you join and then decide not to attend meetings at times. It’s a full-time job and a full-time commitment. I’m not sure if there was ever a story or urban legend that you could go into real estate and be successful even if you just did it part-time. You’ve already set yourself up for failure if you believe you can do real estate part-time.

Real estate is a full-time job that requires 100% dedication. Set realistic goals for yourself and plan your time appropriately.

6. Make an investment in your company’s brand.

Name and brand recognition are vital whether you work for a big or small business or have started your own real estate firm. You must have a distinct appearance and feel that people in your neighborhood will recognize. When we see a logo with a grin and an arrow, for example, we instantly recognize it like Amazon. We know we’re at Starbucks when we see a green circle with a mermaid in the center. This is referred to as your brand.

While these two instances have enormous marketing teams dedicated only to this notion, a boutique office’s brand is just as crucial for establishing trust—and memorability—in the community.

As part of your marketing strategy, you must have a logo, a color scheme, and a slogan. As a smaller firm, I emphasize a more personal touch in my branding. When you see a yellow and green sign in Tracy, California, with the phrase “Hire me as your realtor, and you will have a friend for life,” you know it’s At Home Real Estate Group.

7. Take a fresh look at your website.

With contemporary technology, having a website is a vital component for potential customers to locate us. Many people believe that if you do not have a website, you do not exist. Information is genuinely at our fingertips, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Many real estate brokers believe they need to fill their website with a lot of information, which may include a lot of words and a small font.

The reality is that your website’s design, wording, and image placement should be clean, crisp, straightforward, and to the point, just like the ones you can make using Placester. You want to provide enough information for the visitor to be interested in your services, as well as a need for you to contact them if they have any more queries.

8. Master the Art of Refusal

As real estate agents, we are often invited to participate in a variety of committees. You risk overextending yourself if you say yes to every cause that comes your way. Please keep in mind that every time you say yes to a request for your time, you are essentially saying no to yourself and the people that matter most to you.

As a result, be picky about how you spend your time. You’ll feel better about yourself, and your customers will sense it, resulting in a more pleasant transaction.

9. Call your clients every three months.

Did you know that our customers’ top priority from us is care and concern? Calling your customer on a quarterly basis and actually listening to what they have to say will generate new business. This is where a CRM like LionDesk comes in handy since it allows you to keep track of the “pleasure and pain” elements that your customer is feeling.

Is your customer, for example, enjoying a pleasant occasion, or did they happen to have a negative experience? Pay attention to ways you may make their life simpler. This is excellent information to review and inquire about in subsequent contact. Please keep in mind that these calls will take some time, but the payoff will be well worth the effort.

10. Arrange for a postcard mailing campaign.

Another strategy to keep top of mind with your customers, in addition to quarterly calls, website presence, and corporate branding, is to provide them something of value. A postcard mailer with gardening suggestions for the spring season may be one of these products. A postcard telling your customers to reset their clocks during daylight saving time is another option. These postcards must be simple to read and provide a “tidbit” of information.

Many brokerages provide a certain amount of postcards to each agent. If yours doesn’t, or if you just want to increase the number, a firm like ProspectsPLUS makes it simple to develop postcards created specifically for real estate agents and brokers, as well as assist you in creating targeted mailing lists.

11. Make arrangements for holiday drop-ins.

Holiday pop-bys have been one of the most well-received marketing promotions. I chose 100 customers from my hot lead list to personally visit. When I pay these customers a visit, I always bring them a Christmas gift. I dropped off the jam with the message “Real Estate Is My Jam” over Thanksgiving. I placed the item at the client’s front door if they weren’t home. This year’s favorite pop-by was Christmas wrapping material with a statement that said, “Looking forward to wrapping up 2020.” This campaign was highly cost-effective and well-received by my clients.

12. Provide a market analysis once a year

A homeowner always wants to know the market worth of their house, whether the market is hot or cold. It would be appreciated if you can do an annual market study of your client’s anniversary. I recommend that you contact your customer and wish them a happy anniversary. I like to call and interact with my customers on a one-on-one basis. I wish them a happy anniversary and ask them questions about their family, their career, or “what’s new” during this conversation.

The current market will almost always be brought up as a natural evolution of the discourse. I notify them that I have conducted market research and offer them the choice of receiving the material through email or in person.

13. Participate in Community Activities

Local real estate brokers have received a lot of support from the community where we reside. While it is impossible to get involved in every cause, we must nevertheless support our community and the activities that are planned as real estate agents.

Fundraising, or assisting a cause that requires money or physical aid, is a fantastic way for real estate agents to get involved and network. I do want to remind you that you should join with a generous heart and not anticipate business referrals as a result. A real donor will be rewarded at all times.

14. Set Time to Implement Affirmations & Positive Self-talk

The majority of real estate brokers have high expectations of themselves. We might speak poorly to ourselves when we don’t meet our objectives or finish our chores. The negative thought cycle that runs through your mind might hinder your success. It’s critical to shift your self-talk language to something good and useful when these ideas come. Making this a habit or practice can help you speak in a more positive manner.

Consider blocking out time on your schedule for “you time” multiple times a week. Even if it’s just for an hour, this should be a block of time for you to get away from the stress and the business cycle. It’s also a good idea to include self-care practices like reciting and writing daily affirmations since this will assist you to transform negative ideas into positive ones.

Going for a stroll and inhaling deep breaths of fresh air provides me with amazing energy when I’m having a difficult day. I also like the energy that music provides in helping me to change my mood. When I’m having a bad day, my favorite “go-to” is to contact customers who cheer me up and remind me why I like selling real estate. It’s what I refer to as a real estate pep talk. Everyone needs affection from time to time.


In addition to the 14 suggestions stated above, the most effective tip is extremely straightforward. Simply show up. To attain results, everyone must put in the time and effort, regardless of where they begin. It’s also about working smarter rather than harder. “Selling properties with patience, honesty, compassion, and confidence” has always been my real estate mantra.

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