20 Email Marketing Statistics That Small Businesses Should Know

This infographic takes a look at 20 email marketing statistics that small businesses should know. It’s important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to modern trends in order to keep your business thriving, and these facts will help you do just that.

The “business email statistics” is an important topic to know. It provides small businesses with valuable information on how they can improve their marketing strategy.

20 Email Marketing Statistics That Small Businesses Should Know

Email marketing is an effective way to expand your small company. It may help you produce high-quality leads, raise brand recognition, and enhance profits. We’ve created a collection of metrics that will assist you kick-start your email marketing campaign or evaluate the one you’re presently running.

Here are 20 email marketing facts that you should be aware of:

1. Email is used by four billion individuals on the planet.

By 2020, there will be 4 billion email subscribers on the planet. That’s more than half of the world’s 7.9 billion inhabitants. By 2025, the number of email users is expected to reach 4.6 billion. Keep in mind that this figure is for the whole globe, including locations with little or no access to technology. If you’re a marketer in a developed or technologically advanced nation, more than half of your target audience will have an email account.


2. Email is used by about 90% of Americans.

Email is used by 89.45% of Americans over the age of 15. Within age groups, there is some diversity in email use, but not a lot. Users between the ages of 15 and 24 are 90% likely to have an email address. If your target audience is between the ages of 25 and 44, you’ll almost certainly be able to reach them by email, since their email use rate is 93.6 percent. Email use reduces to 90% between the ages of 45 and 64 (which is still the vast majority of users), and 84.1 percent of those over 65 use it.

3. Email generates approximately 5 times the number of sales as social media.

Sixty percent of consumers who buy things say they did so as a result of receiving a marketing email. Only 12.5 percent of consumers, on the other hand, admit to considering hitting the “purchase” button on a social media campaign. Don’t get us wrong: social media is still crucial for marketing, but email gives you a lot more bang for your money.

4. Email marketing has a $42 return on investment.

Email marketing is the most cost-effective of all marketing platforms. According to current email marketing data from Constant Contact, a dollar invested on email marketing will create a $42 return on investment (ROI) in 2021.

Every day, 5. 306 billion emails are sent.

On average, 306 billion emails were sent every day in 2020. By 2025, 376 billion emails will have been sent every day. While many of these emails are spam and end up in people’s garbage folders, email marketing statistics reveal that many more are requested and appreciated communications that individuals freely signed up for.

6. The top day for click-throughs is Friday.

Customers must open and click through to your website in order to earn sales from your email advertising. Click-through rates from emails are 2.13 percent on average throughout the business. If you send your emails on Fridays, however, your email marketing statistics increase to 2.7 percent. It’s unclear if this is because consumers are more prone to procrastinate at work on Fridays or because they’re beginning their weekend shopping early.

7. The greatest days for email openings are Tuesdays.

The greatest open rates of the week are on Tuesdays. And if clients aren’t reading your emails, you won’t be able to generate any purchases. Tuesdays, on the other hand, have the greatest rates of email unsubscriptions, according to email marketing data.

You may not want your email to appear at the top of their inbox if consumers are more likely to be irritated on Tuesday mornings. However, the unsubscribe rate on Tuesdays is still far lower (0.2 percent) than the open rate (18.3%), so don’t be too concerned.


8. There are three open-time peaks.

Most individuals check their email first thing in the morning, while they get ready for work, or in the midst of a task, notably at 10 a.m. Many office employees will resume viewing emails about 2:00 p.m., when the afternoon lull sets in and they look forward to the end of the workday. If you’re sending emails to office employees, now is an excellent moment to do it.

People will frequently check promotional emails on their own time in the evening, between 7 and 10 p.m., when they relax and wind down, do some online shopping, and chill on their phones before bed.

9. Emails with a welcome message are 82% more likely to be opened.

The average email open rate is barely 21%. If clients subscribe up for the emails, though, the email marketing number jumps to 82 percent. Customers are far more likely to open your emails if they join up for your mailing list. Furthermore, if the customer’s name appears in the subject line, they are 50% more likely to open it than if it does not.

10. About 42% of individuals check their emails on their phones.

Because mobile devices account for 41.9 percent of email opens, it’s critical that your emails be designed to be legible on phone and tablet displays. Only 18.2 percent of people read emails on desktops, whereas 39.9% of users open emails on web applications. This email marketing statistic demonstrates how important it is for businesses to emphasize readability on mobile devices.


11. Your topic line is affected by the gadget.

On the iPhone email app, just the first 30 characters of your subject line are shown. So make the first 30 characters of your sentence count. You don’t have to convey the whole information in that little amount of time, but you do need to grab their attention so they’ll click on it.

12. Segmentation encourages consumers to click through.

Your open and click-through rates will skyrocket if you segment your email list. A segmented email campaign may generate open rates as high as 94 percent and click-through rates as high as 38 percent, according to one email marketing statistics research, compared to a typical unsegmented email campaign with a 42 percent open rate and a 4.5 percent click-through rate.

The most popular reason marketers utilize segmented email marketing is to enhance open rates, with 82 percent of marketers citing this advantage.


13. Trigger emails work 3X better than email segmentation & blast

Blast emails are far less effective than segmented emails, which are various lists based on different client factors. Trigger emails, such as abandoned carts, are three times better and by far the most successful at garnering opens and click-throughs, according to study.

The recommended email length is between 50 and 125 words.

Response rates are less than 45 percent for emails with fewer than 25 words, but above 50 percent for emails with 25 to 50 words. According to email marketing statistics, 51 percent of people respond to emails with 50 to 125 words, and then rates drop beyond 125 words.


15. A six-to-ten-word subject line is good.

Keep your subject lines succinct and to-the-point. You want to grab your clients’ attention since most mobile devices don’t show many characters. According to email marketing data, subject lines with six to ten words have a more than 20% open rate, fewer than five words have a 16% open rate, and subject lines with more than ten words have an even lower open rate. When you don’t have much room, client names, song lyrics, and movie titles are fantastic methods to entice your consumers to click.


16. The greatest emails are straightforward (3rd-grade level)

The best response rate is 53 percent for emails written at a third-grade reading level. Then there are emails written at a kindergarten reading level, which have a response rate of 46%. According to email marketing data, high school emails have a 45 percent response rate, whereas college emails receive just a 39 percent response rate.


Email marketing is used by 17.64 percent of small companies.

Email marketing is the second-most common marketing approach for small companies, according to Campaign Monitor’s email marketing data, with 64.1 percent of small firms saying that they use email promotions. Only social media outperforms email in terms of popularity, with 69.6% of small companies claiming to advertise on social media.


18. Emails to abandoned carts are most successful if sent within 20 minutes.

Customers often leave their online shopping carts. Customers who add products to their shopping basket on a website are 77 percent more likely to leave without checking out. That’s a significant loss of revenue, and it may wreak havoc on your sales by inflating your inventory register and preventing other consumers from purchasing those things.

Fortunately, email follow-up is quite efficient at persuading consumers to return and check out their shopping carts. Sending an abandoned cart email within 20 minutes has a 5.2 percent conversion rate, and the longer you wait to send your triggered email, the lower the conversion percentage.

19. Media & entertainment have the best stats overall

When it comes to email marketing data, the media and entertainment business has the second-best opening rates (22.49 percent), the greatest click-through rates (4.98 percent), and the lowest unsubscribe rates (0.18 percent ). These figures were compiled using Kinsta and data from Mailchimp, HubSpot, Campaign Monitor, and GetResponse.


20. Use emojis in your topic lines.

Gone are the days when using emoticons was frowned upon. In today’s world, incorporating emojis in your subject line may boost open rates by up to 56%. Emojis may be used to capture readers’ attention, create the tone of an email, and show a sense of humor.



Email marketing is a worthwhile investment that may aid in the expansion of your company. Consider these email marketing statistics as you prepare to begin your email marketing campaign or as you make changes to the one you’re already running.

The “how effective is email marketing” is a question that many small businesses ask themselves. To answer this question, we have compiled 20 email marketing statistics from the past year.

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