21 Powerful Mission Statement Examples

The mission statement is a powerful marketing tool for your company. It’s an opportunity to define what the key aspects of your business are and how they will benefit other customers or investors in some way. Here, we explore 21 examples from companies such as Nike, Starbucks, and Colgate to get you started.

The mission statement is an important part of company culture and essential for defining purpose and intent. It can be a powerful tool to transform your business or brand into something that gives people more than they expected.

21 Powerful Mission Statement Examples

Here are 21 examples of effective firm mission statements:

1. Google: Make the World’s Information Organizable


In 2014, Google updated its mission statement to reflect a more upbeat tone. Source

“Organize and make the world’s knowledge widely accessible and valuable.”

Google’s goal statement was updated from “Don’t be evil” to “Organize the World’s Information” in 2014. This mirrored a shift in the company’s general mindset. “Don’t be evil” has a negative connotation and suggests that the firm can and will do bad things. Google’s current mission statement leads the organization on the right path.

The current Google mission statement is successful because it emphasizes that just giving information is insufficient. It is necessary to arrange the information. Furthermore, Google’s services are available to people all throughout the globe, not only in the United States. Google has a global perspective and considers every nation. Furthermore, Google’s content presentation must be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background.

2. Starbucks: Nurturing and Inspiring the Human Spirit


Starbucks’ mission statement encapsulates a bigger concept than simply coffee. Source

“One person, one cup, and one community at a time, to inspire and nourish the human spirit.”

Starbucks is a café and coffee corporation. Its mission statement begins with a broad declaration, followed by details about how it will operate. “Inspire and nurture” is the first line in Starbucks’ mission statement, which is a friendly manner of encouraging people. It’s followed by “the human spirit,” which is ethereal yet encompasses characteristics such as intelligence, emotions, and creativity. Starbucks aspires to create an atmosphere in which individuals may flourish.

Starbucks’ mission statement concludes with information on how to carry out the first component, “one person, one cup, and one community at a time,” according to the company. This maintains the company in the current tense. Any engagement with another employee or client might be considered working with one person. One cup maintains the emphasis on the coffee’s quality. Starbucks’ over 30,000 locations concentrate on the community, not simply the retail business, thanks to one neighborhood.

3. Nike’s Mission: To Inspire & Innovate Every Athlete


Nike has come up with a unique method to make its mission statement clear by using an asterisk.

“To inspire and innovate for every athlete on the planet”

Nike is a sportswear and footwear producer as well as a retail retailer. Nike’s mission statement is unusual in that it contains an asterisk next to the word “athlete,” which we’ll deconstruct in a minute. Its mission statement begins with the word “bring.” This means it’s delivering items and information to its consumers rather than expecting them to come to them.

“Inspiration and innovation,” the mission statement continues. Marketing and content may provide inspiration, while clothing provides an opportunity for creativity. “Every athlete in the globe,” Nike says at the end of its mission statement, implying that the company intends to reach out to people all over the world. “If you have a body, you are an athlete,” states the asterisk after the word “athlete.” This statement broadens the definition of “athlete” to include everyone who participates in sports.

4. Puma: To Be the World’s Fastest Sports Brand


Puma is an athletic-focused shoe and apparel brand. Its mission statement is less specific than most mission statements. “Fastest” is a word that may be interpreted in a variety of ways, which might be a strength. Fastest might also serve as a reminder to staff to work rapidly and bring new items out to the market as soon as possible. Puma may also want to be the first to react to fashion trends. In terms of Puma’s clientele, the combination of “faster” and “sports” is a gesture to sportsmen who desire to be the best.

“In the globe” was also used by Puma to demonstrate its worldwide reach. Mentioning the globe also implies that the company’s goods aren’t only for athletes in the United States, but for athletes from all over the world. This worldwide approach may motivate Puma staff to think about garment trends all throughout the globe, not only in the United States.

5. Sony’s mission is to be a company that both inspires and satisfies your curiosity.

“To be a business that arouses and satisfies your interest.” Our boundless enthusiasm for technology, content, and services, as well as our unwavering commitment to innovation, propels us to provide ground-breaking new thrills and entertainment in ways that only Sony can.”

Sony is a multibillion-dollar corporation with interests in electronics, gaming, entertainment, and financial services. Because Sony is involved in a variety of businesses, its mission statement is more ambiguous and focused on values.

In terms of clients, Sony strives to arouse and satisfy their interests. Sony wants its goods and services to do more than just meet a need; they aim to inspire people. Sony’s “unwavering pursuit of innovation” encourages personnel to think beyond the box in order to find new methods to delight and amuse consumers.

6. Facebook: Empower people to form communities


The goal statement of Facebook is focused on the final product of its social media network.

“Give individuals the ability to form communities and bring the globe closer together by giving them the capability to do so.”

Facebook’s mission statement begins with a focus on its users. What makes a social media site great is not what it generates, but what its users create. Facebook then adds the phrase “power,” implying that people, not the firm, have authority over the platform. The first paragraph of the mission statement concludes with the phrase “create community.” This communicates to consumers and workers that Facebook’s products are designed to bring people together.

The mission statement of Facebook concludes with the inclusion of the whole globe. Facebook isn’t simply for a single demographic or nation. It’s being created for the whole globe to utilize, and by doing so, everyone will get closer.

7. Water.org: Providing the World with Safe Water and Sanitation

“To provide the globe with healthy drinking water and sanitation.”

Water.org is a non-profit organization devoted to providing safe drinking water and sanitation to people in poor countries. The organization’s mission statement begins with the word “bring,” implying that it will travel to its clients and provide services. When you compare the words “bring” and “provide,” you’ll see that provide is more passive than bringing. Providing water is not the same as providing water to someone who is in need.

Water.org’s objective continues to include “safe water,” which is critical since many of its consumers have access to water that is unsafe. This term may refer to services such as water sanitization as well as providing clean drinking water. “And sanitation to the planet,” Water.org concluded. Sanitation expands its offerings to include bathroom-related services (which can contaminate drinking water).

8. Verizon: We Help Our Customers Realize the Promise of the Digital World


Verizon’s mission statement is centered on the lifestyles of its customers.

“We help our consumers realize the benefits of the digital environment.” We enable them to live inventive lives. All of this is accomplished using the most dependable network and cutting-edge technology.”

Verizon is a firm that specializes in telecommunications, technology, and entertainment. Its mission statement begins with the phrase “deliver the promise of the digital world to our clients,” indicating that it would not only build but also offer digital technologies to its consumers. Verizon makes its products available to consumers via retail outlets.

Verizon is focused on lives, not just goods, according to the second phrase of its mission statement. Verizon aspires to provide its customers with a greater sense of purpose by altering and enhancing how they live via innovation. Verizon’s mission statement’s third phrase includes an explicit reference to their cellular technology, stating that it is “reliable and the newest technology.” This implies it wants to be renowned for having the most accessible and innovative network.

9. Southwest Airlines is committed to providing the best possible customer service.


Warmth and friendliness are two phrases used by Southwest Airlines to describe how its personnel should approach customers.

“A commitment to providing the greatest level of customer service with a feeling of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and business spirit.”

Southwest Airlines’ mission statement starts with the phrase “dedication to the greatest level of customer service,” emphasizing the company’s commitment to its personnel rather than goods or a broad statement about the airline industry. The term “dedication” has a more formal connotation, implying that staff are loyal and always on the customer’s side.

Southwest adds details to the mission statement’s more broad opening, “with a feeling of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and business spirit.” This is a direct reference to the services that workers may supply to clients. It also includes a slogan for workers, which includes taking pleasure in their job and emulating the company’s culture.

10. IKEA: Provides a Wide Range of Well-Designed, Functional Home Furnishings.


IKEA’s mission statement is based on a comment from one of the company’s founders. Source

“Offer a diverse choice of well-designed, useful home furnishing items at costs so cheap that they are affordable to as many people as possible.”

IKEA is a furniture retailer that offers low-cost furniture both online and in stores. Its goal statement is based on a phrase by Ingvar Kamprad, one of the company’s founders (shown above). IKEA states right at the start of its mission statement that it strives to offer a “broad variety” of items. This is reflected in its 300,000-square-foot retail outlets (five football fields).

“Practical home furnishing goods,” according to IKEA’s mission statement, means that furniture must be helpful and functional in the house. It concludes the mission statement by emphasizing the importance of affordable costs. But IKEA doesn’t stop there; it adds a personal touch that goes beyond “cheap costs.” “As many people as possible will be able to afford them,” IKEA says. This adds a human touch to the furniture-making process.

11. Patagonia: Make the Best Product Possible


To demonstrate to workers what to do and what not to do, Patagonia employs a good remark followed by a negative comment.

“Make the best product possible.” There is no need to do undue damage. “Let business be a source of inspiration for and implementation of solutions to the environmental challenge.”

Patagonia is a firm that specializes in outdoor clothes. It begins its mission statement by emphasizing the product it is developing. It aspires to “create the greatest product possible.” The word “build” signifies that it intends to manufacture the thing rather than sell it.

“Do no damage” does not just apply to the environment, but also to consumers and staff. This statement forces workers to consider the implications of their actions. In response to the final phrase, Patagonia recognizes that it cannot fix all of the world’s environmental problems. Patagonia may be able to help with a few, but even if it can’t, it wants to be a role model and encourage others to do good.

12. Fit Small Business: To Provide the Most Appropriate Answers to Customers’ Questions


Fit Small Company maintains its mission statement wide such that it may include topics other than small business. Source

“To provide the finest possible responses to people’s queries.”

Fit Small Business is a web-based resource for entrepreneurs. In its brief mission statement, there is a lot of information. “Deliver” refers to Fit Small Business giving the reader the information. In the long run, this may lead the organization to adopt alternative content strategies depending on where the small business reader spends his or her online time.

“Best responses” implies that the material Fit Small Business gives must be superior to existing solutions. The phrase “best” is vague, and readers and staff are free to decide. “People’s inquiries” refers to Fit Small Company’s listening to small business owners and workers in order to better understand their concerns.

13. Mary Kay: Enriching Women’s and Families’ Lives Around the World


Mary Kay focuses not only on its consumers but also on something that is very important to them: family. Source

“By providing an unrivaled business opportunity, we are enriching the lives of women and their families all across the globe.”

Mary Kay Cosmetics is a multilevel marketing firm that distributes cosmetics. Because women are the primary purchasers of Mary Kay products, the company’s mission statement begins with the phrase “enriching the lives of women.” Focusing on women gives their branding and goods a more feminine feel.

Following women, “families” are included in Mary Kay’s mission statement. This term also makes its goods available to teens. Mary Kay also makes a point of saying “around the globe” to accommodate a worldwide audience. “Unparalleled business potential,” Mary Kay concludes the mission statement, referring to the company’s reliance on independent sales salespeople. This means that Mary Kay takes into account the expertise of its company owners.

14. Tesla: Help the World Make the Transition to Sustainable Energy Faster


In their goal statement, Tesla utilizes the descriptive and industry-appropriate verb “accelerate.”

“To hasten the transition to sustainable energy across the globe.”

Tesla is an automobile and energy firm that specializes in electric vehicles. “Accelerate” is the first term in Tesla’s mission statement. This means that Tesla should not just innovate and create things quickly, but it should do it even quicker as time goes on. Tesla then adds “world’s,” indicating that it is a worldwide corporation.

“Transition” is a word used by Tesla to indicate that he is challenging traditional wisdom. Any shift may be messy, and individuals may initially dislike it. Transition is a transitory term that implies change. “Sustainable energy” concludes Tesla’s mission statement, indicating that the company is focused not only on the car but on what the vehicle can do to assist deliver sustainable energy.

15. Harley-Davidson: We Make Dreams Come True Through Motorcycle Adventures


Harley-mission Davidson’s statement is expanded to encompass the general public as well as paying consumers. Source

“By offering motorcyclists and the general public with an increasing range of bikes and branded goods and services in targeted market categories, we realize dreams via the experiences of riding.”

Harley-Davidson is a motorcycle company that produces and sells motorcycles. The company’s mission statement begins with a focus on the customer’s aspirations. For millions of its consumers, riding and touring on a motorbike is a dream. Harley-Davidson will realize this aim by providing more and newer bikes and goods to not just “motorcyclists,” but also “the general public.”

The term “selected market segments” refers to Harley-concentration Davidson’s on certain demographics of its consumers. These market categories may help it decide what kinds of items to make, how to advertise them, and how to engage with consumers. Men vs. women, older vs. younger, and city vs. rural are all groups that may be interested in various Harley-Davidson goods, and each marketing strategy may be different.

16. Philips: Through innovation, we strive to make the world a healthier and more sustainable place.

In its mission statement, Philips emphasizes the importance of consumers and their requirements. Source

“Through innovation, we want to make the world a better and more sustainable place.”

Philips is one of the world’s major electronics firms, specializing in healthcare and lighting. The company’s mission statement emphasizes both of its biggest operations. Philips uses the term “world” before expressing any of the goals to highlight that it is focused on more than simply a few nations.

“Healthier” is a tribute to the company’s healthcare operations. It’s straightforward and demonstrates Philips’ desire to enhance people’s lives. The word “sustainable” is a homage to the lighting firms in the area. Philips’ mission statement concludes with the word “innovation,” implying that it will create new goods to make the world healthier and more sustainable.

17. McDonald’s: To be the favorite place of our customers


McDonald’s has expanded its goal statement beyond food to include how consumers eat. Source

“To be the preferred venue and manner to dine and drink for our consumers.”

McDonald’s mission statement is straightforward and straightforward. “Be our clients,” states the mission statement at the start. McDonald’s is immediately concentrating on its consumers rather than its goods or workers. It also utilizes the term “place” to emphasize the physical location rather than the meal.

McDonald’s utilizes the term “way” to refer to both drive-thru and to-go options as well as eating in. It completes the mission statement by including food and drinks. The drinks are an homage to the fast-food industry’s coffee segment.

18. Chobani: To Make High-Quality Yogurt More Accessible to More People


Chobani’s mission statement begins with a discussion about yogurt and finishes with a general remark about food consumption.

“To make high-quality yogurt more accessible to a wider audience and to affect good change in our country’s food culture.”

Chobani is a yogurt maker that specializes in Greek yogurt. Chobani begins its mission statement by emphasizing the product. “High-quality yogurt” refers to a product that not only tastes well but also passes food safety checks in the dairy sector. The phrase “to more people” follows, implying that Chobani is focused on growing its present client base, which might have an influence on product development and marketing.

The mission statement concludes with a comment regarding the status of food: “make a good change in our country’s food culture.” This might be in terms of nutrition as well as the manufacturing process. “Culture” is a broad phrase that may refer to a variety of things, including how consumers communicate and engage with the cuisine they consume.

19. TED


The short mission statement of TED goes to the heart of the organization’s objective.

“Spread the word.”

Technology, entertainment, and design are the three pillars of TED. It’s most renowned for its sub 20-minute lectures that cover a variety of topics. The goal statement of TED is as straightforward as it gets, while also giving direction for the firm. “Spread” denotes that TED is primarily concerned with distributing and disseminating information. It needs to generate income for its organization, but it also wants to deliver seminars that are accessible to the general public. While a TED presentation may cost upwards of $100, the company’s free YouTube films have received over 1.6 billion views.

“Ideas” is the other term in TED’s mission statement. This phrase helps TED stay laser-focused on assisting others in sharing their ideas. You must have a compelling concept to deliver a TED talk.

20. Automattic’s mission is to democratize publishing and development.


Automattic’s mission statement incorporates the name of its well-known brand. Source

“The goal of Automattic and WordPress is to make publishing and development more accessible to everyone.”

Automattic is a web development company and the inventor of the WordPress website platform. Automattic’s mission statement is unusual in that it combines the name of its firm with its more well-known brand. That may be a good technique for a public-facing mission statement for a lesser-known firm.

“To democratize publishing and development,” Automattic says at the start of its mission statement. This not only focuses on generating public websites and information but also on assisting developers who are designing and constructing software. The second portion of Automattic’s mission statement connects the front-end and back-end of their WordPress software together neatly.

21. eBay: Become the World’s Favorite Site for Finding Great Deals


eBay’s mission statement talks about not just the things it offers, but also the experience people have before buying them. Source

“To be the world’s favorite place for finding amazing value and a one-of-a-kind assortment.”

eBay is an online marketplace that facilitates consumer-to-consumer transactions. eBay’s mission statement begins with the word “world.” Then it states “preferred destination,” which might refer to a number of different aspects of its eCommerce platform. The term “favorite destination” refers to a place where you can have a good time.

eBay’s “discovering excellent value” campaign continues, with a focus on the product search feature’s usefulness. Customers must utilize eBay’s search function to locate amazing bargains on its own platform as well as on competing sites. “Unique selection” concludes eBay’s mission statement, which is both a competitive advantage and a gesture to encourage consumers to upload a variety of things to sale.


For each developing company, a mission statement is a must-have. Take inspiration from the mission statement samples above to create your own. You may not know your purpose when you initially start your business; but, after you’ve figured out what your major source of money is, it’s time to make a statement. Your goal statement may change as your company grows or buys more businesses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are good mission statement examples?

The main goal of a mission statement is to give an overview of what you want to do, the values that are important within your organization. It also helps people understand how they can work with your company or business and who their target audience will be.

How do you write a powerful mission statement?

A powerful mission statement is a concise outline of your company’s purpose and vision. It should answer the question why does this matter?

What is a good mission statement?

A mission statement is a sentence that summarizes what your company or organization does and who it exists to serve.

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