29 Easy Real Estate Marketing Ideas & Strategies for Success

The idea of buying a home is exciting, but the process can be overwhelming. Learn how to market your property without spending too much time and money on it.

29 Easy Real Estate Marketing Ideas & Strategies for Success

Real estate marketing will determine whether your real estate profession succeeds or fails. You must accept your role as a “walking billboard” as a real estate agent. A first impression is something you never have a second opportunity to create. Consider what form of marketing you want to conduct and how much money you can expect to make.

1. Establish a web presence

You must have a website whether you are new to real estate or have been in the industry for a long time. We have access to technology at all times. Everything is looked up on the internet by consumers. You virtually don’t exist if you don’t have a website.

That said, you don’t have to waste time constructing your own website when you might be selling real estate. Invest in yourself and the individuals who can make you appear attractive by paying them. Placester, for example, provides real estate websites that you may modify for a more productive and cost-effective method to establish your online presence.

Signing up for a program like Zillow Premier Agent is another approach to boost your internet exposure. While this will not replace your website, it will guarantee that your photo and contact details are prominently shown alongside listings on one of the most popular online real estate search platforms.

2. Request Referrals

It’s a win-win scenario when you work with individuals who know and love you. They will become your greatest admirers when you complete a deal with a buyer or seller. These people are shouting your praises and spreading the word about what a Rock Star you are to their friends and relatives. While you’re working on a deal, see if your customer knows anybody who is looking to buy or sell a house.

Whether you’re a rookie or seasoned real estate agent, networking is an invaluable asset. We begin networking as soon as we step out of the house in the morning. You get to know the barista at the neighborhood coffee shop when you pop in. Make sure they know you’re a real estate agent at all times.

Get to know the instructors and aides at the daycare or preschool where your children are being dropped off. You don’t have to be “in their face” when it comes to real estate. When you ask people about their family, profession, hobbies, and aspirations, they love to speak about themselves. I guarantee that the subject of housing will come up.

3. Organize valuable open houses

Doing open houses has long been the go-to marketing strategy for new real estate agents. In order to attract prospective buyers, newer brokers often ask seasoned agents if they can have an open house over the weekend. You must demonstrate the benefit of “coming by” to actually thrive at an open house.

Themed open houses, particularly those held around a holiday, may attract a significant number of visitors. Plan unusual refreshments as well as an activity that includes collecting visitors’ contact information, such as a raffle or entertainment. Of course, you should double-check these data with the vendor.

4. Participate in social media

You will connect with your audience if you can portray the “true you” via images and life experiences. Individuals who see you on television should be able to see and feel your concern and care. Facebook is a fantastic tool for marketing. You must, however, construct a corporate Facebook profile and keep your personal and professional lives separate. “Don’t combine business with pleasure,” as the old saying goes.

You may profile your listings and grab prospective purchasers after you’ve made a company Facebook page. You may also build a strong connection with these customers without ever meeting them in person.

5. Make your own note cards

Without outright asking for it, a personal touch, compassion, and manners will bring you business. When was the last time you were shown that someone cared about you? A little comment like this may make a huge difference in someone’s day. Every day, consider writing two personal note cards. This kind of marketing will appeal to all demographics and generations.

The Golden or Silver Senior, for example, would appreciate you taking the time to send them a loving message. You will be appreciated by the younger generation for taking the time to “love on them” with some encouraging remarks. In any instance, the gesture is certain to be remembered.

Pro tip: Marketing should be tailored to the group of people you want to interact with. If you want to attract more Millennial customers, you wouldn’t send them “snail mail” like postcards or letters. Millennials are obsessed with virtual marketing and cutting-edge technology. On the other hand, if you want to grow your Golden or Silver Seniors, those aged 70 and over, you must adopt a more personal, hands-on approach.

6. Support Small Businesses in Your Community

Reciprocal partnerships that benefit both you and the local company are very beneficial. On Saturdays, I do a Facebook Live to highlight a local company. Restaurants, coffee shops, boutiques, local craftsmen, florists, a nursery and garden center, and other downtown enterprises are among the companies I’ve covered. The marketing possibilities are limitless. A small business owner will never forget who assisted them in the development of their company.

7. Collaborate with other professionals to co-market

We deal with lenders, home warranty companies, health specialists, financial advisors, and inspectors every day as real estate agents, to mention a few. We all have databases of people who are looking for information. When you advertise or promote to these people, you may effectively double or treble your visibility.

Pro tip: Before deciding to co-market with someone, always do your research and make sure they have a strong following and reputation since your affiliations do reflect on you.

8. Make Zoom Client Meetings

Prior to the year 2020 and the epidemic, I had never heard of Zoom. Things immediately changed when we discovered that we were all spending hours each day on video conferences and meetings. Since then, I’ve realized that this is an excellent platform for putting my face to face with my clientele, and I’ve embraced its advantages. For example, when it comes to examining and clarifying paperwork with buyers and sellers, I’ve found Zoom to be a fantastic tool.

This kind of virtual gathering is also an excellent passive marketing approach. This is because you are not only cementing a strong connection with your customer, but you are also demonstrating your ability to adapt and change to anything that comes your way while keeping them informed about their transaction.

A virtual tour of the home is another technique to demonstrate to your customers or prospective purchasers that you care about their safety. Asteroom is an easy-to-use application that allows you to make interactive floor plans and a 3D tour of a property using just your phone and sharing it online.

9. Host events

Thank your customers on a yearly basis for entrusting you with the purchase or sale of their property or for introducing you to friends and family. This will help you maintain your “top-of-mind presence” and guarantee that you are the first real estate agent that your customer considers.

For example, I’ve been hosting a Music in the Park Picnic as a client appreciation event for the last 20 years, and my clients know to expect an invitation each summer. I’m able to do so by taking advantage of a free municipal event and giving my customers a picnic luncheon provided by a local sandwich restaurant that gives me a discount.

All of my suppliers, including lenders, inspectors, title officers, and home warranty representatives, are invited in addition to my clients. Once again, all sides benefit from a mutually advantageous reciprocal connection. I also make sure to leave a takeout with my contact information for my customer. You get the chance to be noticed by other potential customers since this is an open event.

10. Become a Sponsoring Partner

The community in which we operate has been extremely good to us as real estate agents, and we must reciprocate with grace and generosity. You may help a variety of community organizations by donating money or offering your time to help with a project. You may also distribute your promotional things to others. You should keep branding yourself and promoting name awareness. Always remember that being humble and discreet will bring you more business than being “out in front of everyone.”

11. Make an announcement at your place of worship

Many houses of worship provide a newsletter where you may promote your business card for a little cost. Only members of that specific place of worship would have been invited to participate in these bulletins in the past. They are more willing to have local companies help them because of the present economic issues.

12. Create a monthly newsletter.

Old Republic Home Protection and First American Home Warranty both provide free tools for agents to utilize to create a tailored monthly email. You may also create a newsletter with current market statistics and helpful housing suggestions by visiting the website of your State Association of Realtors. The California Association of Realtors (CAR), for example, provides a program called “One Cool Thing” that realtors may utilize to keep their customers up to date for free.

13. Collaborate with your neighborhood

Advertising on a shopping cart or the back of a receipt may also help you build a name for yourself in your town. Marketing firms may also customize the separating bar at checkout counters to include your photo and contact information.

14. Be a Participating Neighbor

Planning a community gathering, whether in your own neighborhood or in a potential agricultural area, may be incredibly beneficial. As a real estate agent, you have the image of being the “area expert” when you reside in a certain community. Block parties, yard and garage sales, and the formation of a neighborhood watch are all excellent ways to promote your services.

People in the neighborhood also like working with agents who are up to date on what’s going on in town. Parkbench is a fantastic resource that gives agents a website and sends them articles about local events, promotions, and news right to their inbox, allowing them to engage with companies and establish themselves as experts in their region. For additional information, go to their website.

15. Volunteering During the Holidays

Participating in local holiday activities is a fantastic way to sell and network at the same time. Many groups are searching for volunteers to help with events as well as financial contributions to help cover the event.

For almost 18 years, I’ve had the pleasure of throwing birthday celebrations for every kid that enters our local shelter. Our birthday angels make sure the birthday boy or girl gets a cake, an outfit, shoes, a toy, and goody bags. Every Thanksgiving, I have the chance to provide 600 elderly adults who attend an annual Thanksgiving feast with water bottles and candy bags with my contact information. Always volunteer with an open heart and no expectation of reward.

16. Get a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel may be beneficial for growing your professional reputation as well as selling your listings if you are comfortable in front of a camera and deliver valuable material. As you may be aware, many famous influencers gained prominence as a result of their YouTube subscribers. There is, however, a learning curve, and you will need to utilize other social media to increase your following.

17. Start a blog

Many of our customers are interested in learning more about the purchasing and selling process. We are regarded as experts in our profession as real estate agents. If you’re going to use a blog to sell yourself, it’s critical that you “know your thing.” You must devote your whole attention to this medium. You must choose a subject, break down the pieces of that issue, and provide enough information for the reader to be satisfied.

Unless you are ready to pay to advertise on Google, writing a blog is not a one-time event. It will take time and work to appear on the first page of search results. To achieve this well, you’ll need to be consistent, maybe posting once a week. You will lose prospective readers if you do not display this devotion.

18. Loyalty Programs

The most common responses to the question “What do you desire most in your Realtor?” were care and concern, according to a poll conducted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). When introducing a prospective buyer or seller to us, our family, friends, and previous customers should always “feel the love.” When someone mentions my name in connection with a possible house sale, I immediately compose a handwritten message and include a scratch-off lottery ticket ($1.00 investment) to thank them for their consideration. I mention in my card that I hope they are as fortunate with their prizes as I am to have been referred to them.

To be genuinely effective in real estate, you should think about implementing automated systems that operate behind the scenes as you do business. One approach is to include testimonials on your website, which you can do using Placester’s “RealSatisfied” service. This technology is also worth noting since it provides a set of automated processes that connect real estate agents and customers.

19. Distribute promotional materials

Invest intelligently in your company’s branding by selecting high-quality merchandise. Make sure promotional things don’t wind up in the trash when you buy them. It takes time to do your study and compare prices, but it might save you money in the long run. Personalized pens, letter openers, and reusable bags are among my favorite marketing tools. I also make sure to print water bottle labels with my contact information when providing water to gatherings.

20. Volunteer at a local school

The greatest return on your marketing investment as a “walking billboard” is to be seen wearing your company’s emblem. You want to be on people’s minds and be the first person they think of when they need a real estate agent. Wear a corporate polo whether you’re helping in a classroom, at a sporting event, or at an academic function. A logo will be remembered by the majority of us since we are visual learners. Brands like Nike and McDonald’s are examples of logo recognition.

21. Personalize your marketing

“Keeping it genuine” is really important to me. Many of our customers have become our greatest supporters and enjoy hearing about our personal lives. Only around the holidays do we create a personal family message and include it in our Christmas cards. Every year in May, I compose a personal family letter. I add an updated family photo so that my customers can track their children’s activities and progress over time.

22. Provide a workshop

You may sponsor a workshop for first-time homebuyers by enlisting the help of your professional network, which may include lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors. If well organized, this event may be beneficial in terms of attracting new customers at a low cost. Many of these courses may be hosted for a little cost at a community center or a place of worship.

23. Lead a workshop on renting vs. buying.

During any escrow, the title firms that we employ for our transaction may be a fantastic source of information. Consider giving a Rent vs. Buy workshop. Many renters are unaware that they have the option of purchasing a property. It is your goal to persuade these renters that by becoming homeowners, they are assisting their landlords in building financial riches rather than themselves. To keep your expenses down, these sessions may be sponsored and funded by one of your chosen lenders. Your lender will also see the possibility of assisting the renter in becoming a homeowner.

24. Sending Postcards

When we promote to our database and prospective customers, we only have around 10 seconds of their time to look at what we sent before it is thrown away. Despite the fact that this is an undesirable reality, we are statistically required to contact our customers many times every year in various methods. In the 10 seconds you have to be remembered for future business, mailing 414×512-inch postcards with home recommendations, autumn or spring season changes, and amusing holiday information numerous times a year may have an impression.

A variety of postcards may be provided by your brokerage. ProspectsPLUS may be a resource to explore if you’re searching for a source to create your own. ProspectsPLUS not only has over 100 real estate-specific card designs, but it also has templates for creating brochures and other materials. You may view their designs for yourself on their website.

25. Create a network of agent-to-agent referrals

When we understand that we can profit from friendly rivalry among real estate brokers, we create a new marketing opportunity for ourselves. The biggest agent-to-agent referral tool is LinkedIn. When one of our vendors moves out of state, for example, it doesn’t imply the client’s revenue potential is over. We keep in contact with the seller and remind them that we can help them with all of their real estate requirements wherever in the country. We use LinkedIn to create connections with agents all around the country, which allows us to earn money via referrals.

26. Participate in a Coat and Blanket Drive

Make your business a drop-off location for new or gently used jackets and blankets over the holidays. Remember, the community has been extremely generous to you, and you must return the favor. This “feel good” event will enable you to lead from a place of openness and generosity. When a good act is done without expecting anything in return, it will be rewarded.

27. Distribute door hangers across the neighborhood

If you’re a new agent, you may get free marketing materials from home warranty providers and area lenders. Door hangers are an excellent way to promote your business while also sharing real estate advice. The investment will be your time, with the potential return of becoming a real estate specialist in that community.

28. Become an active member of your local chamber of commerce

Networking with local company owners outside of the real estate industry may be quite profitable. Attending Chamber mixers and red ribbon-cutting events for new businesses might help to strengthen professional ties. “It’s 90% personality and 10% what you know,” as the cliché goes, has some truth to it. Before a prospective reference source suggests business to you, they must like and trust you. Of course, you’ll have to verify your knowledge of the subject at some point throughout the “getting to know you” process.

29. Create a Birthday Club for Your Clients

“I scream for ice cream, you scream for ice cream, and we all scream for ice cream.” Send an ice cream cone voucher to your customer to celebrate their birthday and the birthdays of their family members. I presume you believe this will be a prohibitively expensive endeavor. In fact, it is incredibly cost-effective, with excellent outcomes in future referrals.

Collaborate with a neighborhood ice cream shop. “This coupon honors you with a free ice cream on your birthday,” you may write on ice cream coupons with your contact information and the following information. “This coupon may only be used at XYZ Ice Cream Store.”

The best part about this marketing strategy is that you only have to pay for coupons that are really used. My deal with the local ice cream parlor is that I go once a quarter to pick up the birthday coupons I’ve used and pay my amount. You may be able to discover merchants that will offer you digital discounts that you can use in your email marketing campaigns instead.


Before you begin any marketing strategy, make sure you have a budget in place. Marketing yourself may be quite affordable and cost-effective with a little ingenuity and study.

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