8 Outbound Sales Call Script Examples With Proven Results

Sales managers have to call on prospective clients and make sales pitches in order to get more business. However, this type of tedious selling has become increasingly ineffective over the years as people are less likely to pick up the phone these days. Here is a list of 8 outbound sales script examples with proven results that will help you close leads faster and generate revenue for your company.

8 Outbound Sales Call Script Examples With Proven Results

Sales professionals may use outbound sales call scripts to have more productive discussions with clients and prospects. Understanding your product or service and knowing how to engage a prospect, identify their pain areas, and successfully close sales are all important aspects of creating effective call scripts. For a variety of scenarios, we’ve provided eight free outbound sales call script samples.

1. Appointment Script for Cold Calls

This is an example of an outbound sales call script that you may use if you’ve never met or don’t know the person you’re phoning. They’re unlikely to know who you are, so make it short and sweet with the objective of setting up a face-to-face, video, or future phone conversation at a mutually suitable time.

Do some research about the person you’re contacting if you have the opportunity to develop a natural manner to begin the discussion. Look through their LinkedIn profile to see if you have any shared contacts or attended the same high school. This might assist to get the discussion off on the right foot by establishing rapport and trust.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. We haven’t met yet, but I was doing some research on firms that would be a good match for our [product or service] and came across your company.

Have I caught you at an inopportune moment?

I understand how essential your time is, so I’ll keep this quick. Several of the companies with which we deal have trouble finding inexpensive, efficient technologies to manage their expanding employees. Is it anything you see at [name of company]?

We’re a software firm devoted to creating solutions that help small companies save time, enhance productivity, and increase revenue. Next week, I’d want to schedule 15 minutes with you and anybody else on your team who wants to learn more. Do you prefer the afternoons of Monday or Thursday?

I’ll immediately give you a calendar invite. Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you soon!

2. Script for Voicemail

If you can’t get through to your lead over the phone, you still have a chance to connect with them and get them to call you again. Keep it short—no one likes to listen to a voicemail that lasts more than 30 seconds. Introduce yourself, briefly explain why you’re calling, and provide them with your phone number and email address so that they may contact you. Finally, don’t forget to state that if you haven’t heard back by a specific date, you’ll contact them again.

When I worked as a salesperson for a thriving software business, I learned to leave voicemails with confidence and precision. I was certain they’d never be returned at first, but they were. Furthermore, receiving a callback reveals that they are interested and helps to establish rapport straight away.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. After our previous meeting, I’d want to reconnect and discuss which product is the greatest match for you and your team—as well as congratulate you on recent achievement (if you can identify any award or goal the firm has achieved, even better—don’t forget to mention it).

In fact, many of the clients we serve with [your product or services] have a lot in common with [prospect company name] in terms of rapid growth and the need for solutions to support their business operations.

I understand you’re busy, but I’d want to meet with you next week for 15 minutes to learn more about your business requirements and discuss how we may be able to assist you to enhance companywide productivity and completing more transactions.

I’ll contact you again [next Tuesday] to see if we can work anything out. If you’d want to have things set up sooner, you may contact me at [your phone number and email address]. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

3. Script for Follow-up

Assume you’ve finally had your first meeting with a prospect, and everything went well. You provided them with a wealth of information on how you can assist them in growing their company, but they have yet to make a purchasing decision, and you need to drive the process forward. It’s now time to contact the prospect and assist them in figuring out what has to happen in order for you to gain their business.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. I’m so pleased we finally had the opportunity to meet last week and learn more about your company.

Based on our discussion, I believe we can both agree that [your business name] would benefit immensely from collaborating with us to provide you with the tools you need to boost productivity, cooperation, and complete sales quicker. Assist me in figuring out what has to happen in order for us to go ahead and get started.

I’d want to offer you a proposal so that we can get started. Set aside 10 minutes to go through the specifics. Monday and Thursday afternoons are free for you. What is the most effective method for you? Working with [their business name] excites me tremendously.

Pro tip: The prospect may claim that they are unsure of the next steps to take. This is a good indication that, although they are intrigued, they are not in a position to make decisions. Inquire if there are any more persons who need to be introduced to your product or service, and solicit their assistance in scheduling a meeting.

4. Gatekeeper Script

Many salespeople are concerned that they will be unable to get past gatekeepers and speak with decision-makers. After all, it’s part of the front desk employee’s duty to filter calls that take up C-level executives’ important time. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be frightening—gatekeepers can be converted into supporters.

The finest sales managers no longer see the gatekeeper as an adversary. Establish a connection with them and persuade them to collaborate with you in order to give answers to their business problems.

Begin by enlisting their assistance by asking who the best person to speak with if you haven’t already. They will often advise you who you should contact, and if you ask for their email address, they will most likely offer it to you. When you mention the gatekeeper in your follow-up email, they become a referral source.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. I was hoping you would be able to assist me—your what’s name?

Elizabeth, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m attempting to contact the person in charge of [managing your sales staff]. Could you please tell me who the person is? Is he or she available for a brief phone conversation?

No problem, I’ll simply give you my contact information and call Claire in a few days. Would you mind sharing her contact information with me so that I may send her a message and set up a time to chat with her?

Thank you so much for your assistance.

5. Script for a Referral

When conducting outbound sales calls, referrals are a wonderful method to establish a feeling of connection. Even if the individual suggesting you is a current or previous client, highlighting a shared link helps you build rapport and ease into the discussion.

When you’ve spoken with the gatekeeper previously, you may change the script by adding, “I spoke with Gloria at the front desk last week, and she informed me you were the perfect person to speak with.” If the person you’re chatting with knows you’ve already begun a discussion with someone at their firm, it helps to put them at ease.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. I realize we haven’t met yet, but [Tony at Company X] advised I give you a call. We’ve already worked with them, and Tony said you’d be the perfect person to talk to about [enhancing your sales procedures as your team develops].

I’d like to spend a few minutes talking about how we can help [your business] the same way. Have I caught you at an inopportune moment?

I’ll go straight to the point since I know you’re busy. Many of our existing clients, including [prospect company name], [are rapidly expanding and need efficient, cost-effective technologies to manage their sales operations]. Is it a description of your firm?

We’re a [software firm focused on creating solutions that assist small companies become more productive, efficient, and effective at closing sales. I’d want to set up 15 minutes next week to learn more about your company and see how we may be able to help you save time and money. [Tuesday and Thursday afternoons] are both free. Which of these options is the most suitable for you?

6. Sales Promotional Script

The promotional sales script should be utilized as a part of a marketing campaign when you want to generate a feeling of urgency to propel the prospect toward a purchase decision. Customize your script so that the promotion is relevant to the consumer, and answer any concerns they may have to continue further.

For example, if you’re selling software that requires a significant process change for a small firm and requires training or onboarding, you may give it away for free or at a discounted price. Just make sure the promotion has a deadline to help them make a choice faster.

Example of a Promotional Sales Script

Hello, My name is Jess, and I’m from [company]. I understand you want to work with us to optimize your sales process, but you’re worried about the expense of onboarding and training.

I spoke with my manager about your worries and asked if there was anything we could do to make things easy for you and get you started. He informed me that we are having an offer for free training, which I may extend to you. It is, however, a limited-time offer that will finish at the end of the month.

Do you believe you’ll be able to start before the 31st? If you let me know, I’ll write your proposal and submit it to you. Thank you for giving me the chance to earn your business.

7. Script for Overcoming Objections

This script is intended when the lead has a specific issue or reason why they believe they won’t be able to buy your product—or when they don’t have a compelling cause to do so. If you’re selling human resources management software, for example, and they already have a supplier, they could be reluctant to switch.

Make sure you understand the advantage you have over your competitors. Make a case for switching to your company by doing research on their existing supplier. “How would your recruitment process look in your ideal world?” or “Are there any phases in your sales process that you wish were more streamlined?” are examples of questions to ask.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. I wanted to follow up with you on our prior talk about migrating to our HR software. I have some information that I believe will be useful.

Have I caught you at an inopportune moment?

Great. I understand that you’re presently utilizing [X software] for your recruitment and performance management needs, so I understand why you’re afraid to switch. According to what I’ve learned, it doesn’t provide applicant monitoring features, which is something you said you wanted during our previous chat.

Our platform will automatically provide you with the best matches for certain roles, therefore I believe we can help you speed that process. Who else would be required to make it a reality? Let’s schedule a time for me to come out and show you and your team those features to determine if it’s a good match. Both [Tuesday and Friday] afternoons are free for you. What is the most effective method for you?

8. Script for Hail Mary Voicemail

You could have a few excellent chats with a prospect, and then they vanish—and you can’t get them to pick up the phone. Rather than badgering them and making them feel awful, leave a sincere message that encourages them to contact you back and explain.

Keep in mind that your prospects are busy, so don’t take it personally if you’re ignored. Invite them to explain why the delay occurred, or just tell you that it isn’t a good match so you may move on.


Hello, my name is Jess from [company]. I wanted to check in with you since it’s been a while since we last spoke.

When we met last month, I knew you were interested in our goods and services, but I haven’t been able to contact you. Is everything in order? Please contact me whenever you get a chance and tell me what we can do to gain your business. Let’s speak about it and determine when to revisit it if you’ve concluded it’s not a good match right now.

I’m hoping to hear from you as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration.

Once you’ve started utilizing outbound sales scripts, use customer relationship management (CRM) software like Freshsales to maintain track of your discussions with prospects. It has call recording capabilities that can be enabled for both incoming and outgoing conversations, allowing you to assess how effectively your call scripts are functioning and share recordings with your staff for training reasons.

How to Write Scripts for Outbound Sales Calls

Every outbound sales call should have a few critical components. Before starting a discussion, make sure you have a clear purpose for calling and ask if they have time to chat. Next, never disparage your company’s rivals, and be explicit about the value of your product. Finally, rather than preaching about your company, you should direct the discussion by asking questions and striving to learn.

Make sure to include the following in your outbound sales call scripts:

1. Make sure you know why you’re calling

Consider why you’re calling before you start creating a sales pitch. Everyone is busy, and no one wants to be interrupted at work by a phone call to check-in and talk. You may be contacted to set up an in-person meeting, discuss any objections or reservations the prospect may have or alert them about special deals, for example.

2. Request Their Time

When you call and introduce yourself, avoid the urge to get into a sales presentation right away. Keep in mind that, particularly if you’re making a cold call, you have no clue what they’re up to at the time. Respectfully ask for a few minutes of their time after you’ve introduced yourself and the company you represent. If they indicate they’re busy, ask if you can meet at a convenient time.

3. Be respectful to your rivals

Remember that when you contact a lead or a customer, they are either not contemplating a purchase or are already working with a rival. Never disparage a rival. Instead, inquire about how things are going for them and what they would alter if they had the chance.

4. Make an effort to comprehend your customer’s suffering

Many inexperienced salespeople begin an outbound sales call with one goal in mind: to overwhelm a prospect with information on their product or service’s benefits. However, you must ask questions to see whether your company is a suitable fit for the consumer. To find their pain areas, inquire about how things are done today and how they may be done better. Whether you offer mobile applications to restaurants, for example, inquire if they have one and if their customers use it.

5. Provide Insightful Value

Provide concrete instances of how you’ve aided comparable businesses to provide every prospect a cause to listen to what your company has to offer. “We helped [X firm] improve their inbound leads by 100% by designing engaging Facebook and Instagram campaigns, and I’m convinced we can do the same for you,” remark if you provide social media planning services.

6. Conclude with a specific next step

Never end a call without first determining what should happen next. The next step should be clear to all parties. It might be having an in-person encounter, gathering extra information for the prospect, or setting up a follow-up meeting with other corporate stakeholders before making a purchase decision.

Use an email campaign management like Constant Contact to stay in touch with prospects in between sales calls. Their software enables you to develop customized email campaigns that engage your audience and lead them to make a purchase decision.


Outbound sales call scripts are an important part of any sales strategy. By defining a clear objective for each conversation—which creates new sales and income for your small business—use these call scripts to remove the uncertainty and worry out of contacting prospects, customers, and leads.

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