8 Types of Press Releases to Get Your Message Out

Press releases are a powerful way to spread your message, but they can also be time-consuming and overwhelming. It’s important for you to understand the different types of press messages so that you know which one is best for your audience.

The “press release example” is a press release that was sent out to the media. It includes information about 8 different types of press releases.

8 Types of Press Releases to Get Your Message Out

A press release is a written firm statement that includes all of the information necessary for bloggers, influencers, and news outlets to publish the story and spread the message. Events, book launches, product releases, new companies, new hiring, rebranding, new collaborations, and accolades are all examples of press releases. We’ll go through eight of the most productive sorts of press releases for your company in this article.

1. Press Release for the Event

Businesses issue event press releases to let the media know about an event they intend to attend, organize, or support. A charity project (such as a 5K run) or an in-store community event are examples of events you may cover. The notice also acts as an invitation to the press to cover the company’s participation in the event. As a result, this form of release should make it simple for the press to attend the event and evaluate its relevance to their target audience.

The what, when, where, why, who, and how of the event should all be included. For instance, explain what the event is about, when and where it will take place, who will be participating, and how media representatives will be able to attend and cover it. Wherever possible, use bullet points or lists to help with clarity. Because the press release will most likely be seen by the general public as well as the media, provide information on how the general public may attend the event.


Example of a press release for an event (Source: LinkedIn Slide Share)

2. Book Publication

A book press release announces the publication of a new book and provides intriguing facts to explain why it should be covered by the media. Self-published books alone accounted for over a million in 2017, according to Statista. However, just a handful of them are noteworthy. You must persuade the press that your book is noteworthy. A book may be newsworthy if it has received a prominent prize, been supported by a celebrity, or deals with a current news issue.

Write a brief statement about your book and its advantages to readers in your press release. The next paragraph should go through your most interesting summary points in further depth. Then, beside a high-resolution photograph of your book and a list of venues where people may buy it, including a quotation from an attention-getting book review (such as one from an influencer or celebrity). Finish with a one-paragraph author bio that explains why the author is trustworthy and even noteworthy.


Press release for a book as an example (Source: Larreon Press It Against Me)

3. Publicity for the Product

A product press release should be used to announce the debut of a new product that has joined your industry. The press release should explain how it differs from rivals’ offerings. If you make a list of all of your product’s notable characteristics, then cross off all of the aspects that your product has in common with rivals, what’s left should be the emphasis of your press release. It’s because of this that it’s noteworthy.

A product’s advantages and distinguishing qualities should be included in a press release. You provide news representatives a reason to write about your product by emphasizing the value to consumers, and you equip them with the knowledge they need to do it in a manner that their readers will love. This is a win-win situation for you and journalists searching for a simple narrative that their readers will like.

Furthermore, companies often neglect the potential to incorporate a value-add to attract readers to buy. You may simply achieve this by giving consumers who buy your product when it first comes out a discount coupon. While the code is wonderful for motivating instant sales, it also lets you to measure how many people use it, revealing how successful your release is at spreading awareness and tempting conversions.


Press release for a product as an example (Source: Erinbells.blogspot.com)

4. Press Release for a New Business

A press release for a new company or business launch should proclaim the start of a new enterprise. It should explain why this particular opening is noteworthy. Filling up gaps in its region or industry for goods or services, or the fact that it stands out among local rivals and why, are some of the reasons why it could be noteworthy. Finally, it must persuade readers that it will benefit them in a manner that existing rivals do not.

Include information on who, what, when, where, why, and how your new company will launch in your press release. Give the location and date of your opening, as well as the name of your firm. The content of the press release should also provide an outline of your company’s activities, how it differs from rivals, and how readers would benefit. Offer CEO quotations that highlight the firm goal to lend a personal touch and extra insight to journalists’ reports.

Finally, provide a hyperlink to your company’s name so that people may discover more about it. However, be in mind that some journalists may just copy and paste your press release into their own publication. If you merely hyperlink your URL in this situation, it may not carry across. Consider adding your website URL in its its textual form to guarantee that it is always published (www.dallasadagency.com, for example).


New company press release example (Source: We in Social Tech)

5. Press Release on a New Hire

A new hire news release announces the addition of a new employee to your organization. It establishes your brand’s credibility by promoting it as a desirable employer and establishing confidence in your workers’ knowledge. Your new hiring should be a major gain for stakeholders in terms of how they increase your product and industry position to ensure your announcement is noteworthy. As a result, a noteworthy hiring is generally someone from your company’s executive suite.

What made this individual stand out above other applicants, what firms they’ve worked for, and their achievements during their career should all be addressed in your new hiring press release. Include a comment from a senior executive expressing the company’s enthusiasm for the new hiring, as well as a quote from the new hire. Finally, talk about what their function will be and what their main tasks will be, as well as how their contribution will help stakeholders.

It may be good to indicate the new job of the individual being replaced if the new recruit is to replace a prominent executive in your firm. For example, if the new worker is being brought in to fill a void created by a key employee’s promotion, explain why. Furthermore, explain what the promotion entails and how it will benefit stakeholders.


Example of a press release for a new hiring (Source: Fit Small Business)

6. Press Release for Rebranding

A press release announcing a company’s rebranding indicates a change in its corporate image. Many individuals dislike change and prefer the comfort of the familiar, stable, and well-known. Companies can decrease the dread of the unknown during rebranding by clearly communicating what consumers should anticipate. To do this, present a compelling rebranding narrative that explains the changes as well as the “why” behind them, transforming the unknown into the known.

Tell a good tale about your rebranding process in your press release to get people excited about it. Your company may, for example, be rebranding to coincide with a new green program. Then, describe how consumers will benefit from the rebranding (product improvements, for example). Anticipate your consumers’ concerns, then solve them by addressing things like price adjustments or a shift in the company’s vision or direction.


Rebranding press release example (Source: Twitter)

7. Press Release on the Partnership

A partnership, like a rebranding news release, frequently entails significant changes for your firm, which often trickle down to your consumers. A press release may help you remove the fear of the unknown among stakeholders, such as consumers, so you can concentrate on generating enthusiasm about the good improvements the collaboration will bring. It’s a chance to address any concerns your stakeholders may have about the change while also surprising them with the benefits.

In one paragraph, answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how facts of your release. The remainder of the essay should then concentrate on the difficulties that the collaboration addresses for stakeholders, as well as the positive developments that they may expect. Include a remark from both collaborating firms’ leaders that illustrates the partnership’s worth, comforting stakeholders. Finally, describe how the cooperation benefits your product in detail.


Press release example for a collaboration (Source: Canterbury)

8. Press Release Regarding the Award

An award press release should highlight a recognition your organization or a person inside it has received for a business achievement. Winning a renowned industry award may help your firm portray itself as an industry leader, but only if your stakeholders and industry are aware of it. This may be accomplished by issuing an award news release, which should strive to position your company as a leader in your field.

In an impartial, modest tone, the opening paragraph of your award news release should clarify when and why the award was given. After that, it should describe what this accolade means for your organization (if it positions you as an industry leader or helps you accomplish your company mission, for example). To assist you break from the objective tone and communicate your company’s delight, use statements from executives or the organization that gave the prize.


Example of a press release for an award (Source: Aces Loans)

The Essential Components of a Press Release

Many parts of a press release are optional (such as a subhead and a closing note), but many others are required for your news release to be successful. Your firm logo, contact information, release place and date, title, first paragraph, body paragraphs, and boilerplate should all be included in a press release.


The components of a successful press release

Here are the seven components of a successful press release:

  • Your logo should be 200×200 pixels and placed in the top center of your press release. This ensures that your press release stands out and that journalists are connected to your brand.
  • Make sure your press release contains your name, phone number, and email address so that readers and media representatives may contact you for further information. If the press release is delivered by a professional public relations (PR) agency, double-check that the contact information indicates who the media should contact when writing their article.
  • The release date should be included in the top-left corner of your press release, along with the words “For immediate release” or “Embargoed for release until [day, time, time zone].” This notifies media outlets when your release is ready for publishing.
  • Your title should be centered above the first paragraph, between 65 and 80 characters long, utilize clear language, and be printed in a 14-point font. The finest headlines are straightforward and succinct, and they effectively highlight the release’s important material.
  • The first paragraph of your press release should begin with what is known as the dateline, which contains the city, state, and the date of your release, followed by a dash. Then, in 50 words or fewer, describe your story’s who, what, when, where, why, and how. Be careful to explain why readers should care when you give these important information.
  • Body paragraphs and quotes: The body of your press release should be two to four paragraphs long and concentrate on what makes your announcement noteworthy.
  • Boilerplate: A boilerplate is a one-paragraph summary of your company that is no more than 100 words long. Use it to describe your company’s mission, goods, and why it stands out in the industry (awards earned and years in business, for example).

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the purposes of press releases?

Companies may publish a press release to seek media attention for an announcement such as a new business or product launch, an award victory, a new hiring, a corporate event, or a rebranding campaign. Press releases are also used by authors to announce the publication of a new book. The information in a press release is designed to make it easier for journalists, bloggers, and influencers to write about your news, increasing the likelihood that they will do so.

What is a press release’s format?

A centered brand logo and story title, when the release is relevant (immediately or on a certain date), and contact information readers can utilize to learn more should all appear at the top of a press release. The content should have an introduction paragraph with the most crucial data, three to four paragraphs that go into greater depth about the topic, and a boilerplate that tells readers about the firm or companies featured in the narrative all on one page.

What is the best way to submit a press release?

Make a list of news sources and important bloggers who could be interested in your topic and whose audiences are similar to your target audience before sending a press release. Then, go to their websites to learn about the standards for submitting press releases to your favorite news sources. Adapt your release to meet the standards for submission. Then, find each outlet’s press release submission website and submit your release according to their instructions.

To send a press release to influencers, look for the influencer’s email address on LinkedIn or Hunter. Then send your press release through email. In the opening paragraph of your email, describe yourself and your company. Explain that you are submitting a press release and what the press release is about in the second paragraph. Request that the influencer write about your story in the third paragraph. Finally, give them your contact information so they may get in touch with you if they have any questions.

Conclusion: Different Types of Press Releases

A press release is a formal statement from a firm that contains information that bloggers, influencers, and news organizations may use to write about your story for their audiences. When done properly, a press release entices media representatives to inform their audiences about your news. Event, book, product, new business, new hire, rebranding, collaboration, and award news releases are the eight most typical forms of press releases.

A press release must have a number of vital parts and be written in a precise style and structure. If you don’t follow these guidelines, your tale may get minimal attention. If you’ve never written a press release before and need help, PRWeb is a press release distribution service that starts at $99 per press release and includes editing and delivery. To get started right now, go to PRWeb.

Visit PRWeb to learn more.


The “event press release sample pdf” is a press release template that can be used for events. It includes 8 different types of press releases to get your message out.

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