20 Strategies to Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Conversions seem to be becoming more challenging to come by as the digital world becomes more complicated and cluttered. People are beset with a plethora of choices. Your competition no longer consists only of businesses similar to yours. As a result, you are in direct competition with anybody else developing content in the same place as you.

The good news is that conversions aren’t as challenging to come by as you would think. It is possible to drastically raise your conversion rate while simultaneously growing your eCommerce business if you understand how the internet has changed, people’s tastes, and how you can fulfill those needs.

Here are proven strategies for doubling your eCommerce conversion rate in 2021.

How to Calculate the eCommerce Conversion Rate?

Calculating the eCommerce conversion rate (CVR) is as simple as comparing the total number of site visits with the total number of individuals who complete the required activities (such as placing an order).

Consider the following case: assume you have 1000 visits to your online business on a particular day, but only 20 of them make a purchasing decision.

The conversion rate for a purchase action or event will be in this example.

(the number of visitors who made a purchase divided by the total number of visits). One hundred times (201000) times 100 times is 2 percent.

As previously stated, purchasing items is not the only parameter used to determine the conversion rate. In addition, you may select the speed using a variety of different indicators.

Another example: Assume that your WooCommerce website has 1000 unique visitors on a specific day, but that only 50 of those visitors sign up for your email subscription.

This means that (50 1000) * 100 = 5 percent of the total number of registration actions or events will convert.

Please keep in mind that you may gather this information and use it in the future to retarget visitors. Then, after examining their behaviors, you can devise a plan for converting the visitors into long-term consumers in the future.

What is a Good Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

The average conversion rate for online shopping is 1 percent to 2 percent.

Even though you are doing everything correctly, you may expect to win the sale just around 2 percent of the time.

The tactics listed below enabled me to get a 2 percent conversion rate on my website.

Their impact on conversion rates assesses these stages, but they all contributed to a tiny but significant increase in the entire shopping experience.

It is recommended that you aim for a conversion rate of 2 percent or more for your online business.

Once you’ve achieved this and successfully used all 28 of the strategies listed below, you may move on to more sophisticated conversion rate strategies.

What to Understand Before Starting an Ecommerce CRO Campaign

Allow me to be completely honest with you. What I’m going to demonstrate is a straightforward procedure. However, it is not simple. It requires effort and a great deal of patience. If this is your first time working with conversion optimization, you will most likely make a few mistakes and fall.

In light of the above, there are a few measures you may take to tip the odds in your favor.

First and foremost, this is not about you.

It is all about your customers. In CRO trials, they are the beating heart of the operation. You place your audience on a pedestal and try to find out all you can about them throughout the presentation. It is essential to understand their requirements, comprehend their psychology, and satisfy them at the appropriate stage of the buyer’s journey.

And I’m not only referring to the consumer profile and demographics that you jotted down when you initially launched your company. I’m referring to the process of becoming intimately acquainted with your target audience. You need to understand what makes customers tick and go out of your way to identify the tiniest details that might impact their purchasing choices.

Only by making adjustments depending on what your target audience wants will you make meaningful progress.

Second, CRO is both a scientific and an artistic endeavor.

Conversion rate optimization thrives when data and science are used in conjunction. However, there is an amount of guesswork involved as well. But, it’s the kind of educated guesswork that is supported by evidence.

Please wait a moment. If it’s based on evidence, it can’t be considered guesswork, can it? However, here’s the catch: The CRO is concerned with human behavior. Therefore, no matter how much data we have to anticipate behavior, we will never be 100 percent certain unless we do a scientific test.

Finally, to get decisive outcomes, you must generate traffic.

Traffic. It is required to launch conversion optimization initiatives. The only method to determine the impact of your modifications purchasing behavior is to conduct tests on actual customers—ideally, a large amount of it. You must have the numbers to work with to get speedy results and reliable data.

20 Tricks to Double Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

It’s time to move on from theorizing. Let’s get this party started. Follow these 20 methods to improve your eCommerce shop to increase conversion rates.

Boost Your Page Loading Speed

What is the loading speed of your website? To find out, run the Google PageSpeed Insights or the Pingdom Website Speed tests on your website.

If your website is too sluggish, it will cause your visitors to bounce at various phases of the purchasing process. Adding a few seconds to your page’s loading time may have a significant impact on your conversion rate.

You must come up with innovative techniques to make your website load quicker. For example, you may need to change web hosts or improve your hosting package to handle more significant traffic. Alternatively, sophisticated performance monitoring tools may be used to determine if your plugins are performing slowly.

Use an image compressor to reduce the size of images and code on your website and eliminate any unnecessary regulation. Also, consider using a CDN (content delivery network) to improve performance.

Optimize your store for mobile devices

Mobile commerce is becoming more popular. Eighty-two, for example,  percent of Internet users in the United States have done their shopping online using a mobile device.

Mobile-friendly e-commerce sites have a 67 percent higher probability of converting than those that are not. Conversely, those who browse websites that aren’t mobile-friendly are more likely to leave and make a purchase from a different website, according to the study.

In 2021 and beyond, optimizing for mobile will be a necessity.

In addition, mobile consumers spend twice as much money as clients who purchase on other platforms. As a result, not only will your conversion rates improve, but your average order value will as well.

Reduce the complexity of your design

Simplicity can persuade.

Reduce the amount of clutter on your website. Make use of whitespace and utilize pictures sparingly on your site to maximize its effectiveness. Optimize the structure of your website and make it simple for users to browse.

Having too many flashing lights, bells, and whistles on your eCommerce website might cause a visitor to get disinterested in what you’re selling. However, by simplifying the design, the client can concentrate on your goods, value proposition, and other components that influence their decision to purchase.

Simple designs also load quicker, which ties back to our first strategy, increasing the pace at which your website loads.

Improve the quality of your writing

An internet marketing research recently showed that text is the essential ingredient in converting visitors into customers.

Copy is an essential component of an eCommerce website since it must communicate the product’s narrative. However, purchasing online does not provide the same benefits as shopping in-person because of the lack of physical accessibility.

They depend on written material to provide consumers with further information about the brand and items.

Don’t haphazardly hurry through your content. Instead, allow yourself to spend the necessary time making each word vital to you.

For those of you who are new to the world of website copywriting, we recommend that you read our beginner’s copywriting guide. This resource provides you with everything you need, including copywriting formulae, to increase eCommerce conversion rates.

Make use of high-definition visuals

Written material alone will not be sufficient to increase sales. You’ll also need high-quality photographs and videos to accompany your text.

Your product’s images should provide the consumer with as much information as possible about what they’re buying. Create an experience similar to what a person would have if they were physically handling the object.

Take photographs from every possible angle. Details and features are brought into sharper focus. Demonstrate how the product works. For example, if you are selling hiking boots, display such footwear on the feet of someone who is trekking on a path. Demonstrating how the product works through videos is a good idea.

When it comes to your images, quality is essential. Make advantage of your smartphone to take a few sharp images in your warehouse rather than merely using it for that purpose. Engage the services of a professional photographer; the expense will be well worth it.

Use of testimonials as a form of  social proof

Suddenly, the market has reversed course. While confidence in corporations and organizations continues to decline, Nielsen Trust Barometer 2017 found that trust in friends, family, and “people like me” is on the increase.

However, the more personalized your customer testimonials are, the more likely they will fall exactly where you want them to.

It’s not only your website that needs testimonials (where you should display them prominently). Additionally, they may be used for sales, event registration, and client retention emails to increase conversions. One of the best examples is right here in front of you right now.

Amazon’s brick-and-mortar bookstores rely on user reviews to sell books.

Tips for collecting and using positive testimonials that sell

  • When your consumers are satisfied, just a tiny percentage of them will take the time to leave you a review. However, they are more likely to post about their excellent moments on social media than other people.
  • The best way to track what people are saying about your brand is to use keyword alert tools to monitor what people are talking about your brand.
  • Use images to convey your message. Videos and live feeds of satisfied consumers are even better. In addition to being more believable, visual testimonies are also more captivating.
  • Be on the lookout for/use client testimonials in which your customers talk about the positive effects of solving the issues you know they face.

Effortless navigation

You should avoid reinventing the wheel when creating navigation for your e-commerce website.

Visitors should have a pleasant and seamless experience on your website, and they should be able to locate what they’re searching for quickly and easily.

Your search bar should be prominently displayed.

On average, 30% of e-commerce site users will use the search feature provided by the site. Visitors who find what they’re seeking are more likely to become customers, which is vital.

When it comes to desktop websites, site navigation is often found at the top or on the left side of the screen.

It’s usual to find a “hamburger” menu (the symbol with three lines) in the upper left corner of mobile websites.

But, for the time being, let’s speak about categories.

There shouldn’t be a single location where a product may be found that can be classified under numerous subcategories.

If a visitor is seeking a Fitbit under the category “wearable technology,” but you only have it listed under “fitness trackers,” the visitor may conclude that you do not sell the product.

After that, they can decide to leave and never return.

Your e-commerce site builder or plugin should provide you with reasonably straightforward methods of doing this.

It is possible to get information on managing product taxonomies in the product documentation provided by WooCommerce.

Different e-commerce site builders and plugins contain varying levels of analytics, so be sure to read the instructions for the exact product you’re using before getting started.

Also, invariably, always check the internal search statistics on your website.

This may offer you helpful insight into what visitors are looking for and how they interact with your site’s navigation. But, of course, you’ll need to make changes to your site due to the information.

Make the checkout experience as simple as possible

First and foremost, make it possible for guests to check out.

I understand how important it is to have registered consumers on your site. Still, with more and more people making purchases on their cellphones, encouraging them to register is becoming more challenging.

Sometimes all they want is to go out and purchase a pair of leggings.

More than a third of those who abandoned carts did so in 2016 because they did not want to register an account or were experiencing other difficulties with a cumbersome checkout procedure.

Customers should not be required to register to purchase from you.

Several retailers, like Threadless and Macy’s, have used guest checkout to speed their checkout processes.

Both websites provide the option to establish an account to expedite checkout, but none requires it.

If the prospect of eliminating the need for registration makes you uncomfortable, you may always do some preliminary testing to see how guest checkout affects your bottom line.

Over the last many years, the research regularly suggests that visitor checkouts may make the difference between a sale and an abandoned basket.

Follow up on abandoned shopping carts

Speaking of abandoned carts, keep an eye on your abandonment rates to find out why these sales aren’t being completed as quickly as they should be.

Check to see that your website’s design isn’t a contributing factor to abandoned shopping carts. Instead, something as basic as outbound links on a sales page might be the source of the problem.

Carts that have been abandoned provide a significant chance to boost conversion.

Approximately 35% of abandoned products are possibly recovered via a mix of enhancements to the checkout process, site optimization, and improved product content.

Make sure to follow up on abandoned carts through email within a few hours of their abandonment if your newly optimized checkout procedure isn’t enough to bring about the successful completion of the deal.

This is something that Road ID accomplishes well. They may even provide a discount to entice the buyer to return and finish the transaction.

Emphasize your return or warranty policy

Your return and guarantee policies should be prominently displayed on your website. Unfortunately, many e-commerce websites do not provide them (but you should).

More than half of all consumers will read the return policy before making a purchase, so make sure yours is clear, concise, and honest before offering it.

One of the most significant disadvantages of shopping online is that you cannot physically touch or try the purchased item.

Customer service is essential because consumers want to know that you will care for them if the product isn’t exactly what they were hoping for.

Your clients will feel more at ease and assured if you are transparent with them about your return and guarantee policies. Additionally, they are more likely to finish a transaction.

Offer time-limited coupons

Create discount codes that consumers may enter at the time of purchase to get a specified amount off or a percentage of their investment for a short period.

When your discount code expires, consumers will feel a sense of urgency, and they will be more likely to complete their purchase and not get sidetracked by other offers.

Maintain a competitive pricing strategy

Unless you sell high-end brand-name goods widely available in other places, you will have to price your products at or below the average price to compete effectively.

Make careful to alter your rates regularly to evaluate what works best.

Also, keep in mind that the quality of your marketing and graphics will significantly impact the amount of money someone is prepared to spend on your product.

Fitness businesses such as Lululemon and Outdoor Voices have done very well in this area.

Take, for example, the piece in the New Yorker that lauds Outdoor Voices’ goods and services.

They have identified and targeted the appropriate audience.

Market your brand to the appropriate target, using the proper language and visuals, and the money will start rolling in.

Using live chat software

I’ve had varying degrees of success with this.

I feel that using live chat software may enhance conversions; however, I would recommend that you only utilize it if you are present during business hours to reply to clients who want a conversation instantly.

Do not allow the program to enter the phase that informs people that you are now unavailable and that they may leave a message for you.

That gives out a negative signal.

If you cannot be there when people wish to talk, it is preferable not to implement it.

On the other hand, this accomplishes establishing a direct channel of contact between you and your prospective consumer.

Making a genuine human connection will aid in the development of trust for this transaction and long-term customer loyalty in the future.

Show shopping cart contents always.

After the user has placed an item in the shopping cart, display a shopping cart icon linked to the shopping cart page.

If they are unable to locate the cart, they will be unable to complete the transaction.

Also, be sure to show them what they are genuinely purchasing as they go through the checkout process.

As previously said, BigCommerce’s streamlined checkout takes care of this right out of the box.

Customers should be allowed to check out as guests

Allow consumers to complete their purchases without having to create an account.

You will already have their name and email address if they make a purchase.

Forcing a customer to register just serves to provide them with yet another reason to quit your shop.

Provide comprehensive product descriptions

You must explain the product in great detail so that the buyer understands precisely what they are purchasing.

Keep in mind that they will not be able to touch the goods and will not be at a shop to ask questions.

Returns will be prevented as a result of this.

Even better: include a video or demonstration of the product.

Sierra Designs’ goods all have videos that can be seen on their product pages, demonstrating how to use the product and how it looks.

All of this also contributes to improving your SEO ranking, making it advantageous for you in various ways.

Allow consumers to provide product reviews.

What is it about Amazon that attracts so many customers? As a result of the reviews.

Remember the last time you purchased the comfort of your own home?

Did you read customer reviews before making a purchase? I’m sure you did.

As a thank you for posting a review, you could even provide consumers with a discount code or other form of incentive to use the next time they make a purchase.

Also, encourage customers to communicate any concerns or complaints to you to handle them, since this will help you obtain more good reviews.

Make your “Add to Cart” and “Checkout” buttons conspicuous

When a user is considering making a purchase, an actionable button that clearly states what they should do and sticks out from the rest of the surrounding text and pictures might encourage them to proceed.

The lack of these buttons is often the consequence of marketers overthinking their strategies and objectives.

As long as you’re not obnoxiously bombarding users with CTAs, I’d be concerned about losing conversions due to not having these buttons easily accessible.

BigCommerce now provides a customizable Buy Button that you can quickly include into your website for conversions.

Have a fantastic product return policy

Before making a purchase, most consumers (more than 50%) will review the return policy.

It is important not to overpromise but to make the return process straightforward for consumers (within reason).

Although this may not seem to be conversion optimization, it is another example of fundamental business practices that serve as CRO.

Visitors should be retargeted.

The ideal area to discover new consumers is among those already familiar with your company’s products and services.

The likelihood of a consumer making a purchase from you in the future increases if they have viewed your website at least once.

Random people who encounter your untargeted advertisements may not even be interested in what you have to offer in the first place.

You spend your marketing expenditures on the individuals who are most likely to convert when you set up retargeting ads for them.

Form fields should be minimized.

To a certain extent, conventional thinking is correct in that fewer form fields result in higher conversion rates.

On the other hand, recent research has shown that it is critical to recognize which fields should be removed and which should be left in.

During the checkout process, make sure you ask the right questions (just not too many). If you use language that pulls your visitors in, you may see a significant increase in your conversion rate.

Prices in an A/B test

When introducing a new product, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is the product’s pricing structure.

If your prices are too high, you may lose sales. If you set your price too low, you risk squeezing your profit margin too severely. Of course, you cannot sell the same product in your online store at two distinct price points simultaneously.

You’ll need to provide two somewhat different versions of the same product to A/B test your pricing strategy. For example, suppose you’re selling a leather bag. You may consider including a complimentary name tag with the purchase if your price point is higher.

Incorporate video

Videos will attract more visitors to your eCommerce business. It is also an excellent method of demonstrating the advantages of your items.

Zappos is an excellent illustration of how videos can be used to increase internet sales. For example, many of the product pages at the shoe shop have films embedded in them.

However, maybe more crucially, they show someone walking in the shoe to demonstrate its functionality.

Create a feeling of urgency

As previously noted, specials and promotions with a set expiration date may instill a feeling of urgency in customers to make a purchase right now.

You may also create a sense of urgency by informing your buyers that you are only selling a limited number of a particular product.

If there is a “Low Stock” sticker on a product page, it might alert a browser that the time to purchase has come.

Final Thoughts

We understand that CRO is complex. As the concept matures, many intricacies and levels can only be developed through time. Although it may be difficult at first, sorting things out is never a simple process. However, after you’ve mastered the technique, things will be far better.

Hopefully, after reading this piece, you’ll better understand the fun side of CRO and how to implement them. Also, I hope you found this article to be of assistance!

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