Rental Application Form [+Free Templates]

When you rent out your home or apartment, there are a lot of things to consider. Here is our free rental application form and some templates for renters and landlords alike. The rental application form is a document that will help you to apply for tenancy in your house. It contains all necessary information about the property, including the address and contact details of the landlord or agency

A potential tenant fills out a rental application form in order to lease a property. Property owners use it to screen renters and determine if they are eligible to rent the property.

Template for a Rental Application

Landlords may use the free rental application templates below to gather information about potential tenants, such as contact information, work history, rental history, and criminal record. There are three distinct types of rental property templates below, each for a different kind of rental property. You may choose which template is best for you based on the kind of property you’re seeking to rent.

These rental templates are designed to assist in the screening of potential renters for residential properties.


What Are the Benefits of Using Free Rental Application Templates?

The above-mentioned free rental application templates may be used to collect pertinent information from potential renters. You may utilize applicant information to obtain financial data and do background checks before deciding whether or not to accept a potential renter. Make sure you get the appropriate template for your requirements.

The following are the ideal times to utilize each template:

  • The rental application form for single-family house owners is appropriate if your rental property is a detached single-family dwelling; in certain cases, the template may also work for row homes or detached cottages.
  • The holiday rental property template should only be used if you’re renting a property for a short period of time; for longer leases, you should use one of the other templates.
  • Condo & apartment rental application template: This rental application template is ideal for landlords who own several flats or condos; even if the condominiums are in separate buildings, the template will assist you in gathering information to rent a unit within a condominium association.

These rental application templates should only be used as a starting point. Consult a real estate lawyer to make sure you’re following state and municipal landlord-tenant regulations, as well as the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), among other laws.

When Should You Fill Out a Rental Application Form?

Whenever you rent your home to a renter, you should use a rental application. A room at your main house, a holiday rental property, or an apartment may all qualify. For a renter who will be residing in the property for one month or more, it is suggested that you utilize a rental application form.

Rental-Application-Form-Free-Templates“Everyone with suitable flats for rent should use a rental application. It’s not only a good way to find a good renter, but it’s also a fantastic way to keep track of all your tenants’ information.”

Evan Peoples, Spaces Real Estate Broker

In general, a rental application is appropriate for:

A rental application form is seldom required when a renter rents your holiday rental property via a service like Airbnb or VRBO. Instead, the site will collect a copy of the tenant’s identity, as well as the entire rental payment, as well as a security deposit and cleaning charge, in advance. This is typically done instead of doing a thorough tenant screening.

What Should a Rental Application Form Contain?

Basic personal, professional, and financial information should be included on a rental application form. It should also contain the tenant’s monthly income and the number of people who will be living in the unit. Remember not to include anything on the rental application form that is considered a protected class, such as race, religion, or sexual orientation.

1. The date on which your rental application was completed

This should be at the top of the application, and it is not the date the tenant want to move in, but rather the date on which he or she completes the application. This is significant because you may have many eligible renters to pick from, and you may select the one who completed the application first.

2. Application Fee for a Rental

The landlord generally fills out the rental application fee, which is usually located at the top of the application. The average application cost is $25 to $100, although some condo complexes and co-ops charge more. The amount of application fees that landlords are allowed to charge varies by state. You may speak with a local attorney for additional information.

This is why a property management software like Avail is ideal for setting the rental application cost and screening the renter for you. It conforms with all applicable state and federal laws, making it one less thing to worry about. Contact the firm now to have your candidates screened, their histories checked, and to assist you in drafting a state-specific lease.

3. Information about the property

The property information is the next piece of information on our free rental application template. This contains the property’s complete address, including the unit number and, if applicable, the building. This is often overlooked on rental application forms, but it is critical if you have several homes.

The renter will know the property and unit they’re applying for if they fill in the property address, and you’ll be able to store their application in the right property file. You’ll also want to keep your tenant’s important information safe, so keep all of their papers locked up.

4. Information about the applicant

The following should be included in the application information section:

  • Full name of the applicant
  • The applicant’s present residence and the length of time they’ve been there
  • Phone Number
  • Contact information
  • The number on a driver’s license or other forms of identification
  • The number assigned by the Social Security Administration
  • If relevant, the name and phone number of the applicant’s present landlord.
  • Arrests, crimes, and convictions are all part of a person’s criminal history.

Keep in mind that under the Fair Housing Laws, age is considered a protected class. If you’re renting a home in an age-restricted neighborhood, such as one for people 55 and over, you shouldn’t ask for the applicant’s age unless you’re confirming their identification after screening them.

One of the most significant benefits of gathering this information from potential renters is that background information can immediately establish if the information they’ve given is accurate. Another good incentive to deal with a business like Avail is that they can handle everything from tenant applications to background checks and credit reports.

5. Work Experience of the Applicant

If the candidate has been in their present position for less than two years, this part should contain their current employment status as well as their work history.

On the rental application template, the applicant’s job section should include:

  • Name of the company
  • Address of the Employer
  • Name of the supervisor
  • Contact information (phone number and email address)
  • Duration of employment
  • Position
  • Gross monthly earnings
  • Extra cash flow

It’s critical to learn about the applicant’s job history so that you may use a tenant screening service to confirm their employment. You may also see whether they have enough money to pay the rent. To qualify for a rental property, landlords often need renters to earn three times the monthly rent or more.

6. Additional Occupants

In most cases, the extra occupant section is utilized for any children under the age of 18 who live in the home. It’s important to remember that discriminating against a renter based on their family status, including the number of children they have, is prohibited. However, owing to the risk of fire, you may not be able to approve a three-child application for a one-bedroom apartment.

Each candidate above the age of 18 who will be residing in the property should usually be screened. You’ll know who’s residing in your house, their credit score, and their criminal past this way. You also know whether they have the financial means to pay the monthly rental on their own. This is critical for couples as well as roommates. If one of the renters leaves, you’ll want to make sure the other tenants can continue to pay their rent.

7. Pets

Some buildings do not allow pets, but if you own the property and the building does, you may decide whether or not to accept them and whether or not to charge a pet deposit. Remember that any pet policy you select must apply to all tenants in that unit.

The type, breed, and weight of each pet are collected in this part of the rental application template. This is due to breeding limitations in certain places, like as Miami-Dade County in Florida, and pet weight limits in some buildings.

8. Transparency

The disclosure part should be written in compliance with your state’s landlord-tenant regulations, as well as fair housing and credit rules. It should, however, indicate that the renter authorizes you to run their credit, do a background check, and contact their employers and landlords for references. It should also state that you adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act as well as the Fair Housing Act.

9. Signature and date of the applicant

To be legitimate, the application must be signed. On the renal application form, the signature and date signed should be the last lines. They recognize that the applicant has read and agreed to the conditions of the application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it necessary for me to fill out a rental application form?

When renting property to a renter, you should utilize a rental application form. This enables you to determine who is residing in the home, their payment history, and whether or not they are able to pay the rent. The majority of evictions may be avoided by thoroughly screening tenants before renting to them.


“Prior to conducting an applicant’s credit and background checks, the information provided on a rental application is used to assist the landlord in ensuring that this is a suitable candidate.”

Nancy Wallace-Laabs, KBN Homes, LLC owner

Is it necessary for each tenant to complete their own rental application?

Every potential tenant above the age of 18 should fill out a rental application. This enables you to evaluate all potential renters and decide if they will be able to pay the rent if another resident moves out. It’s up to the landlord’s decision whether or not one application may be liable for all of the tenants.

Is there anything I shouldn’t ask on a tenant application form?

Landlord-tenant regulations in your state, as well as the Fair Housing Laws and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, must be followed while filling out tenant application forms. Your tenant application form should include questions about the renters’ capacity to pay rent, criminal or eviction history, and credit report. Questions about age, race, or religion should be avoided.


“Rental applications are an excellent method to show a state or local body that you are using fair rental practices. The idea is that when an objective standard, such as an application, is utilized, bias is minimized. Distinct categories of people have different housing rights in each state. Some provide LGBT individuals with protections, while others do not.”

Brad Biren, Johnston Martineau Attorney

Is it necessary for me to fill out a standard rental application and sign a lease?

If you’re renting a home, you’ll need to fill out a regular rental application as well as a lease agreement. A rental application is used to evaluate prospective renters, while a lease is a formal contract that spells out the rental conditions and obligations of both the landlord and the tenant. After an application has been accepted, a lease is signed.

Final Thoughts

Any potential tenant should be given a regular rental application so that the landlord can thoroughly screen them before accepting them as a renter. When screening prospective renters, it’s critical to follow landlord-tenant regulations as well as fair housing, credit protection, and privacy laws. A rental application template is a reference to what should be included in a typical rental application.

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