Best Free Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

Try out these ten free CRO Tools to assist you in converting visitors into leads in 2020, including popular options like Hotjar and Google Analytics.

Many CRO (conversion rate optimization) products are available on the market, although many are subscription-based. Although you will get all premium features, this is not an option if you only want to test the waters before committing. Alternatively, maybe you have a limited budget for tools.

As a result, we’re here to provide you with free conversion rate optimization tools that can assist you in increasing your conversion rates in 2022.

Why CRO tools?

Before we go into why we need CRO tools, let’s talk about why we need CRO in the first place (conversion rate optimization). To put it another way, you get more conversions. Visitors are converted into leads, and leads are converted into paying clients. It’s as simple as that.

On the other hand, effective conversion rate optimization has a more significant advantage in that it offers marketers a feeling of control over their campaigns. You may finally begin to comprehend the nagging “why?” questions that have been at the heart of your brand’s experience for years. What is causing clients to drop out of the funnel before completing the conversion? Consumers who do X convert, whereas customers who do Y depart your site without making a purchase. What is the difference?

Providing a more coherent, rational, and overall enjoyable customer experience has been and will continue to be the focus of effective conversion rate optimization (CRO). We would argue that CRO is turning into CJO – Customer Journey Optimization – due to this.

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start working on resolving critical issues in your customer journey, improving the overall experience for your consumers, and, of course, increasing your conversion rate.

Features to Look for in Your Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

A data-driven basis

Trying to figure out the client journey shouldn’t be a guessing game either. Finding a platform that uses your current data while also making it simple to digest and comprehend is critical for successful conversion rate improvement.

As a result of the increased number of channels and devices available, there is more data to evaluate each customer’s trip. You will have a better grasp of things like the mobile experience and the channels people may be using to arrive at your site by using tools that assist you in mapping your customer journey – a critical first step in optimizing for conversions.

Effective segmentation

What is the behavior of various segments of your user base? For example, are some visitors putting items in their shopping carts but then abandoning them before reaching the checkout page? Finding a conversion rate optimization solution that classifies users based on their activity is the first step toward customized marketing that sends relevant messages at the appropriate moment.

Perhaps, after segmenting people who leave their carts before converting, you might offer them a special incentive that will push them to complete the conversion process, converting cart abandoners into paying clients.

Behavioral segmentation will also assist you in concentrating your efforts since specific visitor segments will be more important to prioritize than other groups. For example, although repeat visitors may be less in number than new visitors, they tend to have the highest average order value on average:

A/B testing that is seamless

The most effective conversion optimization tools make A/B testing a straightforward approach. If, for example, you’re doing a split-test in which the A group sees your old landing page and the B group visits a new landing page with updated visuals, you don’t want to be tying up IT resources by developing and launching a new landing page.

An excellent e-commerce marketing campaign is built on a foundation of continuous development and analysis, which allows you to make choices based on scientific facts while learning more about what motivates your consumers to click, sign up, or purchase. Reliable data makes it possible to hone in on specific components of the customer journey and maximize critical contact points, conversions, and micro conversions by displaying the correct message to the right person at the right time, all of which are knowable.

Customer journey analytics solutions that allow you to alter your user experience (UX) swiftly help you find helpful information about your customers’ experiences more quickly, allowing you to implement enhancements in less time.


Any CRO tool that you employ must be able to comprehend the contemporary consumer journey. A mobile-driven and nonlinear journey such as this one requires the knowledge provided by your CRO tool to make it as frictionless as possible for your customers to go through.

According to the evidence, the linear route notion is based on obsolete knowledge about mobile’s low conversion rate. Because mobile conversion rates have traditionally been lower, we decided it wasn’t worth our time to pay attention to it. It was just the beginning of the voyage, and it would have been impossible for anybody to convert on such a tiny screen.

Yes, it is true that although mobile traffic continues to grow, conversions aren’t keeping up with the rise in traffic. But here’s the essential part: mobile conversion rates are improving, and this trend will only continue as our shopping habits continue to evolve.

Personalization that is quick and simple

Having established knowledge of your visitors, planning out their path, and prioritizing your target audiences, the next step is to put your plan into action.

Personalization is one of the most effective conversion rate optimization strategies available to contemporary marketers. The problem is that personalization has traditionally been a pain point: most systems take months to set up and then need hundreds of person-hours to complete to be effective. Customization is seen as one of the most challenging implementations by marketers (30 percent), ranking it alongside machine learning as the most complex.

When evaluating your CRO tools, consider the level of engagement required from your IT staff since this will significantly influence the speed with which your CRO program can be implemented. To optimize your customer experience as quickly as possible, you must launch and test as many products as you can (and your conversion rate). Look for simple technologies to connect with your existing stack and deliver on personalization without requiring much effort.

That’s all there is to it! Don’t forget to check out the additional reading suggested for each of these five aspects, and do let us know if you need any assistance getting started.

How Do you Choose the Suitable CRO Tools?

GDPR compliance

Because you’ll be interacting with visitor data at each level, it’s critical to verify that your data gathering tools are GDPR compliant.


When utilizing various data analytics tools, be sure that each tool offers ‘integrations’ with the other tools you are already using or that the product has open APIs that can be used to create custom integrations. This helps to avoid data duplication, misunderstanding, and the uncertainties that come with it.


If you want to add supporting CRO software on your website, ensure that the tool is not compromised, mainly while conducting tests. Your CRO tools must be easy to use while still being safe and secure. Single sign-on, multi-step logins, and other security measures are beneficial. Take a look at these essential aspects of the CRO tool you’re thinking about using.

A multi-user dashboard

When choosing a CRO tool, look for an integrated dashboard that makes it simple to track and map your tests and other activities. Additionally, a user-friendly dashboard facilitates cross-team cooperation, which is a critical component of CRO.

Following the evaluation of the tools, let’s look at some must-have conversion rate optimization tools based on the various phases of conversion rate optimization.

Best Free Conversion Rate Optimization Tools


With its chatbots, MobileMonkey, founded by Larry Kim, is a Messenger promotional tool that assists businesses in connecting with prospective leads via the usage of Messenger. Following that, the program nurtures and converts lead. Considering that Messenger is used by more than 1.3 billion people across the globe, MobileMonkey is a profitable and straightforward solution to construct chatbots and manage your Facebook marketing plan without having to write a single line of programming code.

Key features;

  • Optimized Service: MobileMonkey employs Messenger-based chatbots to provide your customers with a quick and comfortable service experience. 24/7.
  • Extend your reach: You may utilize the widespread use of social media and mobile devices to broaden your audience.
  • There is no coding: Create artificial intelligence chatbots quickly and easily, with no code necessary. To increase conversion rates, it is the ideal platform for small companies and marketers to use.
  • Chat automation and the creation of conversion funnels are some of the other options available with MobileMonkey.


Hotjar is a conversion rate optimization (CRO) application that analyzes user behavior and provides feedback in terms of visualizations, surveys, and session recordings, among other things. These evaluations assist firms in gaining a more in-depth knowledge of their site visitors and identifying areas where improvements may be made.

Key features;

  • Examine site visitors: Hotjar allows you to do A/B testing and pinpoint the pipeline points causing your conversions to suffer.
  • Monitor user behavior: Hotjar delivers a complete overview of where your clients are scrolling, tapping, clicking, and lingering. When used in conjunction with Google Analytics, website owners may acquire extensive insight into their sites.
  • Heatmaps: Hotjar’s most prominent features are its heatmaps, pictorial representations of data that use color to describe site interactions.
  • Hotjar also provides feedback and analysis based on session records, which can help you enhance your conversion funnels even further.


TypeForm is a web-based platform that allows people and organizations to design and organize forms and questionnaires. It does this by eliminating the difficulty associated with gathering input via the use of more engaging forms. As a result, the typical completion rate of Typeform’s forms is 57 percent, according to the company.

Key features;

  • Personalization of forms: Design the forms you require, such as opinion scales, questionnaires, and rating scales, as needed.
  • API (application programming interface): This feature allows you to combine your forms with other programs to automate your procedures.
  • Logic Jumps (available as a premium subscription): utilize the Typeform capabilities with your survey logic to create a more complex survey. Logic Jumps enable you to reply to the responses of other individuals.
  • With the free plan, you’ll also receive templates, statistics, and data, as well as the opportunity to embed your Typeform on other websites.


SurveySparrow is a Palo Alto-based customer experience platform that aims to reimagine the data collection experience. SurveySparrow’s Conversational User Interface(CUI) allows users to create and share highly engaging, mobile-first surveys. In addition, the platform is well-equipped to perform an extensive analysis of the feedback collected to derive meaningful business conclusions.

SurveySparrow is another survey platform that allows businesses to gather responses and views and turn those insights into helpful information. As firms improve their websites, the user input they get helps to increase conversion rates as well.

Key features;

  • Subaccounts and numerous users: You may manage many accounts for various teams inside your organization under a single parent account.
  • Multilingual surveys: Using multilingual surveys, you may gather feedback from people all around the world in any language.
  • Visual workflows: Automate activities based on survey triggers by creating visual workflows. When replies are received, conditions are made, and tasks are completed. Configure it once and forget about it.
  • Businesses may gather valuable data and boost their conversion rate optimization (CRO) by using SurveySparrow.


When it comes to free conversion rate optimization tools, Crazy Egg is the best of the best. It is a leading website optimization technology that is used to track and analyze visitor behavior.

Key features;

  • Heat mapping; allows you to identify where your clients are clicking and which areas of your website are doing the best.
  • Origin tracker: Better understand where your users are coming from and whether or not they need to enhance their experience.
  • Analytical dashboards: Instead of traditional reports, you may access your data in an interactive and user-friendly way.
  • Crazy Egg also includes several other functional capabilities, such as design testing, CRM, A/B split analysis tools, and scroll maps, amongst other things.


Unbounce is a landing page builder that allows users to drag and drop elements into the page. Thanks to the platform, users will develop, test, and deploy landing pages in a more timely and effective manner. As a result, your organization can improve marketing, leads can be increased, and client relationships can be strengthened.

Key features;

  • Unlimited testing: There is no limit to the number of pages you can develop and test using this CRO tool.
  • Design assistance: Unbounce has a large number of various design templates to aid you in creating your web pages from scratch.
  • Client management: You will be able to arrange leads as well as manage your customers.
  • It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is; Unbounce keeps things simple with straightforward administration, the option to configure permissions for each user, and a feature that allows you to reproduce the performance of your most robust landing pages across several accounts.


With the help of WebWave’s free website builder, you can quickly and easily construct stunning websites using their drag & drop tool.

Key features;

  • RWD – responsive website: With a responsive website, you can predict exactly how a user will view your webpage on a computer, tablet, and smartphone.
  • Animations: You have complete control over the animation, including its direction and length. You can include animations into every area of your webpage and show it uniquely.
  • Image features: WebWave provides various image features, including the parallax effect, the ken burns effect, free stock pictures, and dynamic element size and alignment.
  • When it comes to constructing your website, their selection of features provides you with many options.


GTMetrix evaluates your website’s overall speed and performance and provides essential recommendations on enhancing performance and speed. Users of WordPress may be familiar with GTmetrix, a free plugin that allows you to optimize your site’s page performance.

Key features;

  • Advanced testing: GTMetrix enables you to analyze your website at varying connection speeds, in various countries and on a variety of browsers. You will also get a score based on the measurements provided by Google PageSpeed Insights and YSlow.
  • Page insights: GT Metrix explains why your page takes so long to load, allowing you to make modifications as needed.
  • Different devices: You may check how your site loads differently based on which platform is being utilized.
  • Because speed is a significant aspect of conversion rate optimization, a program like GTMetrix is recommended.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Page speed insights provide information on the speed and reliability of your web pages. Page speed insights

Key features;

  • Recommendations: The program provides suggestions to assist you in improving your speed and performance.
  • Performance score: Using a performance score, people may evaluate the progress of their site and strive to improve it.
  • Classification: determine if your website is classified as slow, moderate, or quick.
  • Even if you don’t utilize GTMetrix, you must use PageSpeed Insights at the very least. It is a handy tool for conversion rate optimization (CRO) and all elements of internet marketing.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is by far the most widely used analytics platform available, and it also happens to be one of the most excellent free conversion rate optimization tools available. This Google software application summarizes data and uses a variety of funnel visualization techniques to do it.

Key features;

  • Full analytics: data analysis is critical to marketing optimization, so leave it to Google to do what it does best.
  • Advanced reporting: Google provides you with detailed information on your audience, including who, how, and what they are.
  • Budget allocation: Google distinguishes between your successful site strategies and those that are not successful. You can make better budget allocation decisions if you use this information.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the most appropriate conversion rate optimization software for your needs is critical to achieving your conversion rate objectives. However, reaching industry-standard conversion rates, or even greater conversion rates, requires more than one step to be successful.

You must understand how and when to utilize these tools in conjunction with a successful email marketing and landing page strategy, just like you would with any other technology. I hope that this list of the finest conversion rate optimization tools will help you get a head start on your optimization projects.

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