8 Effective Pet Sitting Marketing Strategies

How do you market your pet sitting business? I’ve talked with thousands of dog owners and pet sitting professionals, and they all want the same thing: more customers.

I’ve learned a lot from my friends in the industry, and have put together some of the best marketing strategies for growing your business.

Why Pet Sitting is a Unique Business

You get to meet new people and animals

People trust their pets with you and you can get to know them on a personal level. You will also be able to find pet owners that you may want to network with for other ventures.

Earn extra cash

The second reason is that you can earn some extra cash by taking care of someone else’s pet. This way, if you are trying to save up for something or paying off some bills, it can help with your financial situation as well as improve your credit score. This also allows you to earn some extra spending money to use however you like.

There’s no need to pay upfront for equipment

All you need is yourself, your space, your internet connection (if you want to run an online business), and some advertising dollars if you wish to market your services.


Pet sitting is a very flexible way to earn money, and it fits easily into your schedule. You can work as much or as little as you want, and it’s easy to scale up if business is good.

Benefits for pets

Pets often benefit from pet sitting services because they get more social contact with other animals and can receive training while their owners are away.

Travel opportunities

Pet sitting jobs are often located in vacation destinations, so it’s possible to travel while working.

High hourly rate

In most areas, you will earn about $20 to $30 per hour for your services, which is comparable to other trades such as grooming or dog walking.

Job security

As long as people have pets, they’ll need someone who can watch them while they’re away from home or busy during the day. As the population grows, this job will only become more in demand.

Main Pet Sitting Business Challenges


Running a pet sitting business requires some tasks that might be more difficult for others, like feeding and administering medicine to animals. You may need to clean up after pets as well, but many people enjoy these tasks.

Time management and money management

You will have to manage your time very carefully when you are running a pet sitting business from home. You will have to strike a good balance between spending enough time with your pets and doing the administrative tasks involved in running your business.

Finding customers can be difficult

With good customer service and hard work, you can find customers, but it takes time and effort. As more people become aware of the services that you provide, finding new customers shouldn’t be too difficult.

Late payments

Most pet parents have good intentions when they hire you as their pet sitter, but sometimes things happen and they aren’t able to pay right away or in full. You need to be professional even when dealing with late payments or partial payments.

Setting prices

Pricing your services is tricky. You need enough money to cover your costs and make some profit, but if you price yourself too high, your clients may go elsewhere. It takes some experience with the market before you can figure out the perfect price point that works best for your business.

An unregulated industry

Any business person considering a pet sitting business needs to know the legalities and liabilities that go along with it. A business owner needs to be able to back up all of the services offered, in writing, and be prepared to defend their position if legal action becomes necessary.

Pros and Cons of a Pet Sitting Business


  • It’s easy to start and there’s plenty of room for growth.
  • You can work from home or go mobile with your business.
  • There’s no need to pay upfront for equipment.
  • You can work at it as much or as little as you like.


  • Trouble finding leads.
  • Finding the right clients.
  • Long hours of work.
  • Keeping your clients happy.
  • Finding homes for strays.
  • Getting paid on time.
  • Tracking your income and expenses.
  • Dealing with difficult clients.
  • Maintaining your reputation.
  • The industry is unregulated and therefore, any business person considering a pet sitting business needs to know the legalities and liabilities that go along with it.

Best Pet Sitting Marketing Strategies

Put up signs in the neighborhood

Signs are a great way to get noticed by people passing your house on the street. Some pet sitting companies will go as far as to say that having signs up in the neighborhood is the most important marketing tool they have.

Trying to decide what type of sign you want is a very common problem with new pet sitters. They don’t know what works best or where to put them. So, I’m going to share some advice and ideas with you on this subject.

I recommend using a vinyl banner as your first choice for advertising. Here’s why:

  • Vinyl banners can be seen from a distance because they’re large, colorful, and have bold lettering, which makes them easy to read.
  • They are affordable, especially when compared with other types of sign advertising like newspaper ads or radio spots. You can mount vinyl banners on lamp posts, trees, or walls near major roads that see lots of traffic.
  • You can purchase them at any sign shop or online through Amazon or eBay, and these sites allow you to customize them with your message.

There are two main ways you can use vinyl banners in your business – as an outdoor sign or as an indoor sign. These types of signs work great if you live near a busy street or highway.

Do outreach in your community

Pet sitting services are a great way to get new customers and to build your reputation in your community. Trying to figure out how to do outreach in your community as a pet sitting marketing strategy? Here are some tips:

1) Make it personal. Make sure that you’re reaching out to people on a one-on-one level. That means sending personalized messages through email, direct mail, and social media. Don’t just send mass emails or blast ads all over the place. This can be annoying and unprofessional, and it could also get you into trouble with the law.

2) Find local resources. Do some research to find some local resources that have events that you can attend. For example, if there is a local chamber of commerce in your area, see if they have any upcoming events or activities that you can go to. You might even want to join the chamber (it’s usually a small fee) and become a member, which could help you network with other small business owners in your area!

3) Be positive! When you’re trying to reach out in your community as a pet sitter marketing strategy, don’t focus on how bad things are right now or what might happen in the future.

Hand out flyers (with treats or coupons attached)

Flyers are a great way to generate leads for your pet sitting business. Flyers work best when you attach a coupon or treat for the animal.

Here are 3 ideas for attaching coupons to flyers:

  • Use a piece of clear, cellophane tape and attach the coupon to the front or back of a flyer. When you pass out your flyers, people will see your cleverly attached coupon immediately.
  • Use event tickets that have barcodes on them as attachments for your pet sitting flyers. When people scan the ticket with a smartphone, they can see your contact information and the services offered. If you have several flyers with just your contact information on them, try adding one flyer with a small treat attached to each one.
  • Attach the treat so it dangles from the bottom of the flyers when they’re stacked up together. This lets you hand out more treats than you might be able to afford if you were handing them out separately.

Create a pet sitting website

A pet sitting website can be a great marketing tool for your small business because it provides information to potential clients, allows them to make bookings, and gives you a platform from which to advertise.

Trying to make money from a pet sitting business without a website is like trying to make money from a car dealership without a salesroom. You’ll always be playing catch-up with the competition.

Here’s how to create a pet sitting website that works for you:

1. Choose your domain name carefully. A pet sitting website must be highly relevant to the services you offer and it must also be easy to remember. Think of your business name or something catchy that sums up what you do, and then add “petsitting” or “pet care” or whatever term is most appropriate for your business. The best domains are short so people will easily remember them but long enough so they’re still easy to type in. If you have trouble deciding on the right name, get feedback from friends and family members who are familiar with your business.

2. Get the basics set up quickly. Don’t spend too much time thinking about the design of your site; it’s more important that it works properly than looks perfect straight away.

3. Market your website by using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, etc. You can also use blogs and mailing lists for the effective marketing of your services.

4. Use search engine optimization techniques for better ranking of your site on search engine results pages.

5. Use professional templates for creating your site so that it looks attractive and user-friendly.

6. Keep changing the content of your site so that it stays fresh and updated with the latest information and news on pets.

7. Easy Online Payments. If you use third-party software for processing payments, then this is also something that you can do through your website. This means that all of your customers can pay directly from their credit card to yours so that there is no need for you to have any cash on hand when they come to visit their animals.

Host a pet sitting webinar

If you have a pet sitting business and looking for some new customers, consider hosting a free webinar.

What is a webinar? A webinar is a live video presentation that may include PowerPoint slides, video clips, sound, and chat features. Webinars are often used as marketing tools.

If you want to learn more about pet sitting marketing strategies, here are 10 steps on how to ost a pet sitting webinar as a pet sitting marketing strategy.

1. Make a list of everyone whom you know that has pets.

2. Ask them if they would like to have their pets watched while they’re away on vacation or out of town for the weekend.

3. Check if they have any issues with their pets that need extra attention such as medication or special food requirements.

4. Write down all the information you’ve gathered from them.

5. Create an agenda for your webinar and send it out to all of your contacts.

6. Set up an online registration form so you can get people’s names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

7. Send out your invitations one week in advance using social media or by email.

8. On the day of your webinar, make sure to promote it on social.

9. Follow up after the event with an email to attendees.

10. Encourage attendees to leave reviews on sites like Yelp and Facebook.

Feature high-quality photos

Using high-quality photographs to market your pet sitting business is not simply a way to get a few more clients; it’s the best way to stand out from the crowd and create the impression you want.

A well-done photo speaks volumes about your professionalism, especially when compared to a competitor with blurry or dull pictures.

A great photo can also be used on social media sites and in print advertising, which will help you generate more business while giving you a less expensive alternative to paying for advertising space.

Protip: After taking pictures of your pets, try editing them with a free app like PicsArt. This simple app offers hundreds of editing options to edit your photos just right.

The following are tips on how to take professional-looking photographs that will make your business look great:

  • Choose a good location. When photographing pets, think about where you take the picture. It should be an area that has good lighting and isn’t cluttered with distracting objects. Before taking the photo, clear away any items that might be in the way so it’s easier to focus on getting the best shot possible.
  • Work on the “set”. If you’re shooting outdoors, time your photo session for the best lighting of day, which is generally in the early morning or right before sunset. The most flattering light comes from over the photographer’s shoulder, so to achieve this look, position yourself and your pet so that the sun is behind you. Pick a background without any distractions (tall weeds, power lines, or a busy street), and make sure it’s not too cluttered (a cluttered background will make your pet look smaller).
  • Keep it simple. Minimize props and background clutter. The simpler the better. You want your pet to be the main attraction, not his or her environment. Avoid using a lot of toys for photos—your pup may play with one toy but ignore all others! Instead, use a single toy as an accent (e.g., a tennis ball) to show off your pet’s favorite item.
  • Take advantage of natural light. Natural light is great because it comes in many different directions, making it easy to choose between soft and hard shadows. If you have access to a window that faces north or south, use that for optimal light. Natural light also keeps your home cool during warmer weather when windows are open.

Reach out to existing customers

As a pet sitter, you already have all the tools and skills it takes to reach out to your clients and connect with them after they’ve hired you.

You know their pets, they like you, and they trust you. Take advantage of this by reaching out to them after they hire you to let them know you’re available for even more jobs.

The following are 10 tips on how to reach out to existing customers as a pet sitting marketing strategy:

1. Know Your Audience – You need to know your audience to create an effective marketing campaign. Learn what they like and dislike, and where they hang out online. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to speak their language and connect with them.

2. Create a Landing Page – Create a landing page that highlights your business and what it has to offer. This is where people will go if they choose to opt-in for more information about your business or services. Be sure it is mobile-friendly, as most people access the internet from their mobile devices these days.

3. Create a Lead Magnet – Offer something of value in exchange for contact information such as an offer that can only be claimed through opting in or a special report that is available only to subscribers. Do not overwhelm your audience with offers because that will cause them to unsubscribe and lose trust in you as a source of valuable content.

4. Make sure your website is efficient at converting leads. In general, prospective customers should be able to contact you from your website within 3 clicks or less. You should also have an “about us” page that describes your company, as well as pictures of yourself and any other staff members, to build trust with potential clients.

5. Create a loyalty program. Offer existing customers a discount on their next booking if they refer a friend or family member, or offer them a free service.

6. Advertise in neighboring towns. If you’re in a densely populated area, it’s worth advertising in nearby cities that have similar demographics.

7. Add testimonials and pictures to your website. Showing pictures of the animals you’ve cared for will help reassure people that you know what you’re doing, and reviews from past customers can help build trust as well.

8. Create a calendar where they can book appointments online! This will make it easier for them to schedule time with you and will also make it easier for you to manage your time if everything is all in one place.

Respond to every inquiry

The first and most important step when responding to an inquiry is making sure you reply as soon as you can. Because if you wait too long, the client may think you’re no longer interested in their business.

Your response should be personalized to the client’s needs. Keep in mind that you are developing a business relationship with this person, so it’s important to make them feel comfortable by being honest with them about your services and your experience.

Here are some effective tips on how to respond to every inquiry as a pet sitting marketing strategy are:

1. Write a short and sweet response that includes the details of the request and a few lines about your credentials.

2. It’s always nice to add a personal touch, so if you know anything about the person inquiring, mention it.

3. Always talk about the pet! This is their focus and your opportunity to show off your ability to communicate with animals.

4. Always be sure to include your phone number(s) in your response email.

5. If you’re replying via email, make sure you’re using good grammar and spelling, but don’t get too wordy as this can turn people off quickly.

6. Use some kind of system for following up with leads so that you don’t lose track of anyone or forget to follow up with them later on down the line when they’re more serious about hiring you.

7. Just as in any other business, repeat customers are your bread and butter, so make sure you’re doing everything in your power to keep clients happy so that they refer their friends and family members to you for future work!

8. It’s really important that you establish trust from the get-go, so avoid talking about yourself too much.

Final Thoughts

A good pet-sitting marketing strategy will help drive new customers to your business regularly. But, it’s not going to happen by itself. Part of any good online marketing strategy requires consistent work in three areas: content, traffic, and conversion.

In this blog, we have shared pet sitting marketing strategies that you can use today to build a wonderful business where you are in demand ― with more customers clamoring to hire you!

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