8 Effective Cover Letter/Resume Service Marketing Strategies

In this blog post, we will share information about marketing strategies used by leading cover letter and resume service providers.

Why Cover Letter/Resume Service is a Unique Business

Guaranteed high-end customers

The business owner sets the price, which is typical $100 to $300, and only accepts customers who have a good credit record.

No sales or marketing experience needed

Unlike other businesses, no marketing skills are needed since there will be lots of customers knocking on your door without even asking for your advertisement or promotion. You can focus all your energy on the actual job itself – resume writing or editing.

No special education required

Even though it is strongly recommended that you have a bachelor’s degree from a reputable university, many people who are looking for a job now are not able to obtain one because they do not have enough relevant education background (or work experience) to meet the employer’s requirements.

Main Cover Letter/Resume Service Business Challenges

Trying to get new clients

This is probably one of the most difficult tasks you’ll face. No matter what, you will always be trying to get new clients so you can fill up your schedule and make more money.

keeping current clients happy

This is another big challenge in this business. Clients should be treated with the same respect as you would treat your coworkers and employees. That means no last-minute cancellations or “I don’t feel like it today” excuses. You have to keep your clients happy if you want them to stay clients for life.

Staying organized and on top of things

When you’re working from home, the last thing you want to do is lose papers and important information because it can lead to missing out on a job or even losing a client. Always make sure that when you say you’ll do something by a certain date, it’s done by that date!

Competitive field

There are thousands of resume-writing services available on the market already, so unless you can come up with a unique selling proposition, it will be hard for you to stand out from the crowd and attract customers.

There is no best way or formula for writing a resume

Unless you provide something truly unique and innovative in your services, you will likely find it difficult to convince people that your services are worth what they cost. The key here is to provide something truly unique and innovative so that people understand why their investment in your service will pay off in the long run.


To deliver a high-quality resume you need to make sure that your team is competent enough to deliver the best resume for the client. You need to ensure the quality of the material before delivering it to your clients and this requires some time and resources investment.

Pros and Cons of Cover Letter/Resume Service Business


  • You can do it part-time, full-time, or as a home-based business – whatever works best for you and your circumstances.
  • The pricing model is flexible, which means you have a lot of leeways when conceiving your fees.
  • There are tax benefits when running this kind of business from home (depending on your state and local laws).
  • Set your hours.
  • Low startup costs.
  • Earn extra income on a part-time basis.
  • Your clients will love you, and they’ll be willing to pay you more because you’re helping them find better-paying jobs.


  • Lack of client loyalty.
  • High competition and market saturation.
  • Maintaining quality work.
  • Lack of technical skill or expertise in resume writing.
  • Advanced technology.
  • Learning curve and training new employees.
  • Pricing strategy and customer acquisition costs.
  • Delivering on customer service and meeting client expectations.
  • Producing high-quality work as quickly as possible while avoiding errors.

Best Cover Letter/Resume Service Marketing Strategies

Promoting on LinkedIn

Promoting your resume service business on LinkedIn is much easier than some people think. By taking the right steps, you can have a successful presence on this social networking site within minutes. Trying to promote your resume writing business on LinkedIn as a marketing strategy is easy if you follow the tips below.

Step 1: Build Your Profile

The first step to promoting your resume writing business on LinkedIn is to build your profile. This should be done immediately after signing up for a free account. You want to make sure that you include all of your education and work experience in your profile, as well as any other relevant information about yourself. Once your profile is completed, you will want to connect with others in your field through the connections feature available on LinkedIn. This feature allows you to connect with industry leaders and professionals who might be able to help you out with clients or provide valuable networking opportunities for the future. This can help you get started in building a network of people that have potential value.

Step 2: Have a profile that’s complete and interesting.

If your LinkedIn profile doesn’t include all of your qualifications, experience, job history, and skills, people won’t be able to trust you with their resume-building needs. If you can’t fit everything into one page, consider creating more than one profile — one for each area in which you’re qualified or experienced. But keep it simple by having one profile that includes all relevant information.

Step 3. Browse other people’s profiles to see how they do it.

Be creative with your profile information by including videos and images to help people get a better idea of who you are. You can also add links of interest and write blog posts to provide helpful information about the service you provide.

Step 4: Become an active member of LinkedIn groups.

This is one of the most effective ways to promote your business on LinkedIn. Not only will you be able to connect with potential clients and employees, but you’ll also get the chance to showcase your expertise by sharing tips and answering questions in these groups. You can also post articles and join discussions in these groups. The more active you are in these groups, the more exposure you’ll get for your business.

Establish yourself as an expert

One of the best resume service business marketing strategies you can use is to establish yourself as an expert. It’s one thing to just have a business, but if people don’t know who you are, then they have no reason to hire you.

However, if you establish yourself as an expert in your industry and make that known, it gives people a reason to hire you.

Here are some tips on how to do so:

  • Teach classes: If you know something that others might not have, then consider teaching classes on the subject at local schools or community centers. Not only will this give you exposure for your business, but it will also help educate others about the subject so they know why they should hire you.
  • Publish articles: Writing articles for publications or magazines is another great resume service marketing strategy because it will let people know about your expertise and how to contact you for help with their businesses.
  • Know the resume trends: This is important because it will help you to understand what kind of services that people will be looking for when they come to you for resume services. You must learn more about their requirements.
  • Find a common problem that needs solving: If you’re starting as a resume service, you might want to find a common problem that everyone is experiencing, such as job hunting or maintaining their professional reputation. When you help solve this common problem, you’ll become an authority in the field.
  • Be clear about what qualifies you as an expert: Before you promote yourself as an expert, make sure people know why they should trust your advice or listen to your recommendations.
    • Does your resume service business have years of experience?
    • Are you certified?
    • Do you offer references from past clients?

If so, be sure to highlight these things on your website or social media channels so people know where to look for proof of your expertise.

Attend a job fair

Attending a job fair is an excellent way to meet potential candidates for your resume service business.

You can also use the opportunity to promote your business and get valuable feedback from recruiters. There are some things you should know before attending a job fair so you can be prepared for any situation.

Here are some tips:

  • Attend in person. If possible, go to the job fair in person rather than sending someone else from your company. Recruiters want to meet the owner or manager of a company they’re considering working with, so always attend in person if you can.
  • Prepare your staff. Make sure everyone who will be representing your company at the job fair is well-prepared and has specific goals for what they want to achieve. You should also discuss how they will handle any potential questions or objections that might be raised by the recruiters at the event.
  • Plan ahead. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare and finalize your plans before the job fair event date arrives, because many things can go wrong if you don’t give yourself enough time to plan.
  • Business cards. Whether they have been printed by you or a professional printing company, these are an excellent way to spread your name around while at an event like this.
  • Be Confident! Your appearance matters, but how you act matters more! It’s one thing to dress well, but if you’re timid while speaking with others, they aren’t going to take much notice of you. Instead of standing there like a deer in the headlights, smile and be friendly! Try to strike up some conversations with others in attendance at the event as well as with those who work for the company hosting it.

Hire a public relations firm

Hiring a public relations firm to handle your resume writing services business marketing strategy is the most important choice you’ll make. You can’t afford to make the wrong one.

Treating your public relations work as a side project or an afterthought is a recipe for failure. In this industry, you will get what you pay for. If your firm has no track record, how do you know it won’t fizzle out in six months or a year?

Look for organizations that have been around for at least five years and that focus on resume writing services PR.

A good public relations firm will provide references and testimonials from clients in your industry. And remember that great public relations firms bill by the month, not by the hour.

It’s time to stop considering public relations as an expense category and start thinking of it as a revenue-generating tool to help grow your business. A great public relations firm will help you do just that.

Engage with customers on social media

Social media has emerged as a powerful way to market your resume service business.

The platforms you utilize should match the nature of your business and what you want to achieve with your customers. Treating social media as a branding exercise is not the same as actually engaging in a two-way dialogue with potential customers.

Social media is just another tool at your disposal, but it’s a powerful one if used properly.

Social media is a great way to connect with customers so you can help them and they can help you.

Here are some tips on how you can use social media effectively:

  • Be human – Don’t be afraid to show your personality and have fun on social media. Your customers will appreciate this. This helps develop trust between you and your users, while also making your business more memorable. It’s hard to forget someone who makes you laugh or shows an interest in what you have to say.
  • Don’t overdo it – Too much information can be just as bad as not enough information. Posting too much can get annoying for your users, who probably won’t read everything you post anyway. As a general rule, aim for one to two updates per day that include pictures or videos if possible.
  • Be proactive – Being proactive when it comes to engaging your customers on social media is the first step towards creating a sustainable relationship with them. You should be constantly monitoring your page and responding to comments as they come in. This will help form an immediate connection with your customers and allow them to see that you care about what they have to say.
  • Stay active – Social media platforms such as Twitter are designed so that activity feeds forward and backward in real-time. That means that even if you don’t have time to respond to every single customer comment, you should still make sure that you stay active on your page by posting regularly. This will keep the conversation going between you and your customers and will keep potential customers from getting bored and leaving.

Use google+ pages and local business listings

Google+ Pages and local business listings are the best strategies for bolstering your resume service marketing using Google.

These two platforms are not only free to use, but they offer many advantages over other social media platforms.

In particular, Google+ pages rank high in Google searches, making them a valuable asset in building your resume service business’ brand.

Local business listings are also invaluable as they allow you to target customers in your area. By combining these two tools, you can build a powerful marketing campaign that will increase your brand exposure and ultimately lead to more resumes being collected.

Here’s how to leverage these tools effectively:

Tip 1: Use google+ resume search

Google+ has added a Resume Search feature that allows users to search for others by professional experience and education. This is useful if you want clients who have very specific qualifications, but it could also help find potential connections for your business. The Resume Search tool is still in beta, so some quirks with it could make it difficult to use, but Google is working on improving it all the time.

Tip 2: Use local business listings

Local business listings are vital because they allow people to see your company’s name, address, and phone number when searching online. Many people search for businesses from their mobile devices, so having a local listing can be your best bet for getting found in searches. In addition, if you meet someone at an event or networking meeting and want to follow up with them later, local listings help you find their contact information much faster than typing all their information.

Email marketing campaigns

Using email marketing campaigns as a resume service business marketing strategy can be very effective when done right.

Here are some proven tips on how to use email marketing strategies as a resume service business marketing strategy:

1) Be clear with your call to action. Make it clear what you want the reader to do. Do you want them to click on a link, call you or sign up for your mailing list? This is important because it will tell you whether or not your headline is working. If people are clicking on the link, but not calling, then you know that you need a more engaging headline.

2) Use a strong subject line. A strong subject line is crucial because the biggest complaint people have about promotions in their email inbox is that they don’t want to read. If it’s boring and vague, they’re probably going to hit ‘delete.’ If it’s specific and interesting, they’re more likely to open it and at least see what you have to say.

3) Have an attractive design. Yes, in this day and age, people still read their emails on their computers instead of their mobile devices. Take advantage of this by having a professional-looking design with attention-grabbing images or graphics that make people want to open and read your message.

4) Use relevant keywords. It’s very important to use relevant keywords in the body of your email. Think about the kind of people who might be interested in your services, and make sure that you include these keywords in your resume service business marketing strategies. For example, if you offer executive coaching, then try and include words like “executive”, “professional”, “management,” and so on.

5) Include links to your website.

One of the easiest ways to get people’s attention is by including links to your resume service business website or blog at the end of each email campaign that you send out. This will allow them to visit those pages and learn more about what you have to offer for their business.

6) Offer a freebie in exchange for an email address.

Freebies are a great way to attract a potential customer’s attention as long as it is something that they need or want. If you are offering a free ebook, make sure it includes valuable information that the reader will use when looking for a job like “How to Write the Perfect Resume” or “How to Find Your Dream Job.”

7) Use an application-based opt-in page. If you have an application-based opt-in page, make sure the registration form is above the fold so that people who visit the page can easily see what you’re offering before they leave. A simple solution for this is to place all of your content below the fold then insert a call-to-action (CTA) box above the fold.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is the process of using social media influencers to promote your business, product, or services.

The influencer will usually have a large following on a social media platform, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. To use influencer marketing as a resume service business marketing strategy, you first need to find an influencer that fits your niche.

To do this you must first come up with a list of keywords for your industry and then decide who you are going to target. You mustn’t just post any job advertisement and hope for the best. You need to know exactly who you want to hire before you even make your ad.

Once you’ve made a list of possible candidates you can start contacting them to see if they’re interested in working with your company or brand.

It’s important that when reaching out to them that you’re polite and professional at all times because it shows that you’re trustworthy and committed. The influencer will then typically review the advertisement and tell you if they are interested in working with your company or not.

In some cases, they might ask for free products or monetary payments in exchange for their endorsement on social media platforms. Make sure that whatever deal you make with them is written down and signed.

Final Thoughts

As with any other business, marketing is the key to success and an effective marketing strategy will reap rich dividends while a poorly executed one will fail.

So you must have a comprehensive plan which you can execute flawlessly.

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