How to Build a Wix Website in 5 Simple Steps

Wix is a user-friendly website builder for beginners. It gives you the option of using an AI-powered editor or a genuine drag-and-drop editor for design modification that doesn’t need any coding experience. By creating an account, selecting and changing a template, assessing the output, and selecting a premium plan, you can develop a Wix website in an hour or less, depending on how you want your site to appear.

How to Build a Wix Website in 5 Simple Steps

Here are more detailed instructions on how to complete the five stages required to create a Wix website:

1. Create a Wix account.

To get started, go to Wix and choose “Get Started.” You will then be given the option of logging in or creating a new account. Wix enables you to construct a basic website for free, but you’ll need to upgrade your account to have access to additional options like a professional domain name.


2. Select a Site Editor & Choose Your Template

Following that, you’ll be given the option of utilizing the Wix ADI (Automation Device Interface) and the Wix Editor, or customizing a template of your own. You will be asked a few questions about your sector and the features you want on your website if you choose the ADI option (like bookings or forums). The ADI will create a template for you based on your replies. If you want to create your own site, you will be able to explore and choose a template.


Are you undecided about which editor to use? Using ADI or the Editor depends on whether you want a website up and running fast or whether you want a website with a lot of customization options. Selecting the latter will take you to a template collection with over 50 categories. To see all of the categories, go to the top of the page and scroll down to the drop-down menu. Wix offers a diverse range of themes, from real estate to weddings.

Wix’s templates have distinct pages tailored to each category. Restaurant designs, for example, often have a booking page.

3. Make changes to your template

Both the ADI and the Editor will provide you with a solid foundation on which to build. However, you’ll need to make a few changes to develop a unique website that’s totally tailored to your company’s demands. The structure of your website (by adding or deleting pages), your header and footer, the content on your pages, and the functionalities of your website (by installing third-party apps) are the most important items to update.

Add & Remove Pages

Examine your pages now that you have your template and make any required changes. To do so, go to the left menu bar and choose “Pages,” then “Add Page” at the very bottom. Alternatively, you may remove a page by clicking “…” next to it and selecting “Delete.”


You may also opt to design a totally blank page or add pages from Wix’s predefined page layouts from this menu. A booking and appointment page, which is immediately connected with Wix Bookings, and a product page, which is integrated with Wix Stores.

To rearrange, rename your newly added pages and drag & drop them into the page menu. The navigation bar on your website, however, will not alter as a result of this. To make subpages on the menu bar, navigate to the navigation bar on the page itself, select “Manage Menu,” and then drag pages on top of each other to make subpages.

Add pages to the ADI by clicking “Add” on the top bar and selecting the desired page layout; to remove pages, click the Page menu right next to “Add” on the top menu bar, then click the gear icon beneath the page you want to delete and scroll down to “Delete.”

A little button (“Edit Menu”) is located at the top of the Page menu. Drag and drop your pages to arrange them, just like in the Wix Editor. You don’t have to do anything else since the navigation bar on the website changes automatically.

Edit Your Header & Footer

Customize the header and footer to match your branding after your pages are set up. Wix Editor is a genuine drag-and-drop editor, so all you have to do to alter your header, footer, or any other content is click on the element and customize it. Change the arrangement of your header, fill in your company name, and upload your logo.

Scroll to the bottom of your page and alter the wording to update your footer. Business locations, contact information, social media profiles, and search bars are often seen in the footer.

In this aspect, the ADI isn’t much different. Simply fill in your content and submit your logo by clicking on your header or footer. The ADI, on the other hand, does not allow you to modify directly on the screen. Instead, use the editor on the left of your screen to add, remove, and change your sections.

Keep in mind that your header and footer are not editable across pages, so any changes you make to these two sections on any of your site’s pages will affect the whole site.

Make Changes to Your Content


Wix’s Editor allows for extensive customization. Go to the page you want to modify, click on the element you want to update, and make the necessary changes. Drag the piece around the page until it lands exactly where you want it.

By pressing the “+” button on the menu to the left, you may easily add new items to the page. Select an undesired element and tap the trash button on the menu on the right of your screen to remove it.


All editing is done on the ADI using the top and right-hand menus. Simply go to the Page menu on the top right, choose the page you want to alter, click on the section, and then press “Edit” at the very top. When it comes to the header and footer, ADI modification asks you to enter in the sidebar editor.

Don’t forget to click “Add” and then “Section to Page” to add a few parts to your selected page. On the top menu bar, you’ll find these buttons. To delete a section or an element inside a section, just mouse over it and hit the “Delete” button (for sections, this option is under the three vertical dots). By selecting a prepared layout from the list under “Design,” you may change the layout of your section.

Wix uses autosave by default, so you won’t have to save your design before closing either editor.

Third-party Apps may be added

When you’re satisfied with your pages, visit the Wix App Market (on the Editor, this is the fifth button on your left-hand menu). Wix features a sophisticated third-party app system that allows you to change the functionality of your website without knowing any coding. On the Market, you can find apps for everything from marketing to dropshipping. Some are fully free to download, while others have plans or need a Premium Wix Plan.

To add applications to your ADI, hover over “Add” at the top and pick “Apps” to add the functionality you wish.

The Wix App Market is only accessible via the Wix Editor. The Wix ADI’s applications are fairly simple (e.g., Instagram feed integration or a booking system for restaurants). Switch to the Editor by scrolling all the way down to the bottom of your App menu to receive more professional applications. Keep in mind that modifications made in the Editor will not appear on your ADI website.

4. Review Your Site & Optimize for Search

Once you’re satisfied with the way your site appears and performs, read through everything again to see if there’s anything you missed. The following items should be double-checked:

  • Change the header content to put your branding in the website header and footer (business name and logo). At the bottom, provide information about your company and links to your social media profiles.
  • Page navigation: Check that your website’s navigation bar has all of your pages in the right sequence. Remember to build subpages (for example, by placing Contact Information as a subpage of About Us). This makes your website clutter-free and simple to browse, further optimizing it for both humans and search engine bots.
  • Click the Page menu on the left of your screen on both the ADI and the Editor, navigate to the page you wish to optimize, and tap the gear icon (ADI) or “…” (Editor) to access the search engine optimization (SEO) tools available. To assist you in filling in your keywords, descriptions, and URLs, the ADI provides a very basic Page SEO tool. The Editor, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive SEO feature that allows you to add structured data and metatags.
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics provides information on how users interact with your site. It’s absolutely free to use, and it may provide you with useful data to help you fine-tune and optimize your marketing plan. It’s simple to integrate Google Analytics into your website, so don’t overlook it.
  • Website preview: Before posting your website to the public, evaluate the modifications you’ve made. In the upper left corner of the screen, click “Preview” next to “Publish.” Click the mobile icon in the same location (on ADI) or the mobile symbol in the upper right corner to see your site on a computer and on a mobile device (on Editor).

Wix’s SEO Wiz can guide you through the many optimization options available to aid with your website’s SEO. Hover over “Settings” on the Wix Editor (top of the page) and “Site” on the ADI to go to the SEO area. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Get Found on Google,” then follow the directions.


Wix also has SEO tools available under “Marketing & SEO” on your dashboard. Click through these to optimize your website. Focus especially on the URL Redirect Manager if you already have an existing website that you’re migrating to Wix.

5. Launch Your Site & Upgrade


The last step is to press the “Publish” button in the screen’s upper right corner. On the free plan, however, your site will show Wix adverts and your domain name will be, which is not professional enough for a company. You’ll need to pay for a subscription plan if you want to link an existing custom domain or acquire a free domain name for a year.


Wix’s ADI or the Wix Editor makes it simple to create a Wix website. The Wix ADI is ideal for those who want to create a quality website as rapidly as possible. Use the drag-and-drop Wix Editor for the finest design customization on the market. Wix’s third-party applications will provide you with a slick and professional-looking website with a variety of essential features for a monthly fee of $14.

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