20 Vision Statement Examples to Help You Write Your Own

Want to write your own vision statement? Here are 20 examples of great vision statements to inspire you so that you’re ready.

20 Vision Statement Examples to Help You Write Your Own (+ Worksheet)

A vision statement is a declaration that describes a company’s inspiring vision in order to lead development, encourage staff, and connect with customers. The vision statement serves as a framework for strategic planning as well as articulating the organization’s aims and ambitions. A vision statement, in the end, answers the question, “Where do we wish to go?”

One of the characteristics of a good company leader is the ability to articulate a compelling vision. When you initially establish your company, you may feel motivated to make one. A good vision statement is useful since it aids in the direction-setting of your company by influencing decision-making in a subtle way. These vision statement examples can assist you in creating your own.

1. LinkedIn

“Ensure that every member of the global workforce has access to economic opportunity.”


The contemporary worker, according to LinkedIn’s vision, is worldwide. As a result, it acknowledges an important fact for both employers and workers. This example of a vision statement is especially valuable since it supports the notion of leveling the playing field, not only for LinkedIn team members and users but for the whole global workforce.

To put it another way, LinkedIn’s mission statement focuses on enabling everyone to find work, progress, and thrive. It also reminds us that the platform’s goal is to assist individuals in generating economic possibilities, which may include finding a new job, marketing a company, or networking with other professionals in the field.

2. Zoom

“Visual communications enable individuals to achieve more.”


Zoom’s vision statement is successful because it emphasizes the company’s key product—video communications—and how it can empower consumers. Furthermore, the vision statement communicates directly to Zoom’s usual customers—professionals—by promising them that with the platform’s aid, they would be able to do more.

This remark informs buyers that the product is designed to boost productivity and encourages company owners to use the technology to improve their Conclusion.

3. Google

“To enable one-click access to all of the world’s information.”


Google’s vision statement is brief, clear, and to the point. The company’s ambitious ambitions aren’t expressed in grandiose terms.

The vision statement example, instead of utilizing sophisticated business jargon, is basic enough for a second grader to read and comprehend. This is significant since Google is used by even second graders.

4. Facebook

“People use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, to learn about what’s happening in the world, and to share and express what’s important to them.”


Facebook’s priority has always been on connecting people, even as it has expanded to other social media platforms such as Instagram. This vision statement sample emphasizes the importance of connection and utilizes active language to foster it.

5. Netflix

“We want to be the finest worldwide entertainment distribution service in the world.” Licensing entertainment material in different parts of the globe. Creating marketplaces that filmmakers may access.”

Netflix’s vision statement is broken down into three sections, each written in the active voice. Because it employs forceful, succinct, and thought-provoking verbs, this sentence is very effective. Furthermore, the statement emphasizes substance while simultaneously promoting growth and worldwide coverage.

Surprisingly, the sample vision statement makes no mention of viewers and instead focuses on production and making it simpler for producers to bring their material to market.

6. Creative Commons (CC0)

“To fuel a new period of development, prosperity, and productivity, nothing less than achieving the full promise of the internet—universal access to research and education, complete involvement in culture.”

Creative Commons offers a unique perspective on the internet and what it can accomplish, and it sets itself in the right position to help make it happen. This is a vision statement that contradicts other online viewpoints. It sparks a discussion. Is ubiquitous access to research and education really the internet’s full potential? Creative Commons clearly believes this. Others, such as individuals and organizations that want people to pay for the information they provide, may disagree.

This is an example of a vision statement with a debatable assertion. It forces you to choose a side in the argument. It is explicit about what it wishes to achieve and the impact that achievement will have on the globe.

This is a standard vision statement example, in which a big-picture aim is described together with an explanation of how it will impact the world.

7. Tesla

“Lead the world’s transition to electric cars to become the most exciting automobile company of the twenty-first century.”


Tesla’s vision statement is unique in that it does not specify what services it wishes to deliver. It also doesn’t claim it wants to sell—it wants to be engaging, unlike many other vision statements.

The objective isn’t to make the highest-quality automobiles or sell as many as possible. Tesla, on the other hand, seeks to excite, empower, drive, and motivate individuals. The statement does not clearly declare that it wants to sell automobiles. It claims it wants to be at the forefront of the shift to electric automobiles. Encourage, inspire, and foster invention once again.

8. Amazon

“To be the greatest customer-centric business on the planet, where people can search and discover everything they want to purchase online.”

The vision statement example from Amazon is beneficial since it emphasizes the company’s goals. First, in a single line, the statement acknowledges the company’s clients twice. Then it utilizes words like “find” and “discover” to demonstrate that clients can locate and buy what they want and need.

The concept of being able to locate “anything” also emphasizes the company’s dedication to providing a large assortment of products and making them readily accessible online. Finally, this example distinguishes out among other vision statements because it mentions Earth, which reminds us of one of its founder’s other interests: space flight.

9. Etsy

“Building an ‘Etsy Economy’”


Etsy used the phrase “Etsy economy” in this brief vision statement as a new goal to aim towards. Both makers and customers are included in this statement. This vision statement example is wonderful since it focuses on the connection and relationship between consumer and seller, rather than merely providing items.

10. IKEA

“To improve the quality of life for a large number of people.”


IKEA focuses on delivering a good quality of life for its consumers as a home design brand—exactly what its customers consider when deciding to purchase there. IKEA sends a message to its customers that it understands their wants and requirements and is prepared to accommodate them by matching its ambitions with their wishes.

The use of “the many” in the vision statement example demonstrates the emphasis on the client. This implies that IKEA focuses on creating for the average person, not only the affluent, select, or exceptional.

11. Patagonia

“Make the best product possible.” There is no need to do undue damage. Use your business to help the environment. “I’m not constrained by any rules.”


This vision statement is crucial since it addresses customers directly. It’s also suited to Patagonia’s most environmentally conscious clients. They are more willing to spend a premium for high-quality, fair-trade, and environmentally friendly goods.

Patagonia’s vision statement example addresses both consumers and staff who care profoundly about the environment by employing inspiring language and emphasizing the environmental situation.

12. Southwest Airlines

“To be the most popular, efficient, and profitable airline in the world.”


Southwest’s vision statement is notable since it focuses on the company’s long-term goals. With the objective of being the most loved airline, the brand is also putting its customers first while keeping the significance of earning a profit for its shareholders. This concentrates attention on both the company’s and the customer’s journeys.

Furthermore, many aspects of the vision statement may be measured. So, when Southwest says it aims to be the most efficient and profitable airline, leadership can assess how effectively the firm is following its strategy by measuring these measures.

13. McDonald’s

“Our mission is to feed and nurture communities.”


McDonald’s updated its vision statement in 2020, renaming it a purpose statement. McDonald’s revamped vision/purpose statement underlines the company’s commitment to the communities it serves.

It takes a lot more than providing hamburgers to feed and develop communities. It represents the reality that McDonald’s buys food from agricultural areas, employs people in all of the places where it operates and has community outreach initiatives.

The Ronald McDonald House, which offers a free place to stay for families of ill children who must travel for medical treatment, is included in this vision/purpose statement. McDonald’s acknowledges in its statement that it has a responsibility to serve the communities that support it, not merely feed them.

This is an example of a vision statement that positions the company in a more prominent role in the community than most consumers would expect.

14. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

“Our company’s mission is to be the most well-known real estate business in the world, dedicated to giving outstanding service.”

This example of a vision statement is succinct, pleasant, and to the point. It explains the position Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices aspires to have among its rivals, as well as the value it intends to emphasize.

15. Habitat For Humanity

“A world in which everyone has a good home.”


Habitat for Humanity is thinking globally here. Despite the fact that it has various divisions throughout the globe, the vision statement unites everyone.

The second portion of the sentence, “a good place to live,” is a fantastic goal for the employees and volunteers. Every house they build is designed to provide a wonderful place for a family or individual to call home. One of the most emotionally appealing vision statements is this one.

16. Human Rights Campaign

“Everyone should be treated equally.”

The vision statement of the Human Rights Campaign is brief, basic, and unambiguous. As a result, part of the meaning is left up to interpretation.

This method adds to the aspirational nature of this vision statement example by allowing the company to evolve and allowing readers to interpret it as they see fit. It motivates and invites individuals to help the organization’s activities in this manner.

17. Alzheimer’s Association

“A world free of Alzheimer’s disease.”


The Alzheimer’s Association’s vision statement is an excellent illustration of what a vision is. It makes no mention of wanting to achieve its purpose. It doesn’t state it seeks to motivate people to become involved. The goal is to completely eradicate Alzheimer’s disease. Still, it’s up to you to figure out how it’ll get there and what it’ll do once it does.

This is not simply a strong vision statement; it’s also unapologetically assertive as if to declare, “This is our vision.” It’s not going to change. Because it’s so crucial.”

Because of these traits, the Alzheimer’s Association’s vision statement is really aspirational. It serves as the backbone of the organization’s work.

18. Oxfam

“A world that is both just and sustainable.”

Oxfam International’s objective, like the Alzheimer’s Association’s, is ambitious and big—probably impractically large. That, however, makes it motivating. The fact that it seems to be difficult to accomplish in its entirety does not make it any less of a goal worth pursuing.

An ambitious vision statement like this one challenges everyone who reads it to come up with a reason why it shouldn’t be achievable. Is it due to the fact that it is actually impossible? Is it because there aren’t enough individuals willing to collaborate to make it happen?

A really strong and unapologetic vision statement like this is a terrific tool for reminding you and everyone affiliated with your company that this ideal is worth fighting for if you have a visionary organization that aims to change the world.

19. Feeding America

“An America without hunger.”

This vision statement is straightforward and straightforward. In America, there is no hunger. It’s a simple aim to imagine, if difficult to accomplish.

This vision statement is also wide enough to allow for a variety of strategies and approaches to achieve it. There are a variety of approaches that might be used to achieve the goal of a hunger-free America.

20. Microsoft

“Every workstation and every household should have a computer.”

This vision statement was once original and daring, even if it seemed unreachable.

Computers may now be found not just in most houses, but also in most pockets. Microsoft’s clear, strong, and ambitious mission statement undoubtedly contributed to this.

Writing a Vision Statement: Some Pointers

Effective vision statements have a number of qualities in common. To get your business back on track, use these strategies to design an effective new vision statement or revise your present one.

  • Concentrate on the future. Create a vision statement that focuses on the future by offering the “big picture” and clearly defining what your company will look like in a few years.
  • Make grandiose plans. A vision that can change the world is both inspirational and exhilarating. People will rally behind it. Don’t be concerned about whether or not it’s achievable. Everything seems to be impossible until it is completed.
  • Be as precise as possible. A vision statement that is successful should be clear and focused enough to guide decision-making.
  • Be as precise as possible. Use terminology that anybody can comprehend. Keep jargon and industry-specific terms to a minimum. Avoid jargon like “maximize value” in particular. If you don’t use words that signify anything, no one will understand what you’re trying to say.
  • Keep it brief. You should limit yourself to one to two phrases. In the list above, some of the finest examples are simply a few words long. The simpler it is to remember and remain focused on the vision statement, the shorter it is.
  • Maintain your relevance and focus on your goals. Keep the day’s problems in mind and make necessary modifications to remain current. Maintain emphasis on the original objective of your vision while adjusting to current demands.
  • Define your own values. Use your vision statement to convey the essential values that the company needs to succeed.
  • Make a challenge for yourself. A vision statement may inspire your staff and consumers to attain greater heights by challenging them to accomplish great things.
  • Explain why you are distinct and unforgettable. If your company’s vision statement emphasizes what makes your firm unique and why it matters, it will have a greater effect.
  • Inspire. Employees who are inspired to commit to a cause are more effective than those who are not.
  • Make it known. Make a plan for how you’ll tell your staff about your vision statement. This phrase should be a part of your daily routine so that it gets ingrained in your culture and serves as the motivation for all of your efforts.

Statements of Mission vs. Statements of Vision

There is sometimes a misunderstanding or a lack of understanding of the link between a mission statement and a vision statement.

Both mission and vision statements are critical components of corporate strategy. Mission statements describe what the firm does now or will do in the near future, as well as how it achieves or will achieve it.

The distinction between mission statements and vision statements may be summarized as follows: vision statements describe WHAT our goals are in the long run, while mission statements describe HOW we are achieving them. Inspiration, transformation, and problem-solving for the greater good are all described in vision statements, as seen in the examples above. Specific activities, unique goods and services, and explicit strategies for achieving the vision are all described in mission statements.


Don’t stress about getting it right the first time you draft your company’s vision statement. Start a discussion about how you want your company to develop in terms of values, contributions to society, and culture. Make a list of the terms that elicit the greatest emotions and that best represent your company’s goals. Then, as part of your company strategy, create a genuinely inspirational vision statement.

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