How to Write Cold Calling Scripts

This is the ultimate guide to writing scripts for cold calling. There are two types of calls you’ll be making: The first type will be a pre-qualification script, which gets a company’s interest in connecting with you and buying your product or service. A second type includes follow-up scripts that ensure everything goes smoothly after an initial qualification conversation.

Cold calling scripts must properly captivate sales prospects in order to be effective. They should represent your calling aim and allow agents to interact with sales prospects on a personal level, manage objectives, and trigger a call to action. With examples, we’ll teach you how to build scripts that your sales staff may utilize to transform cold leads into hot prospects.

1. Determine the goals of cold calling scripts

Establish the calling goals of your campaign before drafting the script you want to use for cold calling since the objective will define part of the script’s content. To do so, think about your sales strategy and the results you want to accomplish from the cold call.

Qualification of a lead, making appointments for a more extensive sales presentation, and scheduling demonstrations are all examples of cold calling goals. However, the goal might also be as simple as presenting your company to a potential client.

2. Make an introduction

The first portion of the cold calling script is welcoming the prospect and introducing yourself, just like you would when meeting someone for the first time. This comprises a quick “hello,” “good morning,” or “good afternoon,” as well as your name and the organization from which you are representing. You might also provide your work title if it’s relevant to the prospect.

Keep in mind that no one ever expects or anticipates receiving a cold call. While it may seem that you called at an inopportune moment, don’t feel awful about it. Respect their time, but don’t apologize for bothering them with phrases like “I’m sorry to trouble you.” Be certain that what you have to give will be of interest to your prospect.

3. Find a way to connect with them on a personal level.

Try to make a personal connection right after a cold phone introduction to keep the prospect interested in what you have to offer. Here are some great techniques to engage with a prospect on a personal level:

  • Bringing up a common friend or business acquaintance
  • Using a mutual connection’s referral or the gatekeeper’s recommendation
  • Referencing a recent news report about the prospect or an event the prospect was a part of, such as a community service project
  • Bringing up the fact that you and the prospect attended the same university
  • Mentioning that you previously worked in the prospect’s field or for the same firm

4. State the reason for your call.

After you’ve made an introduction and established some kind of personal connection with the prospect, the following step in learning how to write a cold call script is to explain why you’re calling. “I wanted to make a brief introduction,” “I’m calling to follow up on an inquiry you received,” or “I wanted to learn a bit more about your firm” are examples of sentences that might be used to describe your calling aim. This beautifully sets up the rest of the script.

5. Make Qualifying Questions a Part of Your Cold Calling Scripts

Only use this portion of the screenplay if you need to qualify the lead or learn more about them. These questions should be used to analyze if the lead is a suitable match for your company. Some qualifying questions to ask to qualify a lead or discover more about their requirements are listed below:

  • Who is your existing vendor or provider?
  • What are some of the problems you’re having with your current provider?
  • What are some of the reoccurring challenges in your [sector, organization, department, or job function]?
  • How many people work for your company right now?
  • What is the best target market for you?

Pro tip: Later in the script, cite the answers to these questions to show the prospect that you value thoroughly comprehending the answers to these questions and that you are actually listening to their demands. To ensure that you are respecting their time, limit the number of inquiries you ask to two or three.

6. Come up with a sales pitch

If the prospect has time and wants to learn more straight away, have a concise sales speech ready no matter what your cold calling goal is. In less than 30 seconds, you should be able to describe what you do, your unique value proposition, and who your target market is based on your product or service qualities.

“We are an insurance company that specialized in mid-sized accountancy businesses,” for example. Our underwriting staff includes both underwriters and accountants, allowing us to tailor your insurance policies to cover the specific services you provide at the levels you need.”

7. Get Ready to Overcome Obstacles

Overcoming objections is a vital skill in many stages of the sales lead generating process, as any experienced sales management expert understands. This section is more of a compilation of notes than a script for handling inquiries or objections to your sales presentation or call to action.

Prior to making calls, prepare responses to the objections you’re most likely to hear from prospects. As additional cold calls are made and more concerns are raised, you may add more replies.

Pro tip: Creating a script with different scenarios to utilize in your sales training plan is one method to prepare for objections. This helps you to be completely prepared for a variety of replies from the prospect.

8. Issue a rallying cry.

The call to action (CTA) is the part of the script when you try to achieve your cold calling goals by progressing to the following phase. After you’ve introduced your company, formed the personal connection, indicated the goal of the call, asked qualifying questions, provided your sales presentation, and addressed any objections, you attempt to set up an appointment or get their contact information.

In an ideal scenario, the prospect will agree to set up an appointment for a thorough product presentation. “I’d love to show you more with a 15-minute demonstration,” for example, happens after the CTA is launched. “Do you have any time early next week?”

However, depending on the prospect’s concerns, the call to action might be changed. If they indicate they don’t want to talk about it right now, you might react with an alternate CTA like, “No worries, if you give me your email address, I will send you some further marketing material and we can talk about it again in a few months.”

Examples of Cold Calling Script Templates

You’ll find eight template-style cold calling script samples below. These samples are provided in the downloadable cold calling script templates described before. You may customize the templates with information particular to your company and distribute them to your sales staff after downloading them.

1. Cold Calling Script for Scheduling Appointments

To plan a meeting, sales presentation, or product demonstration with a prospect, utilize an appointment-setting cold calling script. Before you use this script, do some research about the prospect and their company to make sure the contact is the ideal person to chat with about what you’re offering.

Hello, ____________, this is___________ from [your company’s name]. We haven’t had the opportunity to speak directly yet, but I saw that your firm is one of the leading suppliers of [particular product/service your prospect provides], and I wanted to briefly share some of the ways we’ve assisted other companies in your industry. Is it okay if we talk for a few minutes now?

[The client consents to a talk]

Excellent. So, we’re a [product/service] company that specializes in [market niche or particular solutions], which is why I wanted to personally contact you. You can [benefit from utilizing product/service] using our [product/service attribute] solution.

With a 15-minute [demo or presentation], I’d love to show you more. Are you available early next week so that I may show you the [features or services] that might assist you in achieving your objectives?

  • Scenario 1: [The prospect consents.]

Great, if I can acquire your email address, I’ll give you an invitation to my calendar portal, where you may choose a time that is convenient for you.

  • Scenario 2: [Prospect rejects]

Nothing to be concerned about. I can send you some extra information for your records, as well as my contact information, in case you require our services in the future. What would be an appropriate email address for you?

2. Cold Calling Script for Leaving a Voicemail

If your contact does not respond but you still want to promote your company to a prospect, you may utilize a cold calling script to leave a voicemail. This is also an opportunity to initiate first contact without the risk of rejection. Keep your message brief and sweet, with just enough information to pique their curiosity and entice them to contact you again.

Hello there. This is [your organization’s name ]’s____________. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to speak with you personally, but I’d be happy to set up a time next week to show you how we’ve benefited [particular product/service that your prospect provides] businesses by [the benefit of utilizing product/service].

[Phone number] is where you may contact me. I realize you are busy, so if I don’t hear from you by the end of the week, I will contact you again.

I eagerly await your response.

3. Cold Calling Follow-up Voicemail Script

The voicemail follow-up cold calling script is for following up after you’ve left a voicemail, just like you promised when you left the message. Keep in mind that you may need to repeat some of the material from the original voicemail if the prospect didn’t listen or forgot part of it.

Hello there, . This is [your organization’s name ]’s____________. I’m thrilled we’ll get the opportunity to talk.

I’m not sure if you had a chance to listen to my voicemail from last week, but I’d like to schedule a time to learn more about your company and demonstrate how we’ve benefited other [product/service the prospect provides] companies by [the benefit of utilizing product/service].

Is it okay if we speak for a few minutes now?

  • Scenario 1: [The prospect recognizes that the timing is right]

Excellent. [Prepare an elevator pitch] and schedule a 15-minute demo.

  • Scenario 2: [The prospect expresses dissatisfaction with the current situation.]

There is no need to be concerned. How about we set aside 10 minutes next week to discuss when it’s more convenient for us?

Schedule a time while you’re still on the phone if they agree. If they refuse, ask if it’s OK if you send them an email with further specifics, including your contact information.

4. Cold Calling Script for Gatekeeper

Many times, you won’t be able to reach the decision-maker who would be the most appropriate person to talk with. You may not have their contact information, or you may believe you have but an assistant answers. You must effectively interact with a gatekeeper in these situations. This adds a stumbling block to your efforts to communicate with the decision-maker, but it’s one you can anticipate.

Hello there. This is [your organization’s name ]’s____________. I was hoping you could assist me in contacting the appropriate individual.

I’m looking for someone who manages your [department/job function that would most likely be a buyer of your product/service]. Do you have any idea who it may be?

[The gatekeeper identifies the individual]

Excellent. If at all feasible, I’d want to contact them personally. Do you happen to have their contact information on you?

  • Scenario 1: [The gatekeeper provides his or her contact information.]

Wow, this is fantastic. Thank you very much for your assistance. I’ll give you some of my contact information and attempt to contact [contact name] in a few days.

  • Scenario 2: [The gatekeeper does not have or is unable to share information]

There is no need to be concerned. Why don’t I leave my contact information with you to forward to [contact name], and I’ll follow up next week? Can you tell me when the optimum time is to contact [name of decision-maker]?

5. Using a Referral Cold Calling Script to Make Contact

Making a personal connection with the person you’re cold contacting might help you accomplish your goals, such as setting up a product demo. One method to achieve this is to mention a reference, a shared connection, or even the contact’s gatekeeper. You may indicate who suggested you to the contact in your introduction if they were referred to you by someone else (assuming you have their permission). Otherwise, you’ll have to do an extensive study into any common relationships.

Use referrals to create leads or connect with people who can help you with business chances. Our article on how to acquire recommendations will help you figure out the best strategies to increase sales by having pleased customers directly promote your company to others.

Hello, ____________, this is___________ from [your company’s name].

  • Scenario 1: [Referrer] advised me to contact you since you were having difficulties with [issue they are experiencing].
  • Scenario 2: I saw that we were both close friends with [common relation], therefore I decided to introduce ourselves directly.
  • Scenario 3: [Gatekeeper] said you’d be the ideal person to talk to about [product/service you’re providing].

Is it a good moment for a quick chat?

  • Scenario 1: [The prospect recognizes that the timing is right]

Great. So, we’re a [product/service] company that specializes in [market niche or unique solutions], which your company would find useful.

You can [benefit from utilizing product/service] using our [product/service attribute] solution. With a 15-minute [demo or presentation], I’d love to show you more. Are you available early next week so that I may show you all of our [features or services]?

  • Scenario 2: [The prospect expresses dissatisfaction with the current situation.]

There is no need to be concerned. Can we set aside 10 minutes next week when it’s more convenient for us to talk?

Schedule a time while you’re still on the phone if they agree. If they refuse, ask if it’s OK if you send them an email with some further information and your contact information.

6. Publicizing a Limited-Time Offer Script for Cold Calling

You may be attempting to advertise a special deal rather than cold calling to introduce your company or arrange a demo with a prospect. This offer might be only available for a short time or to a certain set of prospects or customers depending on geography, business size, or industry. Special offers, on the other hand, are a terrific method to attract a prospect into the sales funnel.

Hello, ____________, this is___________ from [your company’s name]. We haven’t had a chance to meet, but I wanted to reach out and let you know about a special offer we are currently promoting for [time range or specific company attribute].

We are giving (or supplying) [special offer: free consultation, free trial, discount, bulk deal, and so on] to assist firms like yours [benefit of using special offer].

Is there anything about this that you’d want to learn more about?

  • Scenario 1: [A potential customer shows interest]

Excellent. Why don’t we go ahead and do it? If I can obtain your best email address, I’ll give you all of the special offer specifics as well as a link to [sign up, redeem, or schedule special offer] to get things started.

  • [Prospect rejects] Scenario 2

There is no need to be concerned. Can we chat for 10 minutes next week at a more convenient time?

Schedule a time while you’re still on the phone if they agree. If they refuse, ask if it’s OK if you send them an email with some further information and your contact information.

7. Cold Calling Script Invoking a Significant Recent Event

Discussing a current news article, in addition to providing a recommendation, might be utilized to build personal ties with the prospect. The event should be related to or directly involve the prospect you’re approaching. Relevance may be determined by factors such as the prospect’s proximity to the news story’s geography or industry.

Hello, ____________, this is___________ from [your company’s name].

  • Scenario 1: I was pleased by some of your organization’s previous [community service or client initiative], which prompted me to contact you personally.
  • Scenario 2: As you’re presumably aware, [name a recent news article that the prospect could be interested in], and as a result, I wanted to contact out personally.

We are a [product/service] company that specializes in [market niche or unique solutions], which we believe your company would benefit from.

I’d like to give you a 15-minute [demo or presentation] to show you all of the [features or services] we have to offer. Is there anything about this that you’d want to learn more about?

  • Scenario 1: [Interested prospect]

Excellent. Why don’t I give you an invitation to my calendar portal so you can choose a time that is convenient for you?

  • Scenario 2: [No interest from the prospect]

There is no need to be concerned. Why don’t we set aside 10 minutes next week to chat when it’s more convenient?

Schedule a time while you’re still on the phone if they agree. If they refuse, ask if it’s OK if you send them an email with further specifics, including your contact information.

Cold Calling Script to Qualify a Lead

The process of identifying whether or not a lead is a suitable match for your company is known as lead qualifying. Use qualifying questions in your sales scripts when cold calling to determine whether you should pursue the offer further. Your main purpose in this circumstance is to acquire information rather than to make an appointment.

Hello, ____________, this is___________ from [your company’s name]. I was hoping to make a brief introduction and learn a little more about your business. Is this an OK time to talk?

[The client consents to a talk]

Awesome. Because I know you’re busy, I’ll keep this quick. We are a [product/service] company that specializes in [market niches or particular solutions], allowing our customers to [benefit from utilizing the product/service].

Could you tell me which [product/service] provider you’re presently working with?

[Answers from the prospect]

Great. Is there anything about utilizing [prospect’s current provider] that you hate or would want to change?

[Answers from the prospect]

Terrific. What are some of the characteristics of utilizing [prospect’s current provider] that you like the most?

[Answers from the prospect]

Excellent. So, based on some of the [product/service] qualities you want to focus on, I believe we may be a good match. I’d want to continue our discussion with a 15-minute [demo or presentation] so that I can show you how the [product/service characteristics] can [help with what they like about the current provider] as well as how the [product/service attributes] can [help with what they hate about current provider].

Is it possible to arrange this for next week?

If they say yes, make a meeting appointment while you’re on the phone. If not, request that you send an email with further information and your contact information.

The prospect’s responses to the qualifying questions are recited in the script, demonstrating that you really care about their business requirements and how your solution may meet them. Those requirements should be included in your call to action for a demo or sales presentation. If the prospect says one “like” of the present provider is how simple it is to use, and one “dislike” is the high cost, this is an example of this in action.

“I’d love to continue our discussion with a 15-minute demo,” mentioned in your call to action. It would offer me the opportunity to demonstrate how our drag-and-drop capabilities for building automated processes can help you maintain the product usability you like, as well as how our modular pricing model can save you money by allowing you to pay only for the features you use.”

If you can’t plan a meeting with a prospect while you’re on the phone, offer an appointment scheduling link in your follow-up email. Calendly, for example, connects to your calendar and allows prospects to choose a convenient time without having to email back and forth. Create a free personal account right now.


Calendly is a scheduling tool (Source:

Additional Cold Calling Resources

Technology tools can also be utilized to place calls and organize calling information.

Phone System Using VoIP

Instead of using phone lines or mobile towers, voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP) phone systems send calls over the internet. Because you simply need to sign up for a VoIP service and have access to Wi-Fi to make calls, it’s a more cost-effective corporate calling solution.

Choose a local or toll-free phone number, then place calls from the mobile app or through a desktop on its web application. Software for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) like HubSpot and Zoho also integrates with Grasshopper to track calls and organize contact information in one, centralized database.


Grasshopper is a VoIP dialer that also has a mobile app (Source: Grasshopper)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Many CRMs include built-in phone systems that enable sales teams to make calls directly from their CRM platform, in addition to interfacing with VoIP calling systems. Other CRM capabilities important to cold call campaigns, such as contact organization, contact notes, the ability to save cold calling scripts, and power dialing tools, may be used in conjunction with this.

Freshsales, for example, is a cloud-based CRM with a built-in phone system and integration option for making calls using its native software, Freshcaller. Users may dial or make calls straight from their contact record page, which also allows them to keep track of call history and comments.


Freshsales’ contact page includes a phone number. (Image courtesy of Freshsales)

There’s also a power dialing feature that allows you to create a list of contacts to be phoned automatically one after the other. Because you don’t have to waste time dialing phone numbers, you can make a large number of calls in a short period of time.


Freshcaller is a dialer with a lot of capability (Source: Freshcaller)


Cold calling scripts serve as a guide to guarantee that you are presenting required information to a sales prospect while also being prepared to face objections during a cold call introduction. Understanding your cold calling goals and fostering sales dialogues that lead to conversions, such as arranging a sales presentation, setting up a demo, or certifying leads for your sales funnel, are required to develop approaches to generate cold calling scripts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a script for a telemarketer?

You need to know how the script works first. After that, you can study scripts from movies and TV shows for ideas on what phrases or words might work well in the context of the call.

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