Top 25 Real Estate Website Design Ideas & Tips

If you’re looking for a website design company to help your business stand out, you should know that there are plenty of great options. Here is a list of the top 25 real estate websites and their designs so that you can see what an innovative approach looks like.

Effective real estate websites are simple to browse and have a clear and attractive design. To offer your firm an advantage, we selected the greatest real estate website design ideas and recommendations, from site design to content inclusion.

While you may utilize these guidelines to build a bespoke website from the ground up, the process will most likely take weeks and will include the purchase of pricey equipment or skills. As a result, we recommend that you explore utilizing a real estate website building platform instead, as they are frequently straightforward to use and customize.

The following are the top 25 real estate website design ideas and tips:

1. Incorporate long-tail keywords into your content.

Search engines, such as Google, scour the internet for websites that give consumers useful search results. Because search engines can’t see your website, they use its consent to decide if it’s a suitable match for a given search query. So, apply search engine optimization tactics like keyword research and use those keywords across your website and web pages to have your real estate website noticed in search.

Long tail keywords, in particular, should not be underestimated. “Equestrian properties in Idaho” or “new condominiums for sale in Tampa” are examples of lengthier, more precise keywords. Long tail keywords will result in fewer results, but they will help you target the proper audience, who is considerably more likely to convert. Consider it in terms of quantity vs. quality.

Consider what your audience would search to locate the houses and listings you provide as an illustration of the value of long tail keywords. They may search for “real estate agent Chicago,” but there are so many possibilities that they are unlikely to pick you as their real estate agent right away. Your audience is far more likely to take action on your website if you optimize it for the term “commercial properties Chicago Heights.”

2. Make an appointment over the internet Viewings

A website’s appeal is that it may be accessed at any time of day. However, you want to provide them a means to accomplish their goals when they’re motivated, so your website should allow users to arrange a viewing or request a callback to schedule a viewing.

If you’re creating a real estate website using WordPress, you may use a booking plugin to integrate online booking. Most website builders, on the other hand, include appointment booking tools or connectors. GoDaddy, for example, is the finest website builder with an excellent built-in booking system that makes it exceedingly simple to not only create a website but also gather leads and increase sales.

3. Make Your Landing Pages More Effective

Landing pages are independent websites designed to promote a certain product or service—for example, here is where a prospective customer may arrive after clicking on one of your sponsored advertisements. As a real estate agent, you probably want to have an effective, lead-generating landing page, whether you develop it yourself or have it outsourced to a company like Real Geeks.

While many people speak about “hidden landing page methods” on the internet, converting landing pages may be relatively straightforward. Here are my greatest ideas for creating a good landing page based on my expertise as a conversion copywriter:

  • Think about the exact outcome your audience is seeking when using customer-focused language. Even if you’re a top-producing realtor, saying “Find your new house in less time” rather than stating your credentials will make your readers feel more connected to you.
  • Confusion is the enemy of conversion, so choose one unambiguous call to action. Do not request that your readers join your mailing list, look at your listings, or follow you on social media. Choose one action that your audience should do.
  • Use plain language: Don’t attempt to impress them with sophisticated phrases or fancy words. Extremely basic language has the greatest conversion rates in general. Being straightforward and forthright has a greater effect than being smart.
  • Select a user-friendly design: Don’t confuse your website visitors by using too many pictures, colors, fonts, or links. Make sure your call to action is evident on every page by leaving blank spaces on your pages.
  • Include social proof: Clearly exhibit your prior customers’ favorable testimonials. Readers will want to know about other people’s experiences with you, even if you have the finest writing and website design.

4. Make Real Estate Agent Schema

Schema markup is a clever method of identifying phrases and tags present in your website’s code to assist search engines to detect your website’s features more quickly. The importance of schema in website design stems from the fact that it may contribute to better ranks in search engine results, which can lead to more leads and greater click-through rates.

You may either learn how to manually add schema to your website using HTML code or use a schema plug-in to make the process easier.

5. Select a High-Quality Real Estate Website Theme or Template

Your real estate web design must feature more than just aesthetics; it must also have the appropriate capabilities to aid in the success of your company. Choosing the correct template or theme is an important part of real estate web design. These are the backbone of your whole website, so selecting a high-quality theme that not only looks beautiful but also functions effectively is crucial.


Market Leader’s example of a branded real estate website

Do you want to make it easy to create a real estate website? You may choose a variety of amazing website builders with eye-catching layouts. For instance, Market Leader provides you with a free branded website that is meant to help you gather leads and capture searches. Market Leader also offers exclusive leads, which means that each agency receives just one lead.

6. Utilize listing integrations

It’s critical to incorporate your listings into your website. When prospective buyers come to your website, it should be a one-stop shop where they can look for a house and contact you with ease. While this may seem to be a challenging undertaking, listing management solutions such as IDXpress and Nestio make it simple. Your consumers will be able to view your listings by just inserting a single line of code onto your website.

This capability is usually built-in to real estate website builders, so you won’t have to install anything. However, for as low as $2.95 per month, Bluehost, our preferred hosting provider, can provide you with an IDX-capable site, as well as a customized domain, a business email address, and fast site performance.

7. Don’t Forget to Include a Search

The majority of visitors will come to your website to look for listings, so make sure you provide them with that option by providing a search box. When building your WordPress site, choose a theme that has a straightforward and attractive search bar front and center. This reduces visitor confusion while also increasing the amount of time they spend on your site.

Start looking at the houses pages of sites like Zillow,, or Homelight for confirmation that this method works. Choosing the appropriate WordPress theme to build out your site may make all the difference in the world in terms of providing your prospective clients with what they want.

Use complex search criteria to set yourself apart from other real estate search engines. Take into account your competitive edge. This might be your local expertise and, with it, what locals are seeking in a home or your unique real estate offering for some. A real estate agent in Santa Barbara, for example, can add specialized search parameters like low-fire-risk zones or properties in certain school districts.

8. Put quality ahead of quantity.

People are constantly assaulted with information on the internet. Focus on the quality of your website rather than the number to make it stand out. A website with five pages of high-quality content that speaks to your target audience is considerably more successful than one with 20 pages of generic material and an unread blog.

Clients will value your knowledge if you can deliver actually relevant information tailored to your target market. You’ll also have an easier time ranking on Google and seeming to be the expert you are if you keep your knowledge localized and valuable to your geographic region.

9. Include client testimonials to add social proof.

You understand the value of social proof if you’ve ever looked up reviews for a restaurant or a product you’re considering purchasing. Including genuine testimonials from previous customers on your website is one of the most effective methods to convey this to future prospects.

It seems a lot more personal to a possible customer when they witness real remarks coming from a family, couple, or individual just like them. Using a platform like RealSatisfied by Placester, which offers three free testimonials, you can effortlessly survey your network and manage testimonials. It’s also a wonderful alternative since the platform’s testimonials may be readily linked with websites.

10. Develop a mobile experience that is centered on the user.

Many site designers tout their “responsive designs,” but if all you have is a platform that can be viewed from a mobile phone, you’re missing the point. A simple responsive design is the bare minimum—it isn’t enough to keep people coming back. Instead, you must provide customers with an enjoyable experience that they will want to repeat.

Think about how consumers interact with their devices and design accordingly. On their device, how will they interact? What exactly are they on the lookout for? Is it easily accessible? What kind of browsing will they do? When creating your website, consider how prospective customers use their phones, and you’ll construct a site that captures more time on site and leads to more probable interaction with you.

11. Use Positive Emotion to Reach Out to Buyers

Emotions are at the root of all human activity. Someone is considerably more inclined to share your information if they are inspired, amused, impressed, or simply have a good chuckle. Consider how those items will make your prospective client feel while you’re thinking about real estate website content design ideas.

Use pleasant, smiling people’s photographs on your website and social media. Individuals prefer to conduct business with happy people who make other people happy. You should also take a picture of yourself and each customer with whom you deal. Use these photographs to add security and social proof to your website.

12. Use a variety of call-to-actions

You may need to urge prospective customers to contact you if you want them to contact you. A “call to action” is an important addition to the rest of the real estate website ideas on this list since it directs behavior. Customers may like what you have to offer, but they may not know what to do next, so make it simple for them. A call to action is used in advertisements on television that implore you to “call immediately,” and it’s the same principle when applied to your website.

Remember that you only need to make one unambiguous call to action, but you should do it many times. An “email me” button, a “contact us” callout, or a “call immediately” suggestion are all examples of several calls to action.

13. Check to see whether your site loads quickly.

Users will not stay on a website that takes too long to load. Not only will visitors abandon your site if it takes too long to load, but Google will as well. Google’s PageSpeed Insights is a fantastic tool for testing your site performance that every website owner should check out and bookmark.

This tool will do a comprehensive study of your website (save for aesthetics) and provide you with a score ranging from 0 to 100, with the objective of achieving the highest possible score. It will detail everything that is well and wrong with your site, as well as provide suggestions on how to fix them.

14. Use chatbots on important lead capture pages.

There will always be prospective leads who visit your website and ask for more information but never complete your contact form. Freshdesk Messaging is a live chat platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide customized content to website visitors 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It also uploads their basic contact information into your customer relationship management (CRM) software, allowing you to swiftly and conveniently follow up with leads. The best part is that Freshdesk Messaging’s basic edition is completely free.

15. Immediately Convey Who, What & How You Serve

Any small company website should show who you are, what you do, and who you serve right away (without having to scroll). Because most visitors skim rather than read, your homepage’s message must be concise, strong, and to the point.

Make sure your function as a real estate agent or broker, as well as your expertise and who you represent, are all clearly defined. Clear messaging encourages visitors to connect with your site by allowing them to quickly locate information that is important to them.

16. Usability should take precedence over aesthetics.

It’s not uncommon to have amazing real estate website ideas that are difficult to put into action. Everyone wants a stunning website, but some of them are prohibitively expensive, slow to load, and difficult to navigate.

Some of the most successful websites on the internet are quite basic. You may not have the funds to create the most cutting-edge website ever, but you can make it simple to navigate. Maintain a basic, clean, and user-friendly website. Too many individuals get caught up in the “shiny object” mindset and forget that their website’s primary goal is to provide customer functionality. Consider Craigslist: although it may not be glamorous, it is utilized by hundreds of thousands of people.

It’s all about letting consumers locate what they’re looking for fast and efficiently when it comes to generating revenue from a real estate website. Your users’ selections should be clearly labeled, and the number of possibilities should be limited. Make the most probable options clear. On all pages, provide easy-to-find contact information. Users should not be forced to pick up the phone. Let them know that their request has been received and verified, and they won’t have any need to go elsewhere.

17. Verify that the photos you use represent the market you serve.

It makes no sense to have a backdrop picture of New York City if you’re selling real estate in Iowa. Make your homepage photographs reflect the location you serve and provide customers with a memorable setting.

A fantastic real estate website tip is to make sure you accentuate what makes that place special, no matter where you are. Consider putting a picture of the classic Victorian “painted women” in the middle of your landing page if you service the San Francisco Bay Area. Consider displaying a typical Tudor if your company is located in upstate New York.

18. Take use of video tours to save time.

According to Wyzowl’s research, 66 percent of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service via a short video, whereas just 18 percent prefer to read about it. In addition to professional images, consider employing video house tours. This may save you time by allowing individuals to determine whether or not they want to schedule a showing to see the house in person.

This makes video a wonderful tactic for any website, but those looking for leads should consider how their product or service may help them live a better life. If you reside in Southern California, for example, you might add movies of people riding a boat or relaxing on the beach. Use your community’s culture to set the tone and describe the lifestyle your consumers want.

19. Use Free Stock Photos to Add Visual Interest

If utilized correctly, stock photographs may be an excellent asset to any website. While the bulk of your photographs should represent your area, surrounding restaurants, prominent parks, and your real market, stock photos have a place in your articles.

Adding interest to the article by using stock photographs in the backdrop to symbolize your area and placing them in blog posts. The general guideline is that stock photographs should not be used to misrepresent your community’s reality. Try Pixabay or Pexels to obtain free high-resolution stock pictures.

20. Make your website’s navigation as simple as possible.

Even if you have a clever play on words, it’s preferable for your website users if the names and sections are simple. We’ve seen a lot of organizations and agencies hide fantastic material in their navigation beneath fun names. This should not be done.

When you add funny or entertaining names or tabs, you may believe your audience would grasp the joke, but they frequently don’t. For the components in your navigation, use standard titles. Use a typical “about” page on your real estate website, rather than anything structured differently, like “my motto.”

21. Create neighborhood profile pages

Neighborhood profile sites have proven to be a huge lure for some real estate brokers, as well as a great way to get discovered online. You may make guides to assist visitors in learning more about your town or city. You can then sell the guide as a downloaded product to earn additional leads, or you can turn it into an SEO-optimized blog post to boost your website’s ranking.

Another worthwhile alternative is to sponsor an interactive platform for the whole community using technology like Parkbench. Members of your community may easily publish and locate bargains, as well as build connections, on Parkbench sites. As the sponsor, you will have the chance to cultivate connections and establish yourself as the go-to real estate expert in your neighborhood.

22. Use Headlines & Bullet Points

People who read online tend to have short attention spans and want content that is simple to understand. Visitors to websites often browse in an “F” pattern, enhancing the effectiveness of headlines and bullet points. It’s time to adjust the format of your website if it features enormous blocks of content.

23. Compress images to make them load faster

If you’ve ever visited a website and the picture took a long time to load, you know how aggravating it can be. Many visitors abandon websites that take too long to load, and photographs are especially crucial in real estate. Before submitting photographs to your real estate website, make sure they are resized. A website that loads quickly encourages visitors to remain and explore.

Use an image compression plugin to compress photos posted to your WordPress website automatically.

24. Ensure that all single-property websites have the same look and feel.

Smart agents often construct single property websites for some of their properties. Using templates to keep branding consistent across numerous website pages is a wise move for agents and brokerages. Using website templates is a simple and efficient option that can be customized to reflect your own style.

25. Make a strategy for increasing website traffic.

Before you start building your real estate website, we strongly advise you to plan out your ideas and style. Knowing what your game plan is, how you’ll drive traffic to your site, how you want users to engage, and what kind of material you’ll provide will all influence your design and must be decided before you start developing. If you’re Kevin Costner in “Field of Dreams,” “If you build it, they will come” only works if you’re Kevin Costner.

With these simple-to-implement website marketing methods, you can learn more about the best ways to enhance site exposure and traffic.


Before you start designing your website, the greatest real estate website ideas may frequently assist you to plan out your online presence. Planning how to make your website more successful with a strong structure and extra features will offer you an advantage over your competitors and help you dominate your geographic region.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I put on my real estate website?

You should put the location of your business, contact information like phone numbers, and websites. Then you can offer things such as home tours to generate interest in potential buyers or show off locations that are near a certain landmark.

What should your real estate website look like?

Your website should have a professional look that gets your point across. Use images and graphics to help convey the message you want to get across in a clear, concise way. Offer useful information about the property for sale and rentals as well as contact details of an agent who can assist potential buyers or renters with their purchase or move-in process from start to finish.

How do I make my real estate website stand out?

There are many ways that your real estate website can stand out, one of the most important aspects is to have a catchy and memorable name. I suggest looking into how you could make this happen for yourself, or even hiring someone who specializes in creating unique and stylish names!

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