How to Write an Event Press Release in 7 Steps

An event press release, also known as an announcement or media release, is a document meant to announce news about a company’s upcoming events and related information. It can be used for announcements of new business openings (e.g., store openings), product releases (e.g., smartphones), fundraising efforts of non-profit organizations, and charity work.

An event press release informs the media about a forthcoming event in order to generate media attention and improve attendance. Identifying your audience, putting up the header, generating a fascinating headline, writing the body of the press release explaining your event, adding a boilerplate, and inserting a call to action are all simple steps to learn how to create one.


It is vital that you use standard event press release formatting because journalists expect and prefer to see press releases in this format. Releases that don’t use standard formatting may appear unprofessional or incredible to journalists.

A well-written press release is merely the first step in ensuring that your event receives the attention it deserves. Journalists and influencers must also be aware of it. Because it provides comprehensive targeting options and a network of more than 5,000 outlets, a service like eReleases can help you grow your audience and receive a higher return on the time you spent producing your release.

1. Determine the target audience for your event.

Start by identifying your target demographic or ideal attendee when writing an event press release. You’ll be able to design a press release that appeals to them, garners media attention, and enhances event attendance if you know precisely who would be interested in learning about or attending your event.

This is akin to selecting a target audience or ideal client type for your company, which often includes demographics such as age, gender, and geography. You should also think about your target audience’s willingness to travel for a certain event, as well as what they value, what fascinates them, and what would encourage them to attend your event.

2. Create a Header

Next, use industry-standard formatting and layout to establish the groundwork for an excellent press release. As insignificant as it may seem, people who ignore this formatting risk appearing less reputable to the press and, as a result, being disregarded by the press.

Your company name or logo should be centered at the top, followed by your release date (“IMMEDIATE” or “EMBARGOED”), which should be left-aligned, and then your contact information (name, phone, email, and website) on the right side of the page.

3. Create a headline that grabs the reader’s attention.

Your title should be centered below the header and be 65 to 70 characters long, but no more than 80 characters. The title is perhaps the most important aspect of your press release’s success since it is the first thing journalists look at when determining whether or not to read the remainder of it. You want your headline to capture the reader’s attention right away and offer them a compelling reason to come to your event.

Here are some pointers for crafting a compelling event press release headline:

  • Make use of words that piques your interest: Use action verbs in your title to create excitement or urgency surrounding your event. For example, as seen in the headline examples below, “celebrating,” “must-attend,” or “calling all…”
  • Include the following reasons for attending: Even if you believe it’s clear, including the “why” behind the incident is usually beneficial. Attending a marketing conference, for example, may seem to have a clear aim, but when you dig deeper, the “why” may not just be to learn more about marketing, but to find low-cost strategies to increase sales.
  • Use social evidence: If your event has a celebrity, such as a well-known author speaking or a well-known company sponsoring, use this form of social proof in your title to increase interest and clout.
  • Include your event’s location, topic, and name: Another technique to attract the reader’s attention and encourage them to read on is to tell them what the event is, what it is about, where it is, or what the subject or name of the event is right in the headline.
  • Use keywords: Keywords are the terms that people are most likely to enter into a search engine, such as Google, when looking for information on a given subject. Using a service like eReleases to disseminate your press release boosts the overall exposure of your release and its chances of being discovered online by individuals looking for anything connected to your event.
  • Add a subheadline: Subheadlines are optional but recommended since they provide you with another opportunity to provide information about your event that will catch the reader’s attention. Subheadlines are brief and appear just under the headline, and they may be a bit more exciting than the title itself.

After composing the remainder of their press release, some individuals find it simpler to pick the most crucial facts to put in their headline. If you’re having trouble coming up with a good headline, consider moving on to the next stage and writing it last. Learn how to write attention-grabbing headlines for events and other sorts of press releases.

Screenshot of Event Press Pelease Headline Example 1 Examples of news release headlines for events

Screenshot of Event Press Pelease Headline Example 2

Screenshot of Event Press Pelease Headline Example 3

4. Compose a powerful first paragraph

The opening paragraph of your news release highlights the most crucial information for the reader. This paragraph should provide the most important details about your event. This might contain information such as where to buy tickets or RSVP, when tickets will no longer be available for purchase, event dates, age limits, or other important details.

To improve your chances of being picked up by media sources and, as a result, increase awareness and buzz around your event, keep your opening paragraph to approximately 25 words. Always begin your first paragraph with your press release’s location (typically the city and state) and date, not the event you’re publicizing. Then, as concisely as possible, respond to the who, what, when, where, and why of your event.

Screenshot of An example of an introductory paragraph for a news release on an event 1 An example of an introductory paragraph for a news release on an event

Screenshot of An example of an introductory paragraph for a news release on an event 2

Screenshot of An example of an introductory paragraph for a news release on an event 3

5. Fill in your press release.

The body of your event press release is where you go into more information about the event, building on your summary paragraph. Your press release’s body should be two to three paragraphs long, and the material should appeal to your target audience. It should include a list of any important visitors who will be coming or performing, a timetable of events, and the advantages of attending your event.

Here are some suggestions and pointers for creating your press release’s body:

  • Fill in the blanks with “who, what, when, where, and why”: Give further information about your organization and how it relates to the event. Include the fact that you’ve been hosting this event for 12 years. Mention any celebs that have attended your event in prior years. Include information about your company’s age, size, or awards if it is the oldest, largest, or most prestigious in your field. These kinds of facts offer your press release more credibility.
  • Speak directly to your intended audience: In the body of your press release, you should emphasize the special attraction your event has for your target guest. Include any facts about the event that your target audience would be interested in attending. Discuss any special guests that will be performing, attending, or speaking at the event, as well as any other events that will be taking place and the advantages of attending.
  • Include a call to action: Give folks a particular step to do in order to attend your event. This is referred to as a “call to action” (CTA). This is a crucial stage since the success of your press release may be determined by the amount of individuals who actually attend your event. “Save your spot now,” for example, maybe your CTA, with a link to your event registration landing page.
  • Embed media: Add visual appeal to your press release by embedding (or adding) multimedia like photographs or videos. Including multimedia in your press release allows journalists to distribute it as part of their coverage, making it more appealing, fascinating, and effective.

6. Fill in the Blanks With Your Boilerplate

A boilerplate is a one-paragraph description of your company that should not exceed 100 words. It provides further information about your company, the event, or the cause for the event to the reader. Your boilerplate comprises details about your company and its activities, particularly as they pertain to your event or would be of interest to your prospective guest.

Here are some items to add in the boilerplate.

  • Why are you holding this gathering?
  • How long has this event been going on?
  • Any high-profile influencers who will be attending the event may be found here.
  • A hyperlink to your webpage
  • For further information, the key contact’s email or phone number (or both)

7. Send out a press release about your event.

Now that you’ve prepared a great press release to promote your forthcoming event, it’s time to send it to journalists, reporters, bloggers, and other media sources so that it reaches your target audience as widely as possible. Your event press release may be sent in a number of methods, including direct email outreach, distribution services, and social media. Use a variety of distribution channels for the greatest outcomes.

The following are the most common methods for disseminating an event press release:

  • Create a list of local press contacts by investigating media sources in your region as well as the area where your target audience resides. On the websites of local media publications, you can usually find email contact information for journalists and reporters. If you don’t have access to your email, you may utilize an email finding tool.
  • Use a press release distribution service: Use a press release distribution service like Newswire or eReleases to get your press release in front of thousands of media contacts. It’s the most cost-effective strategy to ensure wide exposure and maybe garner more media attention. Check out the finest press release distribution services for more information.
  • Post on your website: Include details about your event on your website, such as an event home page or ticketing page. Furthermore, many prominent companies have a press page on their website where they post press releases. If you don’t already have one, find out how simple and inexpensive it is to create and maintain your own website using one of the finest website builders.
  • Share it on social media: You can share your news release on social media using the link provided by the distribution provider or from your own website. Your fans and followers will be able to view it and decide whether or not to attend your event, invite their friends, and post it on social media.

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which press release distribution services allow you to target your audience based on their location?

If you don’t want your press release to go national, geographical targeting is critical to the success of your press release and event. Many press release distribution firms, however, do not provide geographical targeting. eReleases, which enables location and audience targeting, and Newswire, which allows targeting by geography and industry, are two of the top services that do.

What additional options does a company have for promoting an upcoming event?

A company may market an upcoming event in a variety of ways, including via press coverage. You may, for example, publish your event on Eventbrite, offer tickets on StubHub or Groupon, utilize social media and email marketing, advertise your event in-store and to nearby companies, and distribute information via your local Chamber of Commerce, place a local newspaper ad, or attempt radio advertising.

What is the best way to sell tickets to my event online?

There are two basic methods for selling event tickets on the internet. The first is to sell tickets directly from your website, and the second is to use a third-party website like Eventbrite, StubHub, Groupon, Tripadvisor, or even Airbnb Experiences to sell tickets (depending on your particular event type). For increased exposure, businesses often combine the two (for example, on their own website and on an event ticketing site).


In event marketing strategies, press releases are an important tool. While you may be unique with your material, be sure to stick to the conventional event press release style so that the media and your target audience receive the most crucial details about your event. Finally, to get the greatest attention, make sure you send it to as many press contacts and outlets as possible. Using a distribution provider like eReleases is the easiest method to achieve this.

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