Create Real Estate Facebook Ads That Generate Leads in 7 Steps (+ Examples)

There are many factors that can influence how much a Facebook ad generates leads. This article will walk you through the 7 most important steps for creating successful Facebook ads as well as what specific elements each step is responsible for generating more leads and conversions on your website.

You can develop real estate advertisements that effectively target your audience, generate leads, and promote your brand using a range of Facebook’s strong advertising features. The process of making Facebook real estate advertisements, on the other hand, is a bit of a “choose your own adventure” experience, and the tools you use to generate them, as well as how they appear on the site, will be determined by your unique marketing objectives. To get you started with effective lead creation, there are seven fundamental broad stages you may do.

The seven stages to establishing profitable and effective real estate Facebook advertising are as follows:

1. Choose a goal for your campaign


Dashboard for Ad Manager

Finding the Advertisements Manager in the drop-down menu is the first step in establishing real estate Facebook ads. After that, click “Create Ad,” and you’ll be asked to choose a campaign goal.

The three phases of the sales cycle are used to set goals: awareness, consideration, and conversion. You’ll choose a goal depending on what you want prospective leads to do as a consequence of your ads, such as visiting your real estate landing page or website, viewing a video, or filling out a form.


Objectives for Facebook Ads

You may target visitors at various phases of the sales process with each aim. Some are thinking of buying or selling a home in the next year or two, while others are only looking into their possibilities, and yet others are ready to hire a real estate agent in the next weeks.

Consider if you’re targeting someone in the awareness, contemplation, or conversion stages of the sales cycle before you place your ad. For example, if your Facebook ad is for a new construction property that won’t be ready for six months, you’ll want to target those who are still considering it. If you’re advertising a current listing, aim for a customer who is in the conversion stage. To learn more about the methods you may use for your real estate Facebook ad, have a look at the sales funnel below:


  • Show up with potential buyers or sellers to establish a recognizable brand. Leads in the awareness stage aren’t actively looking to purchase or sell their home, but they may be considering it. Use films or graphics to introduce your business and services.
  • Consider these leads if you have a long-term intention to purchase or sell a home and are actively exploring alternatives. Show vendors and buyers why they should and how they can collaborate with you by focusing the majority of your ad space on your next actions.
  • Conversion: At this point, active buyers and sellers are ready to make a choice. Advertisements should feature a clear call to action (such as clicking a link or filling out a form), be linked to presently available properties and services, and provide specific reasons for them to pick you as their real estate agent.

Individuals in each cycle should be targeted with the purpose of moving them farther down the funnel toward conversion. You will be developing a sustainable pipeline of ongoing customers by targeting clients who are months or even years away from a transaction as well as clients who are ready to convert right now.

2. Create & Name Your Campaign

After you’ve established a clear goal, the following step is to give your campaign a name. Users will not be able to see your campaign name since it will only be used for internal purposes. You may also choose whether this campaign will consist of a single ad or an ad package with many ad versions.


Page for starting a campaign

You’ll be asked to add any specific categories in the following question. The “Housing” category will be used for all real estate Facebook advertising. Facebook has made improvements to advertising in the housing category in recent years to avoid prejudice. That means you’ll have fewer targeting choices and won’t be able to target people based on their age, gender, or ZIP code since this might be deemed a violation of Fair Housing Laws.


Choosing a special ad category

Even if the housing category has certain constraints, you will be able to add other characteristics to direct your Facebook advertisements to the right target when you arrive at the choice to target a particular audience. Location radius and interests such as hobbies, companies, and leisure, as well as where advertising will be placed and shown, are some of the other characteristics you’ll be able to specify to target your ad.

3. Set a Posting Schedule & Budget

Choosing a date for your Facebook real estate advertisements to begin running and a date for them to end running is all it takes to schedule them. The Facebook algorithm determines how often your advertisements are seen. Similarly, creating a budget is simple—just enter a daily maximum limit.

However, the amount spent on your advertisements will not always be the same. Facebook advertising prices are determined by a bidding mechanism, which you can read more about in our guide to Facebook ad costs by industry, but it all takes place behind the scenes. You may gradually increase your daily budget for each campaign until you start seeing results and reach a reasonable cost per lead.

The average cost per real estate lead is $9.76, however, it may range from $20 to $80 per lead depending on your lead generating platform. The typical real estate lead on Facebook costs anywhere from The average cost per real estate lead is $9.76, but depending on your lead generation platform, can cost anywhere from $20 to $80 per lead. On Facebook, the average real estate lead costs anywhere from $0 to $25, each based on the clicks you get on your Facebook advertising campaigns—which is a great return on investment compared to other platforms. to $25, depending on how many clicks you receive on your Facebook advertising campaigns—a excellent return on investment when compared to other platforms.


Budget and scheduling options for advertisements

Check out Artur’in to optimize your ad campaigns for the best return on investment (ROI) without having to spend hours, days, or weeks puzzling out the technical nuances. Artur’in’s staff can build and manage your Facebook advertisements, as well as automatically schedule real estate Facebook updates, so you can be active and in the public eye. You can concentrate on nurturing, converting, and servicing your customers as quickly and effectively as possible instead of spending a lot of time developing social media content.

4. Determine who you want to reach out to.

In their marketing and advertising strategies, some real estate brokers make the mistake of attempting to appeal to everyone. In truth, being successful in real estate necessitates being explicit about who you want to deal with so that you may attract the clientele you want as your firm grows. This is very crucial when generating real estate Facebook advertisements, but it has a big influence on your whole marketing strategy.

You could choose to focus on a certain sort of customer or specialize in real estate specialties, such as expired listings or first-time purchasers. You could wish to deal with downsizing retirees or corporate workers migrating to your region, for example. It will be simpler to target your Facebook advertising if you are more particular about your market.

So, given the limits that apply to real estate and housing advertisements, how can you target a certain audience? In certain ways, you’ll have to conduct some profiling, similar to what you’d see on many famous crime series.

You may still mention details in order to reach the leads you want to capture by placing yourself in the mentality of your target audience. If you want to produce first-time homebuyer leads in Westfield, New Jersey, for example, you need to consider who this buyer is and what their interests could be in order to narrow down your target market.


Real estate advertisements on Facebook may be targeted depending on interests.

Because you may target by a broad geographic radius, you’ll need to include the place in your criteria first. Then you should consider the surrounding neighborhood and who could be relocating there. Westfield, New Jersey, is a suburban community with an $800,000 median house list price.

People who are married with a family and are leaving a rental home in a more urban region in need of more room, better schools, and an easy commute to New York City for nightlife or work are an example of target customers. You may want to think about family and relationships, food and drink, and business and industry when determining your interests in Facebook advertisements. You may focus your outreach on those who are interested in your specific ad and listings by thinking backward and characterizing your target audience.

Have a real estate customer relationship management (CRM) and an automated prospect follow-up system ready to monitor and nurture the new prospects created by real estate Facebook advertisements. BoldLeads will assist you in managing your Facebook advertisements, funneling created leads into your CRM, and sending out automated emails to nurture your new leads. Today, try out the BoldLeads CRM and lead generating.

5. Decide on an ad placement

When you opt to run Facebook real estate advertisements, you may see your ads appearing in a few areas that are of interest to your target audience and are regularly frequented, such as Instagram, Google Results of your search, and news feeds. Your ad may, however, be placed in a number of locations. You may opt to have Facebook display your real estate advertising on multiple channels automatically, or you can choose where and how you want your ad to be seen by consumers manually.


Alternatives for ad placement

Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Audience Network are the four main platforms where your real estate Facebook advertising may be put. Ads posted on Audience Network may be shown on a variety of other applications and websites that accept cross-platform advertising.

Here are some more alternatives for placement:

  • News Feed on Facebook
  • Feeds on Instagram
  • Instagram Reels and Stories
  • In-Stream Videos on Facebook and Instagram
  • Results of your search
  • Messages
  • In-Article
  • Sites and Apps


Placement of an audience network as an example (Source: AdEspresso)

Refer back to the profile you developed for your target clientele to choose where you want your real estate Facebook ad to appear. Consider where these customers are searching for advertisements based on the previous example of first-time homeowners coming to Westfield, NJ. If you believe your target demographic is more likely to utilize Instagram, you should focus the majority of your marketing efforts there.

6. Design Your Ad

After you’ve completed all of the technical aspects of your real estate ad, it’s time to design and develop your ad. This is the finished output, complete with creative elements such as photos, video, and ad language. Facebook will provide the most appropriate ad types based on your goals and locations. Single-image advertising, video advertisements, and carousel posts are the most frequent forms for real estate Facebook ads. In our in-depth post on Facebook advertising, you can learn more about each of these possibilities.

The ad development process has a direct bearing on the commercial’s overall performance. Don’t simply slap a picture in your ad or compose ad language on the spur of the moment. Spend the effort to create an ad that is straightforward to understand and aesthetically attractive enough to keep people from scrolling.

Here are a slew of instances of successful real estate lead-generating commercials.


(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

This advertisement is aimed at those who are trying to sell their home. They might be focused on sellers in the awareness or conversion stages of the sales funnel since they have data from the previous year and last month. They also provide information about homes and condominiums, which may be of interest to people wishing to upgrade from their present living arrangement to a bigger residence.


(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

Because they are providing photographs for a home that is presently on the market, this agency is focusing on leads in the conversion phase. Also, since this is a 55-and-up neighborhood, they will be seeking recent retirees who are wishing to downsize from their existing residences.


(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

This agency is targeting the contemplation and conversion audiences with their future listing. Consideration phase leads who are seeking to buy within the next six months may start looking at properties without making a definitive commitment by giving them access to an off-market listing. Those wishing to convert quickly may also get access to and negotiate an off-market home and pricing.


(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

This Facebook ad is aimed at those who are thinking about buying something. Although neither group is ready to commit to selling their house right away, the agency hopes to attract their interest and turn them into a customer early in the sales process.

Add an automated scheduler to your Facebook ad, such as Calendly. Calendly syncs with your calendar, allowing you to designate availability times so customers may schedule meetings with you at a time that is convenient for them. Calendly also has a free option for getting started.

If the prospect of creating and optimizing your own real estate Facebook advertising seems daunting, outsourcing the task may be the best option. You can create interesting social media advertising using Constant Contact to streamline the process and reach out to more people. Staying in contact with customers and expanding your network is simple with email marketing templates.

7. Integrate Your CRM & Convert Leads


Facebook and Pipedrive integration (Source: OutFunnel)

Create a strategy for collecting, tracking, managing, and communicating with your new flow of Facebook ad-generated real estate leads before you press publish. Your contacts will certainly go through the cracks if you don’t have a solid strategy and the necessary tools.

If you don’t have a customer relationship manager (CRM) with a Facebook interface like Pipedrive, don’t waste money on advertisement lead generation. It’s a feature-rich CRM that includes email campaigns, visual pipelines, contact segmentation, and activity reminders, among other things.


It might be scary to learn how to utilize Facebook advertisements to develop your real estate company, but it is unquestionably powerful—and surprisingly economical when compared to other advertising platforms. You can expand your reach and earn more real estate leads in less time by following these steps to build real estate Facebook advertisements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a lead generation campaign on Facebook ads?

Create a Facebook ad campaign with lead generation as your objective. This is normally the highest paying option for advertisers on Facebook and it will require you to have a high budget in order to start running ads.

How do you generate listing leads in real estate?

The process of generating listing leads, or the act of getting people to visit your property website and potentially make an offer on a home is one that should be approached with care. First, you want to create as much content about your particular type of real estate in order to keep it interesting for potential buyers. Then, you need to focus more attention on how easy these homes will be available soon compared with other properties which may already have multiple offers. Finally, just make sure that you list all information clearly so there are no surprises when potential clients come looking into the value offered by these houses and their availability before they decide if the house is worth visiting or not!


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