7 Sales Email Templates Examples That Work for 2022

Sales email templates are a critical part of your marketing strategy, but they can be challenging to create. You need an effective template in order to catch the attention of potential customers and keep them engaged with what you have. Here’s why sales emails work for this year and how you can make yours even more successful by using these examples!


Premade scripts used to present you and your company to prospects through email are known as sales email templates. The biggest advantage of utilizing templates is that they allow you to save time by reusing efficient scripts that just need minor customization. Many customer relationship management (CRM) systems allow you to build and send templates, but they perform best when they are customized and contain the desired result, such as a phone call or similar next step.

Remember that company introduction emails seldom result in rapid purchases, particularly for high-ticket items or services that need a significant commitment, such as a year-long contract. Instead, your objective should be to increase brand recognition and deepen consumer connections.

Based on frequent introduction circumstances, here are seven sales email templates to use:

1. Emphasizing the point of difference Email Template for Sales

The point of difference sales email template highlights your company’s distinct value proposition or point of differentiation (UVP). This implies that your company provides something significantly better or wholly different than its rivals and alternative alternatives, as well as that the email recipient is a suitable match for your goods or services.

Consider the following scenario:

Giving ABC Tax Company Their Time Back With Writing Services is the subject line of this email.

Hi John,

I saw that your website has a blog with material on complicated tax matters. By ghostwriting such articles for you, our writing services may free up your team’s time. Each of our authors has worked in the area of accounting and tax preparation, allowing them to provide high-quality material for your site.

I’d want to set up a call with you to learn more about some of the challenges you have in your writing process.

Are you available for a 10-minute call in the next three days or so?

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



The sales rep’s introductory email, in this case, explains the company’s unique value offer. Because their authors have firsthand knowledge of accounting and tax preparation, they may save ABC Tax Company time compared to other writing services. ABC Tax Company is a wonderful example of these writing services since they actively and regularly spend time on their blog publishing articles like this.

2. Using a Sales Email Template for a Current Event

The introductory email in this instance mentions a recent incident that may be prompting your target to pay more attention to a part of their company that they would normally overlook. Current events, such as those in the news, but also events such as the introduction of a new case study or an industry-disrupting breakthrough, are examples. The event must be directly relevant to the receiver for this strategy to operate.

Consider the following scenario:

Data Breach at ABC Dentistry is the subject of this email.

Hello, Dr. Smith.

I’m sure you’ve heard about the recent data breach at ABC Dentistry in your neighborhood. Fines, legal fees, and remedial expenses, as well as income in the form of lost future business, will be incurred as a result of this violation.

As a result, we’re providing free, non-invasive cybersecurity assessments for local dental and orthodontics practices to assess their programs and identify any holes.

The link to book an appointment with a consultant is below if you or anybody in your workplace would want to take advantage of this offer.

[Appointment Scheduling Link]

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



In this case, the sales representative is using a recent, well-publicized data breach as an opportunity to promote their company. Because the event in question involves a local company in the same sector as the email recipient, they are more likely to be interested in what the company has to offer.

Calendly is a service that allows your contacts to effortlessly arrange phone or video conference meetings, which are then immediately synced to your calendar. When the receiver clicks on the link, they are directed to the landing page of the scheduling portal, where they may pick the time that works best for them. The user selects available times depending on their preferences and current availability.


Schedule the portal on a regular basis (Source: JeaDigitalMedia.org)

Another example of a sales email promoting a current event is as follows:

Subject Line: Work-From-Anywhere Team Solutions

Hi Kelly,

I’m sure you’re adjusting to the COVID-19 epidemic, and I wanted to contact out to see how we can assist you and your company in this ever-changing environment. We provide small firms like yours with remote work and collaboration software solutions since the epidemic has limited their in-person capabilities.

I’d want to set up a conversation with you to see which aspects of the remote office setting you’re having the most trouble with, so we can figure out the best option for you.

What’s your plan for the rest of the week?

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



The COVID-19 pandemic is used as a current occurrence in this example. The pandemic generated a broad problem for organizations attempting to shift to a remote or remote-hybrid environment, among other difficulties. The email leverages this change in the workforce as a springboard for possible solutions.

3. Using a Sales Introduction Email from a Mutually beneficial relationship

An efficient technique to obtain a response to an introduction email is to mention a Mutually beneficial relationship who introduced the prospect to your company. This is due to the fact that the message mentions a particular person that the lead is already acquainted with, setting the path for trust and a more personal introduction.

Consider the following scenario:

Jane Kelly recommended that I connect with you.

Hi Rick,

Jane stated briefly to me that you were experiencing problems with your present insurance agent and were searching for a new one.

I’d be happy to set up a brief conversation with you to show you how our access to a wide range of insurance providers can help you get the most bang for your buck with your insurance expenses.

Do you have 15 minutes this week to spare? I’m looking forward to hearing from you and interacting with you.

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



The lead is more likely to open, read, and reply if you allude to a common link shared by both parties. Make sure you’re being honest about what the Mutually beneficial relationship told you about the lead while making these sorts of introductions. Also, make sure you have permission from the recommending person to mention your relationship to them in an email introduction.

Referrals are one of the most effective ways to generate leads since they inform a prospective consumer about your company without requiring you to introduce yourself, generally via a favorable review from another customer.

What if I told you that Personal recommendations from friends and family are the most trusted source of information about businesses and services, according to 93 percent of customers.

4. Sales Email Template for Meeting Follow-up

It’s possible that you’ve met the contact in person or at a virtual event, and you’re sending them an email to reintroduce yourself. A trade fair, conference, workshop, or even a networking event held by a local Chamber of Commerce or another organization might have been the event.

Consider the following scenario:

Subject Line: It Was a Pleasure Meeting You at the Ecommerce Workshop!

Hi Ray,

It was great to meet you last week at the eCommerce training. I hope you had as much fun watching the presentations as I did.

You said that you wanted quotations for a new online payment processing system. Our rates are quite reasonable, and the system is simple to use.

If you’re interested, please let me know and we’ll set up a time to talk.

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



This email’s introduction refers to a past event to remind the lead of how they met the sales representative. When compared to cold email outreach, it’s more of a relationship-builder than a relationship-starter, and it’s an excellent place to start a dialogue.

5. Observing a Resemblance in Sales Email Templates

In this case, your email makes a connection and establishes rapport by mentioning something you share in common. This might be anything from belonging to the same networking organization or organization to something more personal like having attended the same institution. Similarities such as being company owners, working in the same industry, or even having the same Occupational title may also be mentioned.

Consider the following scenario:


Hello, Patricia.

I saw on LinkedIn that you are a James Madison University graduate and a company owner.

I’m putting up a local lead sharing/networking club to exchange business leads with one another, and I’d like to encourage you to join as a possible member.

Are you curious to learn more about it? I’d want to schedule some time for us to chat.

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



In this case, the individual is attempting to establish rapport by using two attributes in common with the lead (where they went to college and both being business owners). It’s worth noting that this example isn’t required for selling directly, but rather for providing chances for reciprocal recommendations, so establishing a reciprocity system. In sales, reciprocity generally results in more leads and greater sales conversions for all parties involved.

6. Complimenting the Sales Email Template for Contacts

In an introductory email, complimenting or applauding a lead demonstrates that you are interested in what they are doing and their achievements. Referencing these sorts of things in an introductory email will help you take your business connection to the next level by demonstrating that you stay up with the industry and the lead’s professional and commercial pursuits.

Consider the following scenario:

Hi Mark,

Your sales seminar last week was fantastic. It provided important insight on the direction CRMs would go in the next years.

I’m presently working on a niche-market CRM system, and I’d want to talk to you about how to form collaborations with third-party software suppliers and product review chances.

Please let me know when we can arrange a call on the calendar.

Thank you very much.

[Title], [Name]



The sender of this sales email congratulated the lead on his or her previous seminar. Positively recognizing a lead’s prior work or achievements may be a good method to get them to read the rest of your email, particularly if your company’s goods or services are relevant to the contact’s success.

Example of a Customizable Sales Email Template

Regardless of the situation, an email introduction must be individualized to prevent being mistaken for spam and sent straight to the trash bin. Using a customized sales email template with places where you can add information particular to the intended recipient is a good method to personalize your introduction email.

Here’s an example of a sales email template that you may customize:

Hello, [initial name of contact]

I was browsing at [whatever you were looking at] on your [website, at your location, etc.] yesterday when I discovered [what you observed].

I’m [your title] at [organization name], and I’m a tremendous admirer of [what you appreciate about their company or goods]. Our [your product or service] would [the value your product/service will provide] to your [prospect’s company or product] since it does [what your product/service performs].

I’ll be in the region on Tuesday and Thursday, meeting with [prospect or client you’re meeting with] and [another prospect or client you’re meeting with].

Which day would be the most convenient for you to [meet/do a product demonstration, and so on]?

I am excited to connect with you.

Sincerely [fill in the blanks with a closure that fits your brand and personality],

[Title], [Name]


[Phone number]

To make this sales email template work, you’ll need to invest time studying the prospect so that the material you provide is relevant to them and demonstrates your thinking. Not only will spending time researching leads enhance response rates, but it will also save you time by allowing you to remove prospects who are unlikely to be qualified leads.

As part of your overall sales strategy, using several email templates depending on different circumstances to convey your company’s offers to prospects may be a significant time-saving. Our step-by-step guide to establishing a sales strategy, which includes free sales plan templates to get you started, may also be of interest.

How to Create Your Own Email Templates for Sales

Developing the ideal template for your company necessitates trial and error, which includes analyzing email analytics like as open rates, click rates, and conversion rates (i.e., how frequently did a lead take the action you intended them to do?) In addition, the content of each template will be influenced by numerous circumstances and aims.

After you’ve built the scripts for your sales email templates, you may design, store, and even send them automatically. You may either make your own templates or utilize predefined templates found in various CRM software and email marketing platforms.

For example, HubSpot provides templates for sending tailored, successful sales emails to contacts. Users may also design the system to automatically send tailored marketing emails using certain email templates based on contact behavior such as reading previous emails or clicking on a link in an email.


Email template from HubSpot (Source: HubSpot)

Here is our step-by-step procedure for developing an email template to produce more leads and conversions for companies who like to design templates from scratch:

1. Do some research about the contact.

Researching the contact will provide you with information that will help you decide which email introduction scenario(s) to employ and how to tailor your email message even further. The sorts of data you may use to customize an email and define your sales email introduction scenario are listed below:

  • Industry
  • Occupational title
  • Alma mater
  • Affiliation with a certain organization
  • Mutually beneficial relationship
  • Interests in common
  • Recent achievements
  • Currently employed vendor
  • Points of contention or a wish list

Use the intel you gathered about the prospect to update the appropriate sales email template. For instance, if you share the same Alma mater is a term that refers to a or Occupational title as a lead, you would update the template for noting a similarity. If your business has a unique value proposition that aligns with a lead’s Points of contention or a wish list, you would update the template for highlighting your company’s point of difference.

2. Create a compelling subject line

One of the most significant components in achieving high email open rates is the subject line. It also has a direct influence on whether or not your email ends up in the spam folder of the receiver. Sixty-nine percent of email recipients rate emails as spam based just on the subject line.

Your subject line should, above all, attract the reader to open and read your email. Use subject lines that make them feel unique, or reference someone they know or anything pertinent to them, to stimulate their attention. Here are some samples of subject line templates:

  • [Mutual buddy] advised me to contact you.
  • What’s your take on [a certain article, video, or product]?
  • Looking for Blog Post Ideas for [article subject]

3. Create a unique opening line

Because many email systems provide a preview of the content of an unread message, the subject line of an email message may have an influence on open rates. The first line of your email should be individualized and relevant to the recipient.

According to research, a customized message is used in 62% of successful emails, making them the most important aspect of email performance. The starting sentence of your introduction email may also be determined by the unique circumstance. Here are some circumstances and possible beginning phrases to consider:

  • Bringing attention to a current event: Have you seen the most recent report on [a particular industry, invention, study, or guide]?
  • Citing Mutually beneficial relationship: Stacy Rodgers told me to connect with you about [purpose of connection].
  • Grabbing the contact’s attention: I really like your [subject] instructive video.

4. Demonstrate Value

You have the chance to market your value proposition or offer to the recipient after they open and read your email. Despite the importance of the opportunity, your pitch should be succinct, straightforward, and easy to understand. Furthermore, framing your pitch with questions allows the reader to better grasp how and why your presentation is important to them and their company. Some instances are as follows:

  • Are you looking to boost your quarterly income by 25% by automating some of your sales processes?
  • Do you want to save money on your business insurance?
  • Would you want to learn more about how our tailored service approach might help you better manage your finances?

5. Include a call to action.

The next step for the email recipient should be evident from your call to action. This may include a link to make an appointment, join up for a free trial, visit your website for additional information, or simply ask the recipient to react directly to the email. Here are some examples of call-to-action buttons:

  • If you have any questions or would want to discuss this more, please send me an email or phone me at (123) 456-7890.
  • Please utilize the “Schedule Appointment” button in my signature to get anything on the calendar if you’d want to schedule a demo.
  • Do you want to test out our product before purchasing it? Test it out for the next 14 days by clicking the “Free Trial” button below.

Adding a button in your email signature for activities like booking appointments, signing up for a free trial, or finding additional information online is one method to make responding to your call to action even easy. Simply clicking a button may then be referred to as an action the recipient can perform in your email message.

Calendly, a scheduling application, can connect the landing page of your schedule portal to a button in your email. You may simply instruct the receiver to “click on the calendar button in my email signature to choose a time that is most convenient for you.”

Pro tip: One method to simplify sales processes is to use established sales email templates.

6. Follow Up & Template Adjustments

An introductory email may not be read or sent right away for a number of reasons, so make sure you intend to follow up. Because the average email open rate is 18%, connecting with a contact may take two, three, or even more tries. Whether an email isn’t working, try following up with a phone call or a LinkedIn message to check if they saw your email.

If, on the other hand, your emails are being opened but you’re not receiving the results you want, it might mean that your subject line, opening line, value proposition, or call to action isn’t working. If your email isn’t getting the results you want, you may need to test and alter your sales email templates.

It’s also conceivable that your research wasn’t thorough enough; for example, your email may not have reached the right person. In this instance, you may need to learn more about your contact or locate a new contact inside the business.


Your sales email templates must be customized based on research and include the appropriate introduction for your email scenario to be productive. Your sales email campaigns’ effectiveness may also include template testing and revisions, as well as frequent follow-ups to establish a relationship.

You should consider getting CRM software that has sophisticated email marketing capability for mass email distribution and automated campaigns in addition to building sales email templates for your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a catchy sales email?

You should focus on writing interesting content that is relevant to the target audience. Include a call-to-action, such as Subscribe now or Book your table.

What are the best email templates?

The best email templates are those that use branched narratives and have a specific, but open-ended tone. They should be short and to the point, while still conveying an emotional response.

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