Sales Performance Review Templates & Management Software

Sales performance reviews are an outdated format, with analysis and feedback that often don’t reflect the current state of business. By automating these processes in software, companies will be able to better manage their teams by keeping track of progress on a real-time basis.

Routine performance evaluations enable managers to offer feedback to their sales teams and identify areas where they may improve. Using a performance review template saves time since it eliminates the need to start from scratch each review period. They’re also utilized to standardize the sales performance management process and ensure that performance assessment criteria are consistent.

What if I told you

Employees want more regular feedback and review, according to Gallup. When employees get weekly rather than yearly feedback, they are 5.2 times more likely to agree with their superiors, 3.2 times more likely to be inspired at work, and 2.7 times more likely to be more involved in the workplace.

Examples of Sales Performance Evaluations

There are plenty of performance assessment forms available online, but there aren’t nearly as many that are tailored expressly for sales managers. A general-purpose performance evaluation template, on the other hand, may frequently be customized with sales-specific important indicators or daily activities.

Here’s a selection of our top templates and how they may assist sales executives to assess and improve their teams’ performance to save you time:

1. Template for Continuous Improvement


Sales performance review template from HubSpot for continuous development.

This B2B sales-specific performance evaluation template is ideal for sales managers wishing to conduct year-round continuous improvement reviews. Pipeline development finished agreements, and phone calls made are all examples of performance assessment criteria. This template has pre-filled categories as well as check-mark choices. It’s also simple to monitor progress over time since the outcomes are shown side by side.

2. Performance Review Template for Self-Assessment


Template for self-evaluation and performance evaluation

Salespeople may examine and reflect on their own performance via self-assessment performance appraisals. It also encourages team members to think about how they can improve on a regular basis, which prepares them for fruitful interactions with their sales managers.

3. Template for a Quarterly Performance Review


Template for a quarterly performance evaluation

The sales performance review template is great for sales management executives seeking a one-page solution to documenting a quarterly sales performance assessment. This design allows for more customization than a template that merely requires checkboxes and numerical ratings next to static text. Despite the fact that it is a general-purpose performance review template, it is simple to customize to the requirements of any team.

4. Template for a Retail Sales Performance Review


Template for evaluating the performance of retail sales associates

This template is intended for salespeople in the retail industry. Personal appearance, safety, expenditure management, communication, and collaboration are all subjects that are more pertinent in a retail sales environment than in other contexts. There’s also a spot for free-form discussion, in addition, to checkboxes.

5. Customized Sales Performance Evaluation


This template may be used to personalize a sales performance evaluation. This evaluation guides you through all of the important aspects of sales that you should consider, including prospecting, strategic approach, entrepreneurship, and communication abilities. It gives a precise score that salespeople and their supervisors may use to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Detailed assessments are a great way to provide sales teams detailed feedback, but the greatest performance evaluations are based on facts rather than opinions. Pipedrive, a customer relationship management (CRM) program, automatically monitors sales actions, making it an excellent resource to use when conducting performance assessments.

How to Make Your Own Performance Evaluation Form

Keep in mind that regardless of the sort of performance review template you use, all sales performance templates should include multiple issue areas. They should also include a section for objectives, professional traits that are being measured, and a section for comments, ratings, and explanations.

Additional information on the contents of sales performance templates may be found below:

Employee & Manager Information

Employee and management information such as name, title, signature, date, and department should be included in all sales performance templates. Because sales performance reports are reported to human resources and constitute part of a sales professional’s employment record, this is critical. If this information is not included, a team member may not get their raise or credit for their efforts.

Goals & Achievements

Goals and actual accomplishments should be included in every performance assessment. SMART goals are those that are precise, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. The performance review template should have a spot for goals so that agreed-upon objectives may be noted and compared to actual accomplishments. For example, if your aim is to earn $17 million in sales by the end of the year, this should be included in your performance assessment.


Professional Qualities

You’ll need to monitor essential traits for your sales staff in addition to objectives. If pipelines must be updated, all opportunities must be recorded in your CRM, or your sales staff must have a positive, can-do attitude, your sales team’s adherence to these traits should be documented and assessed.

Feedback & Ratings

The area for comments must be included in sales performance evaluation forms. Individual members of your sales team should be aware of your opinions on their performance, whether via criticism or ratings. Feedback should include specifics on how you felt about their performance in comparison to benchmarks.

Rating Explanations

If you’re going to employ a rating system, make sure you explain what the ratings signify. For example, if a 1 represents excellent performance and a 5 represents terrible performance, you’ll need to spell it out in your performance review template so that you and other managers can fill it out correctly and your sales staff knows how well or poorly they did.

Sales Performance Management & Motivation Software

While any sales performance template may be downloaded and customized, the software is now available to assist automate the process, offer reliable data for your evaluations, and inspire your team. Here are three tools to test to determine whether they’re a good match for your company:


LevelEleven is a performance management system that enables sales teams to encourage and engage their staff while also providing real-time data and analytics. Gamification elements, actionable information, and responsive customer service are also included.


Example of a LevelEleven leaderboard (Source:

2. Ambition

Another sales performance management application that works well for metric-driven teams is Ambition. It includes gamification scoreboards and leaderboards, coaching sessions, personalized objectives, a rewards system, and dashboards.


Insights about ambition performance

3. Xactly Incent

Another tool for managing sales performance is Xactly Incent, which is best suited for bigger sales teams. It includes territory-specific performance management, configurable incentive programs to assist sales leaders in motivating and rewarding their teams, and sales benchmarking to aid in the development of payment plans and the comparison of team members’ performance.


Sales insights from Xactly Incent

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

I’m looking for analytics for my sales performance evaluations, but I’m not sure where to go.

Sales performance evaluation measures may be available in a number of areas, including business intelligence tools and CRM software like Pipedrive, which automatically tracks sales data.

How often should I do sales performance evaluations?

Your firm and sales organization will determine how often you conduct sales performance evaluations. It’s a good idea to review sales targets periodically on a casual basis and yearly on a formal one if you want them to stay front of mind.

What distinguishes sales performance evaluations from other types of reviews?

Metrics like sales activity and meeting revenue and profit targets are significantly weighted in sales performance appraisals. Different aspects of the company might be judged based on other data, such as the number of support tickets resolved by customer service representatives.


Templates for performance reviews are beneficial since they save time and ensure that everyone is on the same page. They may also help you come up with suggestions for what to put in your own sales performance template. You’ll be able to develop a template that’s perfect for your sales organization using the samples provided here, as well as recommendations on what to include if you opt to create your own template and software to encourage your team and access reliable data.

A sales performance review template is only as good as the metrics and observations that support it. In fast-paced B2B sales, it helps to have a CRM such as Pipedrive to automatically track sales metrics for your team, making it easy for you to access the individual performance data you need.

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