Free Mike Ferry Scripts: Door Knocking, FSBO & More

This is a collection of scripts for the most common real estate activities including door knocking, FSBO (For Sale By Owner) and more. These are free to download so you can use them in your business or personal life!

The “Mike Ferry Just Listed Script” is a free script that allows users to find the right home for their buyers and sellers. This script makes it easy for homeowners to list their home on the market, while making sure that they are getting top dollar for their property.

Free Mike Ferry Scripts: Door Knocking, FSBO & More

Mike Ferry is one of the most well-respected trainers in the field today, with a nearly 40-year career in real estate training. Mike Ferry’s scripts, which are among his most extensively used and duplicated training materials, are among the finest in the industry. However, you must see a competent salesman utilize techniques in order for them to work. For most new agents, this is when the light bulb turns out.

Mike Ferry Scripts We Love with An example of a videos

Script 1: Handling 40 Real Estate Objections

I believe 40 Real Estate Objections Handled is the most significant of all the Mike Ferry Scripts available online. To see an instant increase in sales, every new agent should learn this phrase exactly. This is why:

Pitching is no different than any other ability. You may practice and improve, but other individuals are just inherently great at it. For whatever reason, they just have a greater understanding of social dynamics and can steer a discussion in whatever direction they choose. Even the most socially competent individual will falter at the first objection once they get to the logical stage of the decision-making process (which may happen considerably sooner than you would imagine).

“My buddy is a broker,” “I want you to reduce your charge,” and “I’ll earn more money selling on my own” are all frequent arguments that can halt your progress if you don’t know how to address them. While they make perfect sense after reading them, unless you’re well-versed in the sales process, they’re not necessarily common sense. You should avoid this script at all costs.

An example of a video

Check the Boston area real estate agent Deric Lipski’s 14-minute live conversation with a genuine expiring lead to learn how vital it is to overcome concerns.

Script 2: Script for Expired Listings (Over the Phone)

The Expired Listing Script by Mike Ferry is one of the finest. Deric Lipski, a real estate agent in the Boston area, has a fantastic real-world example of using this script to secure an appointment. You can see firsthand how being able to address objections is the most crucial skill you can develop to become a successful cold caller in this live cold call with a genuine expired lead.

An example of a video

How to obtain expired leads is shown in this video:

Script 3: Listing Presentation in “One Minute”

Mike Ferry’s One Minute Listing Presentation contains a fantastic walkthrough guide by Karl Krentzel. Before viewing Karl’s video below, go here to get the script if you haven’t already done so.

The reason I enjoy this so much is because he provides excellent background for some of the script’s vocabulary as well as explanations as to why it works. For certain individuals, knowing how to use a Mike Ferry Script efficiently is critical. Check it out for yourself to understand what I’m talking about.

An example of a video

A one-minute listing presentation is seen in the video below.

Script 4: Home Buyer Qualification and Motivation

The most crucial aspect of dealing with consumers is ensuring that they are worth your time. This is referred to as pre-qualifying, and it is one of the most crucial real estate prospecting skills you can master. Mike’s tutorial is one of the finest on the internet on this topic. Take a look at it here.

An example of a video

Check out Venny Saucedo’s great role play from Century 21 below to see this technique in action:

Script #5: The Most Common Buyer Criticisms

This script addresses buyer objections rather than seller objections, like the original did. Closing buyers may be difficult, but it can be tremendously profitable if done effectively. To accomplish so, you must be able to effectively manage objections.

This script addresses 14 of the most typical buyer complaints, as well as how to respond to them. Take a look at it here.

An example of a video

Mike outlines some of the finer nuances of dealing with purchasers in the video below:

Script No. 6: Just Sold

There’s a reason why the phrase “nothing succeeds like success” is a cliché. People are interested in what other people are interested in. There is no better approach to sell than to provide a recent achievement as an example. This is one of the reasons why just-sold prospecting is so effective. This script is no different.

An example of a video

Check out Simon Lemay’s live call below to see a wonderful example of this script in action. Although he didn’t obtain an appointment, pay attention to how fast he establishes rapport with his lead and how skillfully he manages the conversation:

Script #7 is a newly listed script.

Rather of waiting on other agents to bring them purchasers, outstanding agents go out and actively seek buyers for their new listings. The rationale is straightforward. They do not want to share their commissions with another agent.

Mike Ferry scripts, as usual, may be really useful in this situation. Here’s a link to his Just Listed Script.

An example of a video

Below is a video of Deric using the script on live cold calls:

The CMA Presentation (Script 8)

The CMA (comparative market analysis) presentation script explains you how to clinch the transaction, whereas practically all of the other scripts we’ve given here concentrate on getting your foot in the door. Take a look at it here.

An example of a video

To see this screenplay in action, see the following live role play of a CMA presentation:

Script No. 9: FSBO

Because FSBO leads are among the hottest you can get, perfecting your FSBO script may result in a significant increase in commissions. Mike Ferry Scripts has you covered, as always. Mike’s FSBO script is excellent and covers all of the things you’ll need to get an appointment.

An example of a video

Check out Rick Colton of Colton Lindsay Realty using a creatively adapted Mike Ferry FSBO script on an FSBO lead in the video below. Pay attention to how he addresses objections once again, and then go back to memorizing the 40 Real Estate Objections script! Didn’t I explain how critical it was?

Script 10: Strong Closings for FSBOs

This script includes five “closes” to persuade FSBOs to schedule a meeting with you. One of the most effective methods is to inquire about making an appointment as if it had already been made.

An example of a video

On a live FSBO lead, here’s Paul Campanaro employing this technique:

4 Ways to Make Mike Ferry Scripts Work for You

Now that you’ve read a few of the greatest Mike Ferry Scripts and seen some in action, it’s time to concentrate on making them successful enough to clinch additional sales.

1. Make a list of them and memorize them.

When it comes to real estate lead generation, many new agents are put off by the prospect of seeming robotic or stiff by repeating a prepared script. This is a ridiculous concern. This is why. After a year or two in the sector, I discovered that when I met with customers, I was repeating the same lines, usually in the same sequence. I could have spared myself a year of trial and error if I had remembered a script earlier. For almost 40 years, Mike Ferry has been training Real Estate Professionals. There’s a reason why the screenplays are written the way they are.

2. Rehearse, rehearse, rehears

Buddy Rich was regarded as one of the best drummers of all time. You could suppose he was born with a natural ability or a good ear. Buddy Rich may have been a good drummer, but he accomplished something that 99 percent of drummers didn’t. Every day, he practiced for many hours. He would shut himself up in a woodshed from sunrise to night, practicing drum rudiments. In homage of Buddy Rich, musicians still refer to intensive practice as “wood shedding.” Why do you believe you can perfect cold calling in a week if the finest drummer in the world need so much practice?

Okay, we’re not suggesting you put yourself in a woodshed with a phone to practice cold calling, but the point should be clear. The more you practice, the more proficient you will become. You will never improve if you do not practice. That’s all there is to it.

Are you all set to get started? If that’s the case, here’s how to improve your cold-calling skills.

Make a practice schedule for cold calling.

If you want to create leads via cold calling, you should set aside time each day to rehearse your scripts. It should only take 10-20 minutes every day. Top cold-calling agents (the majority of them) spend many hours every day on the phone. You must increase your stamina.

With a coworker or a friend, role play your scripts.

The easiest way to prepare is to role play with a friend or, better yet, another agent who is familiar with some of the arguments that buyers and sellers may raise. It is far simpler to learn by doing than than through rote memory. Hey, did I explain the importance of the 40 Objections script?

Make a video of your practice sessions.

Is your voice projected far enough? How self-assured do you sound? Was that argument successful, or did it come out as excessively aggressive? Because it’s impossible to objectively evaluate your cold calling while role playing or on the phone, recording yourself may be really beneficial. When you listen back to yourself, you could be startled to find that what you thought was successful sounded flat, or vice versa. You may simply record yourself using your smartphone or PC.

3. Make a phone call!

This may seem self-evident, but learning Mike Ferry Scripts is pointless if you never put them to the test on real leads! Yes, you’ll be scared, and yes, your first few phone conversations will come off as stiff and forced. Yes, people will disconnect from you. No, there’s a slim chance you’ll make appointments straight immediately. However, you can’t become excellent at anything without first being awful or average at it. You WILL get better if you persevere through the discomfort. Continue to work hard and you’ll succeed.

4. Think about hiring a real estate coach.

While coaching might be costly, it is an excellent approach to fine-tune your organization and concentrate on improvement. Check out our in-depth information on real estate coaches here if you want to learn more about selecting the ideal coach.

Mike Ferry is a company we suggest since they provide outstanding training and have been in business for almost 40 years. However, this is a really personal choice, so don’t take our word for it. Ask around the workplace for recommendations from agents you admire.

3 Ways to Overcome Your Cold Calling Fear

Okay. You’re apprehensive about picking up the phone. We’re aware. For virtually all rookie agents, cold calling is terrifying. Having said that, have you ever considered WHY cold calling is so frightening to you right now? It’s really rather straightforward.

1. Confidence comes from knowledge, whereas fear comes from ignorance.

Consider cold calling as if you were taking a large exam in school. You’ll have to guess the answers to the majority of the questions if you haven’t studied well. In this case, a terror reaction would be totally normal for most of us. No one can blame you for being concerned about failing the exam.

Consider an exam for which you prepared for weeks. You spend hours practicing examinations with pals, studied flashcards every night before bed, and are 90 percent certain that you will know the answers to all of the questions. Most individuals would feel extremely secure stepping into the classroom to take the exam instead of fearing it.

When it comes down to it, the only reason you’re afraid of cold calling right now is because of this. You’re worried because you don’t believe you’ll be able to answer the questions your lead will undoubtedly ask. What’s more, guess what? You are correct. The major reason you’re afraid is because you don’t know the solutions. You would feel more assured if you knew the answers. This is why the only way to conquer your fear is to memorize scripts and role play.

2. Concentrate on Your Objective

Even the most seasoned cold callers may choke on a call at times. If you find yourself in this circumstance, gently remind yourself that you don’t have to put your phone down. All you have to do now is schedule a viewing appointment. That is all there is to it.

3. Fail, Fail a Third Time, and Fail Better

I’m not sure how to make this less painful… You’ll be a failure at cold calling. Quite a bit. Even the world’s finest salesmen fail considerably more frequently than they succeed. The only difference is that they TRYED a lot more than the rest of us. They then used what they had learnt from their mistakes and continued on. There is no other option if you want to be successful.

6 Ways to Avoid Sounding Like a Used Car Salesman

I understand. People associate salesmen with dishonesty and pushiness, therefore you don’t want to sound like one. This criticism has always struck me as weird. Real estate agents, after all, are salesmen! Most individuals undoubtedly mean that they don’t want to come out as a bad salesman when they say this.

Check out Bill Crespo’s fantastic video below for additional advice on how to utilize scripts without seeming like a lousy salesman. The following are six crucial points to remember from the video:

1. Maintain a good attitude.

Try not to be too harsh with your lead over the phone. Nobody enjoys being lectured. If you must reprimand someone, start by agreeing with them: “I can see why you think that way….I would do the same in your situation.”

2. Pay attention to what the potential customer has to say.

Listening is a lot more helpful skill in sales than talking. It may seem contradictory, but remember that your job is to help your lead solve an issue, not to sell them anything.

3. Don’t attempt to make a deal with them over the phone.

You just need to make an appointment. No one is going to hire you over the phone, therefore closing the sale during your cold call is pointless. After all, most salesmen are significantly more convincing in person than they are over the phone.

4. Avoid excessive self-promotion.

Your focus should be on addressing the issue of the prospective customer, not on bragging about how fantastic you are. That’ll have to wait until the CMA presentation.

5. Don’t attempt to dominate the talk all of the time.

You can’t walk all over someone and force them into a corner if you want to win them over. If you do, almost no one will react favorably to you. Instead, gently encourage the discussion and let it develop on its own.

6. Make use of tactics for marketing takeout.

Takeaway selling is the practice of applying “reverse psychology” to pique your prospect’s interest. “I’m not sure your house qualifies for my 21-step program,” for example, may make your lead feel left out and confused as to why their home may not qualify.

Mike Ferry Scripts: The Bottom Line

Calling on a whim FSBOs and expired postings are excellent sources of leads and opportunities to hone your sales abilities. You must learn and rehearse these scripts until they become second nature if you want to become an expert at cold calling.

The “Mike Ferry Center of Influence Script” is a script that will help you find the center of influence for any given person. It also includes scripts to help you do door knocking, FSBO and more. Reference: mike ferry center of influence script.

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