7 Effective Real Estate Email Marketing Strategies & Tools

Email marketing is one of the best ways to make sure that your business reaches its target audience. Follow these email marketing strategies and tools to help you grow your real estate practice in a cost-effective way.

The “real estate marketing strategies examples” is a blog post that provides 7 effective real estate email marketing strategies and tools. The article also includes an infographic with the same title.

7 Effective Real Estate Email Marketing Strategies & Tools

To create trust with prospects and remain in touch with prior customers, real estate agents may use auto-responders, email newsletters, and behavior-triggered emails. Any agent or broker who wants to retain connections and grow their company will need to invest their time, energy, and money into real estate email marketing ideas.

You’ll need the correct platform to handle email marketing while you figure out the best approach to do it. Unfortunately, if you don’t continuously deliver value that encourages your contacts to connect, your emails may end up in spam or garbage folders. There are a lot of email templates and subject ideas in Constant Contact to make sure you send intriguing emails that don’t land up in the spam bin. A free 15-day trial is available to test it out.

Visit Constant Contact for more information. for more information.

To start producing leads and expanding your company via email, use these seven email marketing strategies:

1. Send Emails on a Regular Basis

When you send a standard email, you usually create a separate message and send it to the recipient right away. Real estate email marketing campaigns vary in that it is much more efficient and effective to plan your emails in advance and maintain consistency, but it is also lot more efficient and successful to send emails in mass numbers to save time.

The majority of successful real estate agents, for example, put up a “welcome sequence” that automatically sends out when new leads sign up for their newsletter or opt in for a free property assessment or market analysis.

A welcome sequence is a series of emails sent at regular intervals to establish trust and introduce you to a new contact. It usually entails sending a large number of emails in a short period of time, such as one email each day for four or five days. You won’t have to hustle to contact new connections at all hours of the day or night if you use this automated procedure. Furthermore, welcome emails have an open rate of 86 percent, which is four times the number of opens and ten times the number of clicks as other emails.

In addition to your welcome email or sequence, you’ll need to figure out how often your audience wishes to receive emails. Most of your contacts, unlike on social networking, will not want to get a fresh email every day. According to studies, people who send emails once a week have the best open and click-through rates.

Plan up an email strategy and schedule communications a few weeks ahead of time to ensure consistency. Another method to improve and organize your follow-up strategy is to use Follow Up Boss’ action plans, which include graphic outlines of each lead and email campaign. Follow Up Boss also allows you to send SMS messages and monitor phone conversations and meetings, ensuring that no one slips between the gaps.

Follow Up Boss is a website dedicated to following up on leads.

2. Make a strong call to action.

Your emails should finish with a visible call to action (CTA) that asks readers to take some form of action, just like other successful real estate marketing ideas. Even if the main goal of your email isn’t to create a sale, it’s still a chance to interact with each of your contacts. Your CTA may be a request for a phone call, a meeting, a LinkedIn connection, or a simple question to respond. Make sure your CTA is relevant to your email content and simple to use for your lead.


(Photo courtesy of HomeSpotter)

This sample email from Zillow, for example, has many calls to action for both homeowners and homebuyers. “See What You Can Afford” and “What’s That Home Worth?” are the subjects of this email, which is aimed at both buyers and sellers. These calls to action are formatted in such a way that it is incredibly simple and enticing for house hunters, homeowners, and future homebuyers to discover more about certain queries they are likely to have.

3. Maintain the Relevance of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Real estate market reports may be quite informative and engaging for your prospects who are thinking about buying or selling a house. However, when they’ve closed on their new permanent home, the same folks are likely to delete the identical email. Customizing your emails for each sort of reader you have is called segmentation, and it’s one of the most critical aspects of a successful email marketing plan.

You define which contacts will get various sorts of email campaigns when you segment your email list. This enables you to send personalized emails to everyone on your contact list, including prospective buyers, sellers, prior buyer customers, previous sellers, and new homeowners.


(Image courtesy of Constant Contact)

To produce real estate leads and nurture current clients, you should employ a variety of email marketing formats. The following are the six most common forms of real estate email marketing campaigns:

  • Drip campaigns: Drip campaigns in real estate are automatic email sequences that are generally prompted by a user’s actions, such as visiting your website, browsing your properties, or clicking a link in a blog post. Because it can be executed over a lengthy period of time, this is the most popular campaign kind. See our post How to Develop Successful Real Estate Drip Campaigns (+ Examples) for more information on how to create your own drip campaigns.
  • Marketing that are particularly tailored to a portion of your leads are known as targeted campaigns. This allows you to deliver highly targeted and tailored messages that increase conversions. Send tailored marketing to leads based on their geography, interests, or even the source of their lead.
  • Cold campaigns: Unlike the other campaign kinds, cold emails are delivered to those who have not willingly signed up for your email list and may have never heard of you. Sending introduction emails to prospective buyer leads, FSBO (for sale by owner) leads, and expired listing leads are all examples of this. Before sending cold emails, check your state’s spam regulations to prevent paying hundreds of dollars in unwarranted costs.
  • Follow-up campaigns for open houses and real estate events: After organizing an open house or a real estate event, seize the opportunity to send a follow-up email to each guest. You can simply automate these emails, but make sure they’re well-written so recipients remember who you are. Use open house follow-up email templates to get started.
  • Referral or testimonial campaigns: Keep in contact with your prior customers, since they are the most probable suppliers of recommendations and repeat business. Continue to contact them through email and request a testimonial or fresh recommendations.
  • Birthday and anniversary email campaigns: Make sure to enter each client’s birthday and real estate anniversary dates into your real estate CRM and/or email management software. Create an event campaign to send each lead an email on their big day to check in with them automatically. This might help them remember you and strengthen your bond.

Constant Contact is one of the greatest tools for implementing all of these real estate email marketing campaigns. Constant Contact, for example, has an automated function that allows you to gather first-sale or birthday dates from your web forms or CRM, as well as a pre-designed template. Furthermore, the drag-and-drop email builder makes it simple to design and schedule emails of any sort, complete with customized greetings and unique offers for each recipient.

Visit Constant Contact for more information. for more information.

4. Educate & Entertain Your Audience

When you concentrate on your leads’ wants and interests rather than your own, you’ll see the best open and engagement rates. This entails integrating several sorts of material at various periods. For example, delivering excellent content to your email list demonstrates your experience and may assist them in learning more about real estate purchasing and selling. You might email the following to your lead to assist educate them:

  • Infographics
  • Data from the market
  • Interesting news items regarding the local market are linked here.
  • Tips for improving your home
  • Information about recent sales
  • There are some new listings available.
  • Invitations to an open house
  • Mortgage information and assistance

One easy way to educate your audience without sending a long-winded report is to create an infographic highlighting current Data from the market or location perks. Even if you’re not graphically inclined, design platforms like Canva provide infographic templates that make it easy to plug in the information.


Canva’s infographic templates

Regular mailings regarding interest rates and the median price per square foot figures will rapidly become tedious. Fun local events, hilarious real estate memes, or reviews of new neighborhood eateries may liven up your message. While you should retain your professionalism, utilizing humor to develop real relationships and discover similar interests may be quite effective.

5. Don’t forget to provide testimonials.

Because the major purpose of email marketing is to grow your company, it’s critical to include testimonials from previous customers from time to time in your emails. Eighty-eight percent of buyers trust internet testimonials as much as personal recommendations, so hearing what others have to say about you might be the difference between converting a lead and losing one.


(Photo courtesy of 90254 Real Estate)

Zillow is a great tool for gathering and presenting testimonials. Given that Zillow is the most popular real estate site, it makes the most sense to collect your testimonials there.

You may create a free agent profile and distribute it to your clients to ask them to submit a testimonial. Furthermore, as a Zillow Premier agent, your profile and good testimonials will appear on nearby listings, making it simple to attract leads who are eager to buy or sell a home.

Visit Zillow for more information.

6. Be approachable

Constantly pressing for a sale is the quickest way to wind up in someone’s garbage. Nobody wants to be seen as nothing more than a cash symbol. Invitations to open houses, as well as your listings, should be included in your emails, but they shouldn’t be the major emphasis of your email campaign. Keep your promotional emails focused on educating, entertaining, and connecting, and they’ll automatically become more successful.

Ryan Serhant, for example, uses all of his marketing platforms to upload images of his family, selfies with his kids, professional presentations, and property tours. His marketing technique, as one of the most well-known real estate experts in the field, demonstrates that not every email or social media post has to be extensive and strategic—sometimes all you need to do is convey that you’re just a normal person looking to connect with people.


Ryan Serhant as an example

7. Use Emails in Combination With Other Marketing Channels

Although real estate email marketing may provide impressive results, putting all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea. Instead, combining email marketing with other marketing channels can help you reach a wider audience and have a greater effect. Fortunately, email may be used in conjunction with a few other marketing platforms, such as:

  • Text message marketing for real estate: SMS marketing is a very successful way to get your name and message in front of your contacts. Text, on the other hand, can only deliver a certain amount of characters, thus it’s a great complement to email marketing.
  • Social media: Social media, like email, demands consistency to get the greatest outcomes. A successful real estate social media marketing campaign may generate a lot of material that can be readily repurposed into your weekly newsletter.
  • Publishing engaging content on your website is one of the most effective strategies to grow your email list. Then, in return for their email address, you may give something enticing to prospective leads, such as a house value, real estate meeting, or market report.

‘Don’ts’ in Real Estate Email Marketing

For thousands of real estate agents and brokers, email marketing is an exceptionally efficient marketing medium that is reasonably easy to get started with. However, there are a few blunders that might keep you from achieving your goals:

1. Violations of Anti-Spam Legislation

The May-Spam Act is a stringent set of regulations governing advertising and marketing, and breaking it can result in fines of tens of thousands of dollars. These spam rules make it quite clear that you are not allowed to sell to email addresses obtained without the recipient’s agreement.

How to prevent it: Never buy email lists or add contacts to your database unless they’ve given you explicit permission. By generating leads directly from your website, you can be confident that you have every contact’s consent to email them. You may use built-in call to action and free products like market reports, house appraisals, and guidelines with a real estate website builder like Placester. Placester is available for free for 30 days.

2. Distribute the Same Emails to Everyone on Your Contact List

As effective as email marketing is, keep in mind that your contacts are likely to get 10 or more business emails every day. If you send out generic emails that don’t add value to your receivers’ lives, they’ll rapidly become digital garbage.

How to prevent it: You’ll need an email marketing platform with more functionality than a personal email account to effortlessly manage and segment contacts and develop personalized messages. You can simply tailor your content and measure the outcomes of each email using a platform like HubSpot. They also feature filters for your contact lists, allowing you to differentiate buyers from sellers, investors from others, and so on, ensuring that your material reaches the right people.

3. Send Inconsistent Emails

You must be ready to send an email out as soon as you get a new email subscriber. Even if you wait a few hours to send an email, your new lead may not recognize your name or may have already linked with your rival. Sending sporadic and irregular emails, on the other hand, will not be enough for your contacts to remember you. You must reach out repeatedly and effectively in order for email marketing to be productive.


Real Geeks’ automated drip sequence

How to stay away from: Even monthly or bi-weekly newsletters should be prepared ahead of time rather than written shortly before being delivered. You’ll be able to establish a long-term strategy and create higher-quality email content if you sketch out your email strategies. Many real estate marketing solutions, such as Real Geeks, let you to design an email campaign’s visual guide ahead of time. This enables you to not only personalize each email for the recipient, but also to zoom out and guarantee that each email is delivered at the most appropriate moment.

4. Don’t Pay Attention to Your Email Marketing Analytics

Writing and delivering emails to your audience is just half the battle—in order to enhance and further adapt your approach, you must also pay attention to the statistics. Keep track of your email open and click-through rates at the absolute least, and make a note of the content of emails that perform exceptionally well or badly.

How to prevent it: The top Tools for Email Marketing can assist you in learning more about when your emails are opened and which kind of email campaigns are most effective. Using an email solution like Constant Contact or HubSpot, make sure you can utilize this data to improve your future approach. Both services provide you a lot of information about your contacts and email performance.

Tools for Email Marketing

There are a variety of solutions on the market to assist you handle contact with prospects, regardless of the sort of email marketing campaign you employ. The cost of these tools varies based on which services you use and how many lead connections you have, but they are well worth the investment.

The following are the most typical tools for building contact lists and managing real estate email marketing campaigns, as well as their costs:

Why You Should Use Real Estate Email Marketing & Statistics


On their full to-do list, many agents consider email marketing to be a low priority. Marketing statistics, on the other hand, suggest that email is an essential marketing piece with enough clout to win a place among your top priorities and most significant expenditures.

Here are some email marketing statistics that demonstrate the value of email marketing:


  • Email marketing has a 3,600 percent return on investment (ROI), which means it generates $36 for every $1 invested, according to Litmus.
  • Email has a 40% better conversion rate than social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • In the real estate sector, the average email open rate is 25%.
  • Marketers that segment their email lists and provide personalized campaigns improve revenue by 760 percent.

These figures illustrate that although sending emails alone isn’t a certain way to expand your organization, the correct email marketing approach paired with other marketing activities may be. As you get experience writing emails and segmented pipelines, you may want to devote more time to growing your email list. You can generate leads and drive traffic to your email list using both organic and sponsored approaches.


(Image courtesy of BoldLeads)

Use a “contact us” form on your website, give out an e-book on how to raise the value of your property in exchange for an email address, or join up for a lead generating platform like BoldLeads. BoldLeads is one of the few places in your ZIP code where you can get unique real estate leads, as well as tested landing pages and an easy-to-use CRM. With BoldLeads, you can start producing leads right now.

Visit BoldLeads.com for more information.


Because of its capacity to raise brand recognition and nurture new customers, email is probably one of the best, most efficient, and most successful real estate marketing tactics. You’ll have a better chance of attracting customers and growing sales and commissions if you create topic-specific ads on purpose. Given the effectiveness of email campaigns, all real estate agents and brokerages should include them in their marketing plans.

The “best time to send real estate emails” is a question that many agents and brokers ask themselves. There are 7 effective email marketing strategies and tools that can help you reach more potential clients in your market.

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