How to Use WooCommerce and Square to Run Your Business

Square is a popular payment company that has become the go-to option for businesses looking to expand their reach. From its use in brick and mortar stores, to small business mobile solutions, Square enables merchants of any size to keep track of transactions through cash register software or over the phone with live chat support. With all these options available, it’s important you know how exactly your business can work with Square so you get more customers and profit from each sale transaction. ‘,

The “how to connect square to woocommerce” is a tutorial on how to connect the Square POS system with WooCommerce. It will show you how to set up your Square account and get your credit card information for payment processing.

How to Use WooCommerce and Square to Run Your Business

In-store and online transactions, items, and inventory are all connected with the WooCommerce Square point-of-sale (POS) connection. You may use Square to start selling in person if you sell online using WooCommerce. Using the free Square for WooCommerce plug-in, you can effortlessly extend your in-store company to online sales.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the processes to connect WooCommerce and Square, go over the expenses, and suggest ways for companies to leverage the integration to boost sales.

How to Make WooCommerce and Square Work Together

To combine WooCommerce and Square from the WooCommerce dashboard in your WordPress ecommerce website, follow the instructions below. This is also something you can do with your Square account.

Make sure you have the following items before you begin:

  1. A Square account is a kind of bank account that allows you (see our Square setup guide)
  2. On your WordPress ecommerce website, install WooCommerce (version 3.0 or above).
  3. Your web hosting firm should provide you with a valid SSL certificate.

Note that the WooCommerce Square plugin is currently only accessible in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Ireland.

  1. Go to your WooCommerce dashboard and log in. Select “Marketplace” from the drop-down menu.


  1. In the search box, type Square.


This is how the Square for WooCommerce plugin appears in search results. To go to the next stage, click “View details.”

  1. Get the Square extension (this is free). After you’ve made your purchase, click “Add to Site.”

Purchasing the extensions on Woocommerce.

To buy the extension, click “Continue.” You’ll be requested to enter your username and password if you haven’t already done so for your WooCommerce account.

Showing purchased orders and option to add to site.

Click “Add to Site” beneath the Square for WooCommerce product after it’s been bought.

  1. You’ll be prompted to approve the Square and WooCommerce connection. Connect your Square account and provide your site’s information.

Entering url of the WooCommerce site you'd like to add extension.

Enter the URL of your WordPress ecommerce store.

Authorizing connection of url to an account on WooCommerce site.

Select “Connect Store” from the drop-down menu.

  1. To permit Square and WooCommerce to connect, click “Allow” on the permissions screen that appears next.
  2. When asked by the login screen, choose “That’s my site – reroute me.”
  3. Fill out the remaining information, such as company location and notification email, after you’ve been authorized.
  4. Square should be enabled as a payment option. Go to the Payments tab in your WooCommerce dashboard and click “Enable.”


Enable Square Payments to begin collecting payments once Square is linked to WooCommerce.

Sandbox Mode for WooCommerce Square Integration: How to Enable It

It’s time to test Square once you’ve integrated WooCommerce and Square. To ensure that transactions are processed, we suggest adding sandbox mode testing to your Square integration.

  1. Enable the Sandbox mode for Square by going to your WooCommerce dashboard, then clicking on Settings > Payments > Square.


You’ll find a new Sandbox settings section with two fields when you activate the sandbox mode: Sandbox Application ID and Sandbox Access Token.

  1. To acquire an Application ID and a Sandbox Access token to utilize in your testing, go to the Square developer site and build an app.


The Square Developer site, where you may setup your sandbox seller testing accounts (Source: WooCommerce)

  1. On the Square developer site, click the + symbol to create a new app, give it a name, and then click “Save.” Copy and paste the Sandbox Access Token and Sandbox Application ID information into your WooCommerce dashboard’s Square settings.

Clicking show before highlighting and copying to the sandbox access token.

To check that it is copied properly, click “Show” before highlighting and copying to the Sandbox Access Token. (Image courtesy of WooCommerce)

Pasting the token values in the Square settings of your WooCommerce dashboard.

Paste the token values into your WooCommerce dashboard’s Square settings. Set the default test account as the business location. (Image courtesy of WooCommerce)

Tip: Keep in mind that your Test Account Authorization will expire at some point and will need to be reauthorized.

How to Sync Inventory and Enable Product System of Record With WooCommerce and Square

Square and WooCommerce may exchange inventory, allowing you to maintain both systems up to date regardless of whether you execute a transaction using Square or WooCommerce. Set up the system of record for your shop in your Square settings from the WooCommerce dashboard before synchronizing inventory.

If there are any inconsistencies between WooCommerce and Square, a system of record will define how product data is communicated and which platform has the ultimate word.

  • Assume you sell via a variety of channels, including in-person and online. In such situation, having Square as your system of record is advised, particularly if you exchange inventory across many Square sites.
  • If you solely sell online, WooCommerce should be your system of record so that updates to product data are sent to Square.
  • You don’t need to sync product data if you solely utilize Square as a payment gateway.

Before synchronizing, decide on the following before setting up your store’s system of record and to guarantee that the first sync is error-free:

  • Examine your SKUs: If you already have items listed in Square POS and WooCommerce, double-check that your stock keeping units (SKUs) are identical—no extra spaces, zeros, or other inconsistencies. You’ll have issues with your initial sync if they’re not a perfect match.
  • Choose whether you want to sync your first product from Square to WooCommerce or from WooCommerce to Square. Of course, if you currently use one and want to add the other, the decision is straightforward. You’ll transfer your data from the old platform to the new one. However, if you’ve been using the two platforms separately and have product data in both, you’ll need to determine whether you want all or portion of your product data in one platform to replace product data in the other.
  • Choose which product data items to sync: You may choose which product data elements to sync and which to keep separate across the two systems. This is done on the Synchronization page, which you’ll see after installing your plug-in. You may also alter the components of your sync at any moment.


Sync settings panel in WordPress for Square for WooCommerce plug-on

  • Decide whether or not you wish to accept online payments with Square: You’ll set up Square as your payment processor after installing the Square for WooCommerce plug-in if you’re intending to utilize Square to handle your online payments. This is done under the Payments section of your WordPress site’s settings. After you’ve chosen Square, the setup will lead you through a few steps to link Square’s payment processing to your WooCommerce store.


WordPress’s WooCommerce settings page

Using Square With WooCommerce Is Expensive

The WooCommerce and Square POS combo is incredibly low-cost at its most basic level, but that doesn’t imply it’s absolutely free to use. Here’s a breakdown of how much it costs to use Square with WooCommerce as an omnichannel sales solution.

WooCommerce is free, but you’ll have to pay for the website builder.

WooCommerce is a free ecommerce shopping cart plugin for WordPress that transforms any website into an online store. While the WooCommerce plug-in is free, setting up a full-fledged ecommerce shop comes at a price.

Square POS is free, however there are credit card processing fees.

Square POS is a free retail point-of-sale system with a robust set of company management features. Square does, however, charge credit card processing fees for each credit card payment you take.

Square’s straightforward, flat-rate credit card processing rates are quite competitive for most small businesses, particularly when considering its wide range of payment methods and free POS system. Evaluate our comparison of the most popular online payment processors to see how Square’s pricing and services stack up against those of other payment processors.

What the WooCommerce Square Integration Is Good For

WooCommerce is one of our favorite free ecommerce systems, and Square is the greatest merchant service and POS solution for small companies. As a result, the combination is unquestionably beneficial for small enterprises, and we propose it in particular for the following:

  • Users using Square POS who wish to branch out into online retailing should: If you already have product data in your Square POS, such as item SKUs, photos, descriptions, pricing, and inventory counts, you may use the plug-in to swiftly fill your new online shop with this data. The Square for WooCommerce plug-in populates your new WooCommerce online shop with data from your current Square POS items. This feature of the WooCommerce Square integration allows you to rapidly set up and launch your new WooCommerce online shop using the data you’ve already submitted in Square.
  • Users using WooCommerce who wish to sell in person should: If you’re a WooCommerce seller, you may sign up for a free Square account to sell in person using Square’s mobile credit card readers, a complete Square register setup, or both. Square makes it simple to take cash payments in person anywhere you sell.
  • Service providers that wish to offer their services online and accept payments from customers from all around the world: Salons, tutoring centers, spas, and yoga studios, for example, may collect payments for services both online and in person, send invoices to customers, accept online invoice payments, and set up automatic recurring payments for repeat services. Square Appointments, Square’s built-in online booking tool, may be used to manage appointments. It’s free for one user and allows you to mark times on your calendar as available or unavailable. Your customers may then arrange appointments and even pay for planned services online at their leisure.


The WooCommerce Square combination is excellent if you’re just getting started and want to begin your new company with as many online and offline sales tools as possible. At such a cheap price, it’s hard to match the tremendous omnichannel sales tool that this solution delivers.

Accepting payments everywhere you sell, linking online and offline purchases into your Square dashboard, and synchronizing your inventory between the two in real time are some of the finest features of the Square WooCommerce connection. Because of the variances across the platforms, there are various transaction and product data constraints. If they don’t pose a problem for your organization, WooCommerce and Square POS provide a cost-effective sales and administration solution that can scale with you.

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