6 Ways to Track Employee Hours for Small Business

Tracking employee hours at a small business is tricky. A better way to do this is by using the new trend of blockchain technology. In doing so, you can provide safer and more accurate data than those old-fashioned spreadsheets! Check out these six ways to track your employees’ time in no time!.

The “track employee hours free” is a tool that can be used to track employee hours for small businesses. It is available for free on the Google Play Store.

6 Ways to Track Employee Hours for Small Business

There are a variety of ways to monitor staff hours, so you’ll have to figure out which one is ideal for your small company. When making your selection, consider the technical needs, cost, regulatory compliance, and simplicity of use for your staff.

Knowing whether your staff are working isn’t enough for many firms. Employee hours must be tracked in order for your organization to comprehend labor expenditures and plan for payroll processing. It’s a safe approach for managers to measure where their workers’ time is spent, and it may even enhance employee productivity.


Tracking Software

Time tracking software is used to make recording employee hours easier and to guarantee that your employees are paid correctly.

Because time monitoring software may help with payroll processing efficiency, it’s a good idea to utilize it.

  • Employees keep computerized time records, which reduces errors.
  • With a press of a button, supervisors and managers may approve time submitted online.
  • HR specialists may provide reports that show management where they can make changes.


Tracking using GPS

Monitoring your employee’s hours worked using Tracking using GPS software allows you to record their time and attendance from worksite to worksite. When your employees work offsite, a Tracking using GPS method may be the right option for your business. This works best for courier services, logistics, construction, and public transportation companies.

Employees may register their time from any device, such as a mobile phone, while working in the field, making GPS time monitoring easy. It is also simple for company owners and managers to keep track of time sheets from the workplace.

With a simple service like ClockShark, pricing may start as low as $3 per month, per user (plus a $15 monthly base cost). Most of this sort of software has a monthly basic price and offers tailored solutions for any company size.


Tracking by hand

Manual time tracking is as ancient as the company itself. Employees record their own time on a handwritten piece of paper, which is referred to as pen-and-paper tracking. This strategy is not suggested for small organizations since it may lead to problems (such as time theft, accounting errors, payroll concerns, and labor law violations).

Manual timekeeping lacks the accuracy and security of a software-based time and attendance system. Despite the fact that this is a free solution, there are many reasons to abandon manual time tracking:

  • Employees might waste hours manually recording their time, resulting in inefficiency.
  • When adding up hours, it is possible to make mathematical errors.
  • Inconvenience: In today’s modern world of computers and smartphones, keeping track of hours on paper might be difficult.
  • Unreliability: Keeping track of hours on paper is insecure. If you lose the report, you may lose hours of work.


Spreadsheet Monitoring

Spreadsheet time tracking is done using Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel with a template. In our post on time cards and time sheets, we provide a straightforward method to accomplish this using free templates. This is comparable to manual time tracking, in which an employee enters their hours into a spreadsheet, but it includes mathematical characteristics to improve accuracy. For time verification and approval, a spreadsheet may be shared online with managers and supervisors.

Time sheet templates are available in Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, and they automatically compute total hours, normal hours, and overtime hours. They may also be used to monitor the efficiency and productivity of your company’s teams.

The spreadsheets and time tracking templates are free to use after you buy Google Workspace (as little as $6 per user, per month) or Microsoft 365 ($70–$100 per year).


Time Clock on the Wall

Wall-mounted time clocks are ideal for organizations like factories and warehouses where all personnel are expected to register their time when they arrive, leave for breaks or lunch, and depart for the day.

The corporation benefits from the fact that it knows exactly how many hours each person worked and compensates them appropriately. One drawback is that this technique only works for workers who work in an office or factory and does not account for employees who work remotely. Wall-mounted time clocks range in price from $100 to $1,000 and may be found on Amazon or at most office supply retailers.

Employees physically register their time by punching a time sheet into a wall-mounted time clock, which is referred to as “punching a clock.”


Time Clock with Biometrics

Biometric tracking uses biological traits such as a fingerprint scan or face recognition to monitor time. This form of monitoring validates an employee’s identification and may help avoid buddy punching, which reduces time theft by minimizing the likelihood of people getting paid for hours they did not work.

Biometric data is valuable to companies that may need to control access throughout their office or physically identify employees as they enter and leave a building. However, since Time Clock with Biometricss record specific data about employees, there are laws in place to regulate its use.

Time Clock with Biometricss can be purchased on Amazon and at most office supply stores. Prices range from $150 to $500 or more.

We compared the top employee time clocks to help companies select one that meets their needs.

Why Should a Small Business Track Employee Hours?

Any firm must keep track of staff hours. These figures will be required to:

  • Process payroll properly: You must know each employee’s compensation or hours worked every pay period in order to compute payroll accurately. Employers may use time sheets to log work hours, paid time off, and accruals for payroll processing. By decreasing time sheet mistakes, automated time tracking may help you optimize your payroll process. It may also be possible to do away with the requirement for a huge payroll department.
  • Monitor employee attendance: You may use recorded time to keep track of your workers’ attendance. You’ll be able to tell if an employee worked the whole workweek, took paid time off, or was understaffed based on the hours documented. Employee time monitoring may also provide a clear picture of how long it takes them to accomplish tasks. Managers will be able to better predict future work and team scope.
  • Observe labor laws: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates that all companies log the hours of their hourly workers. While the FLSA does not mandate the use of a specific form for record-keeping, all nonexempt workers must have data recorded on their total hours worked daily and weekly, wages paid, and overtime earnings. Inaccurate recordkeeping is a frequent cause of noncompliance. Using software to manage time and attendance may help decrease mistakes and avoid potentially expensive legal concerns.
  • Perform particular accounting and HR responsibilities: Employee time monitoring may be utilized to identify whether the hours logged are billable or non-billable, boosting productivity. As a consequence, accounting professionals can keep track of project budgets and reprioritize work as necessary. Furthermore, measuring employee time might reveal areas where extra resources may be required inside the organization.

The Advantages of Keeping Employee Hours Tracked

It’s critical to comprehend the advantages of employee time monitoring for both individuals and businesses.

Small Business Advantages

  • Employees are held accountable for the hours they work.
  • Clarity: Time monitoring reveals the duties that each employee completes.
  • Employee morale may be improved by tracking employee time. This reduces micromanagement and improves employee happiness.
  • Accuracy: Time monitoring provides precise data for a more efficient payroll procedure.

Employee Advantages

  • Security: Confirmation that they are getting paid according to their real working hours.
  • Employees can identify where they are making progress and where they may make changes in their time management by monitoring their time.
  • Employees may use time tracking to keep track of the projects they’re working on, get insight into their work habits and trends, and improve their overall performance.
  • Employees may self-manage and understand their overall capacity and workload by using time tracking.

Employee Exemptions vs. Non-Exempt Employees

Nonexempt workers’ time must be tracked in order to determine their compensation and whether they are awarded overtime. All nonexempt workers, whether paid or hourly, are required by law to keep track of their time.

Exempt workers, on the other hand, are paid on a salary basis and are not entitled to overtime compensation if they work more than 40 hours per week. Many organizations want to monitor the time of their exempt workers, even though it is not necessary. This assists supervisors in identifying gaps in reported work and highlighting areas where staff might improve. Find out what the distinctions between exempt and nonexempt workers are.


Both companies and workers benefit from keeping track of employee hours. Accurate timekeeping may save your company thousands of dollars by ensuring that you only pay for the time your workers really work. Choosing the right time and attendance technique may also mean the difference between legal compliance, effective budgeting, fewer payroll problems, and improved employee performance.

The “free time tracking app for employees” is a helpful tool that helps track employee hours. It allows the company to see how much time the employees are spending on a project, and it also provides feedback on how well they’re doing. The free time tracking app for employees is affordable and easy to use.

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