Cyber Monday Strategies, Trends & Sales Tips

Cyber Monday is the largest online shopping day in the US. It’s also a prime time for brands to offer discounts and release new goods that would otherwise be released at other times of year, or maybe never. Here are our favorite tips for making this fall’s Cyber Monday 2018 your best one yet!

Cyber Monday is the day after Black Friday when online retailers offer huge discounts. Cyber Monday’s sales are expected to reach $3.5 billion this year, up from $2.6 billion last year. There are many different strategies that can be used to maximize your shopping experience on Cyber Monday and beyond. Read more in detail here: google trends.

Online Christmas sales are likely to hit a new high of $1.2 trillion this year. As the flu epidemic changes consumer preferences toward online shopping, Cyber Monday is expected to surpass Black Friday in size. Adopting Cyber Monday techniques is critical for generating sales throughout the holiday season, whether you have a physical shop plus a website or just sell online.

What is Cyber Monday, and how does it work? Cyber Monday, which began in 2005, is a shopping holiday held on the Monday after Thanksgiving, during which people only purchase online. It’s become one of the busiest shopping days of the year, with internet shops luring customers with appealing discounts and bargains.

Small retailers can implement Cyber Monday strategies for a profitable shopping holiday, too, with a little planning. Ecommerce giants like Amazon and Walmart may receive the most media attention around Cyber Monday, but with a little planning, they, too, can implement Cyber Monday strategies for a profitable shopping holiday.

Here are seven great Cyber Monday ideas for getting the most of the yearly shopping event:

1. Create a fantastic Cyber Monday deal.

You must first decide which things to sell and which promotions to conduct. Better offers and cheaper prices are the most compelling reasons to purchase, according to Deloitte’s 2020 Pre-Thanksgiving Pulse Survey. Next, customers desire free or quick delivery, as well as convenient return choices.

Your greatest promotional plan for Cyber Monday is to provide a percentage discount or specific markdowns on select goods. Also, make things simpler for customers by offering liberal shipping and return policies.

Consumers are eager to shop around for the greatest deals, with 62% responding that lower costs encourage them to try a new retailer or product. Small merchants, in other words, can compete with bigger establishments by providing low pricing.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to deciding what things to put on sale. Present cards are a popular Christmas gift across the board, so start with a BOGO (buy one, get one) gift card deal.

The second most popular Christmas present is clothing. Shoppers often purchase Christmas presents for friends and family on Cyber Monday, but they also shop for themselves. Offer a percentage-off promotion on clothes and apparel goods to appeal to all buyers. Stick to BOGO gift card offers and percentage discounts on your most popular product categories if your business doesn’t generally sell clothes.

Any shop may employ a variety of promotions and offering techniques. Built-in tools in ecommerce systems like Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce make it simple to provide one or more of these deals on your site and push them out to additional online sales channels like Amazon and Facebook.

Bundle Offers

Offering Bundle Offers is one way of increasing your average sales total while also giving shoppers extra value. Try offering themed bundles with related items—these can also function as a mini gift guide. You could also use bundles as a way of pairing popular items with slower-moving inventory to help clear out excess and seasonal products.


Pink Moon has a skincare bundle deal available.


Customers can readily comprehend the value of BOGO or half-off discounts, thus they’re effective. Price reductions, as previously said, are the most successful and popular sort of offer. BOGO discounts, like bundles, are a great way to get rid of out-of-date, out-of-season, or dead stock. Even if these things weren’t selling well at full price, customers will be more motivated to buy them when they’re on sale.


When clients buy three manicure sets from Color Camp, they get a fourth set for free.

Purchase includes a free gift.

This approach may help you create value without losing your profit margins. Offer a free item with a specified purchase amount—somewhere near or slightly over your usual order value—or a specific product purchase. The present may be a surprise or a pre-determined item, or it can be picked from a variety of possibilities. The presents must be enticing, but it’s also a good method to improve sales and get rid of overstock or slow-moving items.


In an email promotion, Ulta Beauty provides a free 20-piece beauty bag with every $80 purchase.

Shipping is completely free.

According to the 2020 Deloitte Holiday Report, 60% of shoppers say Shipping is completely free. is one of the most attractive promotions. Offer Shipping is completely free. on certain items or at a certain order price point, such as $25 or $35 orders. Make the threshold to qualify for Shipping is completely free. at or just above your average sale. Providing Shipping is completely free. at a certain order amount will help bump up potentially small orders and help make your customers happy.


Spritz Society offers Shipping is completely free. for orders over $60

Make Sure You’re on Time

You could have the greatest bargain set up for your eager customers, but if the timing is wrong, they might not even notice it. You must strike while the iron is still hot. This is often when people begin to consider holiday gift purchases.

According to Deloitte, despite projections of earlier shopping, the time has remained essentially consistent. Nearly 40% of shoppers intend to begin shopping in 2020 on Thanksgiving or later, making Cyber Monday a crucial shopping day.

More crucially, 60 percent responded that during the Christmas season, people prefer to purchase online rather than in a real store. Cyber Monday was chosen by 29 percent of customers who intended to make purchases during big shopping events.

Taking advantage of popular shopping days like Cyber Monday can help you reach out to more prospective customers who are already on the lookout for bargains.

Make a gift guide

From time to time, we all struggle to choose the ideal present. Giving clients some much-needed gift ideas might motivate them to acquire your items and make the whole purchasing process more easier.

There are many approaches to gift guides. In return for a place on their site, you may team up with other local companies and highlight their items in a gift guide on your site. Just make sure you’re not competing against one other for a very particular target demographic!

You might also attempt to get on gift recommendations published by third-party publications. Make a pitch to them about include your items in their gift guide roundups. Pitch to both local and national newspapers to reach a wide range of customers. You’ll have the greatest chance of getting things in front of buyers if you do it this manner.


Giving Assistant has compiled a list of the best Cyber Monday gift ideas.

2. Promote Your Business Effectively

Now that you’ve secured a wonderful Cyber Monday offer, it’s important to plan an efficient marketing approach. Shoppers must be aware of your business and your Cyber Monday deal in order to get the desired outcomes. We’ll concentrate on four primary advertising platforms for online shopping:

  • SEO stands for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Email

Create a special Cyber Monday landing page.

To begin, a customized Cyber Monday landing page informs customers that they’ve arrived at the perfect spot to get seasonal bargains. It then transforms them into paying clients.

A landing page is a single web page designed to be used in conjunction with digital advertisements such as Google Ads or a Facebook ad campaign. They eliminate conventional website clutter, such as menus, contact forms, and other call-to-action (CTA) buttons, in favor of a single, unambiguous CTA that converts at a greater rate than other websites.

You’ll need to create a stylish, on-brand landing page that encourages them to buy from your site. The trick is to choose the best landing page platform for your company, write attractive material, define a clear objective, and select a compelling call to action.

Cyber Monday SEO Techniques

The most popular site for Christmas buyers to explore for gift-giving ideas is internet search—57 percent of consumers expect to conduct the most of their buying online.

The bad news is that it’s more difficult for a small company to rank higher in Google search results than huge shops like Target or Walmart, especially if a buyer searches for a generic word like “leggings.”

The good news is that by adding items to marketplaces, you may improve your store’s visibility in online searches—the top online marketplaces in the world sold over $2.6 trillion in 2020, accounting for over 62 percent of worldwide web sales, according to Digital Commerce 360’s estimate.

These are some of the marketplaces:

  • Create a Google Shopping listing to appear in Google search results as well as in the Shopping tab.
  • Amazon: Setting up an Amazon seller account is a great approach to increase your brand’s exposure.
  • Etsy: Etsy ranks high in gift search results and is a popular buying site for one-of-a-kind things.
  • Handshake: This wholesale marketplace is perfect for one-of-a-kind, non-mass-produced items.
  • The Grommet focuses on presents and one-of-a-kind things from small companies.
  • Bonanza: A popular eBay competitor, Bonanza is a newer buy-and-sell website.
  • Independent sellers may register on the Walmart website to sell.
  • Uncommon Goods is a renowned gift site where you can submit your items for approval.


Businesses can manage their Google Shopping listings and Google Ads campaigns directly from their Shopify dashboard using Shopify.

Whether or whether you decide to sell on third-party sites, you should focus on improving the SEO of your own website. If you operate your company using Shopify or BigCommerce, they provide built-in tools and tutorials to assist you. You may also use a variety of free and paid plugins.

Start by:

  • Keywords should be better integrated throughout your website.
  • Adding alt text to photographs is a great way to make your images stand out.
  • Constructing your product descriptions
  • Metadata addition

Here are a few more suggestions for increasing the SEO of your ecommerce site:

  • Convert your site to HTTPS: Google and customers both like secure sites, so this is a no-brainer.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly: This will make your site more appealing to Google and consumers; mobile will account for $1 of every $5 spent this holiday season.
  • Rethink your site’s layout: Your site’s main structure and navigation system should be simple and straightforward for both your customers and Google.
  • More stuff should be created: Writing content like blog articles may help your site gain authority.
  • Keep track of your progress using the following methods: Track and analyze your site’s statistics, such as page views, via a service like Google Analytics.

Facebook Advertising Strategies for Cyber Monday

Hopefully, your retail store’s Facebook business page is already functioning. It takes no more than 15 minutes to set up, and you may do so right now if you haven’t already. You may sell products directly via Facebook after you create a Facebook business page. This is a good concept since it avoids the hassle of having to leave the social networking site to make a purchase on a different website.

The first stage in operating a sponsored ad campaign is to plan frequent articles during the week leading up to Cyber Monday. The click-through rate (CTR) for Facebook video postings is greater than for other post types.

So go ahead and build a video to show off your items and special offers. You might use a free service like Canva to produce professional-looking on-brand articles to spice up your regular in-feed picture postings. Schedule posts straight via Facebook to save time and guarantee you’re reaching your audience at the proper moment.

The last step is to promote your page and regular updates when they’ve been put up. Facebook is an effective marketing tool, particularly for small companies. It creates a level playing field for major and small merchants in terms of accessing a targeted audience for a little expenditure.

You may advertise on Facebook in a variety of ways. You may either promote a post or start a campaign. Creating a particular Cyber Monday ad campaign with Facebook Pixel is often the most successful option. Pixel allows you to retarget individuals who have clicked on your advertisements or visited your website, ensuring that those who have shown interest see your Facebook campaigns.


Businesses may use Facebook Advertisements Manager to develop ads that are targeted to certain audiences in order to boost conversions and shop visits.

Instagram Strategies for Cyber Monday

Use Instagram, a visual social media site, to highlight your items in their finest light. Instagram, like Facebook, allows users to purchase, making it a wonderful way to convert followers into customers. Make sure you have an Instagram Business account before you begin selling on Instagram. Create shoppable posts to showcase your items and any current promotions.

You’ll need to link your Instagram and Facebook accounts, as well as build a product catalog or connect it to an existing online shop.

The last stage is to devise a marketing strategy. Because Instagram is owned by Facebook, you may create Instagram advertising using your Facebook Business Page. You may also manage your advertisements and product catalogs straight via your Shopify dashboard if you’re using an ecommerce platform like Shopify.

Email Marketing Strategies for Cyber Monday

Email marketing isn’t a new marketing strategy, but it’s still one of the most successful for internet firms. In fact, email marketing earn $36 for every $1 spent on a campaign, according to Litmus email software, which is more than any other channel.

The secret to email marketing for shops is to customize your ads for distinct target segments—marketers that employ segmented campaigns see revenue increases of up to 760 percent. According to another research, segmented email campaigns may get open rates of up to 94 percent and click-through rates of up to 38 percent.

On Cyber Monday itself, several national businesses put out their Cyber Monday specials. However, if you use this method, you risk becoming lost in a sea of competing advertisements. Get a head start by sending out your advertising the night before. Then, later in the day, you may compose an email sequence and send out a reminder.


Traditional stores aren’t the only ones offering Cyber Monday deals. Grocery shops, fitness studios, and other businesses may benefit from the shopping frenzy by sending out promotional emails.

Promoting a particular offer or product in an email is a successful email marketing tactic. Then include a link in the email to a landing page that is tailored to your offer. This helps customers, particularly mobile users, expedite transactions and make the process simpler.

3. Create a memorable experience

So you’ve used targeted advertising campaigns and attractive promotional offers to get customers to your website. What comes next? You must ensure that your customers have a simple, pleasurable, and seamless buying experience. After all, you don’t want visitors to get disinterested as soon as they arrive on your website.

You may substantially enhance the user experience of your site by doing a few easy measures.

Price Comparison of Offers

According to Deloitte, 53% of buyers prefer online businesses over physical stores since pricing comparison is simple.

Customers will appreciate it if you compare pricing and offers throughout your website. You could even compare industry-wide costs to highlight how your brand provides the greatest value for money on high-quality items.

Shoppers will be far more inclined to buy from you if they understand your value and believe your company is looking out for their best interests.

Mobile-Friendly Design

More sales are being driven by social media. During the 2020 Thanksgiving holiday, social media accounted for one out of every ten visits to retail websites, up 17 percent from the previous year, according to Adobe. A growing proportion of people are making purchases on their phones. In-store mobile payment use in the United States is expected to increase by 29% by 2020.

Because so many people prefer to purchase on their phones, it’s vital optimizing your site for mobile to ensure a consistent shopping experience.

All website themes should be completely responsive for mobile and include a built-in mobile shopping cart if you’re using one of the main ecommerce systems.


There is no additional effort required since all Shopify themes are natively optimized for mobile.

Be Prepared for Heavy Traffic

On Cyber Monday, you may anticipate a surge in visitors if you offer discounts. And the last thing you want is for your site to collapse, resulting in lost revenue or unhappy clients.

Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce are ecommerce platforms that operate on systems that adapt and change to traffic needs fast. To be safe, regardless of platform, contact your supplier and request flexible bandwidth to ensure that your site can withstand any traffic surges.

Put Deals Front & Center

Shoppers click on your advertising in order to purchase the offers you’re promoting. Once they’re on your site, don’t make them look for your promotions—they’ll rapidly lose interest and go to a rival. Put your Cyber Monday deals front and center on your homepage, as well as on top and side banners across the rest of your site. It’s also a good idea to create a landing page for each promotional offer or advertising campaign. You’ll have a greater likelihood of conversions and be able to monitor campaigns better this way.

Boost Your Ratings

When selecting a new company, 91% of respondents believe customer evaluations are essential enough to influence their purchase choice. Before making a purchase, customers want to read reviews. Having them on your site helps consumers to see previous customers’ good experiences with your brand; it also minimizes the likelihood of buyers going elsewhere to read reviews and maybe buying from a rival rather than your business.

Make the most of the online reviews you already have instead than racing to gain more before Cyber Monday. If an item has received five-star reviews, don’t be hesitant to call it a “five-star product.” For promotional products, provide favorable reviews and testimonials directly in the product description.

Use a plugin to show comments from Amazon, Google, Facebook, or even an active Instagram following directly on your website.


Customer reviews are displayed on Good Notes to assist buyers make more confident purchases.

Consider adding a chatbot service to your website.

Adding a chatbot to your website ensures that every visitor gets support, regardless of how busy your in-house staff is. Chatbots may help enhance customer service by directing consumers to relevant items and corporate policies more rapidly. You may even program them to respond to simple queries like shipment or product specifications.

Using a WordPress chat plugin is one method to easily introduce this feature to your company. The trick is to choose one that fits your needs, whether you’re looking to provide more help, increase sales, or manage live chat across several platforms.


Customers may ask inquiries of Gem via an easy-to-use chatbot.

Improve Your Customer Service Experience

On Cyber Monday, businesses anticipate a rise in demand and online traffic. However, companies should anticipate an increase in customer service demands.

Customers may be curious about the specifications of your product or your return policy. You’ll need to train your personnel on effective customer service techniques.

For Cyber Monday, you may need to amend your refund and returns policy or adjust delivery schedules, so make sure your customer care staff is informed. If your staff is stumped for what to say to consumers about various sorts of inquiries, provide them with customer care email templates to flesh out their answers.

Given the rise in enquiries, it’s a good idea to raise the number of people working on the shift to adequately manage the increased demand. If you haven’t already, you should consider implementing a customer relationship management system (CRM) to store customer information and give a single platform for managing and resolving client problems more swiftly.

Complimentary Gift Wrapping is included.

Wrap the delivery in complimentary gift wrapping to make it extra special. If the customer purchased the present for themselves, they will enjoy receiving it in the mail. Alternatively, if the item is a present for someone else, you’ll spare them the trouble of wrapping it.

Choose a visual wrapping paper that complements your identity, but don’t go overboard with it; instead, keep it simple and add your logo. You want to make the item seem as though it were a gift from your company to the buyer. Personalize it even further by adding a gift tag with the buyer’s name.

Extend the hours of your store

Despite the fact that Cyber Monday is an online shopping occasion, some customers may discover your online deals and want to inspect your items in person before purchasing.

For that reason, it’s a good idea to Extend the hours of your store and ensure you have enough staff members on duty to help customers in person.

Extend your business hours in the morning and evening by a couple of hours to provide customers more possibilities to view your stuff. You could wish to keep your hours open longer the next week for people who missed out on a good price.

4. Provide a No-Contact Experience

According to Deloitte, more over half of Christmas buyers are worried about purchasing in-store because of the epidemic. As a consequence, they’re changing their buying habits to avoid having to deal with people in person.

Contactless shopping is popular, with 73 percent of customers planning to have things delivered in 2020, compared to 62 percent in 2019. Shoppers’ preference for curbside pickup has also increased by more than a year. As buyers shy away from browsing formats, online stores (62%) and mass merchants (50%) are the top Christmas locations.

Accept buyers’ choices and make the buying experience as pleasant as possible—and be sure to advertise this alongside your specials and offers so that interested customers know they may pay in a secure manner that fits them.

  • Accept Click and Collect as a way of life.
  • Make Contactless Payments Available

A variety of delivery options is very or very significant to 52 percent of customers when choosing a merchant, with 46 percent preferring contactless delivery methods such as BOPIS (purchase online, pick up in store), curbside pickup, or click and collect.

Offer clients a range of delivery alternatives to engage with their preferences. By adopting solutions like click and collect, you’ll demonstrate to clients that you’re prepared to go above and beyond to make their lives simpler.


Customers may pick up the merchandise in New York, as shown by Pzaz.

5. Close the Sale & Prevent Cart Abandonment

Getting visitors to your website and having them click “Add to Cart” is just half the fight. On average, 88 percent of online retail orders are left unfulfilled. Cart abandonment rates on Cyber Monday are just marginally lower, at 80.6 percent.

Here are a few tactics for lowering Cyber Monday cart abandonment rates:

Make Promotional Pricing more clear

According to Baymard, almost a quarter of customers quit carts because they can’t compute the purchase total upfront, and 49 percent abandon carts due to hefty or unexpected expenses such as taxes or shipping.

Be precise with your price language to avoid clients losing interest due to unanticipated expenditures. This eliminates the possibility of misunderstanding or customers becoming irritated and abandoning their purchase.

“Is the selling price reflected on the page?” you may wonder. Will it display once the item is added to the shopping cart?” In any case, present the facts alongside the product’s pricing.

When customers hover over the cart symbol, they may see a running total. Customers will not be startled at the end if they can monitor expenses while they purchase.


Express, for example, has a prominently advertised 40% off deal.

Provide a variety of payment options

According to Baymard’s 2021 poll, more over 15% of customers quit their carts because they don’t trust the site with their credit card information, and another 7% abandon their carts because there are too few payment alternatives.

In addition to all major credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay are accepted. Customers won’t have to input their credit card information this way if they don’t want to.

Be open and honest about shipping.

About 20% of customers leave their shopping carts because delivery alternatives are too delayed. Make sure you provide a choice of delivery options, such as ground shipping, two-day shipping, and overnight shipping, all with clearly marked prices.

Even if quicker delivery choices are more costly, having them as an option is preferable than losing a transaction. Also, include approximate delivery dates or at the very least timeframes for when customers might expect their product to arrive.


Customers can easily see when they may anticipate their purchase from Beauty Pie.

Purchase online and pick up in store

BOPIS has transformed from a safety worry to a desire for convenience in the past six months, according to Deloitte, with 33 percent of buyers using it as a cheaper delivery option and 29 percent using it as a quicker delivery alternative.

Buyers and retailers benefit from BOPIS since customers may get their purchases the same day, while merchants save money and time on delivery. In addition, many customers buy extra things while picking up their online purchases.


BOPIS, or click-and-collect orders, may be enabled on your online shop using Shopify plugins.

Establish a Clear & Flexible Return Policy

According to Baymard’s research, 11% of customers leave carts due to an unacceptable return policy. During the Christmas season, when products are bought as presents, this figure is likely to be significantly greater. So that customers know what to anticipate, you should have a clearly defined return policy. Include the return policy on your checkout page and in all electronic receipts.

For the Christmas season, a more forgiving approach would be worth considering. If you purchase Christmas presents on Cyber Monday, the gift will not be delivered to the receiver for almost 30 days. To soothe buyers’ anxieties and reduce customer service difficulties, provide at least a 60-day buffer.


Lusso Cloud makes it simple to get started with returns right on their website.

Reduce the number of clicks required to complete a purchase.

When customers are needed to create an account in order to finish a transaction, around a quarter of them will leave the cart. While gathering consumer data and contact information is important, it should not come at the price of sales. Allow time-crunched customers to choose between creating an account and checking out as a guest.

Every screen a consumer needs to navigate is another chance for them to lose the transaction, particularly if they’re buying on their phone. The use of one-click payment alternatives such as PayPal and Apple Pay simplifies the payment procedure. Customers who submit their credit card information will have the option to store it for future purchases, making it easier to buy again.

Lost Customers Should Be Retargeted

It’s not the end of the world if someone abandons their cart. Instead of giving up, use email marketing to reclaim lost consumers.

Many large ecommerce systems, such as Shopify, offer capabilities that automatically send lost consumers emails with links to their abandoned carts. Consumers often hurry to take advantage of Cyber Monday discounts as time runs out.

Consider scheduling retargeting email sequences to send at the end of the day. You’ll be able to take advantage of those last-minute conversions this way.


Lorna Jane delivers tailored emails with cart items to entice customers to make a purchase.

6. Obtain a Long-Term Customer

Cyber Monday is a fantastic way to reach out to new clients. These clients should, in theory, continue to purchase from you long after the holidays have passed.

When compared to new customers, current customers are 50 percent more inclined to test new items and spend 31% more. It’s valuable keeping existing consumers.

Even if you just keep a couple of your Cyber Monday clients, the long-term rewards will be well worth the effort.

Here are a couple Cyber Monday strategies to help you keep your customers:

Provide Accessible & Responsive Customer Service

After one terrible customer service encounter, about half of consumers said they would move to a different brand. Customer service is extremely important for small internet companies since clients don’t see you in person and you don’t have the reputation of a major brand to back you up.

Providing excellent service can assist to humanize your company and increase its trustworthiness. Above all, clients want you to be upfront, honest, and responsive. Customers that get outstanding customer service are more inclined to make repeat purchases (93 percent).

Here are some fast and easy ways to provide excellent online customer service:

  • Make yourself available: Have a phone number on your website that is answered by actual people.
  • Be approachable: Create a “About Us” section on your website so that customers may learn more about your company’s human side.
  • Be adaptable: Answering emails should take no more than one day; ideally, you should respond to all consumer communications within a few hours.
  • Socialize: Connect with consumers via social media channels like as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Make it very clear: Send confirmation emails to customers once they complete a transaction, outlining the things they purchased, the charges, and the estimated delivery date.
  • Make an effort to be thorough: Send a follow-up email after the purchase has shipped; keeping consumers informed at every stage of the process improves transparency and builds confidence.

Gather information for future campaigns by collecting contact information.

Keeping in contact with consumers lets you to keep them informed about new goods, discounts, and other items that may be of interest to them.

Customers may sign up for a newsletter in most online businesses through a box or form. Change your email sign-up language from “Sign up for our newsletter” to something more intriguing. “Do you like what you see?” is a good example. Year-round, get more excellent bargains.”


Subscribers to the Oat Haus newsletter get a 10% discount.

Then, of course, deliver on your promise of excellent bargains by sending customers more Christmas specials and new year promos by email.

7. Make plans for the next year

If you follow all of these suggestions, you should be able to enjoy record-breaking Cyber Monday sales. But, believe it or not, after the holidays are done, it’s already time to start thinking about the next year. You can never be too prepared. And getting a head start on your preparations will put you ahead of the game.

For 2022, here are some Cyber Monday tactics to consider:

Make Your Social Media Presence More Powerful

Use the same principles that you used to build your Cyber Monday sales postings to promote your items all year. You can sustain an active page by scheduling your social media postings ahead of time and committing just a few hours every week. More social media followers equals more eyes on your Cyber Monday deals. As a result, focus on growing your following throughout the year so that your promotions next year are even more effective.

Take High-Definition Product Photographs

Customers may feel and touch things in person before making a purchase at a brick-and-mortar shop. Your product page and photographs are all you have to work with as an online merchant. High-quality photographs that showcase things individually and lifestyle shots that show your products in action will give buyers a clear understanding of your products and alleviate any worries they may have.

  • Provide numerous perspectives: Make sure to include images of each product from all angles so that nothing is left to the imagination and buyers aren’t taken aback when their purchase arrives.
  • Take images of models wearing multiple sizes if you sell clothes, which has a famously high return rate, so consumers can get a better feel of how the item will fit.
  • Lighting is important: Bright white lighting will assist to correctly highlight the goods.


Huey displays its goods with clear, vibrant photographs.

Get More Testimonials

Online reviews serve as social evidence and aid in the development of customer trust. Consumers trust internet reviews almost as much as personal recommendations, according to nearly 80% of respondents.

Reviews also assist customers in determining what distinguishes your product or service from the competitors.

Genuine reviews on your website will demonstrate buyers that what you’re offering is worth their money, whether they’re purchasing something for themselves or as a present.


Positive consumer feedback is prominently displayed on Noodie’s website.

Here are a few pointers on how to acquire more positive client feedback:

  • Offer existing customers who post reviews an incentive like as loyalty points or discount vouchers; Adagio Teas, for example, pays customers with five loyalty points for each review published, which has helped them produce hundreds of reviews every product.
  • Customers who post product reviews may also be entered into a raffle to win gift cards or bestseller goods in your shop.
  • Make it simple for workers to invite consumers to post feedback by using a customer loyalty program like Podium.

Trends in Cyber Monday Sales

As you go through our seven ideas and prepare your Cyber Monday plans, keep current patterns in mind to help you make better judgments.

Since 2009, Cyber Monday sales on both mobile and desktop platforms have rapidly climbed. Furthermore, as a consequence of COVID-19 limitations and overall pandemic concern, the general tendency toward online shopping has quickened.

  • According to a 2020 Deloitte poll, 74 percent of customers expected to purchase online over the Thanksgiving holiday season to avoid crowds, with up to 57 percent expecting to shop in-store entirely.
  • According to Adobe, Cyber Monday 2020 was the greatest online shopping day in US history, with $10.8 billion in sales.

Cyber Monday, like its sister shopping holiday Black Friday, is gradually becoming more than a single day. Some merchants, especially those with both physical and online stores, are essentially combining the two events into one extended sale. For some online merchants, Cyber Monday is turning into Cyber Week, a week-long sales bonanza.

Taking advantage of the buying momentum on Cyber Monday, whether you’re an online company or a brick-and-mortar store with a shoppable website, could help improve your sales.


On Cyber Monday, standing out from the throng isn’t always simple. You must have well-defined Cyber Monday tactics in place and make your offerings enticing to your target market. A successful Cyber Monday requires effective promotion, appealing discounts, and a hassle-free shopping experience. Take a step-by-step strategic approach to Cyber Monday and discover what kind of outcomes you can get.

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Cyber Monday is the busiest day of the year for online shopping. Cyber Monday sales are expected to be up this year and it’s important to know what trends are in store so you can make an educated purchase. With Cyber Monday just around the corner, now is a great time to start planning your shopping strategy. Reference: black friday spending.

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