Accounts Receivable Aging Report: The Ultimate Guide

There is much to be learned about accounting for your company when it comes to managing an aging receivables. This report will teach you how to best manage the needs of your cash flows, tax liabilities and more.

The “accounts receivable aging report example” is a tool that can be used to help identify accounts that are past due. The report can be generated in Excel, PDF, or CSV formats.

An aging report for accounts receivables (A/R) groups all unpaid client bills by the number of days they have been outstanding. This report may be created in a matter of minutes if you utilize online accounting software. You may also manually generate it in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Review this report periodically and follow up with your clients to prevent late bills.

Sending automated reminders to consumers, allowing online payments from customers, and giving early payment incentives may all help you get paid much quicker if you have accounts receivable that are past due. Even better, FreshBooks lets you accomplish all of these things and more. Take a free trial of FreshBooks to learn how much simpler it is to invoice and collect payments from clients. FreshBooks is also giving a 60% discount on all subscription packages for the next six months, valid through April 30, 2021.

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What is an A/R Aging Report and How Does It Work?

An A/R aging report’s main function is to keep track of unpaid client bills and how long they’ve been overdue. If you invoice clients for items and services and let them pay you later, you’ll need to keep track of when each invoice is due so you can be paid on time.

The entire amount of overdue client bills is shown in an A/R aging report. In a summary A/R aging report, each client will have a single grand total split down by invoice age. There will be four categories of invoice age: 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and more than 90 days.

At the very least every a month, if not more often, you should create an A/R aging report. This helps you to remain on top of upcoming bills so that you may remind customers when an invoice is due or alert them when an invoice is past late. You can produce an A/R aging report in only a few minutes if you utilize accounting software like FreshBooks. You may also manually construct one in Excel or Word.

A example report with a total accounts receivable amount of $725.00 is shown in the screenshot below.


FreshBooks was used to build an aging report for accounts receivable.

How to Read an Accounts Receivable Aging Report

The A/R aging report is quite simple to comprehend when compared to other accounting reports. Most accounting software, such as FreshBooks, allows you to run both a summary and a detail report. You will need to utilize the comprehensive report to follow up with consumers. In the How to Get Paid Faster section, we’ll go through how to utilize this report to collect money in further detail.

Here’s an example of an aging report we ran in FreshBooks, along with a summary of the data it included.


FreshBooks was used to build the AR Aging report.

  1. As of November 3, 2017, this report includes both current and past due invoices.
  2. Client: Each client’s name is listed in this column.
  3. 0-30 days: This category includes invoices that are between 0 and 30 days past due. In this group, Fred Flintstone has $500 in unpaid bills, while Barney Rubble has $225 in outstanding invoices, according to our sample report.
  4. 31-60 days past due: This category includes invoices that are between 31 and 60 days past due. This group, in our case, has no outstanding bills.
  5. 61-90 days past due: This category includes invoices that are between 61 and 90 days past due. This group, in our case, has no outstanding bills.
  6. 90 days or more past due: Invoices in this category are between 61 and 90 days past due. This group, in our case, has no outstanding bills.
  7. Total: We have a subtotal by customer in this column, including Fred Flintstone ($500) and Barney Rubble ($225).
  8. This row adds up the outstanding invoice amounts for each age group: 0-30 days ($725), 31-60 days (This row subtotals the outstanding invoice amount by aged group: 0-30 days ($725), 31-60 days ($0), 61-90 days ($0), and 90-plus days ($0) and then a total accounts receivable balance of $725.), 61-90 days (This row subtotals the outstanding invoice amount by aged group: 0-30 days ($725), 31-60 days ($0), 61-90 days ($0), and 90-plus days ($0) and then a total accounts receivable balance of $725.), and 90-plus days (This row subtotals the outstanding invoice amount by aged group: 0-30 days ($725), 31-60 days ($0), 61-90 days ($0), and 90-plus days ($0) and then a total accounts receivable balance of $725.), for a total accounts receivable balance of $725.

7 Ways to Get Paid More Quickly

In order to continue in business, you must have a positive cash flow. You must remain on top of your outstanding customer balances by monitoring your A/R aging report so that you may take action before an invoice gets past due in order to maintain positive cash flow. There are a few more recommended practices you may do to be paid more quickly.

Here are seven suggestions for staying on top of outstanding client bills and getting paid quicker.

1. Take use of cloud accounting software.

If you’re presently managing your open bills using an Excel spreadsheet or Word, we suggest switching to cloud accounting software. You can automate the invoicing and payment process if you utilize accounting software like FreshBooks.

You can send automated payment reminders, create recurring invoices, and enable consumers to pay their bills online using FreshBooks. Sign up for FreshBooks to help you optimize your accounts receivable process if you invoice several clients and want to put the invoicing and payment process on autopilot.

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2. Review the Accounts Receivable Report & Take Action

If your normal payment terms are net-30, it’s a good idea to monitor your accounts receivable aging report at least once a month. If your payment terms are net-7 or even net-14, you should monitor your accounts receivable aging report regularly or monthly.

You should take the required procedures to collect payment on all invoices each time you examine the A/R aging report.

For each aging invoice group, I propose taking the following step.


While you may believe that you don’t have to do anything about bills that aren’t due yet, I disagree. Make sure to activate the payment reminder option if you’re using accounting software like FreshBooks. FreshBooks will automatically send an email reminder to clients before an invoice is due once this functionality is enabled. I suggest sending this reminder at least two days before to the invoice’s due date. Your consumers, like you, have a lot of duties and would welcome the reminder.

From one to thirty days past due

You should have issued a reminder before the invoice is due and second reminder a day or two after the due date has gone by at this point. Once an invoice is seven days past late, you should contact to follow up on payment every week.

Between 31 and 60 days beyond due

Invoices in this category should be on a weekly call list unless a client has established payment arrangements with you. If you’re still delivering products and services to clients who are 60 days over due on their bills, you should consider placing their account on hold until they make payment arrangements or pay the balance in full. Otherwise, you risk ending yourself with a considerably higher debt that you may never be able to repay.

Between 61 and 90 days beyond due

Customers’ accounts should be put on hold if their invoices are more than 60 days old, indicating that you are no longer supplying products and services to them. The only exception is if they have established payment arrangements and are adhering to the terms of the agreement to restore credit to their account.

If, on the other hand, your client has made no attempt to pay their late sum, it’s time to take legal action.

It’s been more than 90 days since your payment was due.

If you have bills on your books that are more than 90 days past due, you will almost certainly not get paid. My suggestion is that you cancel the customer’s account and no longer allow them to make purchases with you. Furthermore, if a client wants to pay off their amount and buy from you again, you should place them on cash on delivery (c.o.d.) or, at the very least, need a deposit before doing any work.

If you just do not want to deal with payment collections in your organization, I propose hiring an accounts receivable manager to handle it for you.

3. Provide a discount for early payments

Consider giving clients a discount if they pay their bills on time. Early payment discounts are a wonderful method to encourage customers who pay on time to send in their payments ahead of schedule. Additionally, it may encourage a consumer who is habitually late to begin making payments sooner. To discover more about how early payment discounts on invoices operate, see our article Understanding Early Payment Discounts on Invoices.

4. Send Reminders for Payments

Being proactive is the key to being paid quicker. Most cloud accounting software allows you to set up automated payment reminders that will be sent out either before or after a customer’s invoice is due. Sending a reminder at least one to two days before the invoice due date is recommended. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, send a second reminder two to three days after the due date if it is still overdue.

5. Send Invoices to Customers through Email

Another advantage of cloud accounting software such as FreshBooks is the ability to send invoices straight from the platform. This guarantees that there is no time lag between when you submit the invoice and when it is received by your client. It’s in your customer’s email just seconds after you press send.

You can keep track of when your client has seen an invoice and made payment online with most cloud accounting applications.

6. Deliver Clear & Accurate Invoices

If you want your clients to pay you on time, you must send them correct invoices. Every firm has a different approach to dealing with incorrect payment information, and your customer’s attempt to receive a thorough answer to your invoice may hold down the process. Instead, learn how to create precise bills and send them to each client on time.

Accept Online Payments No. 7

You will enhance your chances of getting paid considerably quicker if you allow consumers to pay their bills online. Another advantage of utilizing invoicing software like FreshBooks is that it allows you to keep track of your expenses. Your invoice will contain a Payment button that your client may click to pay with a credit card or a Visa debit card every time you send it to them.

You can use FreshBooks to apply all seven of these methods to be paid sooner and keep your cash flow positive. Signing up for a FreshBooks account takes just a few minutes, and there is no credit card necessary during the trial time.

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Accounting Reports That Can Benefit Your Small Business

Having critical insights into your company’s overall health will provide you with the data you need to make sound business choices and attract possible investors. You should check certain extra reports in addition to the accounts receivable report.

The four important financial reports listed below should be reviewed on a monthly basis.

Report on Accounts Payable (A/P) Aging

The accounts payable aging report is similar to the A/R aging report, with the exception that it contains outstanding invoices owed to vendor suppliers. It’s organized similarly to the A/R aging report, with sections for 1 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days, and more than 90 days.

Profit & Loss (Income Statement)

The profit and loss report, also known as the income statement, summarizes revenue and costs for a certain time period, such as January 1, 2018, to January 31, 2018. On this report, the difference between revenue and costs is calculated as the net profit or loss. To discover more about how this report works, register for our profit and loss webinar.

Report on the Balance Sheet

The Report on the Balance Sheet summarizes all of the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity for a business as of a specific point in time, such as December 31, 2018. Sign up for our free balance sheet webinar to learn more about how this report works.

Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) is a financial statement that shows how much

The Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) is a financial statement that shows how much keeps track of all cash transactions and categorized them into three categories: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. Sign up for our free Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) is a financial statement that shows how much webinar to learn more about how this report works.


An A/R aging report will help you keep track of outstanding invoices so you can collect payment on time and avoid the extra expenditures of engaging a collection agency.

We suggest FreshBooks if you’re seeking for software that can help you achieve your aim of being paid on time. You can set your invoicing and payment collection on autopilot with FreshBooks and go back to doing what you love. Sign up for a 30-day free trial and see for yourself.

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The “ar aging report sap” is a tool that helps businesses with their accounts receivable. The tool helps you keep track of your aging and to make sure that you are not paying too much on old debts.

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