Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet: Free Excel Templates for Recruitment

The best way to use these spreadsheets is to create a list of skills and experience each applicant has. This will allow recruiters, managers or HR teams who are looking for specific skill sets that have been previously identified by the company.

Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet: Free Excel Templates for Recruitment

For monitoring job applications, we built an Excel recruiting template. The template is free to use and alter for your unique recruiting or industry requirements. You may also share it with your recruiting staff so that everyone has access to the same information.


The Free Excel Recruitment Template is available to download.

A tracking template not only maintains candidate information at your fingertips, but it also makes it simple to check on progress, comments, red flags, and other key recruiting information. Let’s have a look at each component and how it should be utilized.

A tracking template not only maintains candidate information at your fingertips, but it also makes it simple to check on progress, comments, red flags, and other key recruiting information. Let’s have a look at each component and how it should be utilized.


Position: This spreadsheet was designed with a particular job in mind. There are tabs labeled Position 1, Position TEMPLATE, and Sample at the bottom of the file. Position 1 is vacant and waiting for your first job application. Position TEMPLATE may be saved for subsequent tasks. The cells may be changed to meet your application processes.

Right-click the Position TEMPLATE tab and choose Move or Copy when beginning a new hiring procedure. Check the box next to Create a Copy on the sheet you want the copy to go before. This will result in the creation of a new tab, which you may rename. The Sample tab demonstrates how to utilize the template.


Row 1 (Yellow): At the top of the page, write the job title and description. This is just for the benefit of your recruiting team. This may be copied and pasted from the original job ad or a summary of what interviewers should look for.

Row 2 (Peach): Write the department you’re looking for or the person in charge of hiring, or any information you want the team to remember.

Row 3 (Blue): This is the auto-filled header row, which contains the descriptions for each column. This row may be changed to suit your requirements.

The current template is set up for 100 applicants in rows 4–104 (green). If you need more, select a full row and copy it, then paste it. You’ll be able to retain the drop-down menu options this way.


Column A: List the applicant’s last name first to make sorting alphabetically easier.

Column B: Knowing who the reference is might help you have a better understanding of the prospect. For instance, if an employee recommends someone for a job, you may inquire about the individual. This column can be changed by creating a menu of options, however we choose to keep it fillable so you may be more specific (like referral names).

Column C: The application status indicates where a candidate is in the selection process. Color-coding might also help you distinguish between active and rejected prospects. The “Consider for another job” option is beneficial if you like a prospect but not for that position. Choose from a pre-filled drop-down selection in this column (as shown above).

Column D: Write the date the applicant submitted his or her application in this column.

Column E: Links or notes pointing to where resumes are saved, such as a Google Doc or a job portal like ZipRecruiter, might be used to refer to resumes.


Column F: If your organization has a phone screening policy (short interviews to filter out unqualified people), enter the date in this column.

Column G: This column contains score options in the form of a drop-down menu. It has a pass/fail option as well as a 1–5 scale. If you like something more particular, such as PASS/FAIL, UNQUALIFIED/FAIL, UNINTERESTED/FAIL, POOR COMMUNICATION, etc., the choices are simple to edit.


Column H: Some employers require applicants to complete online or in-person examinations to assess analytical, word processing, or trade abilities. Using the drop-down, you can see whether the applicant is scheduled for the exam or has already taken it, as well as if they succeeded or failed.

Column I: This column contains the results of the tests. To allow the many ways that one might be rated, we left the score as fillable.

Columns J–R: Record the date, interviewer, and score of each interview done in these columns. We allowed for three interviews, but you may obviously eliminate or leave certain columns blank. The same pass/fail or 1–5 criteria are used in the Interview Score drop-down as in the Phone Screen Score.


Column S: You may wish to undertake a background or reference check to verify qualifications at any stage along the process. (Drug testing information may be seen on the HR Applicant Tracker.) In addition to ordered and in process, the background check menu includes a basic pass/fail option.

T–U: These columns are used to record reference checks. A drop-down in Column T indicates whether the reference check is ordered, in process, or completed. A score may be entered in Column U. The drop-down score displays pass/fail or a 1-5 scale.

Column V: Use this column to jot down any further information about the applicant.

You can make comments in any of the cells—for example, if you want to make a note that an interview had to be rescheduled or add some kind of explanation about a test score. Simply click in the cell you wish to make a comment on and select Insert > Comment.

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