Best Interview Questions for Employers

There is no single “right” answer to this question, as different people have different definitions of what they believe a job should entail. However, it’s important that you are able to tell the interviewer something about yourself and why you would be an asset for their company in order to help them decide on your potential fit with the position.

The “unique interview questions to ask employer” is a list of the best questions that can be asked during an interview. These questions will help you find out what kind of person your potential boss is, and whether they are the right fit for you.

Best Interview Questions for Employers

When it comes to interviewing applicants for your available jobs, straightforward and Interview Questions for Specific Jobs are the best. You’ll also want to find out more about the candidate’s qualifications and education, as well as what they can contribute to the job. We’ve divided down some of the finest interview questions to ask each recruiting stage below.

Questions for a Phone Screen Interview

The phone screen is your first touch with a candidate after their application and your email invitation to interview. This should be a brief conversation between you and the applicant (no more than 15 minutes) during which you may evaluate their education and abilities for the role, their understanding of your firm, and if you think they’d be a good match to continue on to the next step of the interview process. During the phone screen interview, ask the following questions:

  • What about the job description drew your attention?
  • Why do you wish to work in this position for our company? What are your impressions of the company?
  • Please tell me about your abilities in (insert crucial skill for the role). How many years of experience do you have, and how would you evaluate yourself on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the most knowledgeable?
  • Could you go through your CV with me and describe your work history?
  • What are your pay expectations or requirements?
  • What would be the perfect work schedule for you?

These questions will help you discover more about the applicant, including what prompted them to apply for the available job and whether or not they have the necessary expertise. Make sure you don’t ask any unlawful interview questions, such as how much money the applicant makes now (this could violate the salary history ban law).

Second & Third Interview Questions

You’ll determine which prospects to forward to the next step of the recruiting process once you’ve completed the phone screen interview. In-person, phone, or virtual interviews should be scheduled for these prospects. This is your chance to go further into their credentials and discover more about their working approach. During the second and third interviews, ask the following questions:

  • What are your daily task priorities?
  • Give an example of a project that you are proud of. How did you overcome any challenges you encountered while working on this project? What was the end result?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to address a project scope modification with a customer or supervisor, and how that conversation went.
  • What inspires you?
  • What are your professional objectives?
  • Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a group?
  • Describe your approach to working in a group or on a project with others.
  • Describe two of your best strengths and how you can use them to this position.

The second and third interview questions are meant to get a more detailed picture of how the applicant might do well in their current position. Team interviews with decision-makers and team members who will work directly with the applicant should take place now. During this point, you should also ask job-specific inquiries. Check out our suggestions below.

Request that the applicant perform a sample project that is closely connected to the job that they will be doing for your organization. This will enable you to see firsthand what kind of talents they have and whether or not they can finish the job on time. You could wish to pay for the project since applicants are more likely to give better outcomes if they know they will be compensated.

Interview Questions for Specific Jobs

During the second and third interviews, the best interview questions are specific to the industry or position the candidate is applying for. This will help you gauge whether the candidate can complete the tasks of the position. Also consider keeping a scorecard on each candidate that you can refer back to when making a hiring decision. We’ve broken down these Interview Questions for Specific Jobs into categories:

If you’re interviewing applicants who will be in charge of a team, you’ll want to ask a lot of questions about their management experience and style.

  • How would you describe your managerial style?
  • Tell me about a moment when you had to provide tough criticism to someone. How did you deal with it?
  • You will lead a team of (insert #) individuals as a manager in this position. What will you do in the first year to guarantee that they individually become more useful to the firm and better performers overall?
  • Tell me about a moment when you had someone on your team that was difficult to work with. What steps did you take to deal with them, and how did things end out?
  • What is your background in terms of hiring and firing employees?
  • Why do you like being in charge of others?

Candidate interviews are merely one aspect of the hiring process. To discover more about how it all works, see our guide to recruitment management.

Whether you’re looking for a Social Media Manager or a Head of Marketing, focus on your candidate’s ability to transform marketing ideas and concepts into new business for your firm. Here are some of the finest interview questions for determining if a marketing candidate would fit in at your organization.

  • What was the return on investment (ROI) on any marketing campaigns you’ve directed, produced, or otherwise engaged in? What did you take away from them?
  • What websites and resources do you use to stay up to date on the industry?
  • Walk me through the steps of a marketing campaign from beginning to end. What actions do you take to achieve your goals?
  • Have you worked on creating social media channels and an online presence before? What do you believe works and what do you think doesn’t?
  • How do you handle a project that has gone over budget or has been delayed?

Being an administrative assistant requires a lot of multitasking. To be successful in their job, an administrative assistant must have a set of abilities. Here are some good questions to ask every applicant for administrative assistant:

  • Tell me about a moment when you had to do numerous tasks in a short period of time to meet a deadline. How did you prioritize your chores so that you could finish them on time?
  • Why do you believe you’d be a good administrative assistant for me/this office?
  • Describe a typical day in the life of an administrative assistant for me.
  • What aspect of administrative job do you love the most?
  • What experience with software and office equipment do you have that will help you thrive in this position?
  • Describe a circumstance in which you had to use caution and how you dealt with it.

To be successful, real estate agents must have a set of talents. Furthermore, real estate is a people and connection industry, and even the most experienced agents should be able to tell a narrative. Begin by posing the following inquiries:

  • What motivates you to pursue a career as a real estate agent?
  • In the previous year, how many transactions did you complete?
  • Which lead generating source gave you the highest return on investment?
  • How will you assist in the growth of your company (via our agency)?
  • How would you market a house using the internet, video tours, and social media?
  • Tell me about a period when you struggled to develop a customer connection. What would you have done differently if you could go back in time?
  • What is the most difficult aspect of accompanying potential clients on showings? Why?

IT jobs need a high level of expertise and technical knowledge. To be successful in these positions, candidates must have specialized skills and expertise. Ask the following top interview questions to your candidates:

  • Describe an occasion when you worked on a technical project with a group. What was the end result?
  • What programming languages are you familiar with?
  • How would you manage a customer scenario in which the deadline for a delivery is nearing and your team members are unable to assist?
  • What steps would you take if you had to create a program from scratch? How would you guarantee there are no or few mistakes in the data being entered?

Learn more about IT hiring and how to choose the finest specialist for your company.

It’s essential to hire a strong salesman (or business development manager, depending on your sector) if you want to expand your company. Ask the following questions to prospective salespeople:

  • How do you split your time between nurturing existing customers and finding new ones?
  • When you’re having trouble completing a transaction, how do you approach it?
  • What can our organization do to increase sales, in your opinion?
  • How can you tell the difference between a short and a lengthy sales cycle?
  • When do you decide to quit chasing a prospective client?
  • From beginning to end, describe your sales procedure.

Questions for the Last Interview

It’s a good idea to have a final interview between the applicant and the hiring manager after your candidate has gone through a series of interviews and you’re close to making a hiring choice. This is the moment to ask pointed questions about why the applicant is qualified for the job and when they will be able to start working if hired.

  • Describe a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty.
  • How do you see yourself progressing in your current position?
  • What kind of atmosphere makes you feel the most productive?
  • What would you say is the best way to define your leadership style?
  • Please explain why you are the best candidate for this job.
  • When do you think you’ll be able to start?
  • Do you have any questions that you’d want to ask us?

An applicant tracking system (ATS), such as ZipRecruiter, may assist you with the whole employment process, from recruitment to interviewing to hiring. It includes scheduling capabilities that make it simple to set up candidate interviews, as well as the ability to incorporate screening questions in the application process.

ZipRecruiter is a website where you may find jobs.

Resources for Interview Questions

During each step of the interview process, you may ask a variety of interview questions. Several articles on various interviewing techniques are included below:


Interviewing and recruiting applicants may be made simpler if you ask the correct questions. Keep a scorecard on each candidate so you can keep track of their replies to your questions. Moreover, applicant tracking solutions such as ZipRecruiter may assist you in keeping track of your applicants during the interview process.

The “good interview questions to ask hiring manager” is a list of questions that can be asked during an interview. The questions are meant for employers and should help the interviewer get a better idea of what kind of person you are.

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