Best Easy Small Business Loans for 2022

Small-enterprise loans might assist you in starting a new firm or expanding an existing one. Furthermore, during the coronavirus epidemic, small-business finance may be able to assist your company in remaining afloat in the face of adversity. A variety of loan programs from direct lenders and the Small Business Administration, such as the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, can provide working capital loans and other financial assistance when you most need it.


The leading small business loans were chosen after an extensive study into more than a dozen of the most popular options available. To find the finest small business loans, we looked at a variety of variables, including the types of loans available, the application procedure, loan amounts and terms, and eligibility requirements. We also examined the extra services that the firms were offering.

All of our options are trustworthy organizations with user-friendly websites that provide acceptable terms, low-interest rates, and loan amounts up to a certain amount.

How Do Small Business Loans Work?

As a starting point, we need to cover basic principles before delving into the specifics of how business loans operate.

Simply said, this question offers a plethora of possible solutions, all of which may or may not be right, depending on the circumstances in which you find yourself and your company. Because the market for small company loans is continuously changing as a result of technological advancements, regulatory changes, and consumer preferences, there is an unlimited number of ways in which a business loan might be structured.

That being stated, the quickest and most straightforward method to understand how business loans operate is to answer questions depending on the sort of company loan you are dealing with. To provide a thorough response to the question “How does a business loan work?” we will examine how each form of business loan operates, even though the types of business loans are continuously changing in tandem with the industries in which they are used.

So, without further ado, let’s get started on dissecting the mechanics of how business loans operate.

How Do I Qualify for a Small Business Loan?

To be considered for a small company loan, you must go through a series of processes, which we will describe below.

Make improvements to your personal and business credit scores
If you are applying for a small business loan, lenders will look at your credit score to evaluate whether or not they should grant you money. Your credit report demonstrates your capacity to pay back personal obligations such as mortgages, auto loans, and credit cards on time. The higher it is, the less dangerous you appear to be in the eyes of a lender, and the more probable it is that you will be accepted for a loan.

So, what exactly qualifies as a decent credit score? Even if a score of 700 or above is regarded as good, a score of 800 or more is referred to as exceptional. provides free copies of your credit reports from Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, which may be used to figure out where you are with your credit score. Experian also offers a free credit report once every 30 days, which you may take advantage of.

You may improve your credit score by paying your payments on time, paying off debt, and keeping the balances on your credit cards and other revolving credit accounts as low as possible. Also, avoid asking for too much credit at the same time, since this can result in several hard inquiries on your credit report, which will have a negative influence on your credit score.

Once you’ve established your personal credit history, it’ll be time to turn your attention to building your company credit history. Creating an LLC or incorporating your firm, obtaining a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), and opening business accounts in your company’s name are all necessary steps in building business credit.

Understand the Requirements
Understanding the very minimal standards and credentials of a lender will help you improve your chances of being approved for a small business loan or line of credit. While certain lenders may be more liberal than others, the majority of lenders demand that applicants fulfill certain criteria, including a minimum credit score, yearly income, and the number of years in the company.

Bank loans and loans sponsored by the Small Company Administration (SBA) are the hardest forms of business loans to qualifying for out of all the options available. While a minimum credit score of 640 is normally required for these sorts of loans, a higher score in the 700s or 800s is generally preferable.

For small company loans from direct internet lenders and peer-to-peer lending platforms, the standards are less strict than they are for larger loans. With an ordinary or above-average credit score in the low to mid 600s, you may be able to get accepted for a mortgage loan.

To complete the application form, you’ll need to provide a variety of legal and financial documents, in addition to satisfying the credit score criteria. Things like your driver’s license, a canceled business check, bank statements, profit and loss statements, business and personal tax returns and a company plan are all likely to be included in this package.

Make a Business Plan for Your Company
The objective of a business plan is to demonstrate to lenders how you intend to use the funds you have received. Your business plan will aid in communicating the objective of your loan as well as how you feel it will assist you in being more lucrative in the future. Consider including the following information in your business strategy while you are writing it:

  • Description of the company
  • Description of a product or service
  • An examination of the market
  • Strategic sales and marketing planning and execution by the management team
  • Financial predictions and a financial plan

If you are required to provide collateral, please do so
When applying for a small business loan, some lenders may ask you to pledge collateral or an asset such as real estate, equipment, or inventory as security. Providing collateral gives lenders the authority to seize and sell your property if your firm experiences financial difficulties and you are unable to fulfill your loan payments.

You must provide collateral in addition to a personal guarantee (from each owner, if there are more than one) of at least 20 percent of the firm to obtain an SBA-backed loan, for example. Your assets and credit score are at stake as a result of this personal guarantee.

Unsecured business loans, which do not need collateral and are thus more suitable if you are concerned about losing an asset or do not have one, maybe a better option—even if the conditions of the loan are less advantageous.

Recognize Your Alternatives
The process of getting accepted for a small business loan is made much simpler when you’ve done your homework and are well-versed in the many alternatives available. It does not matter what sort of loan you obtain; make it a goal to pay it back on time so that it can be beneficial rather than detrimental to your business endeavor.

Types of Small Business Loans

There are several types of small company loans to consider, including:

Line of Credit for Small Businesses
A small business line of credit is comparable to a credit card in that it is available to the business. It is possible to borrow up to a specific amount of money and just pay interest on the amount of money that you borrow. A small business line of credit will allow you to draw money and repay them as frequently as you’d like, provided that you don’t go over the credit limit on the line of credit you’ve established for yourself.

Accounts Receivable Financing (A/R Financing)
Accounts receivable finance, also known as factoring, is the practice of selling your receivables or outstanding bills to a lender to get paid for them in advance. In exchange for a fee, the lender assumes the risk associated with your receivables and gives your company a lump sum of cash. The amount of money you receive will be influenced by the age and quality of the receivables that you have. Even while accounts receivable finance offers the benefit of rapid access to cash, you’ll certainly pay a higher interest rate than you would for other types of financing, especially if your company’s credit is less than spectacular.

Loans for Working Capital
Working capital loans, in contrast to other types of small business loans that are designed to be used to pay for long-term assets or investments, are used to fund the day-to-day operations of your company. Rent, salary, and debt payments are examples of operations that fall under this category. Comparing working capital loans to other types of small company loans, working capital loans have shorter periods and smaller loan amounts. In certain cases, these loans are tied to your credit, which may suffer if you fail to make your payments on time.

Small Business Term Loans
Small company term loans provide you with a lump sum of money that you must return overtime at a fixed interest rate and with regular repayment schedules. Typically, these sorts of loans are paid back within five years and are intended to support a specific investment in the operations of small businesses.

Small company term loans, like mortgages and auto loans, are often structured on an amortization schedule, which means that the majority of your payments will be allocated to interest payments in the beginning.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans
Loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) are small business loans made by the United States Small Business Administration, a government organization that assists entrepreneurs in growing their firms. A guarantee implies that if you are unable to make your payments to your lender, the Small Business Administration (SBA) will reimburse you for the amount of the guarantee.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) ensures 85 percent of loans for less than $150,000 and 75 percent of loans for more than $150,000. Small business loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA) might be difficult to get because of its guarantee.

Loans for Equipment
Equipment loans can assist your small business in replacing outdated equipment or purchasing new equipment as the company expands. You may utilize an equipment loan to pay for items like X-ray machines or infusion pumps if you’re running a healthcare firm, for example. Equipment loans often require less documentation than other types of small company loans, allowing you to get the money much more rapidly than other types of loans.

Small-business credit cards
While a small business credit card is comparable to a personal credit card in many ways, there are a few important distinctions between the two. A small business card may have reporting capabilities, allowing you to classify and track your expenditure to improve your efficiency. A rewards program, for example, maybe available, which may help you save money on regular company costs such as office supplies and marketing services. Furthermore, it is immune from the provisions of the Credit CARD Act of 2009.

What Credit Score Do I Need to Qualify for a Small Business Loan?

Generally speaking, the better your credit score, the better loan rates, and conditions you will be offered, which will result in you saving money over the long run. Each lender and loan type has its credit score criteria, however, a credit score of 550 is often the lowest that may be approved for a small business loan, with one firm accepting a credit score of 530 exclusively for invoice factoring loans.

Choosing the Best Loan for Small Businesses

Before you begin your borrowing adventure, you must first determine how much money you require, when you require it, and for what purpose. This will assist you in determining if you should take out a long-term loan or go for a short-term financing alternative. When you want cash quickly, it is tempting to take the first offer that comes up, paying little attention to the interest rates, fees, and the requirement for collateral. However, you may be saddled with a high-interest debt that you are ill-equipped to pay back.

Examine all of the terms and conditions before applying with any lenders. Investigate the interest rates and costs, and then decide if the loan is for an amount that you can afford to repay regularly. Compare the interest rates and costs charged by several lenders until you discover the one that is most favorable to you.

Take the time to learn about the repayment conditions as well. Do the terms, including the principal (the amount borrowed) and interest, make sense for you and your organization? Are you going to be able to pay it back? The next step is to begin looking for a company loan after you have a better knowledge of the challenges at hand.

Factors to Consider When Shopping for a Business Loan

Considering the ins and outs of the loan process, as well as the lender’s qualifying standards and the conditions of your loan, is critical to obtaining the cash you require without jeopardizing the future of your company. When comparing different lenders, pay close attention to the following factors.

The convenience of the Loan Application
When evaluating lenders, inquire about how lengthy and comprehensive the approval process is. You will be required to provide information to your lender, like how much revenue your firm generates and how many loans you owe. This information is needed to determine your capacity to repay a loan if you are approved. Depending on the loan size and term, some lenders may demand a significant amount of paperwork, while others may not. You should choose a lender that allows you to apply online and has lenient criteria for the documents that you must supply if you need funds urgently. You may expedite the authorization by having specific papers on hand, such as your company’s tax filings, bank statements, financials, and certificate of incorporation, as well as franchise agreements, among other things before the approval process begins.

The interest rate
Small company loans accumulate interest, which would be the cost of borrowing money. Interest is the cost of borrowing money. Rates might be set or change depending on the situation (variable). In most cases, alternative lenders will offer a set interest rate to customers. Your interest rate will vary based on the lender with whom you partner, the financials of your firm, your credit score, the number of years you’ve been in business, and your personal financial history. Consider the costs of the loan as well as the benefits of borrowing when deciding whether to borrow. Look for a lower-cost alternative if the first option does not make sense for you.

Requirements and Regulations
Lenders charge money to business borrowers for them to get cash. Interest, an acquisition fee, and additional fees, like maintenance and late payments, are all included in this figure. The annual percentage rate, abbreviated as APR, should be taken into consideration. This informs you of the total cost of the loan, along with all fees and penalties. The amount of interest you’ll have to pay is also determined by the size of the loan. It is the period you have to pay off the loan that is specified in the loan term. Terms might be as short as a few weeks or as long as many years, depending on the situation.

Criteria for Eligibility
The requirements for approval will differ depending on the type of loan and the lending institution. Most lenders consider your business and/or personal credit scores, the number of years in operation, yearly revenue, and the strength of your business strategy. Lenders do not like to lose money, therefore they will thoroughly investigate you and your company to guarantee that you will be able to repay the loan.

Collateral is an asset that you pledge to obtain or secure a loan. If you are unable to pay back the loan, the lender will be able to claim the collateral. Property, equipment, accounts receivables, and other valuable assets might be used as collateral if you own your building. Loans secured by collateral are offered by lenders that demand the business owner to set up a specific amount of collateral. Unsecured loans do not necessitate the use of collateral. The provision of a personal guarantee, which would be a legally enforceable agreement in which you commit to personally repay the loan if your company is unable to do so, is also required by many lenders. If you have a nondischargeable debt and you file for personal bankruptcy, you will still be responsible for repaying the loan.

Quickness of Funding
It is critical to understand when you will get the cash into your bank account. Knowing this in advance allows you to prepare ahead of time so that you don’t end up with a financial crisis when it comes time to pay your employees or pay for other business running expenditures. Some alternative lenders may finance your loan the same day it is accepted, while others may require several business days to complete the process.

Depending on the lender, you may be required to produce extra paperwork such as tax records, photo identification, bank and credit card bills, or a canceled check. Each lender has its own set of criteria.

Best Small Business Loans


Kabbage is an online platform that links small businesses with cash flow solutions via the use of technology. It was created in 2009 as a platform that connects small businesses with cash flow solutions. Because of a recent acquisition by American Express, it now has a new servicing platform called K Servicing, which allows you to monitor and make payments on your loans completely online.

Small business banking services are provided by the corporation, as well as payment processing loans, short-term loans, lines of credit, industry-specific loans, and public-private partnerships (PPPs). In comparison to a traditional bank, it features a straightforward application procedure that requires less documentation and has more liberal standards. Its mission is to provide small companies with the money they require in a straightforward and timely way.

You may apply for a loan online and get it approved the same day you submit your application. To be eligible for a Kabbage small business loan, you must have been in business for at least one year and generate annual sales of over $50,000. A normal loan period is between six and eighteen months, and there are no prepayment penalties or hidden lending costs to worry about. Amounts and requirements for loans vary depending on the type of loan, but they are generally up to $250,000 or $350,000 in value.

Customers have generally nice things to say about the firm; they appreciate the website, the loan alternatives, and the useful small business tools; but, some customers are dissatisfied with the lack of attention from customer care representatives. Additionally, in addition to providing small company loans and banking services, it provides tools for small business owners, such as client testimonials, useful advice, and cash flow analysis.


  • Process of applying is simple.
  • Quick financing is required.
  • Accessing your loan account is made simple with the help of an app.


  • Requirements for a minimum amount of time in company
  • Minimum revenue needs for a business


Fundera is a small company lending marketplace that provides loans to small business owners. In addition to Small Business Association (SBA) loans, it provides term loans, equipment financing, lines of credit, business credit cards, and other financial services to small businesses. It was created in 2013 and, rather than lending money directly to small businesses, it links them with the finest financing alternatives available on the market. It collaborates with leading SBA lenders to provide loans such as the SBA 7(a) loan, 504 loan, and microloans.

You fill out a single, straightforward loan application and then evaluate hundreds of loan alternatives at the same time. After that, the firm matches you with a lending professional who will learn more about your company and determine which loans would be the greatest fit. You will be able to compare the loans and then select the one that you wish to proceed with. Your loan specialist will work with you throughout the life of your loan and may even assist you in finding better loan options as your company expands.

For a 504 loan, the interest rate, criteria, and terms will vary, but you should expect a payback duration ranging from 10 to 20 years. The highest loan amount is typical $5 million, with an interest rate ranging from 5 percent to 6 percent on average. Fees are normally 3 percent of the loan amount, and these loans are primarily used for large-scale fixed-asset purchases like factories and warehouses.


  • There are several different sorts of small company loans from which to select.
  • Accounting, legal, human resources, and other services are available through the website.
  • Apply for a Small Business Administration loan directly on the website with a variety of SBA lenders.


  • It is necessary to have a credit score of at least 550.
  • Some loans need the use of collateral, such as real estate, inventory, or machinery.
  • Because it is not a direct lender, you will be interacting with a number of different lenders.


As a financial technology start-up firm, BlueVine was founded in 2013 to provide cash flow solutions to small businesses that would not otherwise qualify for loans from traditional banks and financial institutions. The creator was motivated by his father and the small business he had, and he established the firm to assist other small business owners to avoid some of the difficulties his father had encountered in terms of business finance and small business loans, among other things.

Small companies may benefit from PPP loans, invoice factoring, and business lines of credit provided by BlueVine. It also provides business checking accounts, as well as a business blog with guidance and suggestions for entrepreneurs. The company’s mission is to assist businesses with irregular cash flow in obtaining the funds they want fast and without the need for stringent standards.

In addition, invoice factoring is available. BlueVine purchases your company’s outstanding invoices and pays you in one lump amount, allowing you to get cash immediately rather than having to wait for the invoices to be paid in full. A 530 credit score and at least three months of business experience in the United States, as well as at least $10,000 in monthly company income, are required to qualify. Borrowers can get loans ranging from $20,000 up to $5 million.


  • Requirements for a low credit score
  • Financing is accessible for entrepreneurs.
  • Loan approval and funding are completed in a short period of time.


  • Some consumers expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of customer assistance they received.
  • Repayment schedules that are weekly


Kiva was formed in San Francisco, California, in 2005, and is a worldwide nonprofit organization that provides crowdfunded loans to those that are underserved in the world. The firm also has offices in Portland, Bangkok, and Nairobi, as well as employees all around the world. It is a peer-to-peer lending platform, where investors may contribute to the funding of loans for those who would otherwise be unable to obtain financing. It thinks that a disproportionate number of individuals do not have access to the finances they require and that there should be more financial inclusiveness for all.

Microloans have interest rates that start at zero percent and have loan amounts that reach up to $15,000. Depending on the lender, loan payback durations might last up to 36 months. A loan may be obtained using an app, and you can also opt to make an additional gift or donation in addition to your loan. Members of the community are encouraged to participate and to have a sense of belonging by having the ability to direct their contributions where they want them to go.

Loan amounts as little as $25 may be made on Kiva, and 100 percent of the money you give is used to finance loans made through the site. Kiva has funded more than $1.55 billion in loans in 77 different countries, a total of more than $1.55 billion.


  • Microloans have interest rates that begin at zero percent.
  • Repayment arrangements of up to 36 months are available.
  • The company’s primary focus is on providing money to underprivileged populations.


  • It is possible that funding will take 30 days.
  • Loan amounts are limited to a maximum of $15,000 per person.

Rapid Finance

A financial services firm powered by technology, Rapid Finance was established in 2005 in Bethesda, Maryland, as a result of a merger between two previous companies. It provides operating finance to small and mid-sized enterprises all throughout the country, as well as to entrepreneurs. It is a sibling company of Quicken Loans, and it offers a number of funding alternatives to businesses in a variety of industries and industry-related fields. It specializes in short-term loans with quick funding turnaround times, among other things.

Small business loans, business lines of credit, SBA loans, invoice factoring, bridge loans, asset-based loans, and commercial real estate loans are some of the services provided by the firm. Additional features include business resources, small company guidelines, and a blog that provides industry news as well as helpful recommendations. Rates and durations vary depending on the loan type, but small company loans generally have periods ranging from three months to 60 months and need money to be made through a business bank account.

You may submit an application online or speak with a representative over the phone, and you will receive a quotation within a few minutes of doing so. After an application is granted, certain loans may be funded as soon as a few hours later, and the money can be used for a variety of purposes, including company development, marketing solutions, equipment leasing, debt consolidation, technological improvements, working capital, and more.

The company has provided more than $2 billion in loan funding to businesses in a range of industries.


  • There are no prepayment penalty.
  • Customer service testimonials that are complimentary
  • Process of submitting an application is quick.


  • Interest rates are rising.
  • Frequently occurring repayments, even on a daily basis


OnDeck, which was founded in New York City in 2006, compiles a firm’s financial data and utilizes an algorithm to evaluate whether or not the company is eligible for a loan. A total of more than $13 billion in loans has been provided by the corporation, which provides term loans, commercial lines of credit, and a variety of small business loans.

The majority of loans may be applied for on the site or over the phone with a loan counselor in less than ten minutes on average. Loans are generally authorized the same day they are submitted, and some are even funded the same day they are accepted. If a fledgling company is in need of capital, the quick response times, as well as the modest minimum loan amounts of $5,000, might be quite beneficial.

Term loans range from $5,000 to $250,000, and they come with a lump sum of cash upfront, as well as the ability to request more funds after the loan is half paid off. Terms are available for up to 18 months.

The credit score required, the amount of time in the company required, and the interest rates charged vary based on the kind of loan, the industry, and the location of your firm. Rates for a business line of credit, on the other hand, generally start at 9 percent, with loan amounts ranging between $6,000 and $100,000 and a 12-month payback period that resets after each withdrawal.

There is a staff of loan advisers situated in the United States who are available to answer questions and assist you throughout the loan procedure. Customers have provided favorable overall evaluations, complementing the simplicity of the loan application procedure and the speed with which funds were disbursed.


  • Loan amounts as low as possible
  • Discounts on future loans are available.
  • financing in a short period of time


  • Prepayment penalties are imposed on some loans.
  • Fees for the creation of a new account
  • Repayment plans that are daily or weekly

Final Thoughts

Direct lenders, loan markets, and lenders that specialize in small business loans were all covered in this article. Some lenders provide same-day funding, while others provide short-term loans, while yet others have more liberal credit criteria than other lenders. We selected the top small business loans available, and each of them has something unique to offer in terms of features and benefits.

We do, however, urge that you first check out Kabbage. The organization provides a variety of small business loans, has a straightforward application procedure, and issues loan approvals in a short period of time.

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