Blanket Mortgage: How It Works & When To Get One

A blanket mortgage is a type of loan where the borrower pays back interest, but does not have to make any payments or repay all their debt until they sell or give their house away. It helps borrowers save money for an uncertain future and gets them out from under the burden of monthly payments. What are your thoughts on this form of lending?

A blanket mortgage enables a borrower to buy or keep many properties under one loan. The due-on-sale condition in the mortgage, which requires the loan to be paid in full when a property is sold, does not apply to properties held in a blanket loan. You may then utilize the earnings from the sale to buy further property.

For multiproperty owners, a blanket loan is preferable to individual mortgages since one payment is significantly simpler to handle than many mortgage payments. When a property is sold from a blanket mortgage, the lender will grant a partial mortgage release as long as the remaining property on the mortgage has enough value to satisfy the remaining loan amount.

A blanket mortgage is a good solution for borrowers who want to create a subdivision of houses. A blanket loan may be used to fund the land, and then sections can be released and sold when the residences are constructed. This eliminates the need for the borrower to apply for a new mortgage for each new home.

Blanket mortgages are often portfolio loans because the loan amounts are too large or there are too many properties to sell on the secondary market. The number of properties per loan sold on the secondary market is usually restricted to ten.

CoreVest is a great blanket mortgage lender. CoreVest provides maturities of five, seven, or ten years, with a maximum LTV ratio of 75 percent. Loans might be as much as $100 million or even more in certain cases. CoreVest’s website includes an online application as well as a chatbot that can answer queries. For additional information, go to the company’s website.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Blanket Mortgages

The following are just a few of the numerous advantages of adopting a blanket mortgage:

  • It’s simpler to handle the loan since you simply have to deal with one payment rather than many payments for each property.
  • Individual mortgages on different properties would have separate closing expenses, resulting in less loan fees. There is just one set of fees and closing charges for a loan that covers all properties.
  • For all properties, there is a single set of conditions and a single payment: There are many payments for various loans, and each loan has a separate interest rate. Everything is covered in one payment at one interest rate with a blanket mortgage.
  • Can be used to finance an infinite number of properties: Because most blanket mortgages are portfolio loans, there is no federal restriction on the number of properties that can be financed. Blanket loans are appropriate for big subdivision projects because of this.

On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages of employing a blanket mortgage, including:

  • Danger of default on several properties: If a loan on a single property falls into foreclosure, just that property is at risk. If you take out a blanket mortgage, you face the danger of losing all of your properties if the loan defaults.
  • Blanket mortgages aren’t offered by every bank, so they could be difficult to come by. Some major banks only offer loans to the secondary market, making it impossible to get a blanket loan.
  • Larger payments: Because the loan is bigger to cover numerous properties, the loan payment is also bigger. Before taking for a blanket loan, be sure the greater payment works within your company’s budget.
  • A blanket mortgage is more difficult to qualify for since the risk to the lender is larger due to the size of the loan. This implies that the requirements are more strict.

Blanket Mortgage Rates, Terms & Qualifications

Aside from the criteria and requirements indicated above, lenders will check for the following qualities in an applicant before issuing a blanket mortgage:

  • Borrower creditworthiness: When applying for a blanket mortgage, your credit and income will almost certainly be taken into account.
  • The company’s credit strength will also be assessed, as will its revenue and credit history. A debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) of at least 1.25x is anticipated to be required.
  • Experience in the construction industry is particularly necessary if you want to establish a major home complex. Because the lender is taking a big risk in this situation, they’ll want to know whether you’ve done something similar before.
  • The lender will want to know how many properties are on the loan, what kind of properties are covered, what the properties are meant to be used for, and where and how old the properties are.
  • Net operating income: If the loan includes rental properties, the lender will want to know the net income after deducting vacancy and operating expenditures from gross revenue.

What You Will Need to Do

The application procedure for a blanket loan is comparable to that of any other small company loan. Gather as much of the following information as you can before applying for investment property financing and be ready to provide it to a possible lender.

Some of the information given below may not be accessible at the time of your submission. Some of the information will be obtained by the lender via credit reports and assessments.

  • Credit reports, personal tax returns, bank accounts, and professional resumes of major borrowers are examples of personal financial documentation.
  • Lenders will want business credit reports, business tax filings, and business bank accounts to demonstrate the company’s credit and revenue soundness, as well as necessary cash reserves (if required).
  • If you have the information, provide the property addresses, property descriptions, images, and the date you acquired the property if you have already purchased it.
  • Other information on valuation and financing: Include the property purchase price (or asking price) if you know it. Your business strategy and project proposal, as well as the current fair market value, the cost of any possible improvements, the amount of any existing finance, and the current fair market value will be required by lenders.
  • Property finances: Any property financial information, including rent roll, vacancy rates, property costs, fees, and the net operating revenue of the property, if you have access to it.


Blanket mortgages are a great option to finance several homes with a single mortgage loan. A blanket loan simplifies the management of many properties’ finance significantly more than individual loans. It also enables you to buy new homes without having to apply for fresh loans.

Blanket mortgages, on the other hand, maybe difficult and risky for both the borrower and the lender. Applying for a blanket mortgage may need more preparation on your side than applying for a single-property loan. Before beginning with a blanket mortgage application, use our guidance to prepare your documentation and plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do blanket mortgages work?

A blanket mortgage is a type of loan where the lender takes out many mortgages over time with an automatic monthly payment to cover all, or most, of it. This means that your payments vary month-to-month and are not fixed for a certain amount of time like other loans.

How hard is it to get a blanket mortgage?

It is quite hard to get a blanket mortgage, especially if you are in the United States. The only thing that you can do is continue saving up for one and hope that it will come through before your purchase date.

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