Demystifying the Press Release Format + Free Template

Press releases are a key tool in modern marketing and communications, but they can be difficult to navigate. This document includes an easy-to-understand template that will help you refine your next press release with ease.

Demystifying the Press Release Format + Free Template

To get media attention, you’ll need more than simply a compelling narrative in your press release. It must also adhere to the traditional press release structure, which includes your logo, release date, Information about how to contact, headline, three to four paragraph body, a link to your website, and any relevant multimedia. Your press release will have a higher chance of getting media attention if it follows this journalist-recommended structure.

Writing a press release that successfully attracts the media’s attention is no simple task if you’re not an expert. As a result, many firms delegate press release creation and delivery to specialists, such as those at eReleases.

Template for a Press Release for Free

To ensure you get your formatting right, download our Template for a Press Release for Free before writing your release to guide you through each of the sections described below.


Types of Press Release Formats

While all press releases follow the same basic style, they differ significantly based on the press release’s objective, the sort of material you include (e.g., photographs, video), and your overall aim. A book press release, for example, will have different content and media than an event press release.

Here are four popular sorts of press releases, along with tips on what to include and how to style them:

If none of these fit the bill, use the standard press release format and follow the instructions below to write your newsworthy story using our Template for a Press Release for Free.

The Press Release Format’s Required Elements

Your company’s logo, a title, a lead paragraph describing the announcement, and a newsworthy aspect are all included in a press release. Within the body of your press release, there will be three to four paragraphs of text, hyperlinks, social media connections, quotations, and Multimedia. It ends with your company’s information (your Boilerplate) and Information about how to contact us. The overall word count should be between 300 and 500.


Your business logo should be prominently featured at the top of your press release to increase its brand awareness effect. Make sure you include a 200×200-pixel version of your logo in your press release email so journalists may use it in their articles. Journalists won’t have to struggle to extract a copy of your logo from the press release, lowering picture quality.

Information about how to contact

Put your Information about how to contact us to the right of the logo. This includes the ways a journalist can contact the person within your company who can answer questions about this press release. Include their name, email address, and phone number so journalists can easily reach the primary contact using the method they prefer. This text should be left-justified but positioned along the right margin. Here is how the Information about how to contact us on your release should appear:

John Smith may be reached at (123) 456-7890 or

Dateline or Release Date

The release date specifies when you want the press release to be issued and what information should be included in it. It informs journalists if you want your press release news to be reported about or released right away or later.

Put your chosen publishing date and time in all capitals and bold in the top-left corner of your press release. Include the words “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” in the upper left corner of your press release if it is ready to be sent straight away.

An “embargoed” release, on the other hand, is when you want the media to save your press release for future distribution (but you’re submitting it ahead of time to assure coverage). In such a scenario, write “EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE” in the upper left-hand corner, followed by the date and hour the press release and any linked media articles should go online.


A press release headline appears at the top and center of your press release but below the logo, Information about how to contact us, and release date. Keep your headline short and to the point, typed in 14-point size, bold, and centered. Try to stay within the 65- to 80-character range, and use language that is clear and easy to understand.

The title is generally the most attention-getting portion of your press release, and it’s up to you to make people want to read it. It should represent the most noteworthy aspect of your release, as well as the primary reason your target audience would be interested in hearing about it. When you send your press release to journalists that have similar audiences, they are more likely to publish it since it is obvious why their readers would be interested.

The subheader (Optional)

A subheader is a short paragraph that displays underneath your title and maybe up to 120 characters long. Subheaders assist readers to comprehend what your press release is about by drawing their attention to it. It provides you another chance to build your narrative perspective by offering a teaser that motivates readers to read more. It should be in title case and italicized 12-point Times New Roman font (title-style capitalization).

Place Stamp & Date

A dash separates the location stamp and date of your lead paragraph from the first body paragraph. It must indicate the source of the press release (typically the city) as well as the date it was released. Both the location and the date (which should include the month, day, and year) should be bold and look like this: (Month, Day, Year) – CITY, ST.


For press releases, the location and dateline are important.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

The first paragraph, dubbed “the lead,” should address the news release’s who, what, when, where, why, and how. Its goal is to provide journalists with a brief glimpse that will allow them to determine if the news is appropriate for their target audiences.

Avoid promoting or attempting to promote items or services in this section, but do explain the aspect that makes your announcement significant. The text should be single-spaced in a 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font that is regular/normal (not bold or italics).

Also, note how the introduction includes links. It is a common practice to include hyperlinks to your business’s website or supporting material within your Paragraph 1: Introduction, and it’s a good way to drive more traffic to your website.


An example of an introduction paragraph for a press release

Body Paragraphs

The following paragraphs in the body of your press release should finish the tale you started in the title and first paragraph. It should focus on the story’s noteworthy aspect and expand on it with information that journalists might utilize to flesh out that angle.

Make sure to follow AP style requirements so that your material may be used in its entirety by the media. Use brief paragraphs with two to four phrases apiece, and don’t be afraid to incorporate figures and images to back up your statements.

Finally, give facts that will make covering your topic a breeze for journalists. If you’re asking a journalist to cover a corporate event, for example, be sure to offer information on how they may go for free.

If your event is available to the general public or select groups, you should also provide information on how people may attend, such as RSVP or registration information. Journalists will receive all of the information they need to invite their viewers in advance and to attend themselves in order to write a follow-up piece. This implies that a single news release will get twice as much attention.

If you’d rather be operating your company than writing press releases, or if you’re not sure how to effectively communicate your newsworthy event, you may hire a press writing service like eReleases to do it for you. Your story is more likely to be picked up by media outlets if they know how to write a press release and can focus on noteworthy points. For more information, see our guide on press writing services.


Quotes are an important aspect of every excellent news report because they provide journalists with a human viewpoint. You may include a testimonial quotation, for example, if you have a satisfied customer. If you’re introducing a new C-level executive, including statements from the new recruit about how delighted they are in their new post, as well as from another executive about what this shift in the C-suite will imply for the company or its consumers.

Include a few quotations to allow journalists to choose their own human viewpoint slant. Merely make sure your quotations offer value and don’t just regurgitate the stuff from your press release’s text.


A press release featuring a quotation as an example

Elements that are interactive (Optional)

Journalists must execute an action to consume interactive aspects in your press release, such as clicking a link, watching a video, or downloading anything. They enable journalists and readers to dig deeper into your article while also providing your company with extra options to monitor their preferences and behaviors.

In addition to the interactive features stated above, hashtags, social network handles, interactive photos, downloadable infographics, and portable document files (PDFs), such as an e-book, report, or case study, are all examples of common interactive content. Journalists will be able to explore deeper into your story with the help of these content features.

A customized hashtag attached to a product introduction, for example, allows journalists to see firsthand what customers think of it, which influencers are spreading the word about it, and be notified when improvements or complementary goods are released. Similarly, interactive pictures might guide journalists through a virtual product tour, allowing you to monitor how far they progressed through the tour and which product aspects piqued their attention.


A boilerplate paragraph is the last paragraph in your press release. At the bottom of your press release, you’ll see your company’s “About” section. This is where you write about your company’s history, accolades, number of years in operation, and anything else relevant to your firm.

You should also include a link to your website as well as a media contact, which is the key email or phone number that a journalist should contact for further information. Your boilerplate should be under 100 words in length. The boilerplate for each company listed in the news release should be unique.


Example of a boilerplate press release

Notation at the End

Finally, include a Notation at the End at the bottom of your press release document. This tells the media they have accessed the whole document. While you should stick to one page (or about 500 words), if your release extends to two pages, the first page should end with “-more-” centered at the bottom of the page. Whether your press release is only one page long or has a second page, the final page should end with three centered pound signs, like this: ###.

Final Note & Call to Action (CTA)

After you’ve finished writing the press release, add a last remark at the bottom encouraging anybody who wants more information to contact you. A short statement like this (formatted in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial typeface) is appropriate:

“Please contact [name] at [phone number] or [email address] if you have any questions concerning this issue.”


A press release example CTA


Journalists will be able to successfully build an engaging narrative if you provide multimedia elements in your press release. Multimedia press releases generate higher interaction across platforms such as social media, blogs, and even print publications. This is because journalists are well aware that videos and other forms of multimedia may boost engagement by three times.

Embedded videos and photos are more compelling than an attached image or a linked video, and they’re usually only included if you spend an additional $100 to $200 when utilizing a press release distribution provider. The attached multimedia must be accessed by hyperlink from inside the article, however, embedded multimedia may be seen immediately from published news wire items.

Many press release delivery service plans, however, feature complimentary multimedia attachments, which still supply writers with graphics to utilize in their reports. Each provider has its own formatting standards for the multimedia that is connected to or will be integrated into your press releases, such as file size, kind, quality, and resolution constraints.

Include both your original and reformatted files so that your media contacts may utilize them if they think it will benefit their story perspective. Include links to original materials in your press release email to the media so that they are accessible in their highest-quality form rather than merely a reduced-size copy (which is often of lower quality).


Best Practices for Press Release Format

Writing and publishing a press release may either help your firm achieve its objectives or make it go unnoticed. Focus on incorporating excellent information in your press release, following the conventional press release structure, and integrating multimedia material and social media connections to make it a good investment of your time and money.

When structuring your press release, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Choose the right document settings: For a professional press release, use one-inch margins around your entire press release document. Set your Paragraphs in the body to a single space and use an easy-to-read and standard business font like Arial or Times New Roman. Bold your header and dateline and italicize your subheading.
  • Include multimedia files or embedded information: Including visual or interactive content in your story may result in greater coverage, since journalists are aware that doing so increases reader interest.
  • Create an inquisitive journey: Good reporting is about generating a unique story that can’t be found anywhere else, not merely repeating other people’s tales. As a result, not every journalist will be interested in the same facts. As a result, while writing your narrative, be sure to provide enough details for journalists to come up with a unique approach that will appeal to their target audiences.
  • Include social media share links: Social media is used by almost 55% of people to get their daily news. Including social media share buttons on the web page, you’re releasing your press release on, similar to sharing links on a blog post, maybe a smart method to arrive in social feeds and enhance your visibility. Share links to your press coverage on your social media profiles when your press release is reported in the media.
  • Choose the correct press release distribution provider: While all releases follow the same basic style, each distribution service has its own quirks for formatting, multimedia embedding, and attachment inclusion. Before submitting your work, double-check that your formatting complies with the service’s specifications.

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best way to submit a press release?

The next step after producing a press release is to send it out to journalists and media outlets. You may send your press release straight to a list of press contacts with whom you have a connection if you have one.

If you’re like most small companies and want your press release to get the greatest visibility, you’ll want to hire a press release distribution provider like eReleases. They’ll distribute your press release to tens of thousands of outlets on your behalf.

What is the difference between an AP style news release and a traditional press release?

The good news is that an AP style press release is the most popular, therefore if you utilized a standard press release template, your press is almost certainly already in AP format.

What makes a press release effective?

There are many factors that influence whether or not a press release is excellent and hence gets picked up. The two most important variables, however, are its newsworthiness and dissemination.


All press releases follow the same basic press release format and structure. They have a compelling headline, a story with a newsworthy angle, Multimedia, quotes, links, a call to action (CTA), a Boilerplate, and Information about how to contact us. Of course, even the most exciting release will fail to get media attention if the media doesn’t know it exists. So be sure your story gets the exposure it needs to land the most amount of media coverage using a press release distribution service like eReleases.

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