Employee Attendance Tracker: What It Is & Why You Need One [+ Free Template]

An employee attendance tracker is a way for your company to stay organized and keep track of who’s working, not just through their time tracking software but with accountability in general. It also helps you manage sick leave and other types of absences.

An employee attendance tracker is a tool that helps you keep track of who’s working and when. It can be used to help you manage your team, improve productivity, and more. With the free template provided by this blog post, it will be easy for you to start using an attendance tracker today. Read more in detail here: employee attendance tracker excel.

Employee Attendance Tracker: What It Is & Why You Need One [+ Free Template]

An employee attendance tracker allows you to keep track of your employees’ attendance, tardiness, absenteeism, and time off while also complying with your company’s attendance policy. Your tracker, which is often set up like an employee attendance calendar, may take many different shapes, some of which are better than others. You won’t have to start from scratch if you use our free attendance tracker.

Attendance Tracker Template (PDF)

Try one of our suggested time and attendance software if you want a simple and effective approach to monitor your employees’ attendance. These solutions make it simple to establish rules and keep track of your workers’ attendance and time off, ensuring precise payroll and operational administration. Reduced absenteeism and tardiness will enhance morale and productivity in your firm.

Attendance Tracker Template for Employees

If you wish to manually monitor attendance, we suggest using a template, such as the one we provide, that records attendance for each pay period. You will be able to better assemble and examine relevant data if you align your attendance tracker with your payroll.

An employee attendance tracker is not a time sheet, to be clear. You enter hours worked on a time sheet so you know how much to pay your staff. An employee attendance tracker, on the other hand, provides you facts about an employee, such as how much time they’ve taken off, how many days they’ve been late, and so on, and goes along with your employee attendance policy.

Attendance Tracker Template (PDF)

How to Use Our Free Attendance Tracker for Employees

Our free Attendance Tracker Template for Employees simplifies your life by providing you with just the relevant information and nothing more. It requires manual entry on your part to input the data, but it will give you results showing each employee’s attendance history.

To coincide with firms who run payroll every two weeks, we’ve put it up as a two-week view. Keeping this data in sync with payroll data makes it simple to submit the information alongside payroll data and keep everything up to current. For your convenience, we’ve begun the template with four paycheck periods. You are allowed to modify the template to meet your specific requirements.

Fill in the Brackets in Step 1

When utilizing our template, the first step is to put in the relevant information inside the brackets. The name of the employee and the date of each day being monitored are included. At the bottom of the page, you may create duplicate tabs for each of your workers.

Step 2: Input Information

Then, for each day, manually choose whether an employee meets a certain requirement from each of the drop-down fields. If the employee satisfied the criterion, you will pick “Yes” in each of these fields. You may either pick “No” or leave the field blank if an employee did not satisfy the criterion.

Arriving Late

If the employee was late to work on any day during the pay period, choose “Yes” for each day. You may leave the field blank if they were on time.

Departure in the Morning

Select “Yes” in the drop-down on the day the employee departed early without providing notice or seeking prior consent. Only label an employee as “Yes” if they have departed early in violation of your company’s attendance rules.

Paid Vacation

When an employee takes Paid Vacation (PTO), mark that day as “Yes.” While recording your team’s PTO and vacation days should not be a penalty against them, it does help you see how frequently an employee is out.

Sick Days

Mark that day as “Yes” in the relevant drop-down if an employee phones their manager or supervisor to let them know they’re unwell and can’t come to work. It’s critical to keep track of sick days so you can see how often an employee calls in.

There will be no call and no show.

Sometimes employees do not show up to work and don’t call out. When this happens, mark the appropriate day as “Yes” to record them as a There will be no call and no show.. This information is vital if you need to reprimand or terminate an employee for excessive absenteeism.


For each column, the totals will automatically be calculated. The totals for “Arriving Late,” “Departure in the Morning,” and “There will be no call and no show.” are triggered to shade the total box red if there are too many “Yes” selections. You can change the number that triggers a red color by right clicking on the field and selecting “Conditional Formatting” to change the value.

Finally, this page offers you a brief summary of your team’s attendance and if you need to take action or speak with any specific team member about any problems. If you customize this form to match your requirements, you’ll be able to keep track of whether or not you have any staff attendance issues.

Why Do You Need an Attendance Tracker for Your Employees?

Employee tardiness, sick day call outs, and There will be no call and no show.s cause problems for businesses. When an employee misses a day or is late for work, that has ripple effects that can affect not only business productivity but also employee morale. If other employees see one employee show up late consistently and not suffer any consequences, then other employees may start acting the same way and not care as much about their work.

It is in your best interest to check staff attendance in advance so that you can intervene quickly if employee engagement begins to dwindle.

The 2020 absenteeism rate was 3%, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic health issues cost companies about $35 billion per year in lost productivity due to employee absences. Employees who overslept, missed the train, or were caught in traffic are not included in this calculation.

Employee attendance concerns might have a negative impact on your organization, according to this study. You’ll never realize you have a problem if you don’t keep track of the difficulties.

The Benefits of Using Employee Attendance Tracking Software

Our template has been created to be simple to use and evaluate. We didn’t want to make the sheet overly complicated or need you to enter too much information. While this will provide you with the essentials, there are better choices available in the shape of employee attendance software.

The correct program can provide you with as much or as little data as you need. It will also eliminate the time-consuming manual procedure of updating the data.

The most effective approach to monitor your workers’ attendance is to use attendance tracking software. You may use it to:

  • Allow workers to clock in and out using a computer.
  • For employee punches, use verification mechanisms (like GPS restriction)
  • Approve PTO requests online and at your convenience.
  • Run reports to discover if there are any concerns with staff attendance.

The nicest thing about adopting staff attendance monitoring software is that it streamlines your operations. Employee attendance monitoring software integrates time sheets with attendance tracking, allowing you to manage all of your payroll and attendance data in one place.


Employee attendance monitoring provides you with critical information about your company’s operations. It’s simple to keep track of which days each person reports to work—and which days they don’t.

Employee attendance tracker is a tool that allows you to track time and attendance. This template will help you print out a form for your employees. Reference: employee attendance tracker printable.

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