Expired Listing Letter: Free Examples That Work

A listing is assigned a certain time range before it expires when it is put on the MLS® system. The listing is considered dormant after the time limit has gone. However, just because a listing is no longer online doesn’t imply the seller isn’t interested. Agents may then utilize expired listing letters to interact with these prospective prospects.

It’s worth remembering that expired listing letters are most effective for generating leads when they seem authentic and address the precise reasons why a seller should trust you with their house. This is why, rather than sending a template letter to disappointed vendors, we strongly advise writing personalized replies. We’ve gathered several letter samples and discussed why they work so you may use them as inspiration when writing your own.

Example #1

Greetings, Francis and Susan:

Do you know what’s going on? Houses are selling like hotcakes in the real estate market, and all you have to do to get your property sold is place a sign in the yard.


In every market, there’s more to selling a house than placing it on the MLS and hanging a sign in the yard. A planned and detailed strategy must be in place.

Inside, you’ll discover our “My House Didn’t Sell, Now What?” guide, which will explain why this occurred and how it may be fixed.

Hopefully, we will have met in person by the time you read this, but just in case I missed you, allow me to introduce myself! My name is Don Stevens, and I work with RealtyUSA as a real estate agent.

My recent visit was to demonstrate to you that I’m more than simply another phone call or email… or a real estate agent who makes promises they can’t keep.

There’s a good chance you’re disappointed because your house didn’t sell. This has most certainly caused some inconvenience in your life and may have caused future plans to be postponed. You put a lot of effort into making your home ready to sell, and I can only imagine how disappointed you are now that it hasn’t sold.

Are you still interested in selling your house if the perfect offer comes along?

If that’s the case, we should chat. I’d like to show you our Property Marketing Plan so you can get a sense of how my company approaches real estate sales.

Take some time to read over and internalize this material. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the information you got or if there is anything else I can help you with.


Don Stevens’ phone number is 000-000-0000.

This item is not meant to be a solicitation for homes that are presently under an exclusive agreement with another broker.

Source: Finger Lakes Realtor & Copywriter Don Stevens

Why This Letter Is Effective

This mail will not be delivered by itself. It comes with a handbook that answers the most common questions and concerns that expired listing owners have. Because most homeowners who have been unable to sell their property are overwhelmed and perplexed, they will welcome the opportunity to engage with someone who can give precise answers and solutions to their concerns.

Example #2

Greetings, Homeowner!

As a real estate agent in [insert neighborhood/city], I keep a close eye on the market and keep track of which properties sell and which don’t. I saw you placed your house up for sale but it didn’t sell. I understand there are a variety of reasons why properties don’t sell, and one of them might have been your decision not to relocate. If that’s the case, you may not be interested in reading this letter. If you do decide to relocate, the following information may be helpful.

Home sales in [insert neighborhood/city] averaged [insert percentage] of the asking price last year. Many of my customers are shocked by the high figure, and I explain that purchasers are looking for the most affordable property in their price range. They are typically prepared to spend close to the asking price after they have located that house, even if they start cheaper. Because The costy residences can’t compete with a similarly priced property, no offer is ever made.

As a real estate agent, I understand how stressful it may be to put your property on the market. I take satisfaction in reducing stress by taking a thorough and honest look at your condition and objectives. If you’re still thinking about relocating, I’d like to provide you with a free move analysis. A move analysis looks at your overall objectives, and then I offer you my honest judgment on whether or not they are realistic.

I hope you are well, and please do not hesitate to contact me at any moment.


[Your Name Here]

Breakthroughbroker.com is the source for this information.

Why This Letter Is Effective

This broker doesn’t simply claim to have local experience; they show it by utilizing particular facts regarding the seller’s area. They also utilize the statistic to make a point and outline how their marketing and selling techniques will be different, giving the homeowner cause to trust their house would not expire again.

Example #3

Steven Sheldon is the attorney for this case. 123 Main St., 123 Main St., 123 Main St.,

Greetings, Steven

I noticed today that your house at 123 Main St is no longer for sale via the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). My name is Jim Remley, and I specialize in assisting clients who are disappointed because their house did not sell the first time they tried to sell it. How? Regardless of market circumstances, I provide my customers with a distinct, one-of-a-kind strategy for selling their houses.

Just one example of my marketing plan is the effective use of the internet to maximize exposure for your home. This is absolutely critical as 86% of buyers today use the internet as their primary information resource. In addition, when working with sellers, I offer my clients: Complete Market Overview & Pricing Analysis; Enhanced RMLS listing and a linked virtual tour; Dedicated website, specific to your listing; Online Classified Advertising on Oodle, Craigslist, and Google Base; Complete email-ready property information kit for buyers; and Exclusive 25-Point Internet Marketing Strategy – Local and Regional Marketing.

If you are thinking about re-listing your house, I would appreciate the chance to interview for the position. Please contact me by phone or email whenever it is convenient for you.


[Your Name Here]

Why This Letter Is Effective

This representative quickly adds that he specializes in assisting owners of expired postings. The majority of homeowners are unaware that this is a common occurrence or that certain brokers specialize in it. This introduction piques curiosity and establishes confidence in the agent’s knowledge and tactics.

Example #4


I’m sorry to learn that your house has not yet been sold. You may be wondering why a real estate agent is delivering a box of paper towels to you right now. It’s not unusual in the least. In today’s market, I consider myself to be very much like a paper towel since the number one reason a property will not sell is something called absorption.

This is how it works. Lowell currently has 240 single-family homes on the market. In the past month, eighteen properties in Lowell have sold. It will take 13 months for the market to ABSORB your property if you are an average home seller with an average price. That’s where a nice paper towel comes in handy, and that’s where I come in handy.

You will get numerous pieces of communication from me in the mail during the following seven days. Each one will have resources to assist you in selling your house… not in the next 13 months… BUT RIGHT NOW. I hope that by looking at each of these things, you’ll see how I promote each house in a unique manner from start to finish.

Please contact me as soon as possible for a private, one-on-one marketing session.

RE/MAX Prestige’s Andrew Armata

SlideShare is the source of this information.

Why This Letter Is Effective

Because it is tied to a random object—in this example, paper towels—this letter is likely to capture the homeowner’s undivided attention before they even begin reading. Furthermore, the second line promises even more random gifts, and who doesn’t like getting free stuff? Through its delivery, layout, and one-of-a-kind promise, this letter attracts and retains the reader’s attention.

Example #5

<Client name and address block>Hello <first name>,

I saw your house listing had just expired, and I’m sorry to learn it hasn’t sold yet. The process of selling a property may be both stressful and tiresome.

Despite the current real estate market’s issues, I have had success with real estate transactions in your region. The following are some of the houses I’ve recently sold in your neighborhood:

<insert 2-3 closed sales: two-bedroom, listed for xx months sold for $>

I’d be delighted to relieve you of the weight and worry of the home-selling process. Please think about appointing me to be your new listing agent. I have some innovative methods to guarantee that your house sells fast and for a fair price. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Best regards,

<first name>

<Contact block with name, RE license #, firm name, firm address, email, phone, and social media>

This document is presented as an example only and is not intended to be used as legal advice. Members should adopt this document to meet their individual requirements and double-check all offered material for the correctness and legal compliance.

Realtor.org is the source for this information.

Why This Letter Is Effective

This agent mentions the outcomes they’ve had in the homeowner’s neighborhood. Some of the locations and residences mentioned may be familiar to the homeowner, making them feel instantly at ease with this realtor. This method also demonstrates their knowledge and competence without requiring the agent to make unsubstantiated promises about their capacity to sell the property.

Example #6

Are you fed up with hearing all the excuses for why your house hasn’t sold and want some straight answers?

You’re ready to move on with your life. You want to close on your house as soon as possible. However, no one has yet to make an offer.

“What is going on?” says the narrator.

The REAL reasons could surprise you!

Greetings, Frustrated Homeowner!

Is it seeming like your house will never sell?

Few people completely comprehend the difficulties you confront while attempting to sell your house. Maybe you’re looking for a place to live since you’re between jobs. Perhaps you want to purchase your next house but are unable to do so because you must first sell your current property.

Perhaps you’ve invested your whole life savings in this property. And now you’re attempting to get your money out due to the bad economy or dishonest individuals. The time is ticking… With each tick, you lose a little more of your hard-earned cash.

My name is <<Your Name>>, and I am a REALTOR® specializing in difficult-to-sell properties.

In over <<10>> years of marketing “hard-to-sell” properties, I’ve learned a few things about why YOUR home is NOT selling.

Each house is unique and has unique issues that make it tough to sell. That’s why I designed a specific curriculum just for you. It’s what I refer to as my “Maximum Home Value Audit.” It’s completely free, and there’s no obligation to work with me or any other agency.

My audit will reveal the following:

  • How to achieve the ultimate maximum price for your property on the market;
  • The distinction between practical and aesthetic concerns with your property, as well as how simple and cheap issues may end up costing you thousands;
  • How to “dress” your house to make it appear like it’s worth thousands more (living in a home and selling a home are TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS! );
  • From particular condition concerns to lot sighting, house sighting, and location, I’ll evaluate your home and property from top to bottom to discover actual difficulties preventing its successful selling. Then I’ll show you how to minimize the effect of bad concerns while promoting great qualities so you can obtain the maximum money for your home—and sell it as soon as possible!

As you can see, my Maximum Home Value Audit is a far better level of service than what you may have had before due to my expertise.

My specialty is selling “difficult-to-sell” homes.

And, unlike other agents who will tell you anything to obtain your listing, I’ll use a credible, real-world analysis to show you EXACTLY what your house is worth. There are no fancy figures here. There will be no hard sells. For you, just the facts are provided in a simple, easy-to-understand style.

MORE: As part of my analysis of your home’s selling prospects, I’ll also teach you how to use the internet to bring your house in front of as many people as possible.

You Have the Power to End Your Frustrations… Stop your equity from leaking down the drain and get on with your life RIGHT NOW!

I understand the temptation to set this letter away or “think about it later.” However, every minute you wait on an unsold house costs you money! And, in today’s oversaturated market (where there are more listings than buyers), you’ll need to know all of the clever strategies to promote and display your house in order to secure a quick, top-dollar sale.

You may get a FREE, no-obligation “Maximum Home Value Audit” right now by contacting my Fast Response Hotline at 222-2222.

You stand to make thousands of dollars and important time, and you have nothing to lose by calling right now. I eagerly await your response!

Regards, Sincerely,

<<Elmer Escrow>>

P.S. You can put an end to the problems of owning a house that won’t sell right now! By taking advantage of my FREE, No-Obligation “Maximum Home Value Audit,” you can stop throwing money down the drain with each passing day and go on with your life. So contact my Fast Response Hotline at 222-2222 right now and bid farewell to your previous residence… and a warm welcome to newfound freedom!

Agentinnercircle.com is the source for this information.

Why This Letter Is Effective

Before requesting to accept the listing, this agent takes an unusual approach by providing a free, no-obligation service to the homeowner. It’s akin to employing a lead magnet, which is a little yet attractive gift that helps you and the homeowner connect. This agent’s free house assessment will demonstrate their worth and experience to the homeowner. You’ll be considerably more likely to complete the deal if you can give expired listing owners a straightforward, no-brainer product or service.

Why Is It Important to Customize Your Expired Listing Letters?

It’s important to remember that you’re probably not the only agency bidding on this property. Consider how you’d feel if you received a dozen identical letters from various real estate representatives. This is why you should spend the effort to write a unique letter for each expired listing. You may also use a firm like ProspectsPLUS!, which specializes in real estate mailings, to make it more eye-catching and less like everyone else’s letter.

The purpose of your letter is to demonstrate to the seller that you can sell their home despite the fact that the previous agent failed to do so. As a result, before composing your letter, you must first determine why the home did not sell.

It’s a good idea to examine identified homes using your MLS, Zillow sales history, or StreetEasy when prospecting for prospective expired leads, and check for:

  • How long has the property been on the market?
  • The cost
  • What was the marketing strategy for the listing (Was it appropriately photographed? Was the summary accurate?)
  • The previous agent’s information
  • Information about the property owner
  • The state of the house
  • The way the house was set up

You obtain a better grasp of the issues that led the listing to expire by investigating these property variables. If you can utilize this information gracefully in your expired listing letter, you’ll have a better chance of acquiring the listing.


An excellent expired listing letter may help you get new customers and create authority in your agricultural region. However, drafting them may be time-consuming. Furthermore, convincing a disappointed seller to give selling their house a second opportunity with only a piece of paper might be tough for those just starting out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you write in an expired listing letter?

If a listing letter expires, then the owner would write an explanation of why their property has expired and what they did to renew it.

What to include in an expired listing packet?

A: A compelling reason to look down on the current listing and offer a better deal. You must also have already contacted the tenant in question, or they should be able to contact you as well if interested.

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