Facebook Advertising: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

Table of Contents

This guide will teach you the ins and outs of advertising on Facebook. It covers what types of ads to use, how much they cost, why your business should advertise with Facebook, when to do it and so forth.

The “facebook ads guide 2022” is a comprehensive guide to Facebook advertising. It includes examples of how to use the tool, and what it can do for you.

Facebook Advertising: The Ultimate Guide with Examples

Facebook advertising uses a variety of ad kinds and locations to target Facebook users based on their interests, online behavior, psychographics, and demographics. Eye-catching imagery, informative information, and calls to action (CTAs) are all used in effective advertising to convert your target audience into buyers. Use content that grabs the attention, trust, and loyalty of Facebook users to improve your adverts.

The majority of small companies fail at Facebook advertising because they find it too complicated or don’t have the correct plan in place. With a little support from Hibu, you can increase your chances of success. Hibu’s team of experts can plan and manage Facebook advertising campaigns aimed at increasing brand recognition or attracting new consumers. To contact a representative, please click here.

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The nine stages to generating good Facebook advertising are outlined here.

1. Create Your Facebook Business Page & Ad Account

Create a professional Facebook company page that takes use of Facebook marketing features like a detailed “About” section, beautiful photographs, and consistent branding before beginning an advertising campaign. Facebook advertisements seem to be posted from your company page, giving you the chance to educate people about your organization and persuade them to pick you. In a manner that is both instructive and engaging, provide your company’s information and representative photographs.

When building your Facebook business page, remember to add the following elements:

  • Include information about your business’s services, as well as where prospective clients can reach you online and in person, and how long you’ve been in operation.
  • Profile picture and cover photo: The photos you upload to your Facebook profile should reflect your company and the services and goods you provide. Select professional photographs that emphasize promotions, team members, and your business.
  • Develop your Facebook company page with an aim in mind, and then create material to support that goal. Your goal, for example, may be to raise your new company’s exposure. You might opt to post fresh material every day or run a new poll every week to achieve that goal.

Check out our post on how to create a Facebook business page for additional information.


Fit Small Business’s Facebook page (screenshot)

2. Add the Retargeting Pixel from Facebook to Your Website

Retargeting on Facebook refers to marketing to Facebook users who have previously interacted with your advertising or visited your website. Before starting a Facebook ad campaign, upload pixel code to the backend of your website to maximize your retargeting approach. Then, depending on the behavior of individuals who visit your website, the amount of time visitors spend on certain pages on your site, or other factors, develop a Facebook ad audience.

Incorporate the Pixel into Your Website’s Code

To use the Facebook Pixel, go to the top left side of the Facebook Ads Manager and choose “Pixels” to acquire your pixel code. Because the website we’re using as an example is hosted on Weebly, the screenshots below show where to add the code on a Weebly website’s backend.


Facebook Ads Manager screenshot

Once you have the code, put it into your website’s backend — most likely in the header or footer — so that it displays on every page. Click the footer of a Weebly website, then drag and drop the “Embed Code” icon into the footer.


A screenshot of the Facebook pixel code being added to a website.

After that, you’ll be asked to paste the code. Click “Save Footer” after you’ve finished entering the code in its entirety.


A screenshot of the Facebook pixel code being added to a website.

It will take some time for Facebook to verify that your code has been appropriately uploaded when you put it into your website. To double-check, go to your Ads Manager’s top drop-down menu and look for the status dot next to your pixel name. If the dot is green and the status is “Active,” your pixel is active. Enter your website and select “Send Test Traffic” to see whether the connection is working.


Facebook Pixel activity status as shown on a screen shot

Demos on how to install this code to a Wix or WordPress website are also available on YouTube. If your website is hosted by a different service, go to your hosting provider’s website to locate a lesson.

Select the Events You Want to Monitor

Click “next” after ensuring that the pixel is correctly installed and selecting your company type from the drop-down box. Then have a look at the pixel trigger events listed below. Based on your industry, Facebook modifies the sorts of events that activate the Facebook pixel, and then allows you to monitor particular types of user activity. A business owner, for example, might use the pixel to monitor when consumers visit a certain site, check out, or begin a free trial.

Identify which events are relevant to your business and copy the corresponding code into the backend of your website header, just below the </head> tag. In Weebly, follow the same process you did for adding code to the footer, only this time add the code to the header. This allows the event code to load along with the pixel code when the page loads. Each event code has an activity monitor so you can test the pixel by triggering the event on your website.


Options for pixel event monitoring as shown on a screen shot

Make a Tracking Audience

Create a tracking audience next. Begin by selecting “Create Audience” from the Facebook Ad Manager screen’s top right-hand corner. Then pick whether you want to include all website visitors, visitors to a certain page, or just visitors who spend a given length of time on the page by selecting “Create Custom Audience.” Insert the URL you wish to monitor if you want to restrict the audience by webpage.


Adding an audience to Facebook advertisements (screenshot)

The Facebook Pixel Helper simplifies the process of adding the Facebook pixel to your website by ensuring that Facebook pixels are appropriately integrated and active. If you wish to take advantage of the Facebook pixel’s advantages but need assistance putting it up, contact a Hibu professional. Hibu, as one of the few Facebook Marketing Partners, can assist you with installing the pixel or running a campaign. To contact a representative, please click here.

3. Select an advertising goal

Following the installation of the Facebook pixel, you can begin building your Facebook ad by selecting an advertising goal. Ads on Facebook’s platform are divided into three categories: awareness, Consideration, and conversion. These goals are designed to capture the interest of users, acquire their loyalty, and turn them into paying customers.


A screenshot of a Facebook ad creation


If you’re new to Facebook advertising, it’s best to start with an awareness campaign and gradually create a connection with your target audience before moving on to Consideration and conversion. The most effective way to raise brand awareness on Facebook is to promote a piece of content that is both related to your company’s product or service and interesting to your ideal customers.

To get started, go to your Facebook account’s top right-hand column and choose “Manage Ads.” Then, choose a goal for your Facebook ad. Create material that your fans are already used to seeing in their Facebook feeds so that your ad doesn’t seem invasive while increasing your reach.

You may pick from the following objectives for Facebook’s awareness objective:

  • Brand awareness: Share fascinating material that leads to a particular post or article on your website to raise brand awareness. By personalizing material to a specific audience, you may increase the impact of this ad.
  • Use one of Facebook’s reach advertisements to get your ad in front of the most people possible, and measure both impressions and ad views as well as user interaction.


You want people to trust you as an expert in your profession after they’ve learned about your company, so they’ll consider buying your product or utilizing your service. On Facebook, the ideal way to accomplish this is to promote a piece of content, such as a product review, that shows your followers why you’re the greatest in the industry. A consideration ad demonstrates to your ideal clients why they should become consumers of your company since you’re the finest alternative.

You have the option of selecting one of the following alternatives as part of the consideration objective:

  • Increased traffic to your company’s Facebook page, website, app, or Messenger chat may boost brand engagement and inspire customers to buy your goods or services. Increase visitors to your brand’s online presence by linking to your website, app, or other content.
  • Consideration advertising with unique and brand-specific content, such as product highlights and demonstrations, improve interaction via likes, comments, shares, event replies, and offer claims.
  • Installs of your app: Use a consideration ad to lead Facebook users to an app store or to learn more about and buy your app product.
  • Views on videos: Videos are an effective and eye-catching method to display items, demonstrate how your company operates, and promote events.
  • Use consideration advertisements to provide useful material, such as an e-book, in return for Facebook users’ contact information to generate leads.
  • Messages: This option allows Facebook users to contact you directly through Facebook Messenger to ask inquiries, make purchases, or otherwise connect with you.


When you utilize the Facebook pixel to measure a user’s interaction with your site, you may retarget the most engaged users with conversion advertising to urge them to make a purchase. For example, you might include a call to action in your ad that offers your product or service, such as “Call for a Free Consultation.” To maximize the likelihood of their following through, use this stage of advertising to draw your potential audience and then ask them to make a little commitment.

You may pick from a variety of conversion objectives as part of your conversion target, including:

  • Conversions: Use Facebook’s conversion advertisements to get visitors to fill out forms on your website, make a purchase, or otherwise become a paying customer. The Facebook pixel may then be used to monitor and quantify the conversions that occur.
  • Catalog sales: Catalog-oriented marketing appeal to your target demographic by using specialized goods from your catalog. These are specifically developed to boost sales.
  • Store visits: Use this tool to market your company’s physical presence to local consumers.


A screenshot of the Facebook ad goals is shown below.

4. Target Your Ads to a Specific Group of People

You may establish a focused audience for your advertising once you’ve chosen your ad aim. Determine these clients’ demographics and psychographics, then create a target audience based on them. Your ad’s audience will target your ideal clients, draw them to your website, and turn them into paying customers if you choose the right audience.

Determine who your ideal customer is

Develop ideal customer profiles combining demographics and psychographics to create a focused audience for your Facebook advertising. Demographics refers to demographic factors such as age, education, and marital status, while psychographics refers to more complex criteria such as hobbies, spending patterns, and personal beliefs. Use our customer profile template to examine your company and desired audience if you’re not sure who your ideal consumer is.

Once you’ve identified your ideal customer using this data, you can focus your Facebook advertising campaign on them. Choose geographies, restrict demographics, and isolate Facebook people with relevant interests using the editing interface. You may keep track of the current audience size using the meter on the right side of the page as you change your audience.

Options for audience targeting include:

  • Demographics & detailed targeting: This option lets you target your Facebook ads based on demographics like age, gender, relationship status, education, workplace, and job titles.
  • Choose the geographic locations you want your adverts to target if you operate a brick-and-mortar company or offer services in certain geographic zones. Depending on the nature of your company, you may want to restrict your target market to those who reside in the region, have just visited the area, or are visiting the area.
  • Interests: Target individuals based on their hobbies, favorite movies and music, sports teams, and other interests that connect with your company in your Facebook ad.
  • Connections: You may also restrict the audience of your ad depending on how people engage with your page, app, or events on Facebook. You may add or omit users who already engage with portions of your Facebook presence using this drop-down box. You may also reach out to friends of folks who enjoy or use your page or app.
  • Purchase patterns, device use, and other behaviours that make consumers more likely to become paying customers should all be displayed in your adverts.

Examine the Potential Reach of Your Ad

Facebook calculates the “possible reach” of your ad when you input your audience requirements, which is shown on the right-hand side of the audience selection page. The anticipated number of monthly active users on Facebook who fit the audience you set via the audience targeting options is known as potential reach. Cast a broad net when employing an awareness ad to increase the number of individuals who are interested enough to click on your link.

Location, friends, hobbies, online activity, and shopping history are just a few of the audience characteristics available on Facebook. If you use too many parameters, your ad reach will be limited, and you’ll be bombarding the same tiny demographic with adverts. If you don’t include enough parameters, the ad will be seen to individuals who aren’t interested in your company. A target audience of roughly 250,000 people is a decent place to start.


A screenshot of the Facebook ad audience choosing process.

5. Set Your Ad Placement & Budget

Select “Edit Placements” after selecting your ad’s audience to specify where and when you want your ad to appear, as well as how much you want to spend for that placement. Choose whether your ad appears on mobile, desktop, or both platforms, as well as whether it’s shared on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media sites. Then decide on a budget and how long your ad will run for, as well as how many people will view it each day.

Determine your preferred device type.

You may opt to have your ad appear on mobile, desktop, or both after selecting “Edit Placements.” If you select to display your ad on both categories (which is advised), Facebook will automatically distribute your ad budget depending on where they believe the ad will perform best. Select “Mobile” just if you’re going to advertise your new app and are solely interested in marketing to smartphone users.

You may discover that one gadget converts better than the other after monitoring ad performance. In this scenario, make necessary adjustments to future adverts. Remember that the majority of people use Facebook on their smartphones, so make sure your ad and website are mobile-friendly.


An example of a platform and device modification tool is shown in the image below.

Selecting Viewing Platforms

Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network, which comprises of third-party applications and mobile websites, are the three venues where your ad may be shown. Choose a platform depending on your target demographic or experiment with platforms to discover which ones provide the most useful interaction under Ad Manager’s “Platforms” section. However, since we’re tailoring the ad based on how people use Facebook, this essay focuses on Facebook-specific advertisements.


A screenshot of the ad placement choices is shown below.

Establish a Daily Budget

Your daily budget for Facebook advertisements is just $5 per day. Increasing your daily budget, on the other hand, increases the amount of individuals who view your ad. Depending on the intended demographic characteristics, a $10 per day spend might expose between 940 and 2,500 persons to the material each day. More information about Facebook advertising expenses may be found in our article.

Advertisement Scheduling

You may run your ad indefinitely until your budget runs out, or you can select a start and end date for it. Select a timetable that matches your budget and allows enough time for consumers to click on the ad before moving on to the next step of your campaign. We ran an ad from Thursday to Sunday in the screenshot below, ensuring that the weekly budget does not exceed $30 and enabling us to review the budget on Monday based on ad performance.


A screenshot of a Facebook ad placement and budget option is shown in the image below.

6. Decide on the kind of Facebook ad you want to run.

After you’ve established your budget and ad schedule, you’ll be asked to choose an ad format. A single picture, a carousel of numerous photos, a video, or a slideshow may all be used in Facebook advertising. Choose an ad format that will blend in and seem like a friend’s post. Your audience is less likely to be turned off by your ad if it looks like the stuff they’re accustomed to seeing on their feed.

The four Facebook ad types are as follows:

  • Single picture: This ad type is the simplest of all the Facebook ad types, with just one image. It’s perfect for showing website postings or simple, brand-promoting pieces due to its simplicity. In the stages that follow, we’ll use this example.
  • Single video: Videos, particularly behind-the-scenes footage, staff interviews, or demonstrations, are a very engaging method to promote your business with Facebook fans. Test video advertising to see how your audience reacts if you have time to generate video content.
  • Carousel: A carousel ad has two to ten scrollable graphics or videos. It’s quite evident when you see this sort of ad in your news feed that it’s not a post from a friend. Carousel advertisements are great for advertising things, but they’re not the best way to share a great post with your followers.
  • Slideshow: A looping video of up to seven pictures is included in Facebook slideshow advertising. If you want to emphasize a huge number of items while still giving your audience an engaging experience, choose this approach.


A screenshot of the many ad formats available on Facebook.

7. Create & Upload Your Ad Content

After you’ve decided on an ad structure, fill in the blanks with your ad content and images/videos. You may either make these components yourself or hire a Fiverr professional to do so. Don’t forget to include appealing ad content and a dramatic call to action.

Create & Add Image

Facebook specifies a minimum image size of 1200 628 pixels for single-image advertising. Consider using a free stock picture source like Pixabay or Pexels if you don’t have an image you know you want to utilize. Using graphic design tools like Canva, you may make changes to the ad. You may also add text to your picture, but keep in mind that Facebook doesn’t allow ads with more than 30% text coverage.

Include enticing teaser text

After that, type in your ad’s text. This often comprises an informative and intriguing title, as well as a teaser for the article or site you’re promoting in the text box, depending on your ad goals. Your ad’s text should be engaging, but not so much that it detracts from the ad or gives away the purpose of the material you’re offering. While there are differing viewpoints on how much text should be included, most advertisements have a word count of less than 20.

Select a CTA Button

When you’re through with your Facebook ad, you can add a CTA button to direct visitors to your website, persuade them to contact you, or urge them to take another action. Make sure the CTA you choose is in sync with the title, content, and picture. Also, make sure you put in the right URL for visitors to view when they click the CTA button.

8. Run Your Facebook Ad & Check Performance

After you’ve finished your ad, click “Confirm” to submit it for approval. Your ad content will be reviewed by the Facebook team to ensure that it complies with all advertising standards. Ads are usually vetted and published within 24 hours. Check your Facebook Ad Manager dashboard to see whether your ad is active. All ad statuses will be shown there.

Also, be sure to come back every few days to see whether you’ve gotten enough clicks to go on to the next level of your campaign: a consideration ad. To use a consideration Facebook ad using retargeting, you’ll need at least 20 individuals in your audience to engage with your awareness ad.

9. Consider a Consideration or Conversion Ad as a follow-up.

Build your retargeting audience based on people who clicked the ad, then run consideration advertisements to them to prove you’re an expert in your industry, if you started your Facebook advertising with an awareness ad, like we did in the instances above. Then, as part of a final conversion ad campaign, retarget all visitors who clicked on the contemplation ad and encourage them to supply contact information or complete a transaction.

Make your followers think of you as an authority figure.

Your advertising is retargeted to everyone who clicked on your awareness ad with a consideration ad. Consideration advertisements capitalize on the interest sparked by awareness ads by identifying people who are most likely to purchase your goods or services. By publishing material that proves why you’re the greatest, you can win your audience’s trust and, eventually, persuade them to purchase your goods.


Screenshot of the goal of the consideration ad

Create your consideration ad in the same manner that you did your awareness ad, with two exceptions. To begin, create a specific audience from people who shown interest in your awareness ad. Then, to establish an audience for your final conversion ad, monitor those who click on the ad. When you pick an audience on Facebook, it tells you how many people are in it. The ad will only appear to persons who clicked on the awareness ad if everything is done properly.

In addition to creating a new target audience, update your consideration ad with fresh graphics and content, and alter the website URL to go to a new article. Choose information that illustrates your competence, such as “5 Vacation Home Purchase Mistakes to Avoid.” An article that explains why your goods or services are the finest on the market will get attention and lead to a sale.

Convert Facebook Fans into Customers

A conversion ad encourages Facebook users who clicked on your consideration ad to take action by showing them a conversion ad. Signing up for a newsletter or visiting your online shop might be examples of this behavior. Develop a custom audience based on people who clicked on your consideration ad, then create a conversion ad with a stunning picture or images, content, and an enticing CTA, much like other Facebook advertisements. Submit your ad for evaluation after it’s finished.

After your ad has been published, utilize the Facebook pixel to monitor if it is efficiently converting Facebook users into paying customers. Consider including a trackable phone number, discount code, or other conversion tracking technique in your ad content if that isn’t enough.

5 Examples of Facebook Ads That Worked

The most effective Facebook advertisements target a particular demographic, keep all components focused on a single goal, and offer material that is unique to the person. Each one should have high-resolution graphics, interesting writing, and, if necessary, an action-oriented call to action (CTA).

Zillow Premier Agent — Captioned Video & ‘Sign Up’ CTA


Facebook ad for Zillow Premier Agent

a single linked image from HubSpot


Facebook ad from HubSpot

Informative Content from the New York Business Review


Facebook ad for the New York Business Review

Trade — Video & ‘Shop Now’ CTA


Facebook ad exchange

Spotify for Brands — Slideshow & ‘Sign Up’ CTA


Facebook ad for Spotify for Brands

Check out our Facebook ad examples and suggestions for generating the most successful advertising for your business for additional ideas.

4 Points to Consider When Creating Facebook Ads

Optimize the content you put in the ad, in addition to picking the correct Facebook advertising style and generating an audience that matches your desired client profile. Include high-quality photos in your Facebook advertising, provide relevant material, and use actionable language to increase engagement. Then, try out various layouts and monitor your results to see which advertisements are most effective for your company.

The following are some suggestions for designing successful and appealing Facebook ads:

  • Choose an eye-catching image: The image is the first thing that the user will notice. Make sure your ad visuals stand out and cause your viewers to take a moment to read the content.
  • After grabbing the user’s attention with a picture, utilize the headline to tell them about your company or a particular product.
  • Increase engagement and conversions by including a call-to-action (CTA) in the text area of your ad. To pique consumers’ attention, try including a teaser of what they’ll see if they click on your ad.
  • Experiment with multiple ad forms as you construct your Facebook advertising plan. Users react differently to different Facebook ad formats, styles, and content, so try out photographs, videos, and carousels.

You may also employ a Facebook-focused ad agency, such as Hibu, to assist you in developing a marketing plan for your company.

3 Examples of Facebook Ad Targeting

You may establish an ad audience on Facebook using hundreds of parameters, including a person’s age, gender, geography, website activity, and likes and interests. Finally, your target audience is determined by your company’s size, location, and ideal consumer. We developed samples of various ad audiences for a range of company kinds to assist you in determining your optimal Facebook audience.

For various companies, here are three examples of great Facebook target audiences.

Store for Men’s Clothing

If you have a Store for Men’s Clothing that specializes in business casual dress, target your Facebook ads to show only to college-educated, single men between the ages of 35 and 40. You can also specify that they live within 10 miles of your store.

Yoga Center

If you want to advertise to college-age women who might visit your Yoga Center, you can target your Facebook ads to show only to females who attend the university near your studio. You can also specify an interest in yoga based on Facebook’s knowledge of their interests and activity on social media.

Restaurant serving Italian cuisine

If you want to advertise your Restaurant serving Italian cuisine to busy moms, target your Facebook ads to display only to working females between the ages of 20 and 45 who have children. You can also specify they live or work within 10 miles of your restaurant to capture customers who might stop at the restaurant on the way home from work.

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Facebook Ads

To estimate ad success rates, look at Facebook basic metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and cost-per-click (CPC), then look at tracking and promotional codes to see how well ads convert. Include a tracking number or promotional code, or utilize Facebook’s conversion pixel to monitor user behavior, if you’re attempting to boost purchases. Regularly check your Facebook advertising to make sure you’re providing material that turns your viewers into paying clients.

Track Facebook’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Go to the right-hand side of your company page and select “Manage Advertisements” to see how effectively your Facebook ads are doing. You may then go to the Ad Manager to see how your ads are doing in terms of CTR, conversion rate, and CPC.

Consider the following Facebook metrics when analyzing an ad’s effectiveness:

  • CTR: This is the ratio of the number of people that clicked on your ad to the number of people who viewed it. For advertising that are supposed to generate visitors to your website, pay attention to the CTR.
  • Conversion rate: The proportion of your audience that interacts with your Facebook ad is known as the conversion rate. This includes like your page, contacting you through your ad, and clicking on the call to action in your ad.
  • The cost per click (CPC) is the amount you spent for someone to click on your ad. If 15 individuals click on your ad and the entire cost of the ad is $15, your CPC is $1.
  • Set up the Facebook conversion pixel if you have an ecommerce website to measure sales. This allows you to observe where your paying customers come from, as well as if your Facebook ad was effective in converting your audience into purchases.

The average CTR for an article post is 1.44 percent, and the average CPC is 55 cents, according to Salesforce’s Facebook Ads Benchmark Report. If you’re not getting these results, change up your content until you discover out what kind of advertising your audience responds to the most.

Examine the data from the tracking code

You should include a tracking mechanism in each of your conversion advertisements in addition to measuring the CTR and CPC for your Facebook advertising. If you own a real estate office or another company where you communicate personally with each client, you might inquire as to whether they heard about you through a particular advertisement. If you run an ecommerce website, you may assess ad effectiveness using methods like monitoring phone numbers and promotion codes.

The following are some methods for determining conversion rates:

  • Tracking phone numbers: To know whether someone phoned your company after viewing an ad, use a phone number that is unique to your Facebook advertising. If you run a restaurant, for example, you can set up a unique phone number to monitor how many people who call in to make a reservation did so after seeing your Facebook ad.
  • Provide a unique code for Facebook customers to use at checkout if you’re running a promotion in your conversion ad.

Ad performance tracking is critical since it tells you if your investment is paying off. You won’t know what advertising perform best for your company until you measure CTR, CPC, and conversion rates. To get the best return on investment, use monitoring data to alter or fully revamp your plan (ROI).

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to run a Facebook advertisement?

The cost of running a Facebook ad is determined by the budget you establish for a single campaign or for all of your campaigns. The cost of Facebook advertising is often determined by variables such as the size of your audience and the duration of your campaign. For additional information on the cost of Facebook advertising in various businesses, see our guide.

What is the most effective Facebook advertising strategy?

Depending on your objectives, demographic, and kind of company, the best approach to promote on Facebook differs. In general, beginning with an awareness ad and continuing to consideration and conversion advertisements that target the most engaged members of your audience can help you get the most out of your Facebook advertising campaign. To determine the success of each ad, use the Facebook pixel and other tracking tools.

How can I market my company for free on Facebook?

You can’t use standard Facebook advertising for free since Facebook’s advertising platform is a paid service. You may, however, use merely your Facebook business page to sell your company on Facebook. To do so, include critical information about your company in your “About” section and profile photographs, and publish entertaining material and helpful promos to attract and retain followers.

Finally, here’s how to advertise on Facebook.

Facebook advertising is a crucial part of your marketing and advertising strategy for your small company. Facebook advertising, when used right, attract prospective consumers, acquire their trust and loyalty, and turn them into paying customers. Create a targeted audience for your Facebook advertising, increase brand engagement with attention-grabbing content, and use conversion advertisements to drive visitors to your website or shop.

If Facebook advertising intimidates you, check out Hibu’s digital marketing and advertising services for small businesses. Hibu provides a variety of advertising options that may be customized to match your company’s Facebook advertising requirements. To contact a representative and get a free digital marketing score, click here.

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“How to advertise on facebook for free” is a topic that many people are interested in. This article will give you the ultimate guide with examples of how to advertise on Facebook. Reference: how to advertise on facebook for free.

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