Free Interview Evaluation Forms & Scorecard Templates

If you’re anything like me, finding qualified candidates for your job is rough. Interviews can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor that many companies avoid as much as possible.
Your company needs to find the right candidate at the perfect price point in order to stay competitive in these difficult economic times.
This site offers interview scorecards with applicant’s backgrounds listed so you’ll know exactly which qualities they have before agreeing on an offer or request more information from a potential hire.;
Interview Evaluation Forms; A free template designed by professionals who are experienced hiring top talent.”

Downloadable interview evaluation forms are a great way to help you prepare for your next job interview. They allow you to easily create an interviewer-friendly document that will help you stand out from the crowd and get the job of your dreams. Read more in detail here: downloadable interview evaluation form.

Free Interview Evaluation Forms & Scorecard Templates

Interviewers may use an interview assessment form to rate job applicants in a uniform manner, allowing them to compare candidates objectively. The data is then uploaded to a scorecard, which HR or the recruiting manager uses to assess which applicant is the greatest match for the firm based on all interviewer responses.

Eight free interview assessment forms and three free scorecards are available, which you may adapt for different types of interviews and employment responsibilities.

Templates for Interview Evaluation Forms are available for download.

Form for evaluating an interview


Form for evaluating an interview

The Form for evaluating an interview is the best and easiest interview evaluation form to use if your interviewers don’t have much experience or you need a simple one-page document to jot down notes and score the candidate on 5-10 job qualifications. It’s simple and allows raters to assess each candidate using three choices (poor, OK, great).

Because these templates are changeable, you may change the content in the categories, change the rating system, or add your own logo to make them fit your requirements.

Job-Specific Form for evaluating an interviews

These forms alter the fundamental questions from the interview assessment form template to fit unique employment positions. Those for retail jobs, for example, may need point-of-sale (POS) knowledge, while candidates for administrative jobs may need particular computer skills.

This form may be used to evaluate retail job applicants for their fit with your company and client base. This interview assessment form validates that applicants have the necessary abilities to operate a register and provide customer service.

If you’re interviewing people who will work in the fast-paced food service business, use this template to make sure you’re assessing applicants fairly and capturing the job experience and interpersonal skills needed to provide excellent customer service while also ensuring food safety.

If you’re interviewing an administrative assistant, use this template since it includes questions that measure common work qualities such as computer skills and the capacity to help others.

Form for Evaluating a Complex Interview


Form for Evaluating a Complex Interview

A Form for Evaluating a Complex Interview is more detailed and contains additional behavioral interview questions that are appropriate to ask in professional interviews. Use this customizable template if you’re looking to document results from a detailed behavioral interview, as well as job-specific qualifications, personality traits, and organizational fit.

Complex Job-Specific Evaluation Forms

These forms use the same format provided in the Form for Evaluating a Complex Interview and further customize the behavioral and technical questions to suit specific job roles. For example, managers need to inspire team members, project managers may need PMP certification, and technical team members may need to have specific hardware or software expertise.

This interview assessment form includes questions on management roles and analyzes what some consultants refer to as the Big 8—those job qualities that are both difficult to learn and crucial to a manager’s/success leader’s in an organization.

If you’re assessing applicants for technical abilities, use this template. You may personalize it by adding the job’s unique hardware, software, and project tools. In addition to the 10 questions used to assess most candidates—questions on communication, teamwork, and customer service—this interview evaluation form adds 10 behavioral interview questions related to the kind of abilities needed by technical employees.

This template incorporates abilities defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as essential for project managers, such as the capacity to handle conflict, prioritize work, and motivate a self-managed team, since project managers do the job of managers without direct supervisory power.

Scorecards for Interview Evaluations are available for free.

You may enter the data into an interview assessment scorecard to compare everyone’s interview scores for the same applicant after individual interviewers have finished their ratings. You may then calculate the average rating for each applicant and decide (unbiasedly) whether or not to advance them ahead in the recruiting process.


MS Excel/Google Sheets | MS Word | PDF Candidate Comparison Scorecard

If you utilized the basic candidate assessment form, you can import the data into this scorecard template to generate comparative ratings, which display the average score and total number of people who suggest this applicant for the next phase in the interview process, such as a final interview. This is useful for comparing how each interviewer assessed the same applicant side by side.

Poor = 1 point, OK = 2 points, and excellent = 3 points for each applicant. Then, in the overall column, enter each interviewer’s (subjective) overall evaluation (bad, OK, or fantastic) and whether they suggest the applicant proceed ahead.

Use this scorecard template to compare interviewer evaluations of an applicant for a higher-level position for which you utilized the more difficult behavioral and competency-based interview form.

It’s scored in the same way as the basic scorecard, but your totals and averages will be higher due to the greater amount of questions you’ll be answering. You may then choose future actions, such as a final interview or a request for a sample work product, based on the candidate’s overall average rating.

You’ll need a mechanism to gather the summary data for each applicant and assemble it into a comparison scorecard after all of your interviews for a specific job are completed. This allows you to do an apples-to-apples comparison of how applicants fared in the interview.

The candidate comparison scorecard helps you to record and grade prospects fairly, and it might be useful if your organization is ever sued for interviewer prejudice or unfair recruiting practices. You’ll be able to compare and contrast each applicant, and you’ll have paperwork to back up your decision to choose one individual over another.

If you decide not to go further after reviewing and rating the prospect, consider giving the applicant a professional rejection letter to retain goodwill and urge them to apply for other roles that could be a better match.

Interviewers are being taught how to use interview evaluation forms.

The free interview assessment forms are straightforward, with 10-20 questions, space for interviewers to add comments on each rating, and a three-point rating scale to pick from. For uniformity, all interviewers should utilize the same questionnaire and scoring method. Your interviewer training may be as basic as teaching the interviewer how to use and score the form, in addition to training on how to conduct an interview and what not to ask:

  • Fill out the form with information such as the interviewer’s name, the candidate’s name, the job title, and the date.
  • Use a check mark to rate the applicant on each of the questions (bad, OK, fantastic).
  • Count the number of each “bad,” “OK,” and “excellent” rating and record that number at the bottom of the interview assessment form after the interviewer evaluation ratings are complete.
  • After that, interviewers circle their overall assessment (which is subjective; it may or may not match the numeric score)
  • Finally, they should express whether they suggest the candidate by saying “yes” or “no.”
  • They may enter their thoughts in the notes area if they have any on why they made a suggestion.


An example of scoring an interview assessment form

With Form for Evaluating a Complex Interviews, you may want to explain why you chose specific behavioral and technical interview questions. It is scored in the same way as the simpler versions; however, it typically has more questions.

Do’s & Don’ts of an Interview Evaluation Form

An interview assessment form should include essential applicant information and job-related questions, whether you choose one of our free templates or develop your own. However, be cautious not to question or evaluate anything on your interview assessment form that may be exposed to discovery in a lawsuit process, such as any demographic, gender, or other protected-class information that could violate labor laws.


The particular interview assessment form you need, like most business tools, is one that’s suited for your company and the specific position for which the applicants are applying. Download and adapt the basic interview assessment template if you need a simple evaluation form with 10 or less questions. You may want to use a more complicated template if you’re recruiting your first manager or interviewing for a senior-level position.

We’ve also supplied three different kinds of interview assessment scorecard templates for you to pick from, which may be used to compare interviewer comments on an applicant as well as numerous candidates for the same position.

The “interview evaluation form pdf” is a free document that you can use to create an interview scorecard. The scorecard helps employers evaluate candidates and see how they perform under different scenarios.

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