General Liability Insurance Coverage & Cost

General liability insurance covers the risk of covering others in a lawsuit. It is most commonly seen as insuring against personal injury and property damage, but can also cover pollution, asbestos exposure or other damages not caused by humans directly. When considering General Liability Insurance Coverage & Cost?, consider how much you are willing to pay for coverage as well as your deductible before choosing an insurer.,

General liability insurance coverage is a type of insurance that protects the owner and operator of a business from financial losses due to accidents or lawsuits. General liability insurance typically covers bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and advertising injury. Read more in detail here: general liability insurance coverage for small business.

General Liability Insurance Coverage & Cost

Commercial general liability insurance (CGL) protects companies against financial losses resulting from third-party claims for personal injury or Property Loss, making it one of the most significant insurance products a company can get. The cost of general liability insurance varies, but most small company owners spend between $400 and $1,000 per year.

What Is General Liability Insurance and How Does It Work?

Third-party injury or Property Loss claims are covered by general liability insurance. While slip-and-fall accidents are the most prevalent general liability claim, commercial general liability insurance also protects a company against slander, libel, and advertising harm claims. It not only covers any third-party claims or settlements, but it also pays the company’s legal defense expenses.

General Liability Insurance (GLI) is a kind of liability insurance that protects you

The main areas of commercial General Liability Insurance (GLI) is a kind of liability insurance that protects you include Payments for Medical Services, Property Loss, and personal and advertising injury.

Payments for Medical Services

Payments for Medical Services cover emergency medical expenses for bodily injury on someone else’s property and are found under Coverage C on a CGL policy. There doesn’t need to be proof that someone caused an injury or accident to receive Payments for Medical Services. It is paid regardless of fault. This coverage does not cover pain or suffering or lost wages, which falls under Coverage A bodily injury liability payments.

If someone is physically injured on the business’s premises, regardless of negligence, the injured party is entitled to medical bills being paid. Say an employee is mopping in your dance studio and forgets to put up a warning sign. If a customer slips, falls, and sustains injuries, they can receive Payments for Medical Services.

Property Loss

Incidents leading to Property Loss for third parties ― customers, patrons, or bystanders ― are covered by the general liability policy. This could be on-premises or off-premises during the course of business operations. This is not contingent on fault by the business. For example, a business can be found at fault but not grossly negligent.

Assume you own and operate a household cleaning business. While cleaning a rich customer’s house, one of your staff damages a costly vase. Damages up to your policy maximum, minus your deductible, would be covered by CGL insurance.

Personal & Advertising Injury

Libel or slandering someone’s reputation is a kind of personal damage. Oral remarks, statements given to consumers, and even social media postings might all be used to support claims. When a company or its employees make remarks implying that another party is a “crook” or “untrustworthy,” they risk being sued for bodily damage.

For example, you may compare yourself to a competition in a marketing campaign for your car repair shop. You claim that your competitor’s price is deceptive. This assertion is revealed to be false, and your opponent sues you for defamation. Your defense would be covered by a business general liability insurance up to the amount of your personal damages advertising coverage.

Is General Liability Insurance Required?

Although general liability insurance is not needed for all businesses, it is strongly recommended. Your lease agreement will almost certainly require you to obtain a CGL insurance with at least $1 million in coverage if your company leases commercial space. Even though your company isn’t obliged to purchase general liability insurance, there are several compelling reasons to do so:

  1. The most typical insurance claims that companies encounter are covered by a general liability policy.
  2. The cost of insurance is tax deductible.
  3. Consumers have faith in a business that has proper insurance.
  4. You may be required to have a policy by other organizations or suppliers with which you operate.

Is General Liability Insurance a Legal Requirement?

Laws requiring general liability insurance are uncommon. In most areas, most small firms are not required to establish a policy. Some professional organizations and towns, however, do mandate firms to carry CGL coverage, so it’s advisable to double-check with your local business authorities. When a company has a contract with another party that wishes to be held blameless in the event of a claim, general liability insurance is usually necessary. Commercial leasing businesses, large contracts, and suppliers are instances of this.

Cost of General Liability Insurance for Businesses

General liability insurance costs most small company owners between $400 and $1,000 per year. Some small firms, however, may spend more than $1,000 per year for a CGL insurance, depending on the size, kind, or sector of the company, as well as the coverage limitations and deductibles. If cost is a factor, looking around for insurance rates may help you save money. Depending on the sector, various carriers charge varying rates.

Costs of General Liability by Industry

The table below examines a variety of industries and calculates a beginning premium for each.

*CoverWallet rates for businesses with no workers, $70,000 in income, and $1 million in coverage.

Other Factors Affecting General Liability Insurance Costs

The cost of your general liability insurance coverage is determined by a number of variables. The insurance company will consider the following factors:

  • The location of the company
  • Data from the industry
  • Revenue
  • Size of the workforce
  • History of Claims

Keep in mind that the level of coverage you choose will have an impact on your rate. Many insurance brokers feel that the extra expense of having twice the coverage is well worth it. When you double your coverage, you aren’t double your price; it is a highly cost-effective option.

Not Having General Liability Insurance Can Be Expensive

Small company owners who do not carry general liability insurance are responsible for all expenses associated with claims, litigation defense, and settlements. When purchasing general liability insurance, business owners must evaluate both the most frequent and the most expensive claims.

The $200,000 in damages to a nearby firm as a consequence of anything that occurred as a result of your business activities is what small business owners should be worried about, not the $500 property loss claim.

According to the Insurance Journal, small business owners make claims on burglary and theft most often, accounting for 20% of claims but only averaging $8,000. Slip-and-fall injury claims account for 10% of all claims but are costlier, averaging $20,000 per claim. Other types of customer injury or Property Loss account for less than 5% of all claims but are more expensive on average at $30,000. One of the least common liability claims is reputation harm. However, this is the costliest on average at $50,000.

What is General Liability Insurance and How Do I Get It?

You’ll get general liability insurance from a private insurance company that is authorized to offer insurance in the state where you operate. Insurance companies may hire or contract with agents or brokers to underwrite policies, but some may let you buy a policy straight from them. See our post comparing the top general liability carriers for additional information on where to buy general liability insurance.

Carrier of Insurance

An Carrier of Insurance is a company that underwrites the insurance policy and takes on the risk of your business liability. Premiums are paid to the carrier who may write the policy through a call center, online, or may work with independent agents and brokers to market policies on their behalf. For those who know what company they want to work with, going directly to the carrier can save you from dealing with a middleman.

The Hartford is a top-rated small business Carrier of Insurance that sells general liability or will package general liability insurance with commercial property in a business owners policy. It is known to create robust policies for a reasonable price in many industries particularly those considered Main Street businesses.

Travel to Hartford, Connecticut.

Insurance Broker or Agent who is self-employed

Independent agents and brokers are self-employed or employed by independent insurance offices. Agents get appointed with an Carrier of Insurance to offer specific brands of insurance. Brokers work for the consumer, shopping policies around to find the best fit for the buyer. Independent agents and brokers are good sources to use when shopping for insurance to understand better what the marketplace offers in coverage and price.

CoverWallet is an online broker that will shop your insurance policy to discover the best provider for you. You may take advantage of CoverWallet’s industry knowledge and be certain that you’re receiving the greatest bargain on your insurance.

Go to

Referral Service for Insurance

An Referral Service for Insurance is similar to an agent or broker. These services pair you with the right Carrier of Insurance by understanding your needs and the marketplace. Referral services receive a fee from the carrier for sending the business to them. is an Referral Service for Insurance that has more than 200 Carrier of Insurance partners your policy could be placed with. It uses its extensive experience in the insurance industry to understand which carrier will best fit your business needs based on the work you do and the common risks your company faces. is a website dedicated to commercial insurance.


A commercial general liability insurance policy pays costs for claims where members of the public (third parties) are injured accidentally or experience personal Property Loss on a business’s premises. Claims and lawsuits can cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in settlements, legal fees, and awards. Every business should consider a general liability insurance policy to protect against these potentially bankrupting events.

General Liability Insurance Coverage & Cost is a blog about the cost of general liability insurance for contractors. The blog covers topics such as what you should look for in a general liability policy, how to find cheap general liability coverage, and more. Reference: cheap general liability insurance for contractors.

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