Hard Money Loan Calculator: How Much Will Your Loan Cost?

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The “hard money loan monthly payment calculator” is a tool that calculates the total cost of a hard money loan. The user enters their down payment, interest rate, and length of the loan.

Hard Money Loan Calculator: How Much Will Your Loan Cost?

Hard money loans are often the quickest way to fund rehabs and property flips. Hard money loans are often accepted based on the value of the property rather than the buyer’s credentials. Hard money, on the other hand, is often more costly than standard funding. Our hard money loan calculator can assist you in determining the cost of hard money.

Pay a visit to Kiavi. if you’re looking for hard money funding for your rehabs or fix-and-flip projects. It focuses on short-term loans for investors, with Rates of Interests as low as 6.5 percent and a quick approval procedure. In just a few minutes, you may get pre-qualified online.

Pay a visit to Kiavi.

Do you need a hard money loan? Visit LendingHome if you’re looking for hard money financing for your rehab or fix-and-flip projects. They specialize on investor short-term loans, with rates as low as 7.5 percent and a quick approval procedure. In just a few minutes, you can become prequalified online.

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How Does the Calculator for Hard Money Loans Work?

Short-term money is available from hard money lenders, which is great for flipping, but it may be costly. As a result, it’s crucial to look at the prices. The hard money loan calculator will show you not only the prospective Amount of the loan, but also the initial expenses, monthly Rates of Interests, and total costs of having the loan during the duration you need it.

The hard money loan calculator will give you a number depending on whether your loan is based on the Price of Purchase or the after-repair worth of the property (ARV). Depending on that, the calculator may help you figure out whether you need a Making a Down Payment and, if so, how much you’ll need. If you have the option of receiving Cash on the Closing Table, that sum will be offered instead.

Additionally, the percentages and other pertinent statistics you provide are used to convert points and interest into cash amounts. The total expenses of utilizing the hard money loan calculator, both upfront and continuing, are listed.

Inputs for the Hard Money Calculator

You’ll need to input a few numbers into the hard money calculator. The Price of Purchase, after-repair value (ARV), repair expenses, the lender’s estimated loan-to-value ratio, Rates of Interest, loan period, and upfront points and fees are all factors to consider.

Price of Purchase

Put your actual Price of Purchase for the property in this field. If you don’t have a Price of Purchase, you can put in estimated, projected, or expected Price of Purchase.

Costs of Repair

Enter your estimated budget for repairs here. Costs of Repair include both the materials you need to buy for the repairs and any paid labor.

After-Repair Value Estimate (ARV)

Enter the projected resale value of the property after rehabbing it in this section if you’re performing a fix-and-flip. The ARV is the property’s projected market value once repairs and improvements are done.

The Lender’s Funding Percentage

Select the proportion of the total Amount of the loan you expect the lender to cover using the calculator slider. You have a range of options from 50% to 100%.

Select a source of funding

Select whether your lender calculates the Amount of the loan based on the purchase price (LTV), the purchase price plus repairs (LTC), or the after-repair value (ARV) (ARV).

Loan Duration

Hard money loans are usually for a limited period of time, up to two years. Choose a timeframe from one to 24 months using the slider. This will be used to figure out how much interest you’ll pay throughout the life of the loan.

Rates of Interest

Enter the anticipated Rates of Interest you expect to pay for the funding. Private hard money lenders don’t charge the same mortgage rates as long-term mortgages offered through a bank. Hard money rates can range from 6.5%-18%, as compared to current mortgage rates which are currently in the 4% range.

Fees for obtaining a loan and Points

Hard money lenders sometimes demand a higher upfront fee than standard loans, ranging from one to seven percentage points. Points are a kind of prepaid interest in which 1 percent of the Amount of the loan is represented by each point. Select the amount of points from one to seven using the slider.

If you know extra expenses (like as appraisal or Fees for obtaining a loan) may be added by your lender, estimate these amounts in the final area below the points slider.

Outputs of the Hard Money Loan Calculator

Several values are computed using the hard money calculator. The entire amount borrowed, the required Making a Down Payment, cash refunded to the borrower at closing (if applicable), as well as dollar numbers for upfront charges, recurring costs, and the overall cost of the loan are all included.

Amount of the loan

This figure represents the estimated amount of money you can borrow for the loan. It’s based on the information you supplied regarding Price of Purchase, repairs, the after repair value, and whether the lender bases funding on the purchase costs, purchase cost plus repairs, or the after repair value.

Making a Down Payment

If you specified that the funding is based on the Price of Purchase, the hard money calculator will generate an estimated figure for any potential Making a Down Payment based on the funding ratio you supplied. If the loan is funded on either purchase cost plus repairs or the ARV, the Making a Down Payment may show as $0 because the amount of the loan may equal or exceed the Price of Purchase.

Cash on the Closing Table

There are instances where the amount approved will exceed the Price of Purchase, particularly if the loan is funded based on the ARV. If so, the figure for any potential cash back at closing is provided.

Cash on the Closing Table doesn’t include points and loan fees. Generally, these are subtracted from any excess cash and the borrower is given the balance. It’s also important to note that even if the lender bases the loan on the ARV and the amount is more than what’s needed to purchase the property, the lender may still require a Making a Down Payment.

For example, if a lender funds a loan based on 90% of the LTC plus 100% of the repairs, even though the loan figure could compute to more than the property’s Price of Purchase, the lender is still seeking a 10% Making a Down Payment from the borrower.

Fees Paid Up Front

Based on the points and other costs you choose, the hard money loan calculator will provide a total dollar value.

Continuing Interest Charges

The hard money calculator will compute the total interest you will pay based on the Rates of Interest and holding period you indicated.

The Hard Money Loan’s Total Costs

This value represents the expected sum of the initial and continuing expenditures. It reflects the entire amount of money you’ll have to pay for hard money financing. When calculating possible earnings, don’t forget to reduce the costs of hard money, as well as your other expenses, from your projected selling price.

Calculator Inputs: Where Can You Find Them?

Before we explain the importance of outputs of our hard money calculator, there are a few pieces of information you may want to gather so you’ll be ready to enter your data. You may want to research a few hard money lenders to gather information on Rates of Interests, Term of the loans, and fees.

The following is a list of additional information to collect:

  • Loan amounts are limited to a maximum and a minimum.
  • Percent The lender is eager to lend money to anyone that need it.
  • Rates of Interests
  • Fees for obtaining a loan
  • Term of the loan
  • Costs of renovations expected

You Might Come Across Some Other Terminology

The loan-to-value ratio, used by hard money lenders, is a proportion of the assessed value (LTV). Others, on the other hand, will base the loan on the after-repair worth (ARV). The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is the percentage of a property’s appraised worth that a lender is prepared to lend to a borrower.

Three ways lenders consider the Amount of the loan include:

  • After-repair-value (ARV): The property’s future worth after repairs.
  • LTV (loan-to-value) is a proportion of the appraised value of a property.
  • Loan-to-cost (LTC): The Amount of the loan divided by the total project cost (includes Price of Purchase, renovation costs, and other actual costs to acquire and rehab the property)

Information about applying for a hard money loan

Whether you’re flipping properties or upgrading a rental that you’ll ultimately refinance with a permanent mortgage, you’ll need to submit certain information to the lender when applying for a hard money loan or other private financing.

The lender will want the following information:

  • Location, kind of building, square footage, lot size, and condition of the property
  • Price of Purchase: A signed purchase & sale agreement is best, but if you are in the preliminary stages, you can supply an offer price
  • Provide lenders with a project budget as well as contractor quotes if you require a rehab loan. If you intend to do your own repairs, the lender may want details on previous jobs to show your competence.
  • Rehabilitation timetable: The lender will be interested in knowing how long you expect the job to take.
  • After-repair value (ARV): Get a market comparison of the property’s projected after-repair value.

While hard money loans are often based on the actual or future value of a property, applicants should expect to provide personal financial information and sign personal guarantees, particularly if they’re first-time borrowers.

You may be asked for the following personal information:

  • Credit score: A minimum credit score is required by each lender. They could do a rigorous credit check. Credit scores as low as 550 are possible, but anticipate higher rates and surcharges.
  • Income verification: This is usually done using the latest two W-2 forms or the most current tax filings.
  • Personal financial data includes bank balances, investment accounts, and other financial information.
  • If the property is being purchased via a corporate structure, such as an LLC, be prepared to provide financials and details for the firm.


One of the quickest ways to finance repair projects or property flips is via hard money lenders. Hard money loans are typically approved based on the value of the property. Because it is a short-term loan, hard money might include high upfront fees, charges, and interest. The expenses should be assessed in relation to the project’s profitability. The hard money loan calculator can help you estimate such charges so you can budget for them.

Check out Kiavi for additional information on hard money lending for investors. It now provides 90 percent LTC and 80 percent ARV. With approval rates as low as 7% and as little as 1.5 points, approval is fast and uncomplicated. In just a few minutes, you can get a quote online.

Pay a visit to Kiavi.

Hard money loans are a type of unsecured loan that is given to people who need funding for their business. It will cost different rates depending on the amount you borrow. Reference: how much does a hard money loan cost.

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