How Much Do Bloggers Make? The Surprising Answer

A blogger is someone who writes regularly or irregularly on a blog. Bloggers often maintain blogs as part of their jobs, and they are expected to post original content frequently. What’s the average salary for bloggers? Let’s find out!.

How Much Do Bloggers Make? The Surprising Answer

If you’re curious about how much money bloggers earn, you may be surprised. In their first year of blogging, many bloggers make between $200 and $2,500 per month. Bloggers with a great monetization strategy may make anywhere from $3,500 to $15,000 per month. Top bloggers may make seven-figure sums of money through their websites. Bloggers may work in a variety of jobs and earn various forms of money. Let’s take a look at what they are and how much money they generate.

Blogger Roles: What Are They?

Many people associate bloggers with persons who construct and maintain their own websites. However, there are three distinct categories of bloggers:

  1. Bloggers who work for businesses where they blog on a full-time or part-time basis
  2. Bloggers that work as freelancers and provide blogging services
  3. Bloggers who are self-employed and have their own websites

How Do Bloggers Earn Money?

Salary for bloggers varies greatly and is dependent on how they make money. Full-time business bloggers make between $40,000 and $80,000 per year, which is comparable to the $63,200 yearly median income for writers and authors in the United States. Beginners may earn less than experienced freelance bloggers who write for others’ blogs and earn between 10 cents and $1 per word. Clients pay freelance bloggers directly or via the freelancing network they utilize.

Bloggers who create their own blogs do not get a standard blogger wage. Instead, they generate money via affiliate marketing, sponsored articles, advertising, subscriptions, services, online courses, and product sales, among other methods. These are the blogs we’ll be concentrating on in this article.

Different Monetization Methods

Advertisers pay between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view, which corresponds to $200 to $10,000 per month for bloggers with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views. Sponsored articles may cost anywhere from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, specialty, and sponsorship agreement.

Bloggers who sell items or online courses may make much more money—up to $10,000 per month or more. Another option to make money as a blogger is via affiliate marketing. For example, travel writer Adam Enfroy made $44,262 from affiliate marketing alone in March 2020, despite having just 2,577 email subscribers and site traffic of 303,960.

Bloggers that earn the most money do it by monetizing their sites in a variety of ways. Affiliate marketing, advertising, and selling items or courses are the most common methods to generate money for most people.


What Factors Affect Bloggers’ Earnings?

I’ve seen all sorts of bloggers produce all levels of revenue as a blogger and professional blogging consultant with two decades of expertise as a company development strategist. Those that earn the greatest money blogging do it for the following reasons:

  • Have a well-thought-out business strategy in place.
  • Choose a lucrative blogging niche.
  • Use excellent monetization tactics that are appropriate for their target audience and specialty.
  • Create fantastic material that your viewers will like.
  • Know all there is to know about search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Market and promote their blogs in a proactive manner.

New bloggers often make the mistake of believing that just starting a blog and writing a few articles is sufficient. It isn’t; in order to develop a profitable blog, you must perform all of the above.

How Long Does It Take to Earn Money Through Blogging?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes to earn money blogging. Many individuals start their blogs as side hustles or hobbies, and so don’t dedicate 40 hours a week to blog growth; there’s nothing wrong with that strategy, but it will take a little longer to start producing money. You won’t be able to make a full-time livelihood with part-time work, especially in the early stages of your blog.

Even if they work full-time, few individuals make any money in their first few months of blogging. As a general rule, strategic bloggers who employ clever content and business techniques may generate a small full-time income in their first year of blogging—around $30,000 to $60,000. In the second year, that figure might double or even quadruple. There are always exceptions since some people make far more than others.

Many well-known bloggers claim that it takes less work to make the same or even bigger amounts of money over time. So, although you can’t afford to scrimp on effort when starting a blog, that first investment may pay out financially for years to come. Blogging may help you make a lot of money without having to work full-time.


In its first year, Chelsea’s Messy Apron made $40,000 in revenue. (Image courtesy of

How much do well-known bloggers earn?

I asked expert bloggers to discuss how they effectively monetize their sites to offer you an insider’s look at the genuine earning possibilities of blogging. Because I believe it’s important to establish reasonable expectations, you’ll find a diverse range of bloggers on this list.

Based on the information they gave or the revenue reports accessible on their sites, I estimated each blogger’s earnings.


The Ski Girl

“With links to the items we evaluate, we use Amazon Affiliates as our primary income approach.” This is proving to be very efficient, and I would suggest it to other bloggers or anyone thinking about beginning a blog.” Christine Wang is a writer.



“It took me six months to make $100, a year to make $1,000, and a few months to make $5,000 a month after I began writing.” If that had been my objective, I feel I might have earned more even sooner.” Michelle claims that her blog has earned her roughly $1.5 million each year for the previous couple of years.



“My advise to anybody wishing to start a money-making blog is to learn all you can and persist with it.” Consistency is the key to success. Continue to put in the effort, even if it seems to be in vain. If you’re patient, your efforts will begin to pay off.” Crystal Paschal (



Shout Me Loud is a group of active bloggers who provide blogging advice, such as basic and advanced WordPress, SEO, and social media marketing strategies. Shout Me Loud makes money via a variety of affiliate partnerships as well as direct ad sales. Agarwal also writes and sells e-books via his website and Amazon.



Marc Andre enjoys creating and then selling blogs. He’s made over a million dollars doing this. Targeting a range of themes and employing typical monetization tactics like affiliate marketing, display advertising, and selling services, he creates profitable—and sellable—blogs. His sixth blog, Vital Dollar, is about money.



“In a time when rents and homeownership are out of reach for many, I assist individuals in exploring alternative living circumstances.” When I first started blogging in 2017, I instantly began monetizing it. That just means adverts from Google AdSense. They didn’t make much money, but they did get my viewers acclimated to seeing advertisements on my site. I also worked as an affiliate marketer… My site now makes money through a combination of advertising, affiliate sales, and sponsored content.” Kristin Hanes (@KristinHanes)



R.J Weiss is a licensed financial adviser whose blog, The Ways to Wealth, has reached over 4 million people since 2017. He writes about respectable side hustles, money-saving techniques, vacation money-saving strategies, and beginning investing advice on his site.



After being $120,000 in debt and living paycheck to paycheck with a kid on the way, Becky Beach was motivated to create her blog. Her objective with her Mom Beach blog is to assist other women who are in debt or searching for methods to start making money from home so they can remain at home with their children.



“Blogging isn’t as simple as some of the experts make it out to be. It’s demanding, competitive, and often stressful. But it’s fantastic. You may work on your company with only a device, a Wi-Fi connection, and a few dollars each month for hosting. I adore it, and despite the fact that circumstances are bad right now, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.” —Scott Jones



“I feel that in affiliate marketing, ‘quality over quantity is the key to success, along with tenacity.” You’re at the mercy of algorithm changes and commission adjustments, but those that stick it out and create high-quality content win.” Darcy Ogdon-Nolan (Darcy Ogdon-Nolan) (Darcy Ogdon-No



The East End Taste Magazine is a publication dedicated to the Hamptons and the North Fork, as well as culinary tourism. East End Taste is primarily a lifestyle blog that covers a wide range of themes like cuisine, travel, lifestyle, fashion, and health.



This pair travels the globe and provides information on holiday rentals, cuisine recommendations, entertainment alternatives in different locations, and ways to save money while traveling. They also instruct other bloggers on how to establish their own blogs.



On her Amazing Me Movement site, Iva Ursano provides self-improvement tips, inspirational articles, relationship guidance, and even angel card reading. On Pinterest, she has over 145,800,000 followers, resulting in over 10 million monthly visitors. This enormous social following undoubtedly helps her site get a lot of attention.



Nikki Bahan began her blog in 2015 as a way to relieve tension and take a vacation from her studies at university. She now works as a full-time nurse and part-time blogger, with the goal of becoming a full-time blogger one day.

Nikki’s Plate blog got 156,096 page views in 115,324 sessions in January 2020, with social media driving the majority of her traffic. This excellent traffic from a part-time blogger let her make $2,726 from display advertisements alone, with affiliate marketing accounting for the remainder of her revenue.



Pat Flynn is a well-known blogger who teaches people how to earn passive money the right way. He chose to become an entrepreneur after losing his dream job as an architect in 2008. He created a number of internet enterprises. His blog, podcast, courses, and books are still quite successful today, and he earns a good living from them.

How to Make the Most Money From Blogging

I don’t want you to think that all bloggers are successful; they aren’t. According to a Problogger poll of bloggers, 26% make less than $10 per month, and almost half earn less than $100 per month. That isn’t to say it isn’t feasible to earn money blogging; the 15 real-life instances just presented show that it is.

Bloggers that aren’t generating money, in my experience, often don’t understand how to build a lucrative site. Building a lucrative blog isn’t rocket science, but it’s also not instinctual (which is why I spend so much time writing on how to earn money blogging!).

Another reason bloggers struggle to commercialize is because their excitement for establishing a blog might diminish as they realize how much effort goes into it, particularly in the first year or two. Blogging isn’t a way to become money fast.

If you’re serious about generating money as a blogger, here are a few helpful hints that can help you get started.

Make a decision on the kind of blogger you want to be

From the start, be clear about the sort of blogger you want to be. It’s acceptable to start a blog as a hobby with the goal of making money from it afterwards. It’s also good to go all-in as a professional blogger who plans to make a livelihood from blogging full-time.

One piece of advice: don’t expect to earn a lot of money by quitting your day job. Start your blog while working your 9-to-5 unless you have a sizable savings account or other financial means to fall back on. Remember, there’s no magic formula for determining when or how much money you’ll earn.

Choose a Lucrative Niche

Choose your blogging niche with careful consideration. Check to see whether the topics you wish to write about have a large enough readership. Do your research to identify the ideal niche market for you.

Make a business plan for your blog.

Treating your blog like a genuine company from the beginning can greatly boost your chances of success. Take the time to write a blog business plan that details each phase of the production, monetization, and marketing process.


Make a Professional Web Page

A bad website isn’t going to make you a lot of money. That is why you should create an optimized, fast-loading, and professional blog website.

When it comes to blogging platforms, there are a number of excellent alternatives available. However, I suggest utilizing a self-hosted WordPress blog with a reputable hosting company for maximum flexibility and scalability. Bluehost provides cost-effective, secure hosting options that can scale with your blog’s growth. Even better, Bluehost’s monthly plans start at only $2.95.

Create fantastic content for your blog

Top bloggers don’t earn a lot of money with mediocre material. Instead, they sweat the little stuff so that they can provide the finest answers to their visitors’ concerns and provide efficient solutions to difficult situations. If you want to earn money blogging, make sure you research the competition first and then come up with a killer blog content plan that will propel you to the top of your field.

Make a solid monetization plan

Don’t start a blog until you’ve thought through how you’ll monetize it. You don’t need to start monetizing your site before you start; you won’t make much money in the first few months anyhow since you won’t have much traffic. You do, however, need to know where you’re going.

There are several methods to earn money via blogging. Affiliate marketing, advertising, sponsored articles, subscriptions, or selling services, goods, or online courses are all ways to make money. Don’t restrict yourself to just one monetization strategy. The most profitable blogs always diversify their revenue sources.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you’re unfamiliar with search engine optimization (SEO), I suggest brushing up on your skills as soon as feasible. Optimizing your blog for search is the only way to get it to rank well on Google, which is a major source of traffic for most blogs. This is a bit more difficult, but it may be the difference between poor outcomes and high earnings.

Make Use of Strategic Marketing and Promotional Techniques

Bloggers that are successful are far more active in advertising their sites than bloggers who are struggling to earn a living. Don’t undervalue the significance of spreading the word about your blog.

You’ll want to advertise your blog using a variety of methods, including email marketing, social media marketing, proactive blog outreach, and maybe paid advertising. Experiment to see what works best for your blog and focus on that instead of the others.



Now that I’ve addressed the burning question, “How much do bloggers make?” and explained how blogs generate revenue, you can get started on developing a lucrative blog right away—or boost the profits on the one you currently have. Every successful blogger will tell you that producing money with a blog takes time, but approaching it like a business can help you set and reach your blogging revenue objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do bloggers make per post?

The amount of money a writer receives for each article is generally determined by their experience, the type of content they write, and how often articles are published. For example, if a reporter writes about international news that is not heavily viewed in the United States (such as an article about North Korea), then they may receive less compensation than someone who publishes lifestyle posts with more substantial reach.

How can I make $100 a month blogging?

There is no easy answer to this. It will depend on what niche you want to blog in, how much time and effort you are willing to put into the process (which can be very difficult) as well as your own personal ability.

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