How to Blog on Facebook: Everything You Need to Know

Facebook is a massive resource for personal/professional content, and the platform allows users to share it with their friends. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about creating and sharing blog posts on Facebook

How to Blog on Facebook: Everything You Need to Know

While the majority of bloggers use Facebook to maintain and promote their existing blogs, you may also write for free on Facebook. If you want to learn how to write on Facebook, you need first to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of writing on this famous social media network.

The Two Methods for Directly Blogging on Facebook

On Facebook, there are two methods to blog. The first method is to use Facebook posts, which are great for brief messages. The second approach to write directly on Facebook is to use Facebook Notes, which enables you to make basic yet appealing lengthier blog articles that are easy to read for your followers.

How to Use Facebook Posts to Create a Blog

When you hear the word “blogging,” you may think of lengthier essays than most social media updates. Microblogging, on the other hand, is a method in which a blogger generates a brief piece of relevant and highly concentrated information to share with an audience. Facebook is only one of numerous microblogging platforms available; Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr are just a few examples.


For microblogging, many bloggers utilize Facebook postings. Short movies, photos, and text-based material are great for sharing on Facebook. Although Facebook’s maximum character limit is 63,206, research suggests that postings with 80 characters or fewer get 88 percent greater interaction. Shorter articles with eye-catching graphics or videos perform best when it comes to publishing on Facebook.

However, just because brief postings are effective does not rule out the possibility of larger ones. Author Jeff Foster, for example, creates pieces that are normally between 300 and 1,000 words long, resulting in huge amounts of likes, shares, and comments that most bloggers would want.

To be a great Facebook blogger, you must first analyze your audience and determine what they want from you. Experiment with various post kinds and lengths to see what works best. Then do more of what your fans respond to.


How to Use Facebook Notes to Create a Blog

Facebook Notes is a tool that arguably doesn’t receive nearly as much attention as it deserves on the social media platform. You may use Facebook Notes to generate blog articles that are similar to those seen on major blogging platforms such as WordPress and Squarespace.


How to Include Facebook Notes on Your Page

The Facebook Notes function is not enabled by default on your Facebook page, so you’ll have to enable it manually. On your Facebook page administrator’s screen, pick the Page Settings option to begin the procedure.


Navigate to the Templates and Tabs menu item on the left sidebar after you’ve accessed your Page Settings page.


To add Facebook Notes to your page, go to the Page Settings tab first.

When you choose the Templates and Tabs menu, a list of alternatives appears one of which is Notes. To enable the Notes to feature on your Facebook page, move the slider to the right.


When you click on Templates and Tabs, you’ll get a list of tab possibilities, one of which is Notes.

Facebook Notes will be active on your page after you’ve completed the steps above. You’re all set to begin blogging.

Using Facebook Notes to Create a Blog Post

Make sure you’re signed in as the administrator of your page. Navigate to your Facebook homepage, where you’ll find your Facebook highlighted tabs, which may change somewhat from other people’s pages due to various tools loaded. If you don’t see Notes in your featured tabs, click the down arrow next to the More tab to bring it up.


You’ll see the following when you choose Notes from your tabs bar:


Simply click the “+Create Note” button in the upper right corner to add a new blog post through Notes. A blank template will emerge after you’ve done this (see below). This template will be used to generate your blog entry.


When you click on Templates and Tabs, you’ll get a list of tab possibilities, one of which is Notes.

How to Create a Facebook Note Blog Post Format

The Facebook Notes interface is quite straightforward, as you can see in the picture above. You may add a picture, a title, and then the body of your blog post. Your post will be automatically updated with the current date. You may remove, save, or publish your Facebook Note at any time. If you save the Note, it will be preserved as a draft, but it will not be published. You may save posts and return to them later to finish writing or revising them, and then publish them when you’re ready.

For Facebook Notes, the best-featured picture proportions are 1200 by 445 pixels. Because your featured picture will display in your followers’ feeds and determine how many people will be interested enough to read your article, it’s critical to choose an appealing image.

While the formatting options in Facebook Notes aren’t very sophisticated, the site provides enough tools to make nice blog articles. The majority of the formatting tools are only visible after you begin typing; to see your formatting choices, just click on the circle plus icon and the paragraph icon.


You may use Facebook Notes to include photos and HTML code in your blog postings. In your Facebook Notes, you may also include movies, presents, and links to information on other websites.


The paragraph icon reveals the text-formatting choices for blog posts. You may change the size of your headlines and add bulleted lists, numbered lists, and quotations to your blog posts. You may also make your text bold or italic.

This is how your blog post will appear in your readers’ Facebook feeds once you’ve published it using Facebook Notes:


In the Facebook feeds of your followers, here’s an example of how your Facebook Note appears.

As you can see, your followers’ feeds will only include a small portion of the content from your blog post. To view the rest of your blog article, your readers will need to click “See More.” That’s why it’s critical to make sure your picture and blog post introduction are both appealing; if they aren’t, your readers won’t click the “See More” link, and your blog will go unread.

When your followers click the “See More” button, they’ll be taken to your whole blog article without ever leaving Facebook (see example below).


An example of Facebook Notes after it has been published.

Facebook Notes is a feasible and cost-free option to write on the social media platform. However, although this function was once more popular, it hasn’t taken off as quickly as it once did, and I’m seeing fewer and fewer people utilize it now. Even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg seems to be using Notes infrequently.

While Facebook has yet to make a statement regarding removing this function from its platform, it does make service modifications from time to time. If you want to blog on Facebook using Facebook Notes, I highly advise you to save a duplicate of your writings somewhere else. If Facebook’s Notes tool is no longer supported, I’d hate to see you lose all of your material.

What Is the Best Way to Make Money Blogging on Facebook?

Selling items or services, as well as affiliate marketing and sponsored posts, are all ways to earn money blogging on Facebook. You may also start a Facebook store. However, if you want to earn the most money as a blogger, you should start your own site on a popular blogging platform like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Directly Blogging on Facebook

Facebook is the most widely used social networking platform on the planet. Facebook has over 221 million users in the United States alone. You can’t afford to ignore this social media behemoth as a blogger.


Facebook is visited by more people in the United States than any other social media website. (Statistics courtesy of Statista)

The important issue is not whether you can create a blog on Facebook—you very certainly can—but whether you should blog directly on Facebook.

Let’s go through the benefits and drawbacks of writing on Facebook to help you decide if it’s the correct plan for you.

The following are some of the main benefits of blogging directly on Facebook:

  • You do not have to pay anything to blog on Facebook.
  • Large user base: Facebook has a large active user population that spans practically every age group.
  • Simple: Getting started writing on Facebook is simple.
  • Less reader resistance: Many social “scrolling” users prefer to stay on the current social channel. Followers may view your updates without leaving Facebook if you write directly on Facebook.
  • Possible Facebook visibility benefit: Facebook likes it when you maintain your followers on the platform rather than directing them to another website. Facebook may reward you for writing directly on Facebook by increasing the exposure of your blog posts in the news feeds of your followers.

The following are the main disadvantages of blogging directly on Facebook:

  • There are no organizational tools: Your Facebook blog postings can’t be organized or classified.
  • Limited formatting options: Facebook’s blog post formatting options are quite limited; bad formatting typically results in a poor reading experience.
  • It’s tough to establish a brand on Facebook since you can’t buy a private domain, making it difficult to establish a brand and reputation for your blog.
  • Search disadvantage: On your own blog, you have greater control over search engine optimization (SEO) than on Facebook blog postings.
  • Limited monetization options: There are fewer options for monetizing your blog on Facebook than there are on your own website. You can’t generate money from advertising on your Facebook blog, for example.
  • Users have a hard time finding whole blog content: While new Facebook blog postings appear in feeds without difficulty, it takes a lot of work for followers to go back and see your older blog articles; this is something that visitors to a standalone blog site can simply accomplish.
  • Facebook isn’t generally utilized for conventional blogging: While individuals use Facebook to advertise their blogs, it’s not as popular for publishing longer-form (over 300 words) blog articles.
  • It’s possible that you’ll lose all you’ve worked on: You’re at Facebook’s mercy; they have the power to erase your blog material at any moment (though you’d likely be notified first).

Is Facebook the Best Platform for Blogging?

For some individuals, Facebook blogging makes a lot of sense, but whether it’s good for you depends on your objectives. Whether you don’t currently have a website for your blog and aren’t sure if you want to build one, writing on Facebook is a simple way to get started.

I propose starting your own blog and using it as your main blogging platform if you want to earn money blogging. This provides you the greatest control over your website, as well as the highest prospects of making money. Having said that, you may and should still build and promote your blog on Facebook. You could also wish to blog directly on Facebook from time to time to get a minor edge in terms of interaction and exposure.


As an example, Facebook guru Jay Baer published the identical blog article on his Convince & Convert site as well as on Facebook.

Alternatives to Facebook Blogging

While you may write on Facebook, you’re at the whim of Facebook in terms of who sees your postings and when they see them. Assume you’ve amassed a Facebook following of 100,000 people. Not everyone will view all of your blog postings. In fact, unless you support all of your material with paid advertising—which would become extremely expensive, very quickly—you can expect fewer than 5% of your followers to view each post.

Don’t get me wrong: Facebook is a fantastic marketing and promotion tool for bloggers; it’s simply not the best site for blogging. If you’re serious about starting a blog, I suggest constructing your own site on a popular blogging platform. Then, utilize Facebook as a social media platform to promote your blog, engage your followers, establish a community, and spread the word about it.

Setting up a self-hosted WordPress blog using Bluehost as your hosting provider is, in my view, the greatest option to building a Facebook blog. This allows you to have your own domain, brand your blog, expand it as your company develops, and customize the appearance of your site. It also allows you to fully use the power of search engine optimization (SEO), ensuring that your blog material is more accessible in Google searches.

With Bluehost as your hosting provider, you can get started with a self-hosted WordPress blog for as little as $2.95 per month.


Bluehost is one of the safest, dependable, and cost-effective WordPress hosting options currently available.

As a blogger and blogging consultant, I’ve seen personally how effective Facebook can be for marketing and promotion. Every time I write a new blog article on my self-hosted WordPress blog, I always share it on my Facebook page to ensure that it reaches my enormous Facebook fan base and to foster a feeling of community among my blog readers.


I sometimes utilize Facebook advertisements to reach out to my ideal target market and present them with items and services that I believe they will like. I also have a Facebook group for my blog where I foster community and conduct online learning activities and challenges.

As a blogger, there are several methods to profit from Facebook. Posting sponsored articles on Facebook might help you monetize your site even more. You may also directly sell things on Facebook.

Promote Your Blog Posts on Facebook

You may manually upload Facebook posts to your page or use a social media management tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to automate the process (I personally use Buffer). To connect an article from your personal or corporate blog to Facebook, just go to your Facebook homepage and choose “Create Post.” Then, provide a little introduction and include the link to the article you’re discussing. You may select whether to publish your post right now or at a later time on Facebook.


Using Facebook’s “Create Post” tool, you may promote content from your personal or company blog.

Facebook also allows you to include additional elements in your post. Those possibilities fluctuate, but here are the ones that were available at the time this article was written:


You can also boost your Facebook post for as little as $1 per day to get more people to view and interact with it. A Boost is a kind of Facebook advertising that, in my view, isn’t nearly as successful as other Facebook advertising alternatives.

After you’ve inserted your blog material and link, but before you press the Post button, this is how your new Facebook post will look:


In just a few minutes, you can make a Facebook post on your blog’s content.

Entries to your own website’s blog appear in your followers’ feeds differently from blog posts produced in Facebook Note. The side-by-side photographs below show the tiny variances the best.


Blog posts made using Facebook Note display in the Facebook feed significantly differently than entries from personal or company blogs.

Bloggers’ Examples of Popular Facebook Post Formats

Variety is said to be the spice of life, and including it on your blog’s Facebook page is a fantastic approach to boost engagement and overall outcomes. Adding a variety of material, such as videos and questions, in addition to links to your blog articles, is a smart way to increase your blog’s visibility on Facebook.


On Facebook, videos have higher interaction than other post forms. (Image courtesy of BuzzSumo)

Example 1: Use Facebook to promote your blog using video.

On Facebook, videos get 59 percent or more interaction than any other sort of post. You may use Facebook to broadcast live videos or to connect to videos on your blog or YouTube channel. According to HubSpot, Facebook users watch live videos three times longer than non-live ones.

Because 85 percent of Facebook videos are viewed without sound, make sure your films that rely on sound to communicate crucial information have subtitles. Some videos, such as “how-to” tutorials, may not rely on sound to function properly.


The Twins Mommy blog often shares informative how-to videos on its Facebook page.

Create a Personal Connection on Your Facebook Page (Example 2)

Remember that Facebook is a social media tool, so it’s okay to be personal now and again. On your blog’s Facebook page, share audience inquiries, personal experiences, and anecdotes. Then invite your followers to participate in the discussion. This is an excellent method to seem more genuine to your followers and to demonstrate that you care. People like to conduct business with people they know and trust.


The Grown and Flown blog often uses its Facebook page to share personal experiences and tales with its fans.

Including candid photos of yourself might also help you connect with your audience.


Wandering Earl, a travel blogger, often publishes photos of himself working in unusual locales.

Add Incredible Photos to Your Facebook Page (Example 3)

While all blog genres may benefit from using attention-getting photos on their Facebook pages, certain niches need exceptional graphics. Travel, fashion, gastronomy, and home interior and design blogs, for example, must have stunning graphics on their sites.

One of the most important advantages of captivating pictures is that they are regularly shared—and by a large number of people. This may help your site get more visibility.



You may blog for free on Facebook by utilizing either the post or Facebook Notes capabilities. However, for the greatest blogging results—especially if you want to earn the most money from your efforts—preferable it’s to create your own blog and market it on Facebook.

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform on the planet, and Bluehost provides safe, versatile, and economical hosting as well as excellent customer service.

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