How to Calculate Vacation Accruals (+ Free PTO Calculator)

The vacation accrual calculator is a free online tool that allows users to calculate vacation accruals. Users can input the number of hours worked in a year, giving them an estimate of how much vacation time they are entitled to take. This can be used as a reference for employees looking to plan their vacations or simply as a way to make sure they’re not overworking themselves.

How to Calculate Vacation Accruals (+ Free PTO Calculator)

Small firms that provide paid time off (PTO) must track accruals appropriately to prevent labor law infractions. The PTO accrual calculator can help you decide the correct accrual rate to employ every pay period based on your company workdays, hours in a workweek, and yearly vacation days.

1. Determine how much paid off time to provide employees each year

To calculate a PTO accrual, first, figure out how many days or hours a year you wish to provide your workers. According to SHRM, the typical firm gives employees 18 days of paid time off (PTO), which may or may not include sick leave. This figure reflects that many companies tier their PTO plans, offering new workers less time off (e.g., just one week off each year) and those with more years of service (e.g., two or three weeks per year) additional time off.

On the other hand, small enterprises and startups may not be able to afford to provide recruits with that much paid time off. In fact, according to SHRM, 43% of firms do not provide any paid time off at all.

We’ll use a two-week example to keep things easy (10 days of PTO per year).

This amount will be translated to hours by multiplying the number of days supplied by the average hours worked each week to compute PTO.

Here’s how it works: 80 hours in two weeks = 10 days x 8 hours every day.

2. Determine the number of hours you work every week.

While a 40-hour workweek is quite typical, not every firm employs people who work that long. When workers work as little as 25 hours a week, some firms consider them full-time and provide them PTO and vacation. Before you process your payroll, you may use the calculator to enter your company’s entire weekly hours to receive a more accurate accrual rate.

3. Calculate the total number of available work hours per year.

Then you’ll need to figure out how many weeks your firm is open each year so you can figure out how many work hours workers are entitled to PTO each year. When computing your PTO accrual rate, this “hours per year” amount is utilized as the denominator.

Human resources professionals employ a benchmark of 2,080 available work hours per year. That’s the number of weeks in a year (52) divided by the number of hours worked by the typical employee in a year.

Example: ABC Company is open 52 weeks and works a typical 40-hour workweek.

Here’s how it works: 2,080 hours per year = 40 hours x 52 weeks

If you provide your workers two weeks of vacation and PTO each year, it equates to 80 hours per year (in this case). This is your denominator.

Here’s how it works: 0.038 hourly PTO accrual rate = 80 hours PTO / 2,080 hours per year.

This implies that the employee in this scenario would collect 0.038 hours of PTO for every hour worked. The accrual rate would be: if they worked an average of 40 hours per week or eight hours per day.

To appropriately calculate each employee’s PTO accrual rate, you’ll need to supply data for the three factors listed above. Rounding and the number of decimal places utilized in your computation may affect your findings. (In our cases, we rounded to two numbers.) On the other hand, our calculator rounds up the final number, not the intermediate computations.

Subtract Paid Vacations

If your company offers paid holiday time off, you may wish to exclude those days from the total so that workers do not earn paid time off on days that are already delivered as holidays. If you provide workers 15 paid holidays per year and each day is worth eight hours, you’ll need to remove those hours from the total work hours available each year.

Here’s how it works: 1,960 possible work hours per year – 2,080 work hours per year – (15 days x 8 hours per day = 120 hours)

In this situation, the numerator (paid time off hours) is 80, while the denominator is 1,960, yielding a more realistic PTO accrual rate of 0.04 hours per hour worked.

4. Determine when your company’s accruals will begin.

The calculator works based on a 365-day year. However, not all companies begin the year at the same time. While most small firms utilize the calendar year, others use the fiscal year, and some use the employee’s start date. While this information isn’t required for our basic calculator, it is necessary if you want to calculate how much PTO or vacation time an employee has earned or taken over a year.

Annual Accrual vs. One-Time Payment

PTO is usually calculated on a calendar year basis in most small firms. If you provide PTO as a lump payment at the beginning of the year, you won’t have to worry about accruals. Employees would get their lump sum amount on the calendar, fiscal, or anniversary day to utilize throughout the year. After that, you deduct hours for each day they take off until their PTO or vacation time is exhausted.

The following are the three most typical time frames for awarding and monitoring PTO:

The first day of the year is January 1, and the last day is December 31. However, not all firms apply the same methodology for a given year. Some firms, for example, are open 52 weeks a year, while others may shut over the holidays and only operate 50 weeks.

Using the examples given in step 3 above, you’ll need to figure out how many weeks, days, or work hours are available to work in that period, in addition to defining what constitutes a vacation accrual year for your company.

Some organizations use a fiscal start and end date for accounting and tax reasons to determine their accounting year. They may, for example, begin their fiscal year on September 1 and finish it on August 31.

Other companies provide workers with a certain amount of paid time off, which may begin on their first day on the job or may not begin until they’ve worked for a certain length of time, such as 30 or 90 days. In any event, each employee’s accruals would commence on the day they were employed, and you’d need to keep track of how much they’ve earned and spent each year based on their work anniversary date.

5. Make sure you’re using the correct accrual rate for each cycle.

You must apply the proper accrual rate to the actual payroll processing cycle you use to pay workers to compute employee PTO balances accurately. In certain places, the accrual rate information about how much PTO and sick leave workers have earned is required to be displayed on every pay stub.

In the instances above, we utilized a weekly pay cycle and a regular five-day, 40-hour workweek. For each week worked, such accrual rate would be 1.52 hours of PTO earned (accrued).

0.038 hourly PTO accrual rate x 40 hour week = 1.54 hours of PTO earned for each hour worked = 80 hours PTO / 2,080 hours per year = 0.038 hourly PTO accrual rate x 40 hour week = 1.54 hours of PTO made for each hour worked

This is the ideal rate to utilize when computing PTO accruals for workers whose work hours fluctuate. They may, for example, work 25 hours one week, 40 hours the next week, and 32 hours the following week. It makes no difference how many hours they work each week since the accrual rate will precisely calculate how much PTO they’ve earned for that pay period.

Calculating accruals for a biweekly pay cycle is the same as for a weekly one; the only difference is that the pay period is two weeks rather than one. Although the hourly accrual rate is the most accurate, some firms choose to employ a more straightforward computation because biweekly pay results in 26 payroll cycles each year. When your workers are salaried and get the same pay month after pay period, using a biweekly accrual rate makes the most sense.

80 hours of paid time off each year divided by 26 pay periods is 3.08 hours of paid time off every two weeks (biweekly period)

Semimonthly pay is sent twice a month, for a total of 24 pay periods each year. This simplifies PTO accrual, but it may not be accurate if an employee takes unpaid leave, drops to a part-time schedule, or is absent for a lengthy period (such as for parental leave).

80 hours of paid time off each year divided by 24 pay periods is 3.33 hours of paid time off every two weeks (semimonthly pay period)

A monthly payroll cycle is prohibited in certain states, and it is often designated for upper-level management. If you manage your accruals monthly, the math is relatively simple.

80 hours of paid time off each year divided by 12 pay periods is 6.67 hours of paid time off every month (monthly period)

Other Considerations When Calculating PTO & Vacation Accruals

Salaried workers are often given a certain amount of paid time off depending on their average workweek—this might be a set number of hours or days each year, such as 40 hours or five days off for vacation.

State Statutes

When calculating PTO accruals and employee balances, be sure to examine federal and state labor rules. It also necessitates a few judgments, such as whether or not sick leave should be included in PTO.

It’s ideal for keeping track of your sick leave balances in a different time bucket than your PTO for vacations and other personal reasons. In certain states, sick leave must be paid out upon termination, while PTO does not.


While last year’s PTO balance does not affect this year’s accrual rate, it does impact the starting balance at the start of the year (calendar, fiscal, or anniversary) and the overall amount of PTO, your employee has available. More than three-quarters of employers that provide paid time off enable workers to roll over part of their time.

If you give paid time off in areas like California, you must enable workers to carry it over or pay it out if they leave. There is no alternative to “use it or lose it.”

Employees who work part-time vs. those who work full-time

According to SHRM, firms provide salaried workers (57 percent) more paid time off than hourly employees (29 percent ). Because hourly workers don’t work fixed or conventional hours, you may wish to calculate their accrual rate per hour worked instead of giving them a set amount of hours per year, for example. Alternatively, you might match your accrual rate to that of full-time workers, which will be smaller since they work fewer hours.

Negative Equilibrium

Another factor to consider when managing PTO accruals is whether or not you’ll allow your workers to have a negative PTO balance. For example, if you give two weeks of paid time off every year and an employee wants to take all of it in February, this may happen. You’d have to keep track of how much PTO was used before it was earned, which would result in a negative PTO balance for that employee.

These concerns should be included in your PTO policy and employee handbook to minimize misunderstanding and possible lawsuits from employees who believe their PTO is not being handled appropriately.

How to Use a Vacation Accrual Calculator

Like any data tool, a Calculator for PTO is only as good as the data you key into it. That’s why we encourage you to consider all the variables described in the steps above, in addition to how much time you offer as PTO to your employees. And, consider whether full-time and part-time employees are eligible—and when. Once you determine your PTO accrual rate, you will need to plug that rate into your payroll software or provide it to your payroll service provider.

In truth, the PTO accrual rate plays just a minor role in deciding how much time off workers may take. The amount of PTO an employee has used, the amount they have (or may roll over), and whatever amounts you could provide to new employees as a condition of their employment agreement are all included in their PTO balance. Some instances are as follows:

  • Negotiated PTO: It’s possible that your recruit agreed to take an additional week off in exchange for accepting the job offer. You may need to give the employee three weeks of PTO instead of everyone else’s two weeks.
  • Let’s imagine a fantastic employee who relocated out of state and then returned seven months later. You may restore their unused PTO.
  • An employee on leave: When an employee takes a four-month parental leave, some employers may enable them to keep their benefits while away from work. This might include paid time off and health insurance.

Using a Vacation Accrual Calculator isn’t the only option.

Instead of manually calculating PTO balances, use software to automate the process. There are numerous economic choices available, whether you pick time and attendance software with accruals or a full-service HR/Payroll software.


A PTO accrual calculator makes it easier to complete the complicated arithmetic needed to figure out how much PTO and vacation time workers earn each pay period. The information you want includes how many hours workers are entitled to work each year, how many hours they work on average each week, and how many days, hours, or weeks of vacation time you give.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you calculate PTO accruals?

A: PTO accruals are calculated by taking your work time and multiplying it with your hourly rate. For example, if you work 40 hours a week for 50 weeks in the year, your annualized salary would be $50k.

How do you prorate PTO accrual?

A: Potentially, Accrued Time Off (PTO) is accrued as follows. When an employee starts working for a company, they are given three days of PTO that can be used at any time during the year after their first day of work. After this initial period has passed, employees earn 1/12th of their average daily rate in Grade A service credits per month. These credits can then be taken on separate dates throughout the calendar year. Additionally, there is an annual cap to how much PTO employees accrue each year, depending on what grade level you are currently employed in with your company.

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