How to Create a Meta Tag for My Website: A Step

Meta tags are used in search engine algorithms as a way to help people find the websites they’re looking for. Meta tag keywords can be very important, so when you create your meta tag make sure it’s descriptive and relevant to the website that visitors just searched for.

Meta-tags are used to describe a website’s content and functionality. They can be added to the html source code of your website, or you can use an external tool like “META Generator” to create them.

How to Create a Meta Tag for My Website: A Step

The coding of a decent website serves as its basis. Meta tags are important components carefully placed into a website’s code to help search engines identify it. The platform you choose to handle content determines how you generate meta tags for your site. We’ll go through how to use a plugin to add them, as well as the processes involved in manually adding them to WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace sites.

To learn more about how to add meta tags to your site depending on your platform, choose the option from the drop-down box:

To learn more, choose an option. How to Include Meta Tags in a WordPress Post (With a Plugin) How to Include Meta Tags in a WordPress Post (Without a Plugin) Wix Meta Tags: How to Add Them Squarespace Meta Tags: How to Add Them

How to Include Meta Tags in a WordPress Post (Without a Plugin)

Although adding meta tags without a plugin is feasible, we do not suggest it due to the intricacy of the procedure. However, if this is an option you’d want to pursue and you have the necessary technical skills, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “File Manager” section of your hosting account’s control panel after logging in.
  2. Go to the “public html” folder and double-click it.
  3. Go to the “wp-content” folder and click it.
  4. Look for “themes” in your search.
  5. Choose a name for your theme.
  6. Select “Edit” from the drop-down menu when right-clicking the “header.php” template.
  7. Between the head> and the /head> tags, add meta tags.
  8. Save the modifications you’ve made.

Wix Meta Tags: How to Add Them

Because of Wix’s all-in-one website-building features, changing meta tags is simple. The following are the basic actions to take:

  1. Go to your Wix dashboard and log in.
  2. Navigate to the page’s SEO options.
  3. Select “Advanced SEO” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Under Meta Tags, click “Add New Tag.”
  5. Insert the meta tag code into the HTML Code area.
  6. Finally, press the “Apply” button. How-to-Create-a-Meta-Tag-for-My-Website-A

Squarespace Meta Tags: How to Add Them

On Squarespace, editing meta tags may need a few more steps.

  1. Go to your Squarespace dashboard and log in.
  2. Select “Pages” from the “Home” menu.
  3. Choose a blog page.
  4. Hover your mouse over the article and choose “Settings.”
  5. Select “Tags” or “Categories” from the Content tab.
  6. Tags and categories should be entered.
  7. To alter the publishing date, go to “Status.”
  8. Change the author and add a source URL to the Options tab.
  9. Add a place to the Location tab.
  10. “Save” should be selected.

Meta Tags: What Are They and How Do They Work?

Meta tags are the foundation of your website and are carefully placed throughout the content and code. Using plugins and the site settings, certain site builders make inserting meta tags more simpler. Find out what meta tags you can use to enhance your site’s overall SEO and help you rank better online in the section below.

The title tag is the “title” of your website and the first thing visitors see when they look at the search engine results page (SERP).

Because your meta tag and headline title may vary from one another, it’s not always the title of your article. In the end, the title tag is for the search engine, not for your visitors. The length of a title tag is typically limited to 55 characters.

The following is an example of a title tag in HTML code:


‘Sample Title’/’Sample Title’/’Sample Title’/’Sample Title’/’S


The meta description element is just as essential as the title tag. When you go to the SERPs, it’s the snippet of text under the headline that you see.

Although the meta description does not have the same SEO impact as title tags, it does boost click-throughs. A well-written meta description will entice readers to visit your website. Meta descriptions may be anything between 150 and 300 characters long.

The following is an example of a title tag in HTML code:


meta name=”description” content=”write your meta description here”> meta name=”description” content=”write your meta description here”>


An picture’s alt text is a brief description of the image.

Aside from optimizing your small business website with text, you can also improve it using images. Include keywords in your alt text (only if they’re relevant), but avoid keyword stuffing since it may make your code seem “spammy” to search engines.

Alt text looks like this in HTML code:

img src=”name of image” alt=”insert alt text” width=”depending on image” height “depending on image”> img src=”name of image” alt=”insert alt text” width=”depending on image” height “depending on image”>

To update the correct picture with the appropriate alt text, look up the name of your image and look for the “alt=” attribute.

The keyword tag is a kind of meta tag that is used to give information about a certain page.

Prior to the 2000s, search engines understood keyword meta tags, often known as meta keywords, and webmasters used to exploit this tag to rank their websites quickly. As a result, we do not advise utilizing this kind of meta tag. Today, fewer websites use the keyword tag since it is no longer useful and is no longer supported by Google search engines. Excessive use of keyword tags may lead to “spammy” code.

The following is an example of a title tag in HTML code:


/>meta name=”keywords” content=”insert your keywords and separate them with a comma, like in example 1, example 2, and example 3”


Use a canonical tag to tell search engines which page should be regarded the “master copy” of the page for nearly similar pages.

Duplicate content may cause your site to be penalized. To avoid this, use a canonical tag to tell search engines which URL is your “primary” one. The use of a canonical tag emphasizes the URL while also preventing it from hurting your SEO.

The following is an example of a title tag in HTML code:

/> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> />

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Headers divide your website into structured pieces of information and enhance the reading experience of your site visitors.

They also assist search engines in determining the content of a website. Header tags are often used in the following format:

H2: Subheadings H1: Title H3: H2 or Notes Subheadings… and so on.

It’s worth noting that stuffing your page with subheadings ranging from H1 to H5 or more won’t assist your SEO.

The following is an example of a title tag in HTML code:







h3>H2 bullet points/h3> h3>h3>h3>h3>h3>h3>h3>h3>h3

The method of inserting meta tags varies depending on the site builder. Installing a WordPress plugin or using all-in-one site construction solutions like Wix or Squarespace are the best ways to add meta tags to your website.

What Are Meta Tags and Why Are They Important?

Meta tags are created for search engines and site crawlers if the content is created for visitors. The information termed “metadata” is provided in HTML format via SEO meta tags. Metadata is language that appears in the code of your website and explains the site’s purpose while also communicating directly to search engines and web crawlers.

Both the title and description parts of meta tags are instances.

The goal of search engine intelligence is to provide people the best results for whatever they’re searching for. When your website uses SEO meta tags to speak the language of search engines, you improve your chances of being found, recognized, and recommended by search engines and web crawlers. Meta tags are an important component of the website’s foundation for improved SEO results.

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the maximum number of keywords that may be used in a meta tag?

A basic guideline is that no more than ten meta keywords should be used per page. A website’s keyword density should be between 1 and 2 percent, or once per 100 words. Use one keyword per meta tag, and using the keyword just once for repeated tags like alt texts is sufficient. For alt texts, be sure to utilize variants of the term.

What is the best way to check meta tags?

To find out what meta tags your rivals are using, right-click anywhere on their website and choose “View Page Source,” or press CTRL+U, then CTRL+F to search for the meta tags you’re looking for.

Is it necessary to include a meta description for SEO?

Yes. Meta descriptions are written with the user in mind rather than the search engine in mind. Visitors will still click on websites based on what they read in your meta title and meta description, despite the artificial intelligence required to rank a website. More clicks are more likely with a decent meta description.


Websites are built using code, which is the language that search engines understand. Aside from the appearance of your website, how it interacts with users, and the information you publish, it’s critical to “define” your website’s page so that search engines like Google and Bing can easily find it. Optimize your website using SEO meta tags to bring out the best in it, rather to simply concentrating on the look and content.

For those concerned about increasing their SEO rating, choosing the appropriate keywords, kinds of meta tags, and placement of SEO meta tags is critical. Hibu, for example, provides services that include everything from meta tags to keyword optimization. Find out when it’s best to employ a web developer vs building your own website.

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The “how to create meta tags” is a step-by-step guide on how to create meta tags for your website. It is recommended that you do this before you start creating content.

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