How to Design the Best Storefront Sign for Your Business

A storefront sign is an important marketing tool. It provides the first impression you have on your customers, and can even make or break a deal when it’s time to close the sale. This simple guide will teach you how to design the most effective signs for your business

How to Design the Best Storefront Sign for Your Business

Outside your company, storefront signs broadcast your brand name and provide customers with the first impression of your establishment. Storefront signs play an important part in identifying your brand, boosting foot traffic, and ensuring that people can see your company at all hours of the day and night, in addition to displaying your name.

This post will walk you through the many signage alternatives and best practices for producing a stunning storefront sign that matches your brand, goods, and services.

1. Select the Proper Storefront Signage

When it comes to choosing the perfect kind of storefront sign for your company, the market for storefront signs is vast, and you have a lot of alternatives. Several factors should be considered while choosing a sign type.

  • Customers will form varied impressions based on the Materials and design you select. We utilized a rustic wooden sign with black lacy metal letters at my business, for example. The untreated wood helps to portray our brand’s hippie vibe. The typography emphasized our status as a women’s clothes business while also allowing for long-term durability, ensuring that our signage remained intact throughout the seasons.
  • Consider the environment in which your sign will be displayed. If you have a lot of sunlight, you should consider the fading effects. When it comes to rain, you’ll want to consider covering. If there is snow and ice, you should consider rusting. The material you pick for your storefront sign will be influenced by the weather and surroundings, as well as whether you have an outdoor or interior shop.
  • Consider how much space you have available to display your shop signage. The sorts of signs you may use in most retail malls are restricted. There may also be zoning restrictions that affect where you may put your signage. Local restrictions may have an impact on where you can post your signage, as well as their size, brightness, and other factors.
  • Set a budget for the amount of money you wish to spend on your signs. The amount you spend is determined by the size and industry of your company.

Fabric Signs for Storefronts

Fabric signs for storefronts are, you guessed it, signs made out of fabric. Typically, fabric signs are either free-standing signs or banners that lay flush on building exteriors. Fabric signs are constructed from vinyl, plastic, or nylon to increase their longevity, but they still tend to fade and get worn over time. You should expect to replace synthetic fabric signs every five to 10 years.

  • Pros: Low initial investment, simple shipping, and installation, ephemeral so it can be upgraded.
  • Cons: Requires regular maintenance and repair, and costs more over time.
  • Costs range from $20 to $400 on average.



Fabric signs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from free-standing displays to banners.

Plywood storefront signs

Plywood signs are made out of slats of plywood and may be made out of a variety of woods. Plywood signs are a terrific way to give your business a rustic vibe while still being very customizable. Plywood signs are also covered with weather-resistant coatings, making them very robust and suitable for outdoor usage.

  • Pros: Mid-priced, long-lasting, eye-catching item with a variety of wood alternatives.
  • Cons: Professional installation is usually required.
  • Businesses with a more rustic, vintage-inspired, or old-fashioned brand will benefit the most.
  • The average cost is between $100 and $700.


Screen printing window storefront signs

Screen printed window signs are decals that you apply to the windows of your shop. Custom-painted alternatives are also available, although they will be more costly. Furthermore, although some companies utilize window signs as their principal signage, they are often used as supplementary signs on windows and doors.

  • Pros: Simple to install, long-lasting, cost-effective, adaptable, takes up no more space, and high-durable.
  • Cons: Due to glare, it is less visible from the street, and during high sunlight and it may peel and crack with time.
  • $150–$600 on average


Punched Metal Signboard

Metal signs with etched or laser cut graphics are known as punched metal or laser cut storefront signs. These signs are available in a variety of designs, ranging from sleek and futuristic to rustic ranch branding.

  • Pros: Extremely durable materials and finishes.
  • Cons: Wrong Materials may rust over time, and initial costs may be high.
  • Best for: Stores with a streamlined design.
  • The average cost is between $100 and $1500.


Metal Logo and Lettering

Individual pieces of metal lettering or design components are used to construct your company’s name or logo on metal logo or lettering signs.

Consider backlighting your letters to produce a luminous look and to improve visibility at night and in the evening.

  • Pros: Extremely long-lasting, extremely adaptable, and compact.
  • Cons: Expensive upfront, and needs a light source for nighttime usage.
  • Best for: Stores with a high budget and a sophisticated appearance.
  • The average cost is between $200 and $1,000.



Metal lettering is an excellent technique to give your business a professional appearance.


Awnings are a type of signage where someone screen prints a brand name or logo onto an awning. These signs are great for making your brand name stand out from your storefront, increasing visibility, and creating an exterior design feature.

Awnings are also manufactured of synthetic fabrics that are water-repellent and treated to prevent mildew and fading, as opposed to canvas materials that are required to be replaced every five to seven years. Awnings made of synthetic Materials may endure anywhere from five to fifteen years.

  • Pros: Customers get shade, it’s visible, and it’s long-lasting.
  • Cons: Expensive up-front costs; expert installation is required.
  • Best for: Businesses with a lot of sunlight, stores with plain exteriors that want to add curb appeal, stores with outdoor shopping, and stores with long waits for admission.
  • The average cost is between $500 and $5,000.


Rock Sign

Sign for rock storefronts is an option where a professional etches your logos or branding into an actual rock or boulder. You often find these at the entrances to neighborhoods and parks, but they are also popular for businesses that want to create an outdoorsy or natural feel.

The greatest challenge for rock sign storefronts is their size. Be sure you have enough square footage surrounding your storefront that a rock can fit without impeding traffic flow. They are also heavy, making them extremely difficult to move.

  • Pros: Long-lasting, eye-catching, and low-maintenance.
  • Cons: Expensive to move owing to size and weight, expensive shipping and delivery costs, and takes up a lot of room
  • Costs range from $500 to $10,000 on average.

Tip: You may save a little money by choosing synthetic stone Materials, which start at $350.


Tube Lights

Tube lights are a type of lit signage that features thin, colorful glass tubes formed into letters or logos. Think of the classic red and blue “OPEN” signs that sit in almost every convenience store window.

Tube light signs are bright and eye-catching, and they’re your best bet for being seen at night. While they are often seen in more utilitarian areas such as convenience shops and petrol stations, they may also be highly attractive and elicit a nostalgic sense when styled differently.

  • Advantages: Eye-catching, and low-energy consumption.
  • Cons: Fragile, tube replacement is required on occasion, expert installation is required, and a heat sink may be required.
  • Costs range from $1,000 to $10,000 on average.


Internet Signage

Digital signs, or signs featuring interactive and/or digital features, are at the cutting edge of retail signage. You may employ spinning pictures, virtual reality (VR), advertising displays, and product information pages with digital signage. Furthermore, digital displays can be simply and regularly altered and updated at a minimal cost.

  • Pros: Captures attention, stimulates interaction, and increases purchases.
  • Cons: Expensive and associated energy costs.
  • Best for: Establishments with a lot of information to show (menus, class schedules, more about what’s inside), stores with a contemporary and elegant appearance, and certain digital signage choices that must be used inside.
  • Costs range from $500 to $10,000 on average.


Storefront Signs on the Road or on the Pole

The enormous signs that retailers post on long poles or inside buildings outside their establishments are known as roadway signs. Almost every petrol station, for example, has a road sign with its brand name and current rates.

If you’re off the main thoroughfare, road signs are ideal for improving the visibility or creating an eye-catching display. Furthermore, road signs may be digital, allowing you to access services such as slideshows and commercial displays. They may also be illuminated with spotlights or illuminated signs, which is ideal for late-night businesses.

  • Pros: Eye-catching, and high visibility.
  • Cons: They’re pricey and take up a lot of room.
  • Best for: Establishments on major thoroughfares or near highways, as well as stores that operate at night.
  • Costs range from $700 to $10,000 on average.


2. Get a Sign for Your Storefront

When it comes to sourcing your storefront sign, there are several options available. From physical stores to eCommerce sites, you should weigh your alternatives and choose a signage merchant that can accommodate your schedule, price, and desired end-product.

When it comes to sourcing signage, there are a few things to consider.

You want to make sure you’re asking the appropriate questions while dealing with a signage firm. This ensures that your sales representative informs you of all available services and that you get the best possible pricing.

When contacting a sign business, here are some questions to ask:

  • Will the sign firm apply for any building permissions that are required?
  • Is the firm able to provide design services?
  • What are the price differences between the various Materials?
  • What sizes do you have?
  • What is the cost of adding extra color to my design?
  • Is there a charge for installation?
  • What kind of upkeep and cleaning does this material necessitate?
  • Is there a maintenance service provided by the company? At what price?
  • Is there any insurance or warranty offered by the firm for sign installation or any mishaps that may occur?
  • From the moment you choose your sign until the time it’s placed, what’s the timeline?

Sign Shops in Your Neighborhood

Local or regional sign businesses may create your signs on-site, giving you a more hands-on experience.

You may have to perform some independent investigation to identify a decent local sign store. Asking other local business owners where they had their signs produced is one approach to finding local providers. You may also look out for individual businesses’ online reviews on sites like Yelp or Etsy.

Additionally, most local stores will provide free consultations so that you may learn more about the services they provide and get a feel of their quality.


Websites that Print Signs Online

Online merchants provide quick response times and a wide range of products.

Low-cost sign printing is available on websites such as Vistaprint and Signomatic. Before dealing with an online store, make sure you’ve finished your design, outlined your requirements, and done your homework. An online signage company will be able to serve you better if you prepare ahead.


3. Create the final product

Consider the following suggestions when developing your final product to optimize your shop sign’s potential for attracting the correct consumers and generating sales.

Maintain Brand Consistency

Put yourself in the position of a consumer who is unfamiliar with your business while developing your storefront sign. Consider if your signage will make an impact that is consistent with your brand, services, and goods. If you answered yes, you’ve created a well-branded sign. If the answer is no, it’s back to square one.

Assume I operate a flower store with a bohemian theme and pick a sign with strong red letters in the gothic font on a black metal backdrop. This design would provide the wrong idea about my company and the services and goods it provides. My target market would be turned off.

The demographic group that frequents your business or a population to whom you believe your brand and items would appeal.

Start with what you have to strengthen your brand with your storefront sign. In addition to your shop name, including any current logos or artwork. You don’t have to start from the beginning every time.



These yoga studios had quite distinct signs, with one suggesting a camping or bar brand on the left and the other a feminine and relaxing style on the right.

Inspire yourself.

If you’re stuck in a design rut, one of the finest things you can do is look at what your rivals are doing. Take a trip around your area and see what business signage appeals to you. Think about what you enjoy and what you don’t like. You may also browse for additional ideas on Pinterest or in the design portfolios of online signage merchants.

Invest in Design Services

Your local sign business is likely to have a graphic designer on staff who can assist you with your artwork. Request examples of in-house designs and make sure they fit your requirements. Keep in mind, though, that design services might cost hundreds of dollars each hour. To minimize any unexpected costs, find out how much design services will cost in advance.

There are many design services available online. Online merchants sometimes include design consultation into their platform, albeit it is not as widespread as it is in brick-and-mortar stores. Websites like provide design services.

Be Courageous and Legible

Customers will recognize your shop from the street thanks to your storefront sign. As a result, you’ll want to make sure you’re utilizing a legible typeface, as well as eye-catching colors and patterns.

Use these design components to make your storefront sign stand out to boost your visibility:

  • Make sure your font and background colors have enough contrast so that people can read your sign even from a distance.
  • Bright colors: If you want to make your signs stand out, use bright colors. Bright colors are particularly effective for off-the-beaten-path establishments and road signage.
  • Use a sign that is proportional to the size of your storefront—an excessive sign in front of a small business may seem crowded, and a sign that is too small may obstruct the view.
  • Size: Pick a sign with enough space between all of your design components and text to make it readable.
  • To enhance the distance from which people can view your sign, have it protrude up or out from your storefront.

My business, for example, was nestled away on a side street in a bustling retail district. We picked a huge sign that protruded from the side of our shop and utilized black letters on a bright backdrop to help us stand out. Our sign’s size, prominent location, and high contrast helped visitors see us from the main retail area and attracted attention to us.


4. Put Your Sign Up

The most important factor to consider while putting up your sign is visibility. When considering visibility, keep the following in mind:

  • Your purchasing environment is as follows: What methods do individuals use to shop? Are they standing immediately outside your door, in close proximity, or passing by on a neighboring road? Consider how consumers will see your building from the outside and put your sign correctly.
  • How much room do you have? Large signage might be used if you have a lot of it. If you don’t, you may still employ huge signage, but they’ll have to be space-saving, such as banners or illuminated displays.
  • How the sign will compliment your business: You want your sign to be in the optimal location for visibility without detracting from the attractiveness of your storefront. Place your sign such that it complements your business while still being visible.

This chocolatier, for example, chose a sign that is flush with its storefront since it is situated on a pedestrian thoroughfare in a retail mall. Not only does this make the signs a design aspect of the storefront, but the height also enables it to be seen from the other side of the street.


5. Understand the Zoning Regulations in Your Area

Most municipalities have sign-on-display regulations, which you should familiarize yourself with before designing your company sign. Your local zoning commission may assist you in determining whether regulations apply to your company. You’ll discover criteria for:

  • Width
  • Height
  • Color
  • Font Dimensions
  • Materials
  • Display of the Message (some communities restrict message content)

Understanding zoning limitations ahead of time can save you time and money in the long run, as well as assist you to avoid penalties and costly rework.

Check with your local Chamber of Commerce or perform a couple of Google searches to learn about your zoning rules and where your commission is situated. This is what you can enter into Google:

Your ZIP Code + Zoning Regulations for Signage or Your City + Zoning Regulations for Signage


A storefront’s design is crucial for making a good first impression, identifying your brand, and luring customers in. The kind of sign you choose, the materials you use, and the design you make are all decisions that are specific to your company. With the help of this tutorial, you’ll be able to create a storefront sign that’s perfect for your company and attracts clients.

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