How to Generate Real Estate Leads on LinkedIn (+ Pro Tips)

Building your network and finding new clients is vital to the success of any business. In order for you to get a client, they need an introduction from someone else. The best way to do this is by leveraging LinkedIn’s powerful search engine in conjunction with some solid lead generation tactics that will make your job easier.

The “linkedin real estate profile examples” is a blog that gives advice on how to create your LinkedIn Real Estate Profile. The article also includes some pro tips.

How to Generate Real Estate Leads on LinkedIn (+ Pro Tips)

LinkedIn is a wonderful resource for creating organic and paid real estate leads for real estate agents who grow their network, successfully target their audience, share content and communicate with others, and utilize automated messaging and sales tools. Learn what makes LinkedIn such a valuable lead generation tool for real estate brokers, as well as how to generate real estate leads on the platform.

You’ll need a LinkedIn profile before you can utilize it to create real estate leads. If you haven’t built one yet or are unsure about your current profile, read our article How to Set Up Your Real Estate Agent Profile on LinkedIn (+ Examples) to ensure your page is ready to use for LinkedIn lead generating.

Now that you’re ready to make the most of your LinkedIn profile, here are some recommendations from the professionals on how to utilize LinkedIn to produce real estate leads:

1. Create a Network

It’s crucial to build a network of LinkedIn contacts, particularly when you’re initially getting started with your real estate LinkedIn profile. Making relationships broadens your reach, establishes your reputation, and demonstrates your dedication to promoting your own brand.

As a successful real estate agent on LinkedIn, your objective is to make as many local connections as possible as soon as possible, therefore you’ll need to know how LinkedIn’s connections function. Before you attempt to connect with anybody and everyone on LinkedIn, you need first learn about the LinkedIn degrees of connection:


Connection kinds on LinkedIn (screenshot)

The following are the three levels of LinkedIn connections:

  • 1st degree: LinkedIn members already in your network, such as when you’ve given a coworker a connection request and they’ve accepted it.
  • 2nd degree: LinkedIn users who are connected to your first-degree contacts via their networks. If a coworker has a link to a mortgage broker, for example, they have a second degree relationship to you. If the broker accepts your invitation, they become a first-degree connection, and everyone in their network becomes your second-degree connection.
  • LinkedIn users who are related to your second-degree contacts on a third-degree level. You can’t normally encourage third-degree contacts to connect with you directly (but you can usually follow them). To communicate with third-degree contacts, you must use LinkedIn’s premium capabilities to send them direct messages through “InMail.” Premium subscriptions begin at $29.99 a month and include three monthly InMail messages.

Allow LinkedIn to automatically connect with your email contacts.

Begin by expanding your LinkedIn network by using your current contact lists and sphere of influence (SOI), paying special attention to friends, family, coworkers, and prior customers. These folks are more likely to interact with you on social media since they already know and trust you.


Contact synchronization on LinkedIn as shown in a screen shot

While you may manually connect with people on LinkedIn, when you initially join and fill up your profile, you’ll be asked to give LinkedIn access to your email contact list and invite them to connect with you. This kind of networking may not be the most personal, but it is fast, efficient, and automated. You may do so by following the instructions below:

  1. Select “My Network” from the top bar.
  2. On the left sidebar, choose “Connection.”
  3. On the right side of the page, under “Add Personal Contacts,” type your email address.

Note that if you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to click “More Options” to choose your email provider and then follow the steps to upload contact files.

Send a brief thank-you note or re-introduce yourself if you haven’t talked in a while after a contact accepts your request to connect. You may also use this as an open-ended chance to offer your services or advise. Consider asking a contact to endorse you for one of your abilities or, better yet, leave a reference if you already have a connection with them.

Join Local LinkedIn Real Estate & Professional Groups

LinkedIn, like Facebook, provides groups you may join to expand your professional network. Networking events, industry insights, and more may all be found in groups. Most LinkedIn groups need a request to join, and others only allow you to join based on your professional credentials, so make sure your LinkedIn profile is comprehensive and that you continue to create connections to establish credibility.


An example of a LinkedIn Group search.

You may look for groups on LinkedIn by name, industry, or keywords. Simply enter in a specific search term in the search field, such as “manhattan real estate,” as seen above. You’ll discover networking groups, tips & techniques, clubs, and references to join.

You may be able to connect with other individuals in the group (but not your first and second-degree connections) without spending InMail credits for LinkedIn messages after you join a group. Make the most of LinkedIn by joining groups that are relevant to your business and target market. If you work mostly in tech-town, this may be a gathering of IT workers, or military spouses for those who specialize in relocation.

Connect With Out-of-Town Agents to Build a Referral Network Ralph Fox, Partner & Broker, Fox Marin Associates

1648388448_720_How-to-Generate-Real-Estate-Leads-on-LinkedIn-Pro“When seeking for leads on LinkedIn, networking with other agents—not just prospective clients—can be advantageous. I propose interacting with comparable agents in other locations in particular. I was at the top of an agent’s thoughts when one of her clients was seeking to invest in Toronto since I made a great impact on LinkedIn with her. Her recommendation resulted in a terrific transaction and a new client relationship—all because I met her on LinkedIn and had a solid profile that gave her faith in me.”

Use LinkedIn’s “People You May Know” feature to find people you may know.

The “People You May Know” tool on LinkedIn suggests connections based on your profile and first-degree relationships. It may suggest individuals who attended the same college, worked at the same firm, live in your city, or have a job title that is similar to yours. This makes it easier for you to interact with other professionals and broadens your reach among those already in your target market.


Screenshot of the section “People You Might Know”

This feature may be accessed by going to “My Network” and looking through the “People You Might Know” section. Send a request to connect with any of these individuals, but be sure to write them a small personal letter introducing yourself to start building a professional connection and avoid being mistaken for spam.

Add a Public Profile Badge to Your Website & Email Signature

Create LinkedIn public profile badges to add to your professional website, email signature, and other digital documents as another efficient approach to expand your network. These customised badges provide prospective customers with important information and allow them to easily access and read your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn generates badge choices and code for you to copy and paste on your website automatically.


From LinkedIn, an example of a Badge Creation page.

Follow these steps to create a public profile badge:

  • On the top right of the LinkedIn site, click “View Profile” beneath your image.
  • On the top right hand side, select “Edit public profile & URL”
  • On the right hand sidebar, scroll down until you locate “Public Profile Badge” and select “Create a Badge.”
  • Follow the instructions to make your badge, then copy and paste the code into your website.

2. Concentrate on a certain group of people.

A real estate niche is a certain audience, region, or property type that a real estate agent focuses on in order to attract specific sorts of clients. You may, for example, concentrate on first-time buyers, multi-family sellers, historic houses, holiday rentals, or a certain locale. LinkedIn may be used in conjunction with other marketing tactics to broaden your customer base and enhance lead creation.

Do you have a new listing that you’d like to share? Use LinkedIn to try out circle prospecting. Kinoko Real Estate’s Timothy McMullen is a Realtor.

1648388451_438_How-to-Generate-Real-Estate-Leads-on-LinkedIn-Pro“For one very particular reason, LinkedIn is a strong platform for producing leads: you can geotarget your leads.” LinkedIn’s infrastructure is based on the assumption that everyone will geotag themselves to a particular area, such as a workplace, building, or office. This is excellent for locating potential buyers for a home. When I have a listing in San Francisco’s downtown metropolis, I follow a very easy routine utilizing LinkedIn to create a large number of possible buyers:

  • Make a video of a walk-through of the building.
  • Five establishments within a few blocks of the listing should be targeted.
  • Within each firm, look for a list of my target customer demographic.
  • Connect with a listing video and send a brief introduction through direct chat.

“By using this approach, I can produce between five and ten actual real estate dialogues, which might lead to a buyer for my listing or prospective property purchasers.”

Join groups to create discussions and share articles relevant to your specialized real estate clientele. You may either generate your own pictures and content or use Canva to assist you in creating image-rich material. You may access hundreds of readymade templates and graphics to produce material for your articles that appeals specifically to your niche market. Take a look at the social media post templates below and sign up for a free Canva account now.


Canva is a great place to start.

3. Post Real Estate Content Frequently

Screenshot of Cameron Brown LinkedIn post

Screenshot of Samantha Lowenthal LinkedIn post

(Sources: 1st and 2nd posts)

Maintaining relevance on LinkedIn is essential for generating real estate leads. Engaging contributions that highlight your skills demonstrate your dedication to and enthusiasm for the real estate industry. Post current listings, upcoming listings, sold properties, or exceptional listings to your LinkedIn profile, but don’t spam it with them. To diversify your material and promote debate, interweave postings on various themes like home décor, industry trends, local market statistics, and customer testimonials.

Look to Artur’in for help with social media content if you’re stuck for ideas. Artur’in is a social media marketing firm that assists you in creating and scheduling social media posts so that your content remains relevant and consistent. They include pre-made layouts and graphics that you can change to make your articles stand out.

Pay a visit to Artur’in.

4. Leave a comment on other people’s posts to increase engagement.

LinkedIn allows you to like, share, and comment on other people’s postings in addition to submitting your own. While you can simply “like” or “heart” articles, which is a good start, commenting on them will help you create more connections and stimulate debate.

Consider the $1.80 method, an expert advice from internet marketing master Gary Vaynerchuck. Originally designed for Instagram, it can now be used on LinkedIn to create connections and generate real estate leads. Leave your “two cents” on 90 different posts related to your brand and company every day, for a total of $1.80 in daily thoughts. This will boost your engagement, expand your network, and help you generate leads on LinkedIn.

Bill Corbett Jr., President, Corbett Public Relations, Inc. follows up with prospects after they post.

1648388454_123_How-to-Generate-Real-Estate-Leads-on-LinkedIn-Pro“Studies demonstrate that taking action quickly produces outcomes. According to a study conducted by Sandler Sales Training in collaboration with LinkedIn, prospects are 100 percent more likely to react favorably to a call or message if they are contacted within five minutes of posting on LinkedIn. If you’re having problems reaching out to a prospect, just keeping an eye on them and connecting with them as soon as they post will offer you a far higher chance of getting on the phone.”

5. Take use of message automation services

Another strategy to produce real estate leads on LinkedIn is to send direct messages to your connections. You may send 30 to 150 messages each month with a LinkedIn premium account, depending on your package. While this is a reasonable amount of messages, as your network and outreach strategy grow, you may find that you need to increase your message count to create more leads.

Consider utilizing a LinkedIn message automator like Cleverly, Octopus, or We-Connect to save time and optimize your efforts. These tools create customized prospect lists based on the sorts of customers you want to engage with, then produce tailored messages that elicit answers, deliver these messages to hundreds of contacts each month, and funnel these leads into your real estate pipeline.

Here’s how each of these top-rated automated LinkedIn messaging services stacks up:

Make sure your client relationship management (CRM) is connected to whichever LinkedIn message automation solution you use for real estate lead creation. Through Zapier, a solution that facilitates online application connectors, any of the sites listed above may be integrated with CRM software.

Octopus, for example, simply interacts with HubSpot to manage and monitor your real estate leads. Pipeline management, email templates, drip campaigns, SMS text marketing, and meeting scheduling are just a few of the lead generation and nurturing services available in HubSpot. It also gives extensive data so you can follow leads and make the most of your marketing.

Go to to learn more.

6. Use CRM Tools to Convert

You need a means to manage your leads now that you’ve grown your LinkedIn network and have prospects coming into your inbox so you can maximize on your marketing efforts and start converting these leads into customers. You should acquire a real estate-friendly CRM that links directly with LinkedIn, similar to the CRM integrations offered for automated messaging services.

Pipedrive is a good solution for direct access to LinkedIn contacts, despite the fact that there are numerous CRMs to pick from. When you import your contacts using the free add-on program LinkPort, it auto-populates contact data such as name, contact information, and business. This allows you to leverage marketing tools such as email drip campaigns to provide tailored real estate adverts and materials to prospects.

Go to

7. Take use of LinkedIn’s paid advertising.


Software for LinkedIn targeting

Another way to create real estate leads on LinkedIn is to advertise on the network directly.

LinkedIn advertisements are particularly successful since you will be advertising to a network of professionals who are trying to expand their professional networks and recommend you to others in their network. They may display on your desktop, in your news feed, or in a message, giving you the freedom to choose how you want to communicate with other professionals. In addition to the multitude of formats available, LinkedIn enables you to target certain audiences based on demographic factors such as region, business, industry, and more, allowing you to narrow down the customer pool you want to target.

Other noteworthy characteristics of LinkedIn advertisements include:

  • Text advertising with a tiny picture, headline, and description for pay-per-click. It is perfect for budget-conscious agencies since you only pay when someone hits on your ad.
  • Retargeting: Using cookie-based technology, marketers may follow a user’s online activities. When someone comes to your website, you may display them your LinkedIn ad to attract them to use your services.
  • Lead generation forms: This will produce pre-filled forms for your visitors based on information from their profiles, increasing the likelihood that they will submit forms to you.

You may advertise yourself, develop referral relationships with other real estate professionals, and attract new clients by using LinkedIn advertising. Consider joining up for LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager if you want to take your LinkedIn ad experience to the next level. This tool will enable for real-time statistics and analytics to determine the efficacy of your adverts and ensure that you are targeting the right people.

Why Do Agents Use LinkedIn to Generate Real Estate Leads?


LinkedIn’s lead conversion rate is 277 percent higher than Facebook or Twitter, according to a HubSpot research. Because LinkedIn is a business-focused social site, it inherently instills a business attitude in its members. Unlike other social media networks, LinkedIn members are mostly interested in discussing, reading, and acknowledging other business professionals.

Also, according to, LinkedIn’s demographics are perfect for locating purchasers and sellers. For example, 77 percent of LinkedIn members are 30 or older, almost half make more than $75,000 per year, and half have a college diploma. This is a wonderful lead generating source for real estate brokers since it perfectly represents people who are looking to buy, sell, or rent a house.


While there are numerous lead generation possibilities, LinkedIn can help you produce real estate leads both organically and via sponsored techniques. LinkedIn allows you to network for referrals and establish connections with people who are looking for real estate help. You can establish an efficient LinkedIn real estate lead pipeline and convert more leads to customers by expanding your network, appealing to your target demographic, increasing interaction on the site, advertising, and employing lead generation technologies.

The “how to use linkedin for commercial real estate” is a great way to generate leads on LinkedIn. This article will provide you with some tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your time on LinkedIn.

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