How to Make Money Blogging: The True Ultimate Guide

While there are many different ways to make money blogging, the below article will explain how you can earn some extra cash and cover costs by starting your own blog.

If you look for “how to earn money blogging” on the internet, you’ll undoubtedly discover a wealth of information. Unfortunately, most of what you’ll learn from well-intentioned experts is incomplete—or inaccurate—and will only lead you to mediocrity at best. In the worst-case scenario, the counsel might have disastrous consequences.

To run a lucrative blog, you must approach it like a company, use the finest monetization tactics, and effectively advertise it. You must also keep a close eye on your outcomes and make adjustments to your methods as needed.

What to Expect From This Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Profit

For than a decade, I’ve been a blogger and a business development adviser to bloggers, and my marketing expertise spans more than two decades. I’ll lead you through the full process and tactics for developing a very lucrative blog in my comprehensive guide to earning money blogging. You’ll discover the actual factors that influence blogging success. This article will teach you how to earn a livelihood blogging—or perhaps make millions of dollars blogging.


Treat your blog like if it were a company.

Bloggers that are successful don’t simply “fly it.” Instead, they construct a blog business strategy to help them succeed. These successful bloggers recognize the value of investing in the correct resources and selecting a lucrative blogging niche. They also do market research and competitor analysis. Finally, they provide the most effective answers to their audience’s issues.


Invest in the Correct Assets

You don’t have to spend a lot to start a blog, but if you attempt to do it for free, you’re unlikely to generate any money. One of the greatest ways to set yourself up for blogging success is to invest in time-saving and profit-boosting blogging tools.

Create a Reliable, Flexible Platform for Your Blog

It’s critical to select a solid blogging platform that can assist your development while starting your site. That’s why I propose using Bluehost as your hosting provider to create a self-hosted WordPress site.

WordPress is used to power more blogs than any other website builder. It’s simple to construct any sort of blog using the builder, thanks to the enormous number of themes and adaptable plugins available for WordPress—even if your technical knowledge is minimal.

Bluehost is one of the most reputable WordPress hosting providers. Bluehost is trusted by millions of people for its dependable and secure hosting services.

Use the Time- & Money-Saving Blogging Tools

Would you attempt to construct a home with just a hammer and a saw? No, you wouldn’t do it. As a result, don’t attempt to start a blog with a shoddy set of tools.

Here are some resources and tools to add to your blogging toolkit:

  • Grammar checkers like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and WhiteSmoke may help you make sure your blog material is free of errors.
  • Ecommerce Tools: You’ll need an eCommerce platform like Shopify, Ecwid, or WooCommerce if you want to monetise your blog with physical or digital items.
  • Project and Editorial Management Tools: Use tools like Trello or the Co-Schedule Blog Schedule to keep track of your blogging projects and editorial calendar.
  • Payment Processing Tools: Use Square Payments, PayPal, or Stripe to accept payments on your blog.
  • Image-Editing Software: For your blog, you’ll need to produce and edit pictures. PicMonkey, Canva, and Placeit are all good options.
  • Building your email database is crucial to increasing your blogging revenues. Use popular name-capture technologies like OptinMonster or SumoMe’s Smart Bar.
  • Email Marketing Software: Use email marketing software like Constant Contact, Drip, Converkit, or Mailchimp to contact your blog readership.
  • Use social sharing tools like Sumo, Social Warfare, and ClicktoTweet to make it simple for your blog readers to share your material.

There are a plethora of blogging solutions accessible for a variety of company applications. If you’re having trouble with any element of beginning or maintaining your blog, see if there’s a tool that may help. Often, the greatest solutions may be found by asking other bloggers what they use in blogging Facebook groups or online blogger forums.

Do Not Be Afraid to Outsource

The majority of company owners aren’t specialists in all of the talents needed to grow their companies. Similarly, the majority of bloggers lack expertise in writing, graphic design, editing, proofreading, video production, website setup, marketing, SEO, and blog analytics. Do what savvy company entrepreneurs do as a business-building blogger: focus on what you do best and outsource the rest.

Here are a few outsourcing and freelancer sites where you may obtain help with a variety of blogging tasks:

  • Fiverr: This freelance marketplace focuses on delivering low-cost solutions for a variety of blogging jobs, such as digital marketing, blog post writing, and logo design.
  • Upwork: Upwork has a wide range of freelancers, from beginners to experts.
  • Use to hire freelancers for all of your blogging assignments.

Most successful bloggers have a roster of freelancers they can call on for different blogging initiatives. Many people also employ a virtual assistant (VA), which is a terrific method to have easy work done on a regular basis without having to assign assignments to your VA.

Study Your Market & Your Competition

Selecting a successful blogging niche is a vital step in developing a money-making blog. As a company owner, you should be aware of the industry you’re in, the audience you’re catering to, and the competition in your blogging sector. The more you know, the more likely you are to create original material that will wow your blog readership and keep them coming back for more.

Deliver the most effective solutions to your audience’s issues.

If you provide generic advice that doesn’t benefit your audience or that they can obtain in a million other places, you won’t be able to earn a livelihood blogging. You must differentiate yourself from the mass of bloggers fighting for attention by providing more value and better answers than your target audience can find elsewhere.


Keep in mind that the people that come to your site are there for a purpose. They’ve got a query that has to be addressed. They have issues that they must address. Your blog will be more successful if you can move your readers from where they are to where they want to go.

Create a well-defined blog content plan to ensure you’re providing the greatest material to your readers. Your content strategy will help you write blog entries that will appeal to your target audience. It will also prevent you from creating unprofitable, irrelevant material that has no bearing on the profitability of your blog.

The first—and most important—thing you need to create an excellent user experience for your blog readership is great content, but there’s more you can do. Make sure your blog loads fast, structure your site so it’s clear what it’s about, and use simple site navigation so your visitors can easily discover what they’re searching for.


It’s critical to provide an amazing experience for your blog visitors if you want to increase blog income. is the source for this information.

Select the Appropriate Blog Monetization Methods

Building a blog without a revenue strategy is never a smart idea, and most new bloggers make this mistake. Because you’re treating your blog like a company, you already know you need to think about how you’ll earn a steady stream of income from your work. There are a variety of methods to start making money from your blog, and some are more profitable than others.

Some monetization options, such as creating online courses or unique items, demand a significant amount of time and work on your behalf, but the rewards may be enormous. Others, such as joining an advertising network, don’t require much effort, but you’ll normally only make a little profit, especially if your blog has less than 25,000 page views each month.

The good news is that even if your traffic is tiny, you can start monetizing your blog. Multiple monetization tactics are used by highly successful bloggers to boost their revenues.


Profit from Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money as a blogger by advertising the goods and services of others. You are paid every time one of your blog readers takes an action, which is generally a purchase, but it may also be filling out a form or even visiting a third-party website, depending on the affiliate arrangement.

Affiliate marketing is simple to begin started with. Affiliate marketing accounts for 40 percent to 60 percent of the income reported by top bloggers. Even if you’re just starting out as a blogger, you may become an affiliate marketer.

Affiliate programs bring in a few dollars per month for some bloggers, hundreds for others, and thousands for others. Affiliate marketing has the potential to provide a full-time income, particularly if you can draw a big audience for the affiliate goods and services you promote.

Here are some of the best affiliate programs and networks to look into:

  • Rakuten Marketing
  • ClickBank
  • ShareASale
  • Associate Program with Amazon
  • eBay’s Affiliate Program
  • JVZoo

The programs listed above are only a few of the most prominent, but there are many more businesses that run their own affiliate programs. Whether you come across a product that you believe might be ideal for your blog’s readership, see if the product owner provides an affiliate program.

You may join programs like Skimlinks or Viglink if you don’t want to deal directly with affiliate networks and their merchants. These tools still allow you to benefit from affiliate marketing, but instead of joining one merchant program at a time, Skimlinks and Viglink analyze your blog material and generate links to product owners’ affiliate programs automatically. If you mention a lot of products on your site, batch-style affiliate link processing might save you a lot of time.


Sell Digital & Physical Products on Your Blog

Selling digital or physical things is one way to monetise your blog. These may be things you make yourself or buy from a third-party vendor.

The following are just a few examples of things you may sell on your blog.

  • Create and publish your own e-books (this is incredibly popular and simple to accomplish!)
  • Merchandise with your logo, such as mugs and planners
  • Paintings, sketches, prints, and sculptures are examples of original art.
  • Apps and software
  • Plans for meal preparation
  • Exercise routines
  • T-shirts
  • Planners, Checklists, notebooks, and guidelines
  • Templates for social media or graphics
  • Boxes of subscriptions
  • Recipes
  • Products with a private label
  • Meditations or unique music are examples of audio recordings.
  • Images from the public domain
  • Items produced by hand

You may rapidly set up an online shop inside your blog and begin selling. Simply make sure that the goods you sell on your site are relevant to your blog’s readership; otherwise, you’ll put in a lot of time and work for little reward.

Selling things on your site may make you anything from a few dollars to several thousand dollars each month. It all relies on the things you offer and your ability to properly advertise them.


Sarah Titus, a blogger and Shopify business owner, makes more than $700,000 per year selling printable files. is the source of this information.


Many novice bloggers observe other bloggers using advertisements on their blogs and assume that this is a good way to earn money blogging. The fact is that advertising is a good method to generate money, but it will never make you wealthy.

What’s fantastic about advertising is that you can put the code on your site and forget about it, especially if you’re using a third-party advertising network. You may basically sit back and earn passive revenue from those adverts month after month after the code is implemented. It’s simple money.

The disadvantage of advertising is that it takes a lot of traffic to produce a lot of money; some ad networks won’t even accept you until you reach 25,000 to 30,000 monthly page views. Even then, advertising may only bring in a few hundred dollars each month. As a result, bloggers who monetize their blogs with ads also use alternative methods of monetization.

Here are some of the best advertising networks to look into:

  • Google AdSense
  • Mediavine
  • Monumetric
  • AdThrive
  • Infolinks

You may also negotiate advertising deals directly with product and service suppliers for your site. This takes more work, but it frequently pays off in terms of increased advertising revenue.

To begin a private advertising campaign for your website, provide information on how to contact you for advertising information on your blog—this is usually found in the footer of most blogs. You may also create an advertising rate card and a media kit for your blog to advertise on your site.


The Endless Meal Blog has over 430,000 page views every month and earns $5,800 via the AdThrive network, accounting for 83 percent of its revenue. is the source of this information.

Sponsored Articles

Many bloggers make a good living blogging by adding Sponsored Articles to their blog and social media posts. Depending on your traffic and audience, you may make between $25 and several hundred dollars for each sponsored post. Top bloggers with large audiences can charge into the thousands per post.

Joining influencer networks is one of the simplest methods to uncover sponsored post possibilities. These platforms link bloggers with sponsors and handle all project and payment details on your behalf.

Here are a few well-known influencer marketing platforms to look into:

You can also secure Sponsored Articles by reaching out to brands and business owners directly. When conducting outreach campaigns, be sure to demonstrate the value you bring to the table as a blog influencer with a relevant and devoted audience.


The Savvy Couple blog’s average monthly income has risen to $43,547, with sponsorships accounting for 61 percent of the blog’s revenue. is the source of this information.

Online Courses

As a blogger, selling online courses provides a possibility to earn a decent life. With their popular courses, top bloggers make six- and sometimes seven-figures each year. You may not achieve those sorts of figures right away, but if you’re skilled at both establishing a blog following and generating relevant online courses, this monetization approach might help you earn a decent living.


Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, the creator of the Making Sense of Cents blog, has made more than $500,000 from her popular courses.

Promote Professional Services on Your Blog

Offering coaching, consulting, freelancing, and other professional services is another smart method to earn money blogging. You may utilize your blog to boost your reputation and establish yourself as a subject matter expert in your field. Then you may market your skills to others who wish to take advantage of your extensive knowledge and expertise.

The amount of money you may earn selling services is very variable and is mostly determined by the sorts of services you provide, your expertise, and the general perceived worth of your services. A freelance copywriter, for example, may earn $50 to $95 per hour, while high-end executive trainers can charge $250 to $750 per hour.


In 2019, the Club Thrifty blog’s freelance writing revenue alone brought in more than $400,000.

Events & Paid Speaking Opportunities

If you’re a natural performer—or a motivating and inspiring speaker—you may earn a good livelihood by offering your speaking services on your blog. Hosting your own events, such as in-person or online retreats, webinars, seminars, and conferences, may also make you a lot of money.

Each speaking engagement might pay anything from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. You may make much more as an event producer, facilitator, or speaker.

If you have the proper topic, the right sort and quantity of audience to sell to, and an appealing line-up of speakers, live in-person events may earn well into the six figures. Unfortunately, the cost of staging a large-scale in-person event—which may run into the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars—means that this monetization strategy isn’t feasible for many writers.

If you don’t have the means or the desire to go all-in on a major conference, consider hosting a free or low-cost online event and inviting people in your industry to attend. You may then sell event recordings or provide related services and paid courses as follow-ups to monetise the event.

The benefit of having online retreats is that all of the specialists that attend will promote the event to their respective audiences. This might provide your site a lot of exposure.


The Bestseller Online Summit is an example of an online event that you may host to monetize your site.

Make Money Blogging via Memberships & Private Communities

Set up private memberships and groups and charge for access to limited material to round out our list of common methods to monetise your site.

A variety of solutions are available to assist you in creating a membership site or gated content on your blog, including:

Some of these tools have limited free introductory programs, but membership platforms typically cost between $25 and $200 each month. The good news is that by creating a dynamic, popular membership site that is in great demand, you may earn into the low hundreds or even tens of thousands of dollars every month.


Grow Your Blog’s Readership

“If you build it, they will come,” as the classic Field of Dreams saying goes, does not apply to blogging. If you want to grow an audience, you’ll need to advertise and promote your blog on a regular basis and use clever search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. To make money blogging, you must first increase your blog visitors.

Blog Marketing & Promotion

There are a variety of strategies to publicize your blog. To assist them expand their email addresses, most bloggers employ lead magnets, which are free freebies or offers that their audiences demand. You may also promote your blog with social networking, email marketing, and paid advertisements.

To get the word out about your blog, you may also work with others who have a large following. Volunteering to be a guest blogger or presenting as a guest on a podcast or at an event are two popular methods to achieve this. The better you are at advertising your blog, the more likely you are to make money from it.

Develop Compelling Lead Magnets to Use in Blog Promotions & Marketing

It helps to persuade people to visit your blog or subscribe to your email list if you want them to follow you. A lead magnet is an excellent approach to draw in a relevant blog readership.

Here are a few common lead magnets that you may make and offer:

  • Checklists
  • E-books
  • Sheets of cheats
  • Printables
  • Short courses
  • Planners
  • Case studies
  • Webinars
  • Trials
  • Quizzes
  • A free coaching session
  • Challenges
  • Samples of products

You don’t have to devote a lot of effort to developing your lead magnets. What matters most is that you design something that your audience will value enough to sign up for your email list in order to get the free item. This allows you to begin a connection with your site visitors through email marketing, which is one of the most effective methods to monetise your blog.


As a lead magnet, the Gimme Some Oven blog provides free recipes to its readers. is the source of this information.

Promote Your Blog Using Email Marketing

The primary reason you want to start with email marketing is so you can connect with your site readers instead of waiting for them to return to your blog or stumble upon one of your articles on other social media networks.

According to the HubSpot State of Email Marketing Study for 2020, 99 percent of individuals read their email on a daily basis, and 59 percent indicate that emails affect their purchase choices.

If you’re serious about generating money from your blog and don’t already have one, now is the time to sign up for one. It’s also important to come up with a convincing lead magnet (or two or three more to test) so you can start building your email list.

Don’t use a “one-size-fits-all” method when sending emails to your list. Instead, segment your audience depending on their interests, which you can generally deduce from the sorts of articles or lead magnets they’ve downloaded from your site. Email marketing that are highly relevant and segmented perform 760 percent better than generic ones.


Segmented email marketing, according to the DMA, generate 760 percent more income than one-size-fits-all efforts.

Promote Your Blog on Social Media

The majority of bloggers are familiar with prominent social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you’re a business blogger, you should absolutely be on LinkedIn. Social media marketing is a strategy to increase traffic to your blog and enhance your online presence.

The problem with social media is that although you have control over what you publish, you don’t have control over what your followers see. Because there is so much competition for what shows in social media news feeds, you’ll be fortunate if 2 percent to 7% of your postings appear in the feeds of your followers.

It’s critical that you plan out your social media strategy and provide consistently high-quality content. Fresh, timely updates are favored by social networks, which reward individuals who provide highly engaging material. The amount of people who view your posts grows when your followers actively connect with them—through shares, likes, and comments. A viral article may boost your blog’s traffic significantly.


With 5.4 million likes on Facebook alone, this grammar quiz went viral.

Don’t forget about Pinterest and YouTube while planning your social media approach. These social media platforms are distinct from others in that they act as content search engines, similar to Google. People go to these channels to look for things they’re interested in, and if your material is well-optimized for the channel, they’ll find it.

YouTube and Pinterest are well-known for driving a lot of traffic to blogs. YouTube is used by more than 58 percent of all internet users, so you’ll have a ready-made audience.

Pinterest is so beneficial for bloggers that some claim it accounts for 50 percent to 92 percent of their traffic. To be honest, I didn’t believe it until I began promoting my site on Pinterest. I moved from getting no traffic from Pinterest to receiving more than 30% of my traffic from the site in only a few months.


The Midwest Foodie site gets over two-thirds of its traffic from social media, with Pinterest accounting for about 92 percent of that.

Develop a Blogger Outreach Strategy that Works

The most successful bloggers understand that passive marketing and promotion techniques are insufficient to assure their success, which is why they build active blog outreach programs. The practice of reaching out to bloggers, influencers, and media outlets to get recognition for your blog material as well as oneself as an authority in your industry is known as blog outreach.

Blog outreach has two major advantages. The first is that you improve your internet presence, which may result in more visitors to your site and, as a result, more blog earnings. The second benefit of blog outreach is that it allows you to get backlinks from prominent websites and influencers. Having a large number of high-quality backlinks indicates to Google that your site is of high quality, which may contribute to your blog articles being ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Search Engine Optimization

Ranking high on Google has a lot of advantages for bloggers. The higher your articles rank in Google searches, the more likely you are to increase the overall amount of visitors that come to your site from Google. The best method to boost your blog’s ranks is to have a good search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that involves optimizing each blog post you write to increase the likelihood of it ranking well on Google.


I don’t want you to overlook the necessity of effective SEO, nor do I want you to believe that by selecting the perfect keywords, you can rank #1 on Google for all of your articles. Keyword research is critical, but it’s just one of many processes in optimizing your site for search engines.

Develop expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

Google strives to provide its consumers the best results for whatever they’re looking for. Google does this by assessing the material on your blog in terms of its Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EAT).

One approach to demonstrate your EAT to Google is to have well-written content with the right breadth for the topic at hand. For example, if the average length of competing posts is 3,000 words and yours is just 1,000 words, this might imply that your piece isn’t as detailed as others. That isn’t to say that lengthier entries are better; everything must be pertinent to the topic at hand. (However, according to a serpIQ research, the average word count for the number one position on Google is 2,416; this does not suggest that longer articles always rank better; it just shows that top posts are longer.)

The Most Influential Factors Affecting Your Blog’s Google Rank

Backlinks from authoritative websites help Google determine your authority, which is why blog outreach is so crucial. Google will consider your material to be extremely reputable if it receives a lot of shares.

When Google ranks your website, it takes into account a variety of variables. Here are some questions to ask to evaluate whether your blog passes Google’s fundamental SEO requirements:

  • Is there a sitemap on your website?
  • Is your blog’s material well-organized and closely connected, demonstrating a breadth of knowledge?
  • Is your material keyword-rich, not keyword-stuffed, and written in natural language that people use rather than artificial language that search crawlers use to fool them?
  • Is your website simple to navigate, quick to load, and adaptable to any device?
  • Are your page URLs and meta descriptions accurate representations of your blog’s pages?

Off-Page SEO vs. On-Page SEO

There are two sorts of SEO: organic and paid. The first is on-page SEO, which refers to everything you do on each blog post and page to make it search engine friendly. For WordPress users, the Yoast SEO plugin is the most popular on-page SEO tool. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, refers to anything you do “off” the page to improve your search engine visibility and reputation, such as generating backlinks, developing sitemaps, and so on.

On-page SEO is something that most bloggers pay attention to. The off-page SEO efforts of most bloggers fall short, and here is where you can offer your company a major edge by ensuring you optimize your blog utilizing the finest off-page SEO tactics.


There are numerous stages of SEO, starting with the fundamentals and progressing to assisting you in achieving top Google results.

Track & Measure Blog Results

A company that has no notion how well it is doing will not last long. That’s why you need to maintain track of crucial company profitability elements including costs and revenues, as well as your blog’s key performance indicators (KPIs).

I strongly suggest QuickBooks or FreshBooks if you need assistance keeping track of your blog’s expenditures and revenues. These simple accounting tools can ensure that you are aware of how much money you are making from your blog. They’ll also check to see whether you’re prepared for the tax man.

You’ll want to keep track of your social media performance data, as well as any advertising stats from any sponsored advertisements you run. Additionally, tracking email stats will allow you to see what’s working and what isn’t, allowing you to optimize your efforts. Different forms of indicators may assist you to decide if your time and money investments in your blogging company are paying off.

The most common tool used by most bloggers to measure and evaluate KPIs on their blogs is Google Analytics. As you create and manage your blog, pay special attention to the following Google analytics on your site:

  • Total sessions: This is the total number of individual sessions that have been initiated on your site; for example, if someone visits your site five times, that counts as five sessions.
  • Total page views: When deciding whether or not to partner with you, advertising networks and sponsors will often ask for your total page views.
  • Conversions: Google Analytics may monitor your conversions if you give conversion criteria.
  • New Users as a Percentage of Returning Visitors: Keeping track of how many visitors return to your blog is a fantastic method to gauge loyalty. Keeping track of how many new blog readers are arriving to your site is a simple approach to monitor the performance of new campaigns.
  • Average session length: The longer people remain on your site, the more engaged they are with your content.


You may use Google Analytics to see where your blog’s traffic is coming from. Google Analytics (

You may change the time period covered in your Google Analytics report to better understand how your audience is changing over time. You may also compare time periods, which is very useful for comparing year-over-year or seasonal performance.

When reviewing your company performance, keep in mind that most website data are only indicators of how you’re performing. The easiest way to gauge success is to see whether you’re generating more money than you’re spending.

Expect to develop slowly, as if you were planting a tree. You’ll be producing money before you realize it, thanks to careful nurturing and clever strategies—as well as a fair lot of hard labor.


This infographic offers four alternative approaches to calculating your blog’s return on investment (ROI).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are a few queries that I receive from bloggers on a regular basis. Answers to the most often asked questions about how to earn money blogging may be found here.

What are the best ways for new bloggers to generate money?

You probably don’t have enough site traffic as a new blogger to monetize your blog via advertising. That’s why individuals just starting out choose for a variety of revenue-generating tactics, such as selling physical and digital goods. Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, is the most common technique for newbies to generate money.

What is the average income of a blogger?

It’s a bit of a wild ride when it comes to how much money bloggers earn. Top bloggers may earn anything from $1 million to $20 million each year. Bloggers in the middle make between $60,000 and $120,000 a year. Those who are just starting out might expect to earn between $20,000 and $40,000 per year. Those who do not approach their blogs like a company seldom earn more than a few hundred dollars each month, if at all.

What are the most common ways for bloggers to generate money?

Most bloggers make money through a blend of monetization strategies, including affiliate marketing, Sponsored Articles, advertising, and selling their own physical or digital products. Creating online courses, for example, is quickly becoming a top way many bloggers make money today.

Is blogging on its way out?

Some speculate that blogging may be on its way out, given the rise of podcasts and the rising popularity of vlogging. It’s not the case. According to Statista, the number of bloggers in the United States is now about 31.7, and this figure is likely to rise.

When is it time to call it quits on your blog?

If you don’t have the time to spend intelligently on your blog, you should consider abandoning it. You may steadily expand your blog, but if you treat it more like a hobby than a legitimate company with a good blog business strategy, it will never generate much money.

What causes blogs to fail?

The most common reason for blog failure is a lack of strategic content, business, revenue, and marketing initiatives. You can’t only be excellent at one thing while ignoring the other important components of running a great blog; it won’t work, and your site will fail.


You can create a money-making blog, but it’s not as simple and easy as some blogging gurus would have you think. You need to treat your blog as if it were a company. and decide on monetization strategies that are right for you and your audience. You also must promote your blog and proactively drive blog traffic. Finally, you must track and measure performance, so you can consistently improve results over time. When you do all these things, you set yourself up to make a very nice living through blogging.

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