How to Maximize Your Free Indeed Job Posting in 6 Steps

Indeed is an excellent resource for finding employment, but the reality of its usefulness can be daunting. This article will walk you through how to maximize your free Indeed Job Posting in 6 Steps so that it’s most effective and efficient.

How to Maximize Your Free Indeed Job Posting in 6 Steps

Every month Indeed receives over 200 million visits and 100 million resumes. Posting a job on Indeed is entirely free. You can avoid losing your account if you take the proper precautions. Alternatively, for approximately 25 cents to $1.50 per click, you may “sponsor” or promote your Indeed job posting to gain more views.

The six stages to getting the most out of your Indeed job ad are outlined here.

1. Create a free Indeed account and post a job.

Employers may post open job postings for free on Indeed, and no credit card is necessary. To post a job on Indeed, establish a free employer account using your corporate email, fill up your relevant job details, and submit it. This is a good choice if you’re making your first hiring or can’t afford paid advertising.


To post a free job on Indeed, choose the Employers option.

Complete the following steps to advertise a job on Indeed for free:

  • Go to and click on Employers/Post Job (see image above)
  • Create a free employer account by following the steps.
  • Provide details about the position, such as the firm name, the job title, and the job description.
  • When it comes to the sponsorship page, you may skip to the free job posting section.

Indeed mandates that you include some form of text in the firm name section when you set up your account and submit a job. If you wish to raise a blind ad, you may use your company name or a business unit name like “marketing department.” This is useful if, for example, you need to post a position for a new administrative assistant but don’t want your present administrative assistant to know.


Screenshot demonstrating how simple it is to create your first Indeed job ad for free.

On each Indeed job search page, sponsored job postings appear in the top two to three listings and the bottom two to three listings. So if a free job posting isn’t getting you the results you desire, a sponsored job ad on Indeed might help you gain more visibility. In Step 4, we’ll teach you how to support a job.


An example of how to advertise a job on Indeed for free without paying a fee.

You may skip this step and then sponsor it later if you need additional candidates when creating your position.

2. Ensure that the job posting attracts the most qualified applicants.

Half of Indeed’s 200 million monthly job searchers use a mobile device to look for work. Because there isn’t much screen real estate, attracting the most qualified people to click and apply on your free job ad will require some work. Here are a few tips for making the most of your free Indeed job ad, so it attracts the best people, whether they’re looking on a laptop or mobile device.

Choose a job title that attracts job seekers.

Some occupations get greater attention than others. Therefore, you’ll need a title that is both descriptive and engaging, and you may need to conduct some research. If you’re looking for ideas, check out our post on how to pick a job title or use Indeed’s job title generator.

Indeed’s job title generator is handy since it provides details such as:

  • How many job openings are presently available for the position you’re interested in?
  • How many individuals seek that job title when looking for vacant employment?
  • Based on the job title, how well various job posts score.

A snapshot of the job names for accounting job positions, as well as the amount of clicks each job title receives, is shown below. For example, notice how using the job titles Accounts Payable Clerk or Accounts Receivable Clerk generates significantly more clicks than using the job title Bookkeeper?


On Indeed, a comparison of comparable job names for accounting careers.

These insights might help you develop the ideal job title for your open position so that it appears in Indeed’s organic search and attracts more qualified candidates.

Write an Interesting & Clear Job Description

The Job Description form on Indeed includes data columns describing duties, job experience, abilities, and education. Of course, a decent job description will not only attract the proper candidates. Still, it will also assist unqualified applicants in opting out once they realize they aren’t qualified or don’t match your company’s culture.


Sample text for the Indeed Job Description field.

Here are a few more pointers to help guarantee that your job description attracts suitable candidates.

Make it simple to read your job description.

To reach more job seekers, Make it simple to read your job description and be specific enough on the job description that job seekers can determine whether their skills match. Job seekers are probably looking at several jobs a day; you’ll want your job posting to stand out.

Divide the job description into parts with clearly defined titles such as “Required Skills” or “Work Environment,” and then use summaries or bulleted statements beneath each area, as illustrated above. This allows job searchers to rapidly examine the job description and determine if it is a position they are qualified for and would want to apply for.

Make a distinction between what is required and what is desirable.

If a skill or education is required, make sure to mention it. For example, you could demand high school graduation or GED and the ability to communicate in Spanish. This informs candidates as to whether or not they should pursue it. Professor Ronda M. Smith offers the following advice:


“Every item on the job advertisement can promote or discourage a prospect from self-selecting into or out of your pool of candidates. When creating an online job ad, think about who you want in your collection and how your posting can deter qualified candidates from submitting in the first place. Each need or desired qualification should be carefully considered.”

— Ronda M. Smith, Ph.D., Ball State University Assistant Professor of Management

While you want to be clear about the prerequisites and nice-to-haves, you also don’t want to have a massive list of “must-haves” that would deter suitable applicants from applying.

Share interesting information with potential employees.

To assist job seekers in picking your firm and job over others, provide information about your organization and work culture, such as when it started or your goal statement. You’d be amazed how much information like the company’s history, the fact that it’s a startup, or the benefits are given may persuade job hunters to apply.

3. Take control of your company and career page by claiming it.

Indeed, Glassdoor publishes employee and job candidate evaluations. Your “True Company and Careers Page” is where reviews are shown. This page most likely already exists, and you must claim it. To find out, go to and enter in your business name. As an example, we’ve included ours below.


This page allows potential employees to learn more about your organization and assess if it is an excellent place to work. You can get the most out of your job posts by sharing them on social media or embedding them on your company’s website. Because it updates in real-time, if you pause or end a position in Indeed, it will be deleted from your Company and Careers page as well.

4. Invest in your job posting by sponsoring it.

While the number of free job listings is unlimited, sponsoring your job ad might help you reach people quicker. Sponsored job postings are displayed at the Top of Indeed search results, and you may begin with a daily budget of $5.

What Does It Cost to Advertise a Job on Indeed?

The sponsored adverts on Indeed are based on a pay-per-click approach. You pay a charge for each job seeker who “clicks” on your job posting, which may range from 25 cents to $1.50. The actual cost per click for your job ad varies depending on the local competition for comparable positions.

Here’s an example of sponsored job listings at the top of a job seeker’s search results. The positions with red circled text are the ones you look for. Click here to gain $50 in free advertising if you wish to sponsor a post.


Don’t worry; your $50 sponsorship credit is saved in your account, so you may spend it whenever you want. In truth, you don’t have to decide when you set up the work. Instead, you may wait and see whether your well-chosen job title and well-written job description are enough to attract applications. If not, you may post your job opening on the internet.

What is the Process for Sponsoring a Job on Indeed?

It’s as easy as the screenshot below if you want to undertake sponsored advertising for a job posting on Indeed. You would click “proceed” to set up your campaign and pay at this point in the job advertising process. Otherwise, go on to the next section.


When sponsoring work to increase awareness, you may choose your budget.

You may specify a monthly budget, a daily budget, and an applicant goal number. Indeed will attempt to accomplish your objectives by bidding on your behalf automatically. However, once your budget or job posting expiration date has passed, they will no longer show your job ad at the top of search results. On the other hand, job searchers may locate your job posting by searching for jobs with that title.

Why Is It Beneficial to Sponsor a Job Ad?

The relevance and recency of Indeed’s search results are factors. Free job postings may outperform three to five times when using sponsored listings. On the other hand, free listings slide lower down in search results as they become older. Since they’re constantly visible, Sponsored posts don’t attract additional candidates. This can be seen in our example in the figure above, which forecasts 296 candidates with sponsorship vs. 40 applicants with a free posting, albeit 40 applicants may be sufficient depending on the job opportunity.

Furthermore, if you achieve a certain number of sponsored advertising, Indeed offers you the free option of becoming a Featured Employer, which means your firm, logo, and job listings will appear in a more prominent position on the employee’s job search page. Check out the alternatives for being a Featured Employer on Indeed.

5. Create job postings on your company’s website that appear on Indeed.

You have a careers page with jobs posted – without you having to do or pay anything. Indeed are always looking for fresh job posts to add to their site, and they use search engines and crawlers to discover them. Certainly is likely to identify and publish those opportunities for job searchers to find on Indeed if your company website is search engine friendly.

Here are some tips for making it more likely that Indeed will identify and connect your job postings.

Bold the Job Title & Place it at the top

Put the job title at the top of your ad, preferably towards the top, and make it bold to make it stick out. Indeed will not link to it if it is mixed with everything else.


Make the headline of your job posting on your website stand out so Indeed can locate it.

Also, be as descriptive as possible with your job title, or try altering it to a more common term that you may find using Indeed’s Job Title Generator.

Each job posting should include your company’s name.

This may sound simple, yet some employers merely include a contact email or an application submission button, omitting their firm name because they believe it is self-evident. Indeed, on the other hand, you need this information to add positions to your Company and Careers page.


Include your firm’s name in all job postings on your career’s website.

Indeed is seeking listings that contain firm names, so take the time to double-check that you’ve included it. In addition, if your firm has a social media page, provide that as well.

Add a city and state to a physical location.

Indeed is on the lookout for a physical address. Put your firm’s starting address, post office box, or the address where you receive your business mail, even if you don’t have one. Indeed do not like several locations, so make sure you include one. Include a city, state, and ZIP code if possible.

It’s a significant benefit if the job is distant or supports telework. However, because Indeed won’t let you include this information in the Location section, you’ll want to have terms like “remote,” “work from home,” or “off-site” early in your job description.

Give each job its web page with its URL.

Indeed will not connect to sites or job feeds that include multiple job listings. Instead, it requires a unique URL for each position associated with a particular job ad. Create separate web pages for each job posting if you have many job posts on your website.


A unique URL is required for each job posting on your jobs page.

If you’re utilizing applicant tracking software like Freshteam, each position will usually come with a URL link.

Use Keywords That Are Relevant Throughout Your Job Description

Use many keywords linked to the position and industry in your job description. It’s also a good idea to use as many terms from your work title as possible. The more keywords you include, search engines and Indeed will see your job ads more likely.

Remember to include a submit button or an email address.


Whether it’s a, submit application button or a sentence like “Send resumes and applications to,” provide clear directions for how a candidate should apply for the position.

While there is no limit to how many free job listings you may create, sponsoring your free Indeed job posting will help you discover better candidates quicker. You may sponsor a job that you have listed directly on Indeed or one that is on your website.

6. Once the job is filled, remove the free job postings.

Before you publish another job with the same title, make sure you remove any open job listings; otherwise, Indeed may flag you for advertising equal opportunities – and your free account may be locked. Then, go to the job and choose the closest one to you.

Let’s imagine you have a job opening for a waiter and fill it with a beautiful recruit; next week, you have another position. If it’s a sponsored post, you may be able to keep the same position available and utilize that one job ad to attract and fill as many people as possible. If it’s a free job ad, though, it’s preferable to close the filled position and publish a new one to keep things fresh.

Final Thoughts

Indeed may be a valuable resource for locating qualified personnel, mainly if you take the time to ensure that your job ad is factual and attractive. You should be well on your way to acquiring a decent set of quality applications and making the most of your Indeed job posting if you follow the processes and advice above, whether you post for free or pay to acquire more prospects. On Indeed, click to earn $50 in free sponsorship credit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is sponsoring a job on Indeed worth it?

A: Yes, it is worth the money to sponsor a job.

How much does Indeed charge per click?

A: Indeed does not charge for clicks in their initial job posting. However, it is highly recommended that you read the fine print carefully before selecting a position with Indeed, as employers can change their policies at any time without warning.

Does Indeed cost money?

A: Indeed does not cost money. It is free to use and has no ads on it

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