How to Set Up a Real Estate Facebook Page in 9 Steps (+ Examples)

Facebook is an invaluable tool for real estate agents. Learn how to set up a new Facebook page in this article, including the best way to customize your landing page and use ads effectively.

The “real estate facebook page description examples” is a guide that will teach you how to set up a Facebook Page for your real estate business. It will also include some of the best practices and tips to help you get started with your Facebook Page.

How to Set Up a Real Estate Facebook Page in 9 Steps (+ Examples)

Your real estate Facebook page is crucial to the success of your Facebook marketing efforts. You can attract new customers and enhance your brand by building a Facebook business page with a compelling title, description, and professional photographs. Adding a A call-to-action button is a button that encourages people to take action., personalizing the tabs on your website, and understanding the Business Suite capabilities can also help you create real estate leads and expand your customer base. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to set up and optimize your real estate Facebook page for interaction.


1. Create a Facebook account

Because business pages are directly connected to personal accounts, a personal Facebook account is required to establish a Facebook business page. If you already have a personal Facebook account, go to the next step and establish a real estate Facebook page for your company.


Page for creating a Facebook account

It’s simple to create a personal Facebook account if you don’t already have one. Create a Facebook account by going to and clicking “Create Account.” To finish the sign-up procedure, enter your name, email or Number to call, password, and date of birth on the following page. You don’t have to actively post on your personal account if you don’t want to, but you’ll need one to create a real estate Facebook page for your company.

2. Create a Facebook Business Page for your company.

Once you’ve created a Facebook account, go to the left-hand menu and choose “Pages.”

Click “Create New Page” to begin creating a Facebook page for your real estate company. The next screen will ask for the title, category, and description of the page. These are the only three components you’ll need to publish your Facebook business page officially, and you may update them at any moment.


Screen for creating a Facebook business page

Optimize Your Real Estate Facebook Page Title & Description

The title of your page is very significant since it is the first thing people see and appears when you publish or comment on other people’s postings. Realtors often label their pages with their first and last names. However, adding a real estate-related term, such as “Realtor” or “Real Estate Agent,” to identify your business and area of specialty and boost your chances of getting discovered via searches is better.

The description of your real estate Facebook page is also very significant, even if it is not as visible. Your knowledge should be clearly communicated in the description, and it should appeal to your target customer types. Write about how you provide value to customers as a real estate expert and how you contribute to real estate transactions, letting your personality come through. Prospects want to know they’re in excellent hands, so emphasize outcomes that indicate how your method directly helps your customers in your description.


PRIME Real Estate Group is an example of a real estate Facebook page description.

For your Facebook real estate business page, choose a category.

For company pages, there are hundreds of options, but for real estate, there are only approximately ten. Search for real estate to discover all of the options and choose the ones that are best suitable for your company. Keep in mind that commercial real estate as well as general or residential realtors have their own categories.


Optional Facebook real estate page categories

You have the option of selecting up to three categories to characterize your real estate company page on Facebook, but you must choose at least one. Individual real estate agents, for example, are more likely to use “Real Estate,” “Real Estate Agent,” or “Real Estate Service,” while brokerages prefer “Real Estate Company.”

3. Upload a Professional Profile Image & Cover Photo

You’ll be directed through the process of filling out information about your real estate firm after clicking “Create Page.” You’ll be prompted to submit a profile picture and a cover photo in the next stages (or image).

Facebook crops your headshot to a circular shape, thus it should be structured as a 170 170 pixel size. Keep in mind that when readers visit your page, the profile image is small, but it appears with your comments and posts in the Facebook news stream. For brand identification, a brokerage will often use a logo as the profile photograph, whilst agents would typically use their professional realtor headshot.

Your cover picture has a lot more room now. It draws extra attention to your page, but it isn’t visible elsewhere on Facebook. Despite the fact that your headshot and cover picture will appear in various sizes on different devices, these photo sizes give the most effect. Check out a few samples of amazing real estate cover photographs if you need some ideas.

The cover picture should be resized to suit the 851351 pixel display area available. For the quickest loading, Facebook suggests that cover photographs be in JPG format, RGB color, and less than 100KB in size. If your cover picture contains text, however, a PNG file would generally give superior quality.

You may also use Facebook to create a slideshow with numerous photographs and graphics for your cover. This might be a good method to bring attention not just to your company but also to the achievements you’ve achieved, such as a graphic with statistics proving your accomplishment. You may also include photographs that relate to your desired client types, service locations, current listings, and other topics.


Upload choices for your real estate Facebook page’s cover picture and headshot

Choose photographs that complement your brand’s personality and professionalism since they have an influence on your prospects’ initial impressions and long-term brand recognition. Avoid updating your profile picture or emblem often to promote your branding—make sure your graphics can be exhibited for the long term.

Find a competent graphic designer on Fiverr to work with if you don’t have a logo or a well-defined brand style. The $5 to $20 you’ll need to invest on professional, high-quality photos for your business’s initial impression is well worth it. Fiverr provides freelancers that specialize in real estate Facebook marketing and can help set you up for success.

Visit for more information.

4. Fill up the blanks with basic information about your real estate company.


Options for setting up a Facebook real estate page

There are a few additional steps to set up your real estate company page for success after you’ve finished the fundamental building blocks. Thankfully, the setup process leads you through these steps so you can completely optimize your website for visitor engagement and lead creation.

Add your: to those chores to complete them.

  • Link to a real estate website
  • Hours of operation
  • Number to call
  • Preference for messaging (Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp)
  • A call-to-action button is a button that encourages people to take action.

After you’ve finished with the prompts, go to “Page Info” and fill in data like your email address, location, username, service area, or a link to your privacy policy. To increase the likelihood of your profile being discovered in a search, provide as much facts about your company as feasible. Furthermore, having more information on your website increases your chances of generating real estate leads since visitors will be able to comprehend who you are, where you are situated, and how to contact you.

5. Add a A call-to-action button is a button that encourages people to take action. & FAQs


Example of a real estate company Facebook page with a “Call now” A call-to-action button is a button that encourages people to take action. (Source: Facebook)

Your call to action is a vital part of real estate social media marketing, regardless of the platforms you utilize (CTA). The default CTA on Facebook is “Send message,” but you can click “Add a Button” to choose anything else than that. You may direct them to your website’s contact page or listings, have them call you using click-to-call capabilities, sign up for your newsletter, or just follow your page on Facebook.


Options for CTA buttons on Facebook real estate pages

Another alternative is to add commonly asked questions to the default CTA option, which is very open-ended (FAQs). With only one click, viewers may obtain fast answers to particular inquiries. “How do I schedule a showing?” “Why should I work with an agent?” “What is the typical median house value in (town, state)?” “How do I schedule a showing?” “How do I schedule a showing?” “How do I schedule a showing?” “How do I book a showing?” “How do I plan a showing?” “How do I schedule a These questions allow you to communicate with prospective customers and demonstrate your knowledge while also encouraging additional conversation and involvement.


Adding FAQs to your real estate Facebook page is simple.

6. Make Your Real Estate Facebook Page’s Menu Tabs Your Own

Facebook business pages may be created for practically any sort of company, and the requirements for generating real estate leads on Facebook varies significantly from those for a restaurant or boutique. Editing the tabs that display on the website is one of the easiest ways to personalize it. You won’t need a “store” or “deals” page, for example, but you will want tabs that highlight favorable reviews and draw attention to local or virtual events.


Changing which tabs display on your Facebook profile for real estate

You may choose, deselect, and rearrange which tabs display while editing tabs. Some tabs, such as Photos, Videos, About, and Community, cannot be removed from your page. However, you may add optional tabs to highlight your real estate firm, such as:

  • Services
  • Reviews
  • Offers
  • Events
  • Jobs
  • Groups
  • Streaming video

Use the Facebook marketing tool from Real Geeks to obtain expert advice. It enables creating advertising to generate leads, promote properties, or entirely outsource your Facebook real estate marketing a breeze.

Go to Real Geeks.

7. Become acquainted with Facebook’s Business Suite.

You’ll find choices for the Facebook Business Suite in the menu on the left-hand side when you modify your page. You don’t have to utilize it to create a real estate Facebook page, but it’s a crucial tool to consider as part of your overall Facebook marketing plan. Automated communications, post planning, cross-posting to Instagram, page analytics, and Facebook real estate advertising are all available in the Business Suite.


Tools for realtors in the Facebook Business Suite

The following are the most useful Business Suite tools for realtors:

Join Instagram’s community


Join Instagram’s community through the Business Suite

You may link your Facebook and Instagram accounts using the Business Suite. This is the most effective approach to make a single post and have it instantly cross-posted to both platforms. This is also where you can manage your Instagram advertising, which is a terrific location to run a number of ad kinds if you want to expand your email list, create leads, or develop an audience.

Set up Facebook Messenger’s Automated Replies


Create automatic responses to any communications, as well as Messenger, Instagram Direct, Facebook or Instagram Comments, and Chat.

When Facebook users contact you, you don’t want to keep them waiting too long for a response. Having an automatic response is one approach to let leads feel like you’re always accessible. Personalize this message to make it seem more personal and to reassure the user on the other end that you’ll respond as quickly as feasible. Go to the “Inbox” option in the Business Suite to change your automatic message.

Planner of Content


Facebook’s content calendar scheduling features, as shown in a screen shot

As a business owner, Facebook provides you with a built-in Planner of Content. You can create posts, stories, or ads through the planner and set the date and time for them to be published. This is a highly valuable tool that can allow you to plan ahead for weeks of content, which will be a vital element in any content marketing strategy.

Combine this feature with a website and contact management system designed exclusively for real estate content marketing, such as Placester. With far less time and work, you’ll notice a lot greater effect. Placester has built-in SEO capabilities, and all plans enable you to generate an infinite amount of pages and articles, ensuring that your material is optimized for search engines. For 30 days, you may try it for free.

Pay a visit to Placester.

Create Facebook Ads for Real Estate


Tool for creating Facebook ads

Facebook advertisements are a popular and successful way to generate real estate leads, drive traffic to your website, grow your email list, and accomplish other business objectives. You may develop, target, and run your own real estate advertising using the Facebook Ads manager, which is part of the Business Suite. Although the Advertising manager guides you through the process, it may be complicated due to the in-depth targeting options and the fact that ads can be presented in a variety of forms, including photos, carousel slideshows, videos, and more.

Work with a real estate marketing business like Artur’In if you don’t have the time or skill to handle and improve Facebook advertisements. They’re one of the few marketing firms that focuses on both real estate and Facebook advertising. Without having to maintain any settings, their automatic Facebook advertisements let you obtain the best outcomes with the most return on investment.

Pay a visit to Artur’In.

8. Encourage your friends to “Like” your page.

Send an invitation to your friends and family to like your page to help it get started. When you build your Facebook real estate page, you may accomplish this with a single click of a button. Make sure to leverage your sphere of influence to start off your Facebook marketing efforts, since it is one of the most effective tools you have in your real estate firm.

Furthermore, page interaction is a major component in determining which content appear in user feeds. With more page followers, you have a higher chance of post interaction, which enhances the reach of your posts.

9. Update Your Real Estate Facebook Page with New Content

As you finish up your real estate Facebook page setting, one of the last prompts you’ll notice is to publish a welcome message as an introduction post for new visitors. However, you may want to take advantage of this time to plan ahead and develop a strategy for all of your real estate Facebook postings. Establish a content publishing strategy that helps you remain consistent and supports your marketing plan and objectives, rather than writing one-off pieces when you recall and have the time and skill.

Successful real estate agents understand how to communicate with prospects at every level of the sales process, and social media marketing needs the same skill. Content that educates, entertains, promotes, and eventually enhances your trust and authority is good content. The greatest real estate Facebook posting strategy also includes material for all phases of the sales funnel, from brand recognition to acquiring a real estate client, and balances post types with a mix of text, photographs, and video content.

Here are some examples of successful real estate Facebook pages, as well as what makes them unique:

Real Estate Facebook Page Examples


Flourish Real Estate Group is a great example of how to build up a Facebook page for your real estate firm. Their emblem appears in their profile image, and their cover photo is a lovely group portrait of every member of their team. The call to action (Send message) is prominently displayed at the top of the page, and visitors may ask inquiries such “Can I book a viewing?” through FAQs.


The Glazer Team uses their cover photo to display an on-brand image of the area and the people they serve, as well as a clear sentence that states exactly what they do and the clients they assist. New Yorkers don’t have to scroll or even click one more time to know exactly who the Glazer Team is. In addition, their address and Number to call are visible on the first screen.


Snowden Real Estate Team has a Facebook realtor page with a particular call to action and FAQs, but they handle Facebook marketing in a slightly different way. For example, the team leader’s picture appears in the profile photo, but her house and family are shown in the cover photo.

This demonstrates her commitment to her family and offers her audience a greater understanding of who she is and what she values. Her writings also feature instructive, amusing, and personal images of her family. To appeal to families in her neighborhood, she keeps her branding similar from the top of the page to the bottom of each of her postings.


Joe Manausa Real Estate is another good example of how to use the cover picture to properly communicate what a real estate agent does. Furthermore, the tabs may be changed, with “Email Signup” and “Visit My Website” being two of the most popular alternatives. Visitors to this realtor’s Facebook page will immediately recognize the area he serves and will be able to simply view the agent’s videos, subscribe to a newsletter, visit the website, or write him a message.


Jarred Denison is an excellent example of a realtor that caters to and marketing to a certain demographic. “realtor4vets” is his username across all social media platforms, and his Facebook cover picture and logo clearly define his specialty as a veteran-focused agent. Jarred additionally makes good use of his “About” part by including a brief biography and extra information in the “More info” section. He makes it simple for newcomers to learn more about how he operates and whether or not they should contact him.



For real estate marketing success on Facebook, having a thorough and optimized real estate Facebook page is critical. The information you provide in the title and description of your page is a crucial part of gaining trust and authority with prospective customers in your region. You’ll be able to create real estate leads and engage prospects on Facebook if you follow the advice above and understand the business tools available.

The “best real estate facebook pages” is a question that many people are asking. This blog post will give you 9 steps to help you set up a real estate Facebook page in no time.

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