How to Set Up a Shopify Facebook Store in 5 Steps

A Shopify Facebook store makes it easy for businesses to run their show on the world’s largest social media platform and is a great way for anyone to get started with an online business.

Consider creating a Shopify Facebook shop if you use Shopify as your eCommerce platform so that your consumers may purchase your goods without ever leaving Facebook. With the touch of a button, they can also share your goods with their friends and followers.

Follow these steps to create a Shopify Facebook store:

1. Check that your Facebook account is properly configured

  1. Create a Facebook page for your company.
  2. Make a Business Manager account on Facebook. It is a tool provided by Facebook to assist you in managing your Facebook page and marketing campaigns.
  3. Check to see whether your Business Manager account is connected to your Facebook profile.
  4. In your Business Manager, create an Ad account.
  5. Ensure that the Facebook business page and Business Manager have admin rights.

It will just take a few minutes to set up each of them. Don’t spend too much time on each one. Once you’ve completed connecting your Shopify shop to Facebook, you can go into further depth.

2. Link your Facebook account to your Shopify store

A Facebook shop is referred to as a Facebook Shop in Shopify, and it is considered a sales channel. Your Shopify shop, eBay, Amazon, Instagram, and purchase buttons you may add to your blog or website are all examples of sales channels.

Navigate to “Sales Channels” on the left-hand menu of your Shopify dashboard. When you click the plus symbol, a pop-up window appears, displaying all of your accessible sales channels, including Facebook.


From the list of sales channels, choose Facebook. Add a Channel is an option.


To get started with setting up your Facebook Shop, click Next.

3. Create a Facebook Store

The next step is to set up your Facebook Shop after you’ve decided to establish a Facebook sales channel. There will be six simple stages to this.


When you link Facebook to your Shopify shop, you’ll find three options: Sell your goods on Facebook, Set up Instagram Shopping, and Facebook Marketing on Shopify. Click Start Setup after selecting Sell your goods on Facebook.

Connect Your Facebook Personal Account


To access the Facebook Pages you administer, you must first connect your own Facebook account.


Choose the Facebook Page you wish to be linked with your shop from the drop-down menu. Connect your account by clicking Connect Account.

Register for a Business Manager Account


Make sure the Business Manager you’ll be connected to has admin access.

Check your domain name


This step will display the domains specified in your Shopify account. You are not required to confirm it right immediately, however, it is suggested that you do so for quicker acceptance.

If you want to start your own online shop, we suggest that you choose a domain name rather than the free website URL that comes with your Shopify account.

Activate Data Sharing (Optional)

You may also activate the Conversions API for more dependable data exchange. To transmit data through Conversions API in addition to the Facebook pixel and Advanced Matching, choose Maximum in your Data Sharing Settings.

You may select how customer data and browsing activity is gathered in your online shop via data sharing technologies using the Data Sharing option in your Facebook channel (like Facebook pixel).

It is a decision whether or not to share data. While the information gathered helps to enhance marketing efforts and sales, not everyone wants their information to be shared. It’s critical to let your consumers know how you share data, what kind of data you share, and how much you wish to share. Make sure your privacy policy is up to date so you can provide your consumers with this information.

Create a Facebook Commerce account

This stage allows you to build a catalog, which you can use to organize your goods into collections and personalize your Facebook Shop. You won’t have to manually add items to your Facebook Shop catalog; once linked and authorized by Facebook, your Shopify product listings will automatically sync.


Select Create New from the drop-down menu. Facebook will build a catalog collection for your goods on its own.


This is what your catalog will look like after it’s been built.

Review and accept Facebook’s Terms of Service.

The last step would be to go through Facebook’s terms of service. When you’re finished, click Finish Setup.

Facebook will evaluate your shop once you link your business Facebook account to verify it complies with their rules. These rules include utilizing a Facebook-approved currency and ensuring sure you’re not selling anything illegal, such as pornographic material or weapons.

It may take up to 48 hours for Facebook to evaluate your shop, and you’ll be notified by email whether you’ve been authorized or rejected. When you log in to your Shopify shop, you can also see when Facebook has completed the review process.

4. Get Your Products Ready

Once your Facebook shop is authorized, you can begin putting up items or selecting which products from your Shopify store you want to make accessible.

Follow these steps to add a product to your Shopify store:

  • Go to Products and then All Products from the Shopify dashboard.
  • Click Add Product on the All Products page.
  • Here you’ll provide your product a title, a description, pictures, price, and delivery information.
  • If you wish to add the product listing in your Facebook Shop, go to Sales Channels and Apps and choose Facebook.
  • Click on the Save Product button.

Remember that you may easily modify the product information later when you add items to your shop. You may discover that your price has to be tweaked, or that you have extra distribution locations throughout the nation and can reduce shipping expenses.


When you create or modify items in your Shopify dashboard after connecting Facebook as a sales channel, you’ll see it as an option.

Your goods will sync with your Facebook Shop as soon as Facebook authorizes your Shopify shop. Any further product changes you make in Shopify will typically take 15 minutes to reflect in your Facebook Shop.

5. Make Your Shopify Facebook Store More Profitable

The next step once you’ve set up your Shopify Facebook shop is to find out how to promote it. Promoting a Shopify Facebook shop is similar to marketing any other kind of company. You must still understand who your target audience is, where they spend their online time, and what drives them.

Running Facebook advertising, providing a referral program, and employing affiliates, who get a portion of every transaction directed to them, are all popular marketing methods. Even if you don’t receive a sale or a consumer who shares your shop with their followers, you’re still getting free promotion.

To promote your Facebook Shopify Store, use any combination of the following strategies:

  • Advertisements: Create ad campaigns on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google. You don’t need a large advertising budget for this—even $5 per day may provide excellent results.
  • Many Shopify shop owners have found success by giving a percentage or flat cash amount off an order if a client recommends three individuals.
  • Offer free delivery in exchange for posting a social media post about the product or business, which will increase traffic to your site.
  • Provide a style guide in return for email addresses if you’re a clothing shop. As a result, you’ll have your own list of individuals to advertise to.
  • Customers: Encourage your existing customers to tag you in their posts showcasing your goods so that your company may be featured on their page.
  • Freebies: Both Facebook and Instagram make it simple to become viral with giveaways. Giveaway participants will be asked to tag their friends and like your postings.


Consider linking your Shopify shop to your Facebook profile if you have one. A Shopify Facebook shop is an excellent method for companies to begin selling their goods online. When you combine social media’s massive marketing potential with Shopify’s scalable capabilities, you get the best of both worlds.

Controlling the customer procedure and experience is another major advantage of having a Shopify Facebook shop. The business maintains relationships with other marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. Furthermore, selling on Shopify gives you control over the client experience and gives you access to their contact information, such as email addresses.

Furthermore, Facebook customers don’t even need to leave the site to shop at your business. These users may also post a product from your Shopify Facebook shop on their news feed, in a Facebook group, or in a private message directly from the Facebook platform.

Because Shopify is a Facebook partner platform, connecting the two platforms is simple. Plus, thanks to Shopify’s free trial, you can start earning money before even signing up for an account.

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