How to Set up & Run Payroll With Patriot Payroll

Patriot Payroll is a payroll service that helps employers pay employees, withhold taxes and file employee tax forms. Find out how to set up your company with Patriot Payroll and run it smoothly so you can focus on running your business instead of keeping up with the paperwork!.

The “how to set up a pc” is a step-by-step guide on how to set up and run an employer’s payroll. The article will explain the process of setting up Patriot Payroll, as well as provide troubleshooting tips.

How to Set up & Run Payroll With Patriot Payroll

Patriot provides a low-cost, simple-to-use payroll software that can handle any number of workers. You may select for a full service package, which begins at $34 per month, or a DIY option, which starts at $14 per month but requires you to handle tax files yourself. Patriot Payroll offers free setup to businesses, but it’s not a tough procedure. The design is simple to use, and there are many options for assistance if you get lost.

The basic procedures for setting up an account and executing your first paycheck using Patriot are outlined here. You can follow along by registering for a free Patriot demo or joining up for a free 30-day trial.

Patriot Payroll is a website dedicated to payroll services.

Please note that some of the screenshots in our tutorial may change from what you view depending on where you are in the process and how you first access Patriot Payroll’s software. Overall, the procedure should be the same, and the same information should be requested.

Follow along with our video on how to set up and run payroll with Patriot to set up your payroll account and run your first paycheck with more than just screenshots as assistance.


To get started with Patriot Payroll, follow these steps:

1. Register for an account


Patriot usually provides a 30-day free trial, although a 61-day trial is available on occasion.

Simply join up for a free trial on Patriot’s site to establish an account. The system will next ask you for essential company information such as your tax filing name, business name, employee count, phone number, and postal address. Before you have to choose a plan, you will have at least 30 days to test out the program for free. It conducts specials from time to time and automatically inserts a promo code that extends the free trial period to 61 days.

Alternatively, you may pick between the basic payroll plan and the full service payroll plan right away. Patriot files and pays your payroll taxes as part of the full service package. The basic plan, on the other hand, requires you to handle your taxes and payroll partly on your own. If you opt to use one of Patriot Payroll’s paid payroll services, you will get free setup. Depending on your demands, skipping the free trial, which requires you to enter everything manually, may be worthwhile.


Patriot has two accounting and two payroll options to choose from. You may also integrate time and attendance or human resource management software.

If you choose to conduct your own setup, you’ll find most of the features you need under “Settings,” and you can utilize Patriot’s setup wizard to make the process go more smoothly. You may skip stages and come back as required if you wish to finish the tasks in a different sequence than the wizard proposes.

Gathering Information for Patriot Payroll Setup

Take a look at the materials Patriot suggests you have ready before you start setting up your payroll. This will help the setup procedure go more quickly and smoothly.

  • Information about the company’s location: What is the location of your company’s headquarters? Do you work in a variety of places?
  • Federal employer number, state income tax identification number (certain states, such as Texas and Florida, will not have this), and local tax identification number (only in localities that charge a tax).
  • State unemployment account number and rate: Visit your state’s Department of Labor website to apply for state unemployment insurance. A week or two later, the account number and rate should arrive in the mail.
  • Statement from a business bank account: We advocate keeping your business bank account distinct from your personal bank account.
  • Employee W4s: This document contains information such as employee names, Social Security numbers, tax filing status, and other pertinent details.
  • Payment frequency and rate: Choose from bimonthly, semimonthly, or weekly payments.
  • Payroll registers for the current fiscal year are as follows: This will show you how much you’ve paid out to each employee in total so far this year. It’s critical to double-check each employee’s pay stub for accuracy.
  • Patriot will assist you in preparing your year-end tax returns, so it needs to know how much you paid before you sign up for its service.
  • Current-year tax filings: If you join up for Patriot’s service before the end of the quarter, Patriot will be required to file your taxes. They’ll be able to see what their responsibilities are based on the information from your previous tax returns.

Select “Continue” in the lower right-hand corner after you’ve read all Patriot wants you to know for preparedness.

2. Configure Payroll

Before continuing, you’ll be prompted to answer a few questions or prompts:

  • Do you have someone working at the ___ location? Check to see whether you have workers who work at the address you gave when you set up your account. Select “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down menu.
  • Add other locations: If necessary, you will be given the opportunity to add additional locations. If you’re finished, choose “No,” or “Add location” if you need to add more addresses.
  • Are there any employer payroll taxes that your company is exempt from paying? You may be exempt from certain taxes if you manage a nonprofit organization.

Input your federal Information about taxes.

You’ll also need to provide your federal tax identification number when setting up your payroll. If you don’t already have one, Patriot provides a link to an article that explains how to get one in your state. Choose your default paycheck frequency by selecting “Show Advanced Tax Settings” (i.e., weekly or biweekly pay period). You’ll also need to figure out if you’re a Form 941 or Form 944 filer; Form 944 is used by small businesses that owe less than $1,000 per year. Select “Continue” after you’re finished.

Fill in the state Information about taxes.

The state settings allow you to create account numbers in the same way as the federal tax section does. If you reside in a state that has an income tax, it will ask for your state income tax number. You may also input your state’s unemployment tax rate and the date the rate goes into effect. Select “Continue” after you’re finished.


You may also provide the rate of unemployment in your state.

Types of Custom Hours

Patriot allows you to choose which categories will be used to classify your workers’ working hours. The most frequent hours are regular and overtime, thus these will be checked by default. Because COVID-19 is still a problem, you may utilize other categories when workers take paid time off for their own illness or the illness of an eligible family member. Select “Continue” after you’ve done selecting the categories you wish to utilize.

Money Types That Are Unique

If you’re planning to send out incentives, commissions, tips, or cost reimbursements, you’ll need to decide if the payments will be repeated or just utilized occasionally. If necessary, you may even introduce a new money type.

3. Set up Payment Information

To assist you in setting up payment information for your workers, Patriot will ask you the following questions:

  • Is it necessary for your organization to increase employee Deductions? You’ll need to fill in the details for each deduction type, such as benefit premiums, 401(k) contributions, and garnishments.
  • Is there a donation program at your place of business? Add a description of each and how the contribution will be computed if you’ll match retirement contributions or pay a part of employee benefit premiums.
  • Do you have any experience with workers’ compensation codes? Enter the codes here, along with the corresponding state, if you use them to record workers’ compensation for each employee.
  • What method will you use to pay your employees? You may either handwrite your checks or use Patriot’s software to print them. Direct deposit, which is the most convenient and usual method of payment, and a direct deposit-check combination are two other alternatives.

Verification of Identity for Direct Deposit

Patriot will need to verify your identification via a third-party agency if you opt to pay by direct deposit. Enter basic information such as your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth to do so. Keep in mind, too, that you’ll only have three tries to provide the right information before Patriot refuses to verify your identity. You won’t need to finish this step if you’re merely paying by check.

Examine the Layout

If you want to print paper checks, you’ll have to choose one of three layouts and whether or not your checking account number will be pre-printed on the checks. If it isn’t, Patriot will ask you to provide the account number so that it can print properly.


Patriot lets you select the Examine the Layout and whether you want your checking account number pre-printed on checks.

4. Increase the number of employees

You’re ready to add each employee to the program after you’ve entered basic payment information. Make a mental note of the following details:

  • Information about the individual
  • Payment details
  • Information about taxes
  • Deductions
  • Contributions were paid by the company.

Select “Continue” after you’ve gathered everything.

Enter Your Employees’ Information about the individual

Begin by inputting basic information for each of your workers, such as their name, SSN, and address. You can have the option of providing their email addresses so that Patriot may give them a link to the employee site. Your workers may see and sign all of your onboarding papers after you’ve uploaded them to their portal.


Employees may use their employee portal to see and sign papers.

Enter Your Employees’ Payment details

Patriot needs to know how frequently and on what basis each employee will be paid, whether hourly or on a pay basis. You’ll also need to input a wage rate and whether or not they’re insured by workers’ compensation insurance.

Enter Your Employees’ Information about taxes

Each employee should have a W-4 form, which you’ll need to complete this portion. Because the IRS published a new 2020 W-4 form for companies to utilize, you’ll need to state that if you have a 2019 form. Fill in their filing status, including whether they are single, married, or the head of household, withholding exemption status, dependents, and any other information the form requires. You may need to input information from each employee’s state W-4 form if you live in a state that imposes an income tax. When you’re finished, click “Continue.”

Deductions and contributions should be added together.

You’ll have the option to designate whether or not each employee’s paychecks will contain deductions or contributions at this point. You’ve already set them up at the corporate level; all you have to do now is choose the proper one(s) for each employee.

When you’ve finished adding your first employee, a popup will appear asking whether you need to add another. Rep the procedure we just went through until all of your staff have arrived. If you wish to add personnel in bulk, contact customer service, and Patriot will assist you with the setup process for free.

Before continuing, you have the option of seeing a summary of information for each new employee. Make any required adjustments before clicking “Continue.”

5. Go through your Patriot Payroll Setup.

All of the information you submitted for your firm, taxes, payment options, and workers may be found on this page. Select “Continue” after you’re certain everything is in order.

6. Enter Payroll Information

Patriot has to know your current year’s payroll history to guarantee that your tax payments are current and that any year-to-date information it presents on pay stubs and year-end tax forms is correct. Answer the following questions to do so:

  • Has your organization made any payments to its workers this year? You must confirm that you realize that giving entire payroll and tax records for the current year may result in extra expenses if Patriot has to make future changes.
  • What payroll service provider did you previously use? It will provide you with a list of typical payroll providers, such as Gusto and QuickBooks Payroll.

You’re now ready to start entering your paycheck history. Because you can’t input lump sum totals, this might take a long time. Instead, you’ll have to manually input payroll data for each employee and pay period. You’ll be able to see and approve a summary of the payroll history you submitted after you’re finished.

Review of Payroll Tax Adjustment

Patriot will then compare the tax payments you submitted in the past to its own estimates of what your tax payments should have been. This will aid in the detection of any mistakes you may have committed. If you accept, the statistics will be immediately adjusted in the system so that they are right.

7. If you’re using a trial, enter your credit or debit card information.

Patriot does provide a free trial, but you must provide payment information so that it can charge you after the trial period is up.

Setup for Tax Filing No. 8

Patriot needs to know how often you should deposit your payroll taxes with the IRS and other taxing authorities. It varies depending on whether you’re paying federal, state, or local taxes; many companies pay their federal payroll taxes weekly.

You may set up locations, deposit frequency, and more by entering your tax account numbers. If you’re a tax-exempt organization, there’s also a part for you to fill out. Select “Settings,” then “View/Upload Files,” and lastly “Support” to load forms.


From Settings, you can add Information about taxes.

Include your bank account information.

Patriot will also want your bank account details in order to guarantee that monies are withdrawn from the right account. The process of opening a bank account is simple. If you don’t know your routing number, look on the bottom of one of your paper checks. Patriot will then use Plaid or a test transaction to confirm it. Personal bank accounts are not permitted. You may also attach a copy of your company bank account statement.


In “Settings,” you may change your bank account details at any time.

To allow Patriot Software as your Reporting Agent to deposit and pay your federal and state taxes (if applicable) on your behalf, you must electronically sign IRS Form 8655. To receive a PDF of the unsigned form, click “Preview Unsigned Form 8655.” All needed information will be pre-filled in the form. This is only for your convenience so you can view the form you’ll be signing online. This physical copy does not need your signature. Return to the setup screen and check the box to confirm you have the authority to sign the 8655 electronically. “Submit” should be selected.

9. Give your tax authority.

To complete your payroll setup, you must legally designate Patriot to operate as your Reporting Agent. This means that Patriot will deposit and submit your federal, state, and local taxes on your behalf. To get a PDF of the document you need to sign, choose “Preview Unsigned form 8655.” Basic information like your name and title should be pre-populated. Review it to make sure you understand what you’re signing electronically, and then click the box at the bottom of the page to confirm you have the power to sign Form 8655. When you’re finished, click “Submit.”

Choose a Payroll Taxes Start Date

Choose when Patriot should start withholding, depositing, and submitting your payroll taxes. If you choose a month previous to the current one, Patriot will charge you an additional monthly fee to cover tax withholding for all months prior to the current one.

You’ll get a summary of your tax liability as well as Patriot’s liability. At the bottom of the screen, click “Authorize Tax Collection” to confirm that you want Patriot to deduct tax payments from your bank account.

Your payroll setting should now be complete, according to the notice.

10. Begin using Patriot to manage your payroll.

Once you enter all of the necessary employee, payroll, and Information about taxes, it’s time to start using Patriot to manage your payroll. Follow these steps to run your first payroll with Patriot:

Enter the employee’s working hours.


You may manually enter hours or use time-tracking software to automate the process.

You may manually input hours by selecting New Payroll from the Payroll menu on the left. So that you can account for overtime hours, there are distinct areas for hourly and salaried personnel. Due to COVID-19 issues, Patriot has now incorporated a spot to record hours.

The hours should fill automatically if you’re using time-tracking software. Employees may clock in and out through their employee portal using Patriot’s time and attendance software. Then you sign off on the hours.

Enter your vacation time.

To see and adjust time off, go to the payroll column of Settings and set the time off hours under “Hours and Money Types.” After that, you may adjust time off hours by going to the Payroll menu in the left sidebar and tapping “Manage Time Off.” Run the report after selecting the kind of hours you wish to alter. Then, choose the employee and enter the hours.

Review Payroll & Submit


When you start a payroll, the task “Continue Your Payroll” appears in yellow.

Click “Next Step” once you’ve logged your hours worked and hours taken off. A summary will emerge, with probable mistakes highlighted by the program. You may save the entries if you are not yet ready to submit the payroll. Examine the summary and, if it’s satisfactory, click “Approve.” If you need to make changes, just click “Continue Your Payroll” or “Back to Employees.”


Congratulations! Patriot Paycheck has just completed your first payroll. You may then print the paycheck, go through the register or tax bill, or run additional reports. If you have contractors, you’ll pay them via a separate payroll. Payroll software makes it much simpler to conduct payroll than it is to do it manually. Payroll services make things a lot easier.

Although payroll software makes it much simpler to pay your workers correctly, you still need to grasp the essentials. Check out our suggestions for getting the greatest payroll training.

Patriot Payroll is a payroll and benefits management software that lets you manage your employees’ pay, tax, and HR needs. Setting up Patriot Payroll is easy with the help of this step-by-step guide. Reference: how to set up a new laptop.

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