How to Use Angie’s List to Build Your Business [+ Pro Tips]

Angie’s List is one of the most widely used websites for finding local service providers. It was founded in 1996 and has grown to include over 10 million registered members who have generated $6 billion in revenue. Companies like Amazon and Home Depot use Angie’s List as a way to provide competitive pricing information on potential services from nearby contractors or vendors.

Angie’s List is an online resource that can help you find contractors for your home improvement projects.

How to Use Angie’s List to Build Your Business [+ Pro Tips]

Angie’s List is an online directory of service-based companies that serves communities all across the United States. Businesses that are interested in participating may create a free profile and then collect client feedback. Businesses may gain prominent placement on the site based on these evaluations, driving contact from interested consumers.

Because Angie’s List’s increased exposure will bring you more prospective customers, you’ll need a CRM like Salesforce Essentials to keep track of them. Salesforce Essentials offers a built-in lead-form generator to collect your precious visitors while keeping all vital information organized. This makes organizing your leads and determining which prospects are interested in your services a breeze.

What is the cost of Angie’s List?

Angie’s List advertising costs are flexible. An average monthly fee is about $200, however marketing analyst Victor Bilandzic adds that the price may range from $20 to a few thousand dollars depending on the amount of your “reach,” or the number of people who could view your ad.

Bilandzic shared the results of a client campaign on Angie’s List to offer you a clearer view. They discovered that a $130 monthly expenditure yielded an average cost-per-click (CPC) of $7.20 over the course of a year, with some months falling as low as $5.20. Their CPC dropped even further the following year, to $4.52 per click.


Angie’s List CPCs range from $4 to $8, according to Bilandzic. This implies that corporations often spend between $4 and $8 for each website click. If you optimize your profile, which we discuss in the following part, a $200 monthly charge should deliver you between 25 and 50 purchase-ready clients to your website each month.

Keep in mind that Angie’s List outcomes and return on investment (ROI) vary depending on your company’s rating, category, region, and the advertising pricing you negotiate with Angie’s List. Remember that you may and should haggle any advertising expenses you’re provided down by 20 percent to 50 percent to increase those profits.


“If you use an ad channel like Angie’s List, you must be ready to look through your account once a month or so and check for phony leads. Small companies may get leads for services they don’t supply, for sectors they don’t work in, or for leads with incorrect names, phone numbers, and so on. Don’t be scared to contact Angie’s List on a regular basis and demand a refund for all of your phony leads.” —Vanessa Perplies, Workiz Brand Storyteller

Who Should Use Angie’s List?

Angie’s List is a website dedicated to service providers that want to reach out to local clients. Plumbers, house decorators and cleaners, and landscapers are among the service providers that are listed or advertise on Angie’s List. Others work in the fields of vehicle repair, health care, or professional services.

The following are the companies that may benefit from Angie’s List:

  • Providers of house repairs and renovations: Property management and real estate brokers, as well as home project companies like cleaning, decorating, and landscaping, are well-represented on Angie’s List.
  • Auto sector firms: Angie’s List businesses provide vehicle body repair services such as painting and dent repair, as well as auto service activities such as oil changes and brake repairs.
  • Dentistry, counseling, mental health, fitness, weight management, eye care, home healthcare, and dermatology firms are among the health sector service providers featured on Angie’s List.
  • Pet grooming and pet sitting services are among the pet services provided in the marketplace.

What Is Angie’s List and How Does It Work?

Angie’s List is a website dedicated to company reviews. To get started on the platform and reach your target audience, create Angie’s List profile for your company. Then, encourage consumers to provide reviews on your company’s website. Finally, acquire the privilege to become a Certified Service Provider by building up your reputation.

Here’s how you get the most out of Angie’s List as a business resource.

Create Angie’s List profile

Visit Angie’s List website and select the “Get Started” option to register your company. To establish an account, follow the steps, including entering your name, email address, and password. After you’ve made an account, you’ll be asked to provide your company’s contact information, such as its name, address, website, phone number, service category, and email address. After filling out the form, click “Add Business.”

Establishing a business rating.

People may evaluate your company once you’ve added it to Angie’s List. This is when you start to get momentum in the marketing world. Angie’s List will award your listing an “A” through “F” grade depending on the comments you get about your services, with “A” denoting an exceptional service provider.

Even if they have merely called your company to ask about services, some consumers may leave comments. Only 20% of the weight is given to these sorts of reviews when determining how your company is evaluated. Reviewers who claim to have utilized your services are the ones Angie’s List looks at the most when handing you a rating. As a result, it’s your obligation to promote reviews that give an honest appraisal of the services you offer—the same services that are represented on your profile.


An example of a company listing on Angie’s List as a Certified Angie’s List Provider

Obtain certification

To appear as one of Angie’s List’s top search results, you must first become an Angie’s List Certified Service Provider, after which you must pay advertising costs. You must fulfill minimal qualifying standards to become a Certified Service Provider, which includes passing a yearly criminal background check, keeping an “A” or “B” member rating, ensuring you have the necessary licenses to execute your services, and maintaining a company-verified profile page.

In Angie’s List search results, Certified Service Providers’ ads show above noncertified listings, topped with an “Angie’s List Certified” ribbon. Noncertified listings don’t show information like the number of reviews a company has, promotional material, discounts, or a “Buy It Now” button, whereas Certified Service Provider listings have. Businesses may also post deals and specials on Angie’s List website, magazine, and contact center after they have been accredited.

7 Ways to Maximize Your Angie’s List ROI

You must pay to advertise with Angie’s List even if you are a verified Angie’s List provider. Verifying which ads are boosting sales and changing them if they aren’t, negotiating your ad costs, earning positive reviews to attract more leads, promptly following up on the leads you do get from your ad spend, strategically timing discounts, and showcasing your customers’ superior service by winning the Angie’s List Super Service Award are just a few of the ways to keep your ROI high.

Angie’s List representatives and pro users provided us with seven ROI ideas.

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising

It’s critical to track the effectiveness of your advertising. At a bare minimum, we suggest tracking the number of people who go to your website landing page, the number of leads you receive from Angie’s List, and the number of paying customers that come as a consequence of those leads.

The number of leads you get from Angie’s List may be tracked on your Angie’s List dashboard. The number of persons that visited your landing page or website may be found here. To supplement these numbers, use a platform like Freshmarketer. This enables you to see where your visitors come from, what they do on your website while they’re there, and whether or not they make a purchase.

This data will show you if Angie’s List is paying off or whether you should look into alternative advertising options. Remember to follow up on leads as you make this decision. They may exhibit interest but not be ready to purchase. Don’t lose out on the opportunity to get them when they’re ready. To keep track of lead contact information, use a CRM like Salesforce Essentials. Salesforce makes follow-up easy by connecting with mail applications, allowing you to send out promos right from the dashboard.

2. Discuss the costs of advertising on Angie’s List.

When it comes to Angie’s List advertising, word-of-mouth implies that prices are flexible. According to a former Angie’s List salesman, depending on your location and the category you wish to advertise in, the price may be bargained down to as low as 50% of the first offer. You should try to get a 20 percent to 30 percent reduction on whatever price you’re given.

3. Ask recent customers to write a review for you.

Getting recent consumers to post a review on Angie’s List is another great strategy to boost your ROI from the platform. Take a hard look at rivals who are also promoting to get a sense of the quantity and quality you need to attain. If they have a lot more ratings than you, it’s likely that more people will click on their advertising rather than yours. To get those evaluations, ask consumers in-store for comments or reach out to them through email and social media.

Angie’s List reviews may be earned in a variety of ways:

  • Inquire at the store: “Hey, we’re just getting started on Angie’s List,” remark as they check out. Please post a review if you’re a member.”
  • Linking to your Angie’s List page on your company website and social media accounts may also be beneficial, as it can encourage both former and present customers to post reviews.
  • To generate interest in your Angie’s List profile, make the following announcement: To introduce your new profile on social media, Angie’s List advises the following post: “Did you know @AngiesList has us on it?” If we’ve worked together, please leave us a review and tell us how we performed.”
  • Inquire in your confirmation emails: Include a link to your Angie’s List profile in your email signature to make it easy for consumers to post a review when they’re ready. “We utilize Angie’s List to gauge whether we’re doing a good job keeping valued clients like you satisfied,” Angie’s List said of asking for evaluations. Please rate our quality of work and customer service by leaving a review at”

Angie’s List includes a list of options for producing reviews, including online badges and review forms that consumers can fill out by hand if they need additional inspiration.

4. Respond to messages as soon as possible

“When you get queries from prospects, it’s vital to connect first and hop on a conversation with the client straight away to win more jobs,” says Venessa Perplies, brand storyteller at Workiz. Your lead response time is critical; if you wait more than 10 minutes to respond to a lead’s request for further information, you run the risk of losing them to a more accessible service.”

She notes that even if they aren’t ready to employ someone, a rapid answer is a chance to nurture that lead. To learn more about the lead, call them. “If the prospect is simply exploring and not ready to commit,” she continues, “it’s critical to have a mechanism to follow up on the estimate you give in a manner that isn’t spammy, but polite and focused on any more questions they may have.” It’s always preferable to follow up five days after offering an initial estimate.”

5. Resolve Customer Dissatisfaction

If Angie’s List informs you that a consumer has filed a complaint against your business, strive to address it. Once you’ve done that, the customer’s original bad review will be removed, and they’ll be prompted to edit their review to reflect the resolution. Because bad reviews affect your Angie’s List rating, whether or not Angie’s List recommends your services, and whether or not you may advertise with them, working to preserve good reviews will provide a greater ROI.

6. During slow seasons, provide a discount coupon

When individuals are prepared to pay full price for anything, it’s preferable not to reduce it. Even so, it’s a means to keep income coming during the lean months. To provide these savings, you must be a recognized Angie’s List provider. Set up a discount on your profile by calling your Angie’s List representative.

7. Be the recipient of a Super Service Award

Angie’s List presents the Super Service Award to companies with a proven track record of exemplary service every year. Companies must have an “A” rating for the previous year, pass a background check, present current trade license attestation, and follow Angie’s List’s criteria to be eligible for this honor.

Customers search for this emblem to verify that the service provider they choose will meet their requirements and expectations. As a result, winning one of these awards is a terrific method to promote your company’s unique characteristics for free, resulting in more leads for less money spent on advertising.


An example of the 2018 Angie’s List Super Service Award badge

5 Alternatives to Using Angie’s List to Promote Your Business

Although internet advertisements seem to be the most popular kind of advertising on Angie’s List, there are other options, such as print ads and contact center suggestions. You must be a qualified Angie’s List provider with an “A” or “B” rating on the platform to take advantage of these possibilities.

The following is a list of Angie’s List’s different advertising alternatives.

1. Advertisements in Print

Angie’s List offers a monthly print magazine featuring local business discounts in the back and news pieces in the front. It is exclusively sent to paid members of Angie’s List. However, with limited monthly ad space, your company is more likely to get discovered. If you’re a Certified Service Provider, speak with Angie’s List advertising professional about how magazine advertisements might fit into your marketing strategy.


Advertisements in the magazine Angie’s List

2. The Major Event

A Big Deal is a one-time discount on services that are provided to customers for a short period. Angie’s List emails its consumer-members every week with Big Deals provided by paying companies. A client may take advantage of a bargain by clicking on it and purchasing it. They’ll then get a confirmation email containing the contact details for the providing company as well as a promo code.

Angie’s List takes a percentage of the total service charge when a consumer redeems a discount code, and the company keeps the remainder. Because these offers, like Groupon deals, typically provide substantial discounts, they’re great for promoting companies during off-seasons or for services that don’t cost a lot to supply or for service launches that need to build attention.

3. Customer Service Call Center

If you’re a Certified Service Provider, you may pay to be included in a list of service providers suggested to clients who contact Angie’s List for suggestions. Names, contact information, company specialty, number of workers, hours of operation, locations, member evaluations, and images of company work are provided by call center representatives.

5. Expert Contributor Program

This program enables you to contribute to Angie’s List expert blog as a contributor. It is free to submit articles for consideration, and you may concentrate the piece on your company’s competence in a certain service area as long as it isn’t promotional. To contribute to the blog, your business must have Angie’s List rating of “A” or “B.” Articles must be between 300 and 800 words long, free of commercial language, and focused on providing customers with useful information.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Advertising on Angie’s List

Because advertising costs are adjustable, profiles assist enhance exposure in search engine results, and mobile users can quickly traverse the site’s responsive database, Angie’s List is an excellent platform for marketing and promoting a small company. To prevent surprise expenses, companies must carefully read the tiny print when signing up for advertising programs.


Angie’s List allows for price negotiation, which is a significant plus for small enterprises on a budget. It also aids companies in improving their position and visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs), as well as providing mobile users with a simple method to obtain the information they want.

Prices may be negotiated.

You may speak with Angie’s List representative about the sorts of advertising that would be most effective for your company. You may match that pricing with something cheaper for you when they offer you an advertising price. Some companies claim to have negotiated price reductions ranging from 20% to 50%.

Backlinks from Angie’s List may help your Google ranking.

Angie’s List has a high domain authority due to its popularity. This implies that adding your website URL to your profile on the platform—also known as a backlink—helps to improve the perceived quality of your website in Google’s eyes.

Reaching Mobile Device Users

Customers who subscribe to Angie’s List have access to the Angie’s List app, which enables them to search for companies on their phones. This means you can contact individuals not just while they’re at home on a computer, but also when they’re at work or school, on vacation, or doing errands.


When determining whether or not Angie’s List is right for your company, keep a few things in mind. When making your decision, keep in mind that Angie’s List charges cancellation costs and does not have a 5-star rating.

Cancellation fees

Many clients have complained about having to pay a cancellation fee if they decide Angie’s List isn’t the ideal advertising platform for them before their contract ends. According to user evaluations on sites like TrustPilot, this price varies widely but may cost hundreds of dollars. If you can wait until their current term expires, you won’t have to pay any fees to close your paid account.

There isn’t a 5-star rating

When you Google “Angie’s List reviews,” you’ll come across a lot of bad feedback from both customers and companies. Many of the evaluations are from individuals who don’t entirely grasp how the site works, such as those who didn’t realize they couldn’t terminate their membership mid-term. So, before you join up, make sure you read all of the terms and conditions material.

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Angie’s List, and how does it work?

Angie’s List is an online business directory where companies may create profiles with information such as their company name, contact information, and the services they provide. Its primary purpose is to help customers identify local service providers and share feedback on the services they’ve gotten from member firms.

Is it true that Angie’s List does background checks?

Angie’s List performs background checks on company owners whose companies have an “A” or “B” rating and are certified Angie’s List providers. Look for the Angie’s List Certified Service Provider ribbon or the green Super Service Award badge on a service provider’s Angie’s List page to see whether they’ve been through a background check.

Is Angie’s List a free service?

Angie’s List’s Green membership plan allows customers to evaluate companies for free. You may join Angie’s List Silver or Gold plans for more personalized customer service. Email help is available with the Silver package, while phone support is available with the Gold plan. To find out how much these plans cost, first establish a free account, then log in to upgrade your service, at which time you will be presented with price information.

Bottom Line

Angie’s List is a website that lists and reviews service businesses for free. Businesses use it to create a profile that includes their contact information and a description of their company. Customers return to evaluate the firm they hired after they’ve utilized it so that other consumers may better determine whether they’re worth employing.

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