How to Write a Cold Email in 6 Simple Steps

A lot of people find the idea daunting to start out with. But before you think about how intimidating cold emailing can be, keep in mind that it’s quite easy and not as complicated as first thought. The basics are: write a compelling subject line, state your case concisely within paragraphs explaining what is unique or different from others on this platform, attach relevant documents like portfolio information and testimonials to back up why they should reply to you over someone else who may have already reached out for their services., end by asking them if there is anything further that might interest them such as sponsorship opportunities

The “how to write cold email” is a guide on how to write an effective cold email. The steps include researching the person, crafting a template, and sending it out.

The ability to attract the receiver to open and read your message, as well as react favorably to its call to action, is critical to success with cold emails, or cold email marketing (CTA). While many people are concerned about CAN-SPAM rules, cold emailing is a perfectly legal lead generating method as long as you personalize it, don’t use deceptive subject lines, and include material that is relevant to the recipient. Your company’s name and contact information should be plainly recognized, and recipients should be able to opt out of receiving your emails. Learn how to send a cold email that attracts prospects and helps you complete more business in this article.


The main message in a cold email that measures the recipient’s interest is similar to the primary message in a cold calling script in that it will change based on your aim. There are other parallels, such as attempting to establish a personal connection, presenting your worth, and offering a clear call to action.

The advantage of cold emailing is that you don’t have to worry about improvisation (such as overcoming objections). Furthermore, the lead may see, keep, and re-read the communication at any moment. The disadvantage is that you don’t always receive an instant answer, and there’s no assurance that a recipient will open, read, or consider your message.

To learn how to compose a cold email as part of a lead generation plan, follow these six steps:

1. Do some research on your potential client.

According to studies, at least half of the prospects sought by sales teams aren’t a suitable match for the company. Spend some time studying the leads you want to reach before crafting an email message. This ensures that the prospect is a good fit for your services and that you have some context to provide in your email reply.

During the research phase, look for any information about the lead that will allow you to connect with them. Going to the same university, being from or having lived in (or even visited) the same geographical region, knowing some of the same people, working in the same industry, for the same firm or in the same job function, or being fans of the same sports teams are all instances of this.

If you’re a business-to-business (B2B) vendor looking to sell to other companies, make sure you do your homework and figure out who the ideal person in the company to contact about your product or service. Simple Google searches and corporate websites may often reveal this kind of information, including contact information. You may also utilize LinkedIn to locate the relevant individual and lead data providers like UpLead to get current email addresses.

2. Decide what your email’s goal is.

Cold emailing, as previously said, may be used to create leads, qualify leads, or do both. As a consequence, before you write a cold email, you should decide what exact goal you want to achieve as a result of sending the cold introduction. The subject line, introduction, value proposition pitch, and call to action of your email will all be influenced by this goal.

For example, you might run a cold emailing campaign to raise knowledge about your company, which you could track via clicks to your website or direct responses. You may be seeking to schedule product demonstrations, with the number of appointments specified as a metric. Your objective may even be to qualify a lead by offering to deliver price, with the amount of business proposals requested as the metric.

3. Create a captivating subject line

When you send a cold email, the subject line is the first thing a lead sees, whether or not they open it. Furthermore, since 69 percent of email receivers identify emails as spam based just on the subject line, it’s critical to carefully compose this component of an email message.

In the subject line, stating something personal or familiar is a great method to get the recipient to read the letter. You may also use phrases that you wouldn’t normally see in an email.

“We Are Looking to Bestow [Contact name] Their Time Back,” for example, may be the subject line if your product or service helps someone enhance their productivity. The subject line is customized with the contact’s name and uses a less common phrase, such as “bestow,” to capture attention.

Another option is to use the subject line to emphasize urgency. “Our VIP Deal for [Contact name] Ends Tomorrow,” for example, personalizes the subject line and adds urgency.

There’s also the possibility of including inquiries in subject lines that seem to need a response from the receiver. “Does [Contact name] Want to Pay Less for Legal Services?” is an example. “Is [Contact name] the best person to contact for this?” or “Is [Contact name] the best person to contact for this?”

4. Make a connection with your first line

If your subject line piqued the lead’s interest enough for them to open the message, you’re ready to tackle your cold email goal. Making a personal connection in the first line of the message is the first step. This is when your prospect research from before will come in helpful.

Begin your email with a link or meaningful observation to build a degree of confidence. This might be anything from mentioning a shared link with another person or organization to congratulating them on a recent win or creation, emphasizing a recent event relevant to them, or mentioning that you’re both from the same location.

The goal is to demonstrate that you are concerned about the connection part of sales rather than simply the income. In the introductory line of an email, you may connect with a lead in a variety of ways, as seen below:

  • Citing a reciprocal relationship: Hello, [Name of Contact] I saw that your company is also a member of [organization name], therefore I wanted to personally reach out to you.
  • Grabbing the recipient’s attention: Hello, [Name of Contact] I couldn’t help but notice that your firm just reached its ten-year anniversary, so congratulations!
  • A recent occurrence is highlighted: Hi [Contact name], as you may have seen in the news, [industry] enterprises like yours may be subject to significant compliance changes, therefore I wanted to be sure to reach out to you directly.

Pro tip: By creating cold email templates and storing them in your company’s database, you and your team can simply put in the contact’s information and save time when composing emails. Our free email templates include email templates that may be used in a variety of situations.

5. Make a Value Proposition Pitch

You’re ready to provide what your company has to offer after the tailored introduction in your cold email. The idea here is to be succinct and to the point, utilizing just a few phrases to express the value of your offer. This should include both the lead’s problems and how your solution can assist them.

Consider the following cold email example, which would be sent after the second opening line connection example in the previous section:

Anyway, I’ll keep it short and sweet. We use our unique software, which combines client management and bookkeeping automation, to assist small accounting firms like yours increase customer service and efficiency. Is process automation something you’d want to try to improve your operational productivity?

In this section of the email, you’ll see that a question is asked. Posing questions with apparent answers is a terrific method to maintain the recipient’s attention. Of course, in this circumstance, the individual wishes to increase operational efficiency and automate as much as feasible. A question at the end is a great way to lead into the call to action.

Pro tip: Use our introduction email templates to learn more about how to explain your goods and services and promote your unique selling proposition.

6. End on a strong note with a call to action.

In the last phase, you’ll ask the lead to help you achieve your goal. Setting up an appointment, taking advantage of a free trial or demo offer, replying to your email, or just staying in the sales funnel as a fresh lead to be nurtured are all examples of positive responses (vs opting out of your sales process in some way). Continuing with the example from the previous sections, let’s say the goal is to plan a product presentation. The following is an example of a call to action:

I’d be happy to schedule a 15-minute product demonstration to demonstrate you our software’s capabilities and answer any questions you may have. When do you think we’ll be able to connect in the following two weeks?

The next step, as well as a demand to do it, should be included in the call to action. For example, the next step is “arrange a 15-minute product demonstration,” and the instruction for the receiver to get to that step is “When is a good time for us to connect in the next two weeks?” If you start a call to action, it signifies the lead has progressed to the next level of your sales funnel.

Pro tip: Include a link to your online scheduling software, such as Calendly, so your prospect can easily complete the call to action. Calendly will automatically sync appointments to your calendar once your prospect selects a time slot from your available slots.

The Best Cold Email Marketing Tools

Sales management roles may provide tools and resources to aid with cold email marketing efforts, in addition to assisting your sales staff with cold email templates. The capabilities of sales enablement systems vary from accelerating the cold emailing process to organizing information for cold email campaigns to finding sources for prospect email data.

Software for Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Software for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has multiple uses for cold email marketing. The first is its ability to organize lead information so you can store the email address of each lead and manage your progress with prospect nurturing through to closing sales deals.

For example, Salesforce allows you to save email addresses as part of a lead’s record and monitor lead nurturing actions over time. You can also log past activity with the lead, so if a lead responds to your cold email, you may make notes in the activity about their answer.


Lead record in Salesforce (Source: Salesforce)

Cold email templates may also be stored, shared, and utilized in CRMs. Pipedrive, for example, makes it simple to create and choose an email template. Fields like their first name, business name, or a date are seamlessly incorporated into the message when it is delivered, thanks to the contact information already recorded in the CRM database.


Pre-made email template for Pipedrive (Source: Pipedrive)

Want to learn more about CRMs and how they can help you create email campaigns and cold email marketing? See product comparisons and best-for situations in our buyers guide to the finest CRM software for email marketing.

Tools for Scheduling Appointments

Add your appointment booking link inside the email message body or as a button or link in your professional email signature to begin a call to action within a cold email. Your receivers will be able to see available time slots and arrange an appointment, and events will be immediately linked with your calendars.

Calendly is a low-cost, simple-to-use scheduling solution that allows you to set parameters for when and how appointments may be made. Users may establish events for phone calls and video conferences using integrations.


Calendly is a scheduling tool (Source: HubSpot)

Calendly is also one of our greatest sales automation software recommendations. Other solutions to automate activities and stages inside your sales process may be found in our guide to the best sales automation software.

Resources for Email Address Data

Use data providers to collect this information for you to save time searching out and confirming email addresses., for example, extracts information from website domains and locates email addresses based on the contact’s name, email domain, and most probable email combo format.


Email pattern search on (Source:

You may also get email addresses through This platform allows you to search for contacts by business name, contact name, and job title, and then offers you with an email address that has been confirmed. All email addresses are validated for deliverability, so you can be sure you’re receiving genuine information.


Email search at (Source:

You Should Know These 9 Cold Emailing Statistics


Is cold emailing a good idea? While there are occasions when cold phoning is the preferable option, there is plenty of research to back up the success of cold emailing, especially sending a series of emails over time:

There are a few simple things you can do to improve the performance of your cold email marketing. Some of these are standard business email best practices, while others (such as the optimum day or time to send) may vary depending on your industry or client personas:

Personalization boosts engagement in addition to the fundamentals, such as software that uses the recipient’s first name in the subject line and greeting in an email. Advanced customization techniques, such as material personalized based on interests, industry, or facts you may have gleaned from lead lists, such as the software or suppliers they use, are even more effective:

When it comes to cold email prospecting, quality over number is the way to go. At every step of the purchasing process, including lead generation, segmentation is critical in email marketing:

Finally, here’s how to send a cold email.

Learning how to send a cold email helps you to present your company to potential customers without having to deal with objections or unexpected answers right away. Effective cold email creation begins with thorough research, clear goals, and a subject line that piques your prospects’ attention. After that, it’s all about having the correct message and investing in the necessary tools to organize and streamline the process, which will help you complete more transactions and generate more income.

The “best cold email for job example” is a great way to start your job search. It’s simple, easy and effective. You can also use the steps in this article to write a cold email for any type of business or company you are interested in working for.

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